Xueliang Zhao


BBA: Bi-Modal Behavioral Alignment for Reasoning with Large Vision-Language Models
Xueliang Zhao | Xinting Huang | Tingchen Fu | Qintong Li | Shansan Gong | Lemao Liu | Wei Bi | Lingpeng Kong
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Multimodal reasoning stands as a pivotal capability for large vision-language models (LVLMs). The integration with Domain-Specific Languages (DSL), offering precise visual representations, equips these models with the opportunity to execute more accurate reasoning in complex and professional domains. However, the vanilla Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting method faces challenges in effectively leveraging the unique strengths of visual and DSL representations, primarily due to their differing reasoning mechanisms. Additionally, it often falls short in addressing critical steps in multi-step reasoning tasks. To mitigate these challenges, we introduce the Bi-Modal Behavioral Alignment (BBA) prompting method, designed to maximize the potential of DSL in augmenting complex multi-modal reasoning tasks. This method initiates by guiding LVLMs to create separate reasoning chains for visual and DSL representations. Subsequently, it aligns these chains by addressing any inconsistencies, thus achieving a cohesive integration of behaviors from different modalities. Our experiments demonstrate that BBA substantially improves the performance of GPT-4V(ision) on geometry problem solving (28.34% 34.22%), chess positional advantage prediction (42.08% 46.99%) and molecular property prediction (77.47% 83.52%).

GSM-Plus: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Evaluating the Robustness of LLMs as Mathematical Problem Solvers
Qintong Li | Leyang Cui | Xueliang Zhao | Lingpeng Kong | Wei Bi
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Large language models (LLMs) have achieved impressive performance across various mathematical reasoning benchmarks. However, there are increasing debates regarding whether these models truly understand and apply mathematical knowledge or merely rely on shortcuts for mathematical reasoning. One essential and frequently occurring evidence is that when the math questions are slightly changed, LLMs can behave incorrectly. This motivates us to evaluate the robustness of LLMs’ math reasoning capability by testing a wide range of question variations. We introduce the adversarial grade school math (GSM-Plus) dataset, an extension of GSM8K augmented with various mathematical perturbations. Our experiments on 25 LLMs and 4 prompting techniques show that while LLMs exhibit different levels of math reasoning abilities, their performances are far from robust. In particular, even for problems that have been solved in GSM8K, LLMs can make mistakes when new statements are added or the question targets are altered. We also explore whether more robust performance can be achieved by composing existing prompting methods, in which we try an iterative method that generates and verifies each intermediate thought based on its reasoning goal and calculation result.

SEGO: Sequential Subgoal Optimization for Mathematical Problem-Solving
Xueliang Zhao | Xinting Huang | Wei Bi | Lingpeng Kong
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Large Language Models (LLMs) have driven substantial progress in artificial intelligence in recent years, exhibiting impressive capabilities across a wide range of tasks, including mathematical problem-solving. Inspired by the success of subgoal-based methods, we propose a novel framework called SEquential subGoal Optimization (SEGO) to enhance LLMs’ ability to solve mathematical problems. By establishing a connection between the subgoal breakdown process and the probability of solving problems, SEGO aims to identify better subgoals with theoretical guarantees. Addressing the challenge of identifying suitable subgoals in a large solution space, our framework generates problem-specific subgoals and adjusts them according to carefully designed criteria. Incorporating these optimized subgoals into the policy model training leads to significant improvements in problem-solving performance. We validate SEGO’s efficacy through experiments on two benchmarks, GSM8K and MATH, where our approach outperforms existing methods, highlighting the potential of SEGO in AI-driven mathematical problem-solving.


SORTIE: Dependency-Aware Symbolic Reasoning for Logical Data-to-text Generation
Xueliang Zhao | Tingchen Fu | Lemao Liu | Lingpeng Kong | Shuming Shi | Rui Yan
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Logical data-to-text generation is a representative task in measuring the capabilities of both language generation and complex reasoning. Despite the introduction of reasoning skills in generation, existing works still rely on neural language models to output the final table description. However, due to the inefficacy of neural language models in complex reasoning, these methods inevitably have difficulty working out key entities in the description and might produce unfaithful descriptions. To alleviate these issues, we propose a dependency-aware symbolic reasoning framework that reasons out each entity in the table description with our designed table-compatible programming language. To figure out the dependency relationship among entities, we devise an entity scheduling mechanism to determine the order of programme synthesis such that the reasoning of an entity only relies on other “resolved” entities. Experiments on three datasets and three backbones show that ours outperforms previous methods not only in surface-level fidelity but also in logical fidelity. Notably, the proposed framework enhances GPT-2, BART and T5 with an absolute improvement of 5.7%~11.5% on SP-Acc.

Logic Unveils Truth, While Disguise Obscures It: Transition Logic Augmented Response Selection for Multi-Turn Dialogue
Tingchen Fu | Xueliang Zhao | Lemao Liu | Rui Yan
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Multi-turn response selection aims to retrieve a response for a dialogue context from a candidate pool and negative sampling is the key to its retrieval performance. However, previous methods of negative samples tend to yield false negatives due to the one-to-many property in open-domain dialogue, which is detrimental to the optimization process. To deal with the problem, we propose a sequential variational ladder auto-encoder to capture the diverse one-to-many transition pattern of multiple characteristics in open-domain dialogue. The learned transition logic thus assists in identifying potential positives in disguise. Meanwhile, we propose a TRIGGER framework to adjust negative sampling in the training process such that the scope of false negatives dynamically updates according to the model capacity. Extensive experiments on two benchmarks verify the effectiveness of our approach.

VSTAR: A Video-grounded Dialogue Dataset for Situated Semantic Understanding with Scene and Topic Transitions
Yuxuan Wang | Zilong Zheng | Xueliang Zhao | Jinpeng Li | Yueqian Wang | Dongyan Zhao
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Video-grounded dialogue understanding is a challenging problem that requires machine to perceive, parse and reason over situated semantics extracted from weakly aligned video and dialogues. Most existing benchmarks treat both modalities the same as a frame-independent visual understanding task, while neglecting the intrinsic attributes in multimodal dialogues, such as scene and topic transitions. In this paper, we present Video-grounded Scene&Topic AwaRe dialogue (VSTAR) dataset, a large scale video-grounded dialogue understanding dataset based on 395 TV series. Based on VSTAR, we propose two benchmarks for video-grounded dialogue understanding: scene segmentation and topic segmentation, and one benchmark for video-grounded dialogue generation. Comprehensive experiments are performed on these benchmarks to demonstrate the importance of multimodal information and segments in video-grounded dialogue understanding and generation.

On the Compositional Generalization in Versatile Open-domain Dialogue
Tingchen Fu | Xueliang Zhao | Lemao Liu | Rui Yan
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Previous research has demonstrated the potential of multi-task learning to foster a conversational agent’s ability to acquire a variety of skills. However, these approaches either suffer from interference among different datasets (also known as negative transfer), or fail to effectively reuse knowledge and skills learned from other datasets. In contrast to previous works, we develop a sparsely activated modular network: (1) We propose a well-rounded set of operators and instantiate each operator with an independent module; (2) We formulate dialogue generation as the execution of a generated programme which recursively composes and assembles modules. Extensive experiments on 9 datasets verify the efficacy of our methods through automatic evaluation and human evaluation. Notably, our model outperforms state-of-the-art supervised approaches on 4 datasets with only 10% training data thanks to the modular architecture and multi-task learning.


Collaborative Reasoning on Multi-Modal Semantic Graphs for Video-Grounded Dialogue Generation
Xueliang Zhao | Yuxuan Wang | Chongyang Tao | Chenshuo Wang | Dongyan Zhao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

We study video-grounded dialogue generation, where a response is generated based on the dialogue context and the associated video. The primary challenges of this task lie in (1) the difficulty of integrating video data into pre-trained language models (PLMs) which presents obstacles to exploiting the power of large-scale pre-training; and (2) the necessity of taking into account the complementarity of various modalities throughout the reasoning process. Although having made remarkable progress in video-grounded dialogue generation, existing methods still fall short when it comes to integrating with PLMs in a way that allows information from different modalities to complement each other. To alleviate these issues, we first propose extracting pertinent information from videos and turning it into reasoning paths that are acceptable to PLMs. Additionally, we propose a multi-agent reinforcement learning method to collaboratively perform reasoning on different modalities (i.e., video and dialogue context). Empirical experiment results on two public datasets indicate that the proposed model can significantly outperform state-of-the-art models by large margins on both automatic and human evaluations.

Learning to Express in Knowledge-Grounded Conversation
Xueliang Zhao | Tingchen Fu | Chongyang Tao | Wei Wu | Dongyan Zhao | Rui Yan
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Grounding dialogue generation by extra knowledge has shown great potentials towards building a system capable of replying with knowledgeable and engaging responses. Existing studies focus on how to synthesize a response with proper knowledge, yet neglect that the same knowledge could be expressed differently by speakers even under the same context. In this work, we mainly consider two aspects of knowledge expression, namely the structure of the response and style of the content in each part. We therefore introduce two sequential latent variables to represent the structure and the content style respectively. We propose a segmentation-based generation model and optimize the model by a variational approach to discover the underlying pattern of knowledge expression in a response. Evaluation results on two benchmarks indicate that our model can learn the structure style defined by a few examples and generate responses in desired content style.

There Is No Standard Answer: Knowledge-Grounded Dialogue Generation with Adversarial Activated Multi-Reference Learning
Xueliang Zhao | Tingchen Fu | Chongyang Tao | Rui Yan
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Knowledge-grounded dialogue (KGC) shows excellent potential to deliver an engaging and informative response. However, existing approaches emphasize selecting one golden knowledge given a particular dialogue context, overlooking the one-to-many phenomenon in dialogue. As a result, existing paradigm limits the diversity of knowledge selection and generation. To this end, we establish a multi-reference KGC dataset and propose a series of metrics to systematically assess the one-to-many efficacy of existing KGC models. Furthermore, to extend the hypothesis space of knowledge selection to enhance the mapping relationship between multiple knowledge and multiple responses, we devise a span-based variational model and optimize the model in a wake-sleep style with an ameliorated evidence lower bound objective to learn the one-to-many generalization. Both automatic and human evaluations demonstrate the efficacy of our approach.

Towards Efficient Dialogue Pre-training with Transferable and Interpretable Latent Structure
Xueliang Zhao | Lemao Liu | Tingchen Fu | Shuming Shi | Dongyan Zhao | Rui Yan
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

With the availability of massive general-domain dialogue data, pre-trained dialogue generation appears to be super appealing to transfer knowledge from the general domain to downstream applications. In most existing work, such transferable ability is mainly obtained by fitting a large model with hundreds of millions of parameters on massive data in an exhaustive way, leading to inefficient running and poor interpretability. This paper proposes a novel dialogue generation model with a latent structure that is easily transferable from the general domain to downstream tasks in a lightweight and transparent way. Experiments on two benchmarks validate the effectiveness of the proposed model. Thanks to the transferable latent structure, our model is able to yield better dialogue responses than four strong baselines in terms of both automatic and human evaluations, and our model with about 22% parameters particularly delivers a 5x speedup in running time compared with the strongest baseline. Moreover, the proposed model is explainable by interpreting the discrete latent variables.

There Are a Thousand Hamlets in a Thousand People’s Eyes: Enhancing Knowledge-grounded Dialogue with Personal Memory
Tingchen Fu | Xueliang Zhao | Chongyang Tao | Ji-Rong Wen | Rui Yan
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Knowledge-grounded conversation (KGC) shows great potential in building an engaging and knowledgeable chatbot, and knowledge selection is a key ingredient in it. However, previous methods for knowledge selection only concentrate on the relevance between knowledge and dialogue context, ignoring the fact that age, hobby, education and life experience of an interlocutor have a major effect on his or her personal preference over external knowledge. Without taking the personalization issue into account, it is difficult for existing dialogue systems to select the proper knowledge and generate persona-consistent responses. In this work, we introduce personal memory into knowledge selection in KGC to address the personalization issue. We propose a variational method to model the underlying relationship between one’s personal memory and his or her selection of knowledge, and devise a learning scheme in which the forward mapping from personal memory to knowledge and its inverse mapping is included in a closed loop so that they could teach each other. Experiment results show that our methods outperform existing KGC methods significantly on both automatic evaluation and human evaluation.


Knowledge-Grounded Dialogue Generation with Pre-trained Language Models
Xueliang Zhao | Wei Wu | Can Xu | Chongyang Tao | Dongyan Zhao | Rui Yan
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

We study knowledge-grounded dialogue generation with pre-trained language models. To leverage the redundant external knowledge under capacity constraint, we propose equipping response generation defined by a pre-trained language model with a knowledge selection module, and an unsupervised approach to jointly optimizing knowledge selection and response generation with unlabeled dialogues. Empirical results on two benchmarks indicate that our model can significantly outperform state-of-the-art methods in both automatic evaluation and human judgment.