Yi Xu


Is Reference Necessary in the Evaluation of NLG Systems? When and Where?
Shuqian Sheng | Yi Xu | Luoyi Fu | Jiaxin Ding | Lei Zhou | Xinbing Wang | Chenghu Zhou
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

The majority of automatic metrics for evaluating NLG systems are reference-based. However, the challenge of collecting human annotation results in a lack of reliable references in numerous application scenarios. Despite recent advancements in reference-free metrics, it has not been well understood when and where they can be used as an alternative to reference-based metrics. In this study, by employing diverse analytical approaches, we comprehensively assess the performance of both metrics across a wide range of NLG tasks, encompassing eight datasets and eight evaluation models. Based on solid experiments, the results show that reference-free metrics exhibit a higher correlation with human judgment and greater sensitivity to deficiencies in language quality. However, their effectiveness varies across tasks and is influenced by the quality of candidate texts. Therefore, it’s important to assess the performance of reference-free metrics before applying them to a new task, especially when inputs are in uncommon form or when the answer space is highly variable. Our study can provide insight into the appropriate application of automatic metrics and the impact of metric choice on evaluation performance.

SynPrompt: Syntax-aware Enhanced Prompt Engineering for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis
Wen Yin | Cencen Liu | Yi Xu | Ahmad Raza Wahla | Huang Yiting | Dezhang Zheng
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Although there have been some works using prompt learning for the Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis(ABSA) tasks, their methods of prompt-tuning are simple and crude. Compared with vanilla fine-tuning methods, prompt learning intuitively bridges the objective form gap between pre-training and fine-tuning. Concretely, simply constructing prompt related to aspect words fails to fully exploit the potential of Pre-trained Language Models, and conducting more robust and professional prompt engineering for downstream tasks is a challenging problem that needs to be solved urgently. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel Syntax-aware Enhanced Prompt method (SynPrompt), which sufficiently mines the key syntactic information related to aspect words from the syntactic dependency tree. Additionally, to effectively harness the domain-specific knowledge embedded within PLMs for the ABSA tasks, we construct two adaptive prompt frameworks to enhance the perception ability of the above method. After conducting extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets, we have found that our method consistently achieves favorable results. These findings not only demonstrate the effectiveness and rationality of our proposed methods but also provide a powerful alternative to traditional prompt-tuning.


Unsupervised Graph-Text Mutual Conversion with a Unified Pretrained Language Model
Yi Xu | Shuqian Sheng | Jiexing Qi | Luoyi Fu | Zhouhan Lin | Xinbing Wang | Chenghu Zhou
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Graph-to-text (G2T) generation and text-to-graph (T2G) triple extraction are two essential tasks for knowledge graphs. Existing unsupervised approaches become suitable candidates for jointly learning the two tasks due to their avoidance of using graph-text parallel data. However, they adopt multiple complex modules and still require entity information or relation type for training. To this end, we propose INFINITY, a simple yet effective unsupervised method with a unified pretrained language model that does not introduce external annotation tools or additional parallel information. It achieves fully unsupervised graph-text mutual conversion for the first time. Specifically, INFINITY treats both G2T and T2G as a bidirectional sequence generation task by fine-tuning only one pretrained seq2seq model. A novel back-translation-based framework is then designed to generate synthetic parallel data automatically. Besides, we investigate the impact of graph linearization and introduce the structure-aware fine-tuning strategy to alleviate possible performance deterioration via retaining structural information in graph sequences. As a fully unsupervised framework, INFINITY is empirically verified to outperform state-of-the-art baselines for G2T and T2G tasks. Additionally, we also devise a new training setting called cross learning for low-resource unsupervised information extraction.

Exploring and Verbalizing Academic Ideas by Concept Co-occurrence
Yi Xu | Shuqian Sheng | Bo Xue | Luoyi Fu | Xinbing Wang | Chenghu Zhou
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Researchers usually come up with new ideas only after thoroughly comprehending vast quantities of literature. The difficulty of this procedure is exacerbated by the fact that the number of academic publications is growing exponentially. In this study, we devise a framework based on concept co-occurrence for academic idea inspiration, which has been integrated into a research assistant system. From our perspective, the emergence of a new idea can be regarded as the fusion of two concepts that co-occur in an academic paper. We construct evolving concept graphs according to the co-occurrence relationship of concepts from 20 disciplines or topics. Then we design a temporal link prediction method based on masked language model to explore potential connections between different concepts. To verbalize the newly discovered connections, we also utilize the pretrained language model to generate a description of an idea based on a new data structure called co-occurrence citation quintuple. We evaluate our proposed system using both automatic metrics and human assessment. The results demonstrate that our system has broad prospects and can assist researchers in expediting the process of discovering new ideas.

ReAugKD: Retrieval-Augmented Knowledge Distillation For Pre-trained Language Models
Jianyi Zhang | Aashiq Muhamed | Aditya Anantharaman | Guoyin Wang | Changyou Chen | Kai Zhong | Qingjun Cui | Yi Xu | Belinda Zeng | Trishul Chilimbi | Yiran Chen
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Knowledge Distillation (KD) is one of the most effective approaches to deploying large-scale pre-trained language models in low-latency environments by transferring the knowledge contained in the large-scale models to smaller student models. Prior KD approaches use the soft labels and intermediate activations generated by the teacher to transfer knowledge to the student model parameters alone. In this paper, we show that having access to non-parametric memory in the form of a knowledge base with the teacher’s soft labels and predictions can further improve student generalization. To enable the student to retrieve from the knowledge base effectively, we propose a new framework and loss function that preserves the semantic similarities of teacher and student training examples. We show through extensive experiments that our retrieval mechanism can achieve state-of-the-art performance for task-specific knowledge distillation on the GLUE benchmark.


EPiDA: An Easy Plug-in Data Augmentation Framework for High Performance Text Classification
Minyi Zhao | Lu Zhang | Yi Xu | Jiandong Ding | Jihong Guan | Shuigeng Zhou
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Recent works have empirically shown the effectiveness of data augmentation (DA) in NLP tasks, especially for those suffering from data scarcity. Intuitively, given the size of generated data, their diversity and quality are crucial to the performance of targeted tasks. However, to the best of our knowledge, most existing methods consider only either the diversity or the quality of augmented data, thus cannot fully mine the potential of DA for NLP. In this paper, we present an easy and plug-in data augmentation framework EPiDA to support effective text classification. EPiDA employs two mechanisms: relative entropy maximization (REM) and conditional entropy minimization (CEM) to control data generation, where REM is designed to enhance the diversity of augmented data while CEM is exploited to ensure their semantic consistency. EPiDA can support efficient and continuous data generation for effective classifier training. Extensive experiments show that EPiDA outperforms existing SOTA methods in most cases, though not using any agent networks or pre-trained generation networks, and it works well with various DA algorithms and classification models.

Asynchronous Convergence in Multi-Task Learning via Knowledge Distillation from Converged Tasks
Weiyi Lu | Sunny Rajagopalan | Priyanka Nigam | Jaspreet Singh | Xiaodi Sun | Yi Xu | Belinda Zeng | Trishul Chilimbi
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies: Industry Track

Multi-task learning (MTL) aims to solve multiple tasks jointly by sharing a base representation among them. This can lead to more efficient learning and better generalization, as compared to learning each task individually. However, one issue that often arises in MTL is the convergence speed between tasks varies due to differences in task difficulty, so it can be a challenge to simultaneously achieve the best performance on all tasks with a single model checkpoint. Various techniques have been proposed to address discrepancies in task convergence rate, including weighting the per-task losses and modifying task gradients. In this work, we propose a novel approach that avoids the problem of requiring all tasks to converge at the same rate, but rather allows for “asynchronous” convergence among the tasks where each task can converge on its own schedule. As our main contribution, we monitor per-task validation metrics and switch to a knowledge distillation loss once a task has converged instead of continuing to train on the true labels. This prevents the model from overfitting on converged tasks while it learns the remaining tasks. We evaluate the proposed method in two 5-task MTL setups consisting of internal e-commerce datasets. The results show that our method consistently outperforms existing loss weighting and gradient balancing approaches, achieving average improvements of 0.9% and 1.5% over the best performing baseline model in the two setups, respectively.

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DynaMaR: Dynamic Prompt with Mask Token Representation
Xiaodi Sun | Sunny Rajagopalan | Priyanka Nigam | Weiyi Lu | Yi Xu | Iman Keivanloo | Belinda Zeng | Trishul Chilimbi
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track

Recent research has shown that large language models pretrained using unsupervised approaches can achieve significant performance improvement on many downstream tasks. Typically when adapting these language models to downstream tasks, like a classification or regression task, we employ a fine-tuning paradigm in which the sentence representation from the language model is input to a task-specific head; the model is then fine-tuned end-to-end. However, with the emergence of models like GPT-3, prompt-based fine-tuning has been proven to be a successful approach for few-shot tasks. Inspired by this work, we study discrete prompt technologies in practice. There are two issues that arise with the standard prompt approach. First, it can overfit on the prompt template. Second, it requires manual effort to formulate the downstream task as a language model problem. In this paper, we propose an improvement to prompt-based fine-tuning that addresses these two issues. We refer to our approach as DynaMaR – Dynamic Prompt with Mask Token Representation. Results show that DynaMaR can achieve an average improvement of 10% in few-shot settings and improvement of 3.7% in data-rich settings over the standard fine-tuning approach on four e-commerce applications.


Dialogue-oriented Pre-training
Yi Xu | Hai Zhao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021

Semantic Aligned Multi-modal Transformer for Vision-LanguageUnderstanding: A Preliminary Study on Visual QA
Han Ding | Li Erran Li | Zhiting Hu | Yi Xu | Dilek Hakkani-Tur | Zheng Du | Belinda Zeng
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Multimodal Artificial Intelligence

Recent vision-language understanding approaches adopt a multi-modal transformer pre-training and finetuning paradigm. Prior work learns representations of text tokens and visual features with cross-attention mechanisms and captures the alignment solely based on indirect signals. In this work, we propose to enhance the alignment mechanism by incorporating image scene graph structures as the bridge between the two modalities, and learning with new contrastive objectives. In our preliminary study on the challenging compositional visual question answering task, we show the proposed approach achieves improved results, demonstrating potentials to enhance vision-language understanding.

Weakly-supervised Text Classification Based on Keyword Graph
Lu Zhang | Jiandong Ding | Yi Xu | Yingyao Liu | Shuigeng Zhou
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Weakly-supervised text classification has received much attention in recent years for it can alleviate the heavy burden of annotating massive data. Among them, keyword-driven methods are the mainstream where user-provided keywords are exploited to generate pseudo-labels for unlabeled texts. However, existing methods treat keywords independently, thus ignore the correlation among them, which should be useful if properly exploited. In this paper, we propose a novel framework called ClassKG to explore keyword-keyword correlation on keyword graph by GNN. Our framework is an iterative process. In each iteration, we first construct a keyword graph, so the task of assigning pseudo labels is transformed to annotating keyword subgraphs. To improve the annotation quality, we introduce a self-supervised task to pretrain a subgraph annotator, and then finetune it. With the pseudo labels generated by the subgraph annotator, we then train a text classifier to classify the unlabeled texts. Finally, we re-extract keywords from the classified texts. Extensive experiments on both long-text and short-text datasets show that our method substantially outperforms the existing ones.


On Leveraging the Visual Modality for Neural Machine Translation
Vikas Raunak | Sang Keun Choe | Quanyang Lu | Yi Xu | Florian Metze
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Natural Language Generation

Leveraging the visual modality effectively for Neural Machine Translation (NMT) remains an open problem in computational linguistics. Recently, Caglayan et al. posit that the observed gains are limited mainly due to the very simple, short, repetitive sentences of the Multi30k dataset (the only multimodal MT dataset available at the time), which renders the source text sufficient for context. In this work, we further investigate this hypothesis on a new large scale multimodal Machine Translation (MMT) dataset, How2, which has 1.57 times longer mean sentence length than Multi30k and no repetition. We propose and evaluate three novel fusion techniques, each of which is designed to ensure the utilization of visual context at different stages of the Sequence-to-Sequence transduction pipeline, even under full linguistic context. However, we still obtain only marginal gains under full linguistic context and posit that visual embeddings extracted from deep vision models (ResNet for Multi30k, ResNext for How2) do not lend themselves to increasing the discriminativeness between the vocabulary elements at token level prediction in NMT. We demonstrate this qualitatively by analyzing attention distribution and quantitatively through Principal Component Analysis, arriving at the conclusion that it is the quality of the visual embeddings rather than the length of sentences, which need to be improved in existing MMT datasets.