Xiaolong Jin


Class-Incremental Few-Shot Event Detection
Kailin Zhao | Xiaolong Jin | Long Bai | Jiafeng Guo | Xueqi Cheng
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Event detection is one of the fundamental tasks in information extraction and knowledge graph. However, a realistic event detection system often needs to deal with new event classes constantly. These new classes usually have only a few labeled instances as it is time-consuming and labor-intensive to annotate a large number of unlabeled instances. Therefore, this paper proposes a new task, called class-incremental few-shot event detection. Nevertheless, there are two problems (i.e., old knowledge forgetting and new class overfitting) in this task. To solve these problems, this paper further presents a novel knowledge distillation and prompt learning based method, called Prompt-KD. Specifically, to reduce the forgetting issue about old knowledge, Prompt-KD develops an attention based multi-teacher knowledge distillation framework, where the ancestor teacher model pre-trained on base classes is reused in all learning sessions, and the father teacher model derives the current student model via adaptation. On the other hand, in order to cope with the few-shot learning scenario and alleviate the corresponding new class overfitting problem, Prompt-KD is also equipped with a prompt learning mechanism. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets, i.e., FewEvent and MAVEN, demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance of Prompt-KD.

Few-shot Link Prediction on Hyper-relational Facts
Jiyao Wei | Saiping Guan | Xiaolong Jin | Jiafeng Guo | Xueqi Cheng
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Hyper-relational facts, which consist of a primary triple (head entity, relation, tail entity) and auxiliary attribute-value pairs, are widely present in real-world Knowledge Graphs (KGs). Link Prediction on Hyper-relational Facts (LPHFs) is to predict a missing element in a hyper-relational fact, which helps populate and enrich KGs. However, existing LPHFs studies usually require an amount of high-quality data. They overlook few-shot relations, which have limited instances, yet are common in real-world scenarios. Thus, we introduce a new task, Few-Shot Link Prediction on Hyper-relational Facts (FSLPHFs). It aims to predict a missing entity in a hyper-relational fact with limited support instances. To tackle FSLPHFs, we propose MetaRH, a model that learns Meta Relational information in Hyper-relational facts. MetaRH comprises three modules: relation learning, support-specific adjustment, and query inference. By capturing meta relational information from limited support instances, MetaRH can accurately predict the missing entity in a query. As there is no existing dataset available for this new task, we construct three datasets to validate the effectiveness of MetaRH. Experimental results on these datasets demonstrate that MetaRH significantly outperforms existing representative models.

Nested Event Extraction upon Pivot Element Recognition
Weicheng Ren | Zixuan Li | Xiaolong Jin | Long Bai | Miao Su | Yantao Liu | Saiping Guan | Jiafeng Guo | Xueqi Cheng
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Nested Event Extraction (NEE) aims to extract complex event structures where an event contains other events as its arguments recursively. Nested events involve a kind of Pivot Elements (PEs) that simultaneously act as arguments of outer-nest events and as triggers of inner-nest events, and thus connect them into nested structures. This special characteristic of PEs brings challenges to existing NEE methods, as they cannot well cope with the dual identities of PEs. Therefore, this paper proposes a new model, called PerNee, which extracts nested events mainly based on recognizing PEs. Specifically, PerNee first recognizes the triggers of both inner-nest and outer-nest events and further recognizes the PEs via classifying the relation type between trigger pairs. The model uses prompt learning to incorporate information from both event types and argument roles for better trigger and argument representations to improve NEE performance. Since existing NEE datasets (e.g., Genia11) are limited to specific domains and contain a narrow range of event types with nested structures, we systematically categorize nested events in the generic domain and construct a new NEE dataset, called ACE2005-Nest. Experimental results demonstrate that PerNee consistently achieves state-of-the-art performance on ACE2005-Nest, Genia11, and Genia13. The ACE2005-Nest dataset and the code of the PerNee model are available at https://github.com/waysonren/PerNee.

Selective Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning
Zhongni Hou | Xiaolong Jin | Zixuan Li | Long Bai | Jiafeng Guo | Xueqi Cheng
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Temporal Knowledge Graph (TKG), which characterizes temporally evolving facts in the form of (subject, relation, object, timestamp), has attracted much attention recently. TKG reasoning aims to predict future facts based on given historical ones. However, existing TKG reasoning models are unable to abstain from predictions they are uncertain, which will inevitably bring risks in real-world applications. Thus, in this paper, we propose an abstention mechanism for TKG reasoning, which helps the existing models make selective, instead of indiscriminate, predictions. Specifically, we develop a confidence estimator, called Confidence Estimator with History (CEHis), to enable the existing TKG reasoning models to first estimate their confidence in making predictions, and then abstain from those with low confidence. To do so, CEHis takes two kinds of information into consideration, namely, the certainty of the current prediction and the accuracy of historical predictions. Experiments with representative TKG reasoning models on two benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed CEHis.

Self-Improvement Programming for Temporal Knowledge Graph Question Answering
Zhuo Chen | Zhao Zhang | Zixuan Li | Fei Wang | Yutao Zeng | Xiaolong Jin | Yongjun Xu
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Temporal Knowledge Graph Question Answering (TKGQA) aims to answer questions with temporal intent over Temporal Knowledge Graphs (TKGs). The core challenge of this task lies in understanding the complex semantic information regarding multiple types of time constraints (e.g., before, first) in questions. Existing end-to-end methods implicitly model the time constraints by learning time-aware embeddings of questions and candidate answers, which is far from understanding the question comprehensively. Motivated by semantic-parsing-based approaches that explicitly model constraints in questions by generating logical forms with symbolic operators, we design fundamental temporal operators for time constraints and introduce a novel self-improvement Programming method for TKGQA (Prog-TQA). Specifically, Prog-TQA leverages the in-context learning ability of Large Language Models (LLMs) to understand the combinatory time constraints in the questions and generate corresponding program drafts with a few examples given. Then, it aligns these drafts to TKGs with the linking module and subsequently executes them to generate the answers. To enhance the ability to understand questions, Prog-TQA is further equipped with a self-improvement strategy to effectively bootstrap LLMs using high-quality self-generated drafts. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of the proposed Prog-TQA on MultiTQ and CronQuestions datasets, especially in the Hits@1 metric.

KnowCoder: Coding Structured Knowledge into LLMs for Universal Information Extraction
Zixuan Li | Yutao Zeng | Yuxin Zuo | Weicheng Ren | Wenxuan Liu | Miao Su | Yucan Guo | Yantao Liu | Lixiang Lixiang | Zhilei Hu | Long Bai | Wei Li | Yidan Liu | Pan Yang | Xiaolong Jin | Jiafeng Guo | Xueqi Cheng
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)


Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning Based on N-tuple Modeling
Zhongni Hou | Xiaolong Jin | Zixuan Li | Long Bai | Saiping Guan | Yutao Zeng | Jiafeng Guo | Xueqi Cheng
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Reasoning over Temporal Knowledge Graphs (TKGs) that predicts temporal facts (e.g., events) in the future is crucial for many applications. The temporal facts in existing TKGs only contain their core entities (i.e., the entities playing core roles therein) and formulate them as quadruples, i.e., (subject entity, predicate, object entity, timestamp). This formulation oversimplifies temporal facts and inevitably causes information loss. Therefore, we propose to describe a temporal fact more accurately as an n-tuple, containing not only its predicate and core entities, but also its auxiliary entities, as well as the roles of all entities. By so doing, TKGs are augmented to N-tuple Temporal Knowledge Graphs (N-TKGs). To conduct reasoning over N-TKGs, we further propose N-tuple Evolutional Network (NE-Net). It recurrently learns the evolutional representations of entities and predicates in temporal facts at different timestamps in the history via modeling the relations among those entities and predicates. Based on the learned representations, reasoning tasks at future timestamps can be realized via task-specific decoders. Experiment results on two newly built datasets demonstrate the superiority of N-TKG and the effectiveness of NE-Net.

Semantic Structure Enhanced Event Causality Identification
Zhilei Hu | Zixuan Li | Xiaolong Jin | Long Bai | Saiping Guan | Jiafeng Guo | Xueqi Cheng
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Event Causality Identification (ECI) aims to identify causal relations between events in unstructured texts. This is a very challenging task, because causal relations are usually expressed by implicit associations between events. Existing methods usually capture such associations by directly modeling the texts with pre-trained language models, which underestimate two kinds of semantic structures vital to the ECI task, namely, event-centric structure and event-associated structure. The former includes important semantic elements related to the events to describe them more precisely, while the latter contains semantic paths between two events to provide possible supports for ECI. In this paper, we study the implicit associations between events by modeling the above explicit semantic structures, and propose a Semantic Structure Integration model (SemSIn).It utilizes a GNN-based event aggregator to integrate the event-centric structure information, and employs an LSTM-based path aggregator to capture the event-associated structure information between two events. Experimental results on three widely used datasets show that SemSIn achieves significant improvements over baseline methods.


MetaSLRCL: A Self-Adaptive Learning Rate and Curriculum Learning Based Framework for Few-Shot Text Classification
Kailin Zhao | Xiaolong Jin | Saiping Guan | Jiafeng Guo | Xueqi Cheng
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Due to the lack of labeled data in many realistic scenarios, a number of few-shot learning methods for text classification have been proposed, among which the meta learning based ones have recently attracted much attention. Such methods usually consist of a learner as the classifier and a meta learner for specializing the learner to different tasks. For the learner, learning rate is crucial to its performance. However, existing methods treat it as a hyper parameter and adjust it manually, which is time-consuming and laborious. Intuitively, for different tasks and neural network layers, the learning rates should be different and self-adaptive. For the meta learner, it requires a good generalization ability so as to quickly adapt to new tasks. Motivated by these issues, we propose a novel meta learning framework, called MetaSLRCL, for few-shot text classification. Specifically, we present a novel meta learning mechanism to obtain different learning rates for different tasks and neural network layers so as to enable the learner to quickly adapt to new training data. Moreover, we propose a task-oriented curriculum learning mechanism to help the meta learner achieve a better generalization ability by learning from different tasks with increasing difficulties. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of MetaSLRCL.

Knowledge-Enhanced Self-Supervised Prototypical Network for Few-Shot Event Detection
Kailin Zhao | Xiaolong Jin | Long Bai | Jiafeng Guo | Xueqi Cheng
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Prototypical network based joint methods have attracted much attention in few-shot event detection, which carry out event detection in a unified sequence tagging framework. However, these methods suffer from the inaccurate prototype representation problem, due to two main reasons: the number of instances for calculating prototypes is limited; And, they do not well capture the relationships among event prototypes. To deal with this problem, we propose a Knowledge-Enhanced self-supervised Prototypical Network, called KE-PN, for few-shot event detection. KE-PN adopts hybrid rules, which can automatically align event types to an external knowledge base, i.e., FrameNet, to obtain more instances.It proposes a self-supervised learning method to filter out noisy data from enhanced instances. KE-PN is further equipped with an auxiliary event type relationship classification module, which injects the relationship information into representations of event prototypes. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets, i.e., FewEvent, MAVEN, and ACE2005 demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance of KE-PN.

HiSMatch: Historical Structure Matching based Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning
Zixuan Li | Zhongni Hou | Saiping Guan | Xiaolong Jin | Weihua Peng | Long Bai | Yajuan Lyu | Wei Li | Jiafeng Guo | Xueqi Cheng
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

A Temporal Knowledge Graph (TKG) is a sequence of KGs with respective timestamps, which adopts quadruples in the form of (subject, relation, object, timestamp) to describe dynamic facts. TKG reasoning has facilitated many real-world applications via answering such queries as (query entity, query relation, ?, future timestamp) about future. This is actually a matching task between a query and candidate entities based on their historical structures, which reflect behavioral trends of the entities at different timestamps. In addition, recent KGs provide background knowledge of all the entities, which is also helpful for the matching. Thus, in this paper, we propose the Historical Structure Matching (HiSMatch) model. It applies two structure encoders to capture the semantic information contained in the historical structures of the query and candidate entities. Besides, it adopts another encoder to integrate the background knowledge into the model. TKG reasoning experiments on six benchmark datasets demonstrate the significant improvement of the proposed HiSMatch model, with up to 5.6% performance improvement in MRR, compared to the state-of-the-art baselines.

Complex Evolutional Pattern Learning for Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning
Zixuan Li | Saiping Guan | Xiaolong Jin | Weihua Peng | Yajuan Lyu | Yong Zhu | Long Bai | Wei Li | Jiafeng Guo | Xueqi Cheng
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

A Temporal Knowledge Graph (TKG) is a sequence of KGs corresponding to different timestamps. TKG reasoning aims to predict potential facts in the future given the historical KG sequences. One key of this task is to mine and understand evolutional patterns of facts from these sequences. The evolutional patterns are complex in two aspects, length-diversity and time-variability. Existing models for TKG reasoning focus on modeling fact sequences of a fixed length, which cannot discover complex evolutional patterns that vary in length. Furthermore, these models are all trained offline, which cannot well adapt to the changes of evolutional patterns from then on. Thus, we propose a new model, called Complex Evolutional Network (CEN), which uses a length-aware Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to handle evolutional patterns of different lengths via an easy-to-difficult curriculum learning strategy. Besides, we propose to learn the model under the online setting so that it can adapt to the changes of evolutional patterns over time. Extensive experiments demonstrate that CEN obtains substantial performance improvement under both the traditional offline and the proposed online settings.


Search from History and Reason for Future: Two-stage Reasoning on Temporal Knowledge Graphs
Zixuan Li | Xiaolong Jin | Saiping Guan | Wei Li | Jiafeng Guo | Yuanzhuo Wang | Xueqi Cheng
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Temporal Knowledge Graphs (TKGs) have been developed and used in many different areas. Reasoning on TKGs that predicts potential facts (events) in the future brings great challenges to existing models. When facing a prediction task, human beings usually search useful historical information (i.e., clues) in their memories and then reason for future meticulously. Inspired by this mechanism, we propose CluSTeR to predict future facts in a two-stage manner, Clue Searching and Temporal Reasoning, accordingly. Specifically, at the clue searching stage, CluSTeR learns a beam search policy via reinforcement learning (RL) to induce multiple clues from historical facts. At the temporal reasoning stage, it adopts a graph convolution network based sequence method to deduce answers from clues. Experiments on four datasets demonstrate the substantial advantages of CluSTeR compared with the state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, the clues found by CluSTeR further provide interpretability for the results.

Rule-Aware Reinforcement Learning for Knowledge Graph Reasoning
Zhongni Hou | Xiaolong Jin | Zixuan Li | Long Bai
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021

Integrating Deep Event-Level and Script-Level Information for Script Event Prediction
Long Bai | Saiping Guan | Jiafeng Guo | Zixuan Li | Xiaolong Jin | Xueqi Cheng
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Scripts are structured sequences of events together with the participants, which are extracted from the texts. Script event prediction aims to predict the subsequent event given the historical events in the script. Two kinds of information facilitate this task, namely, the event-level information and the script-level information. At the event level, existing studies view an event as a verb with its participants, while neglecting other useful properties, such as the state of the participants. At the script level, most existing studies only consider a single event sequence corresponding to one common protagonist. In this paper, we propose a Transformer-based model, called MCPredictor, which integrates deep event-level and script-level information for script event prediction. At the event level, MCPredictor utilizes the rich information in the text to obtain more comprehensive event semantic representations. At the script-level, it considers multiple event sequences corresponding to different participants of the subsequent event. The experimental results on the widely-used New York Times corpus demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed model.


NeuInfer: Knowledge Inference on N-ary Facts
Saiping Guan | Xiaolong Jin | Jiafeng Guo | Yuanzhuo Wang | Xueqi Cheng
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Knowledge inference on knowledge graph has attracted extensive attention, which aims to find out connotative valid facts in knowledge graph and is very helpful for improving the performance of many downstream applications. However, researchers have mainly poured attention to knowledge inference on binary facts. The studies on n-ary facts are relatively scarcer, although they are also ubiquitous in the real world. Therefore, this paper addresses knowledge inference on n-ary facts. We represent each n-ary fact as a primary triple coupled with a set of its auxiliary descriptive attribute-value pair(s). We further propose a neural network model, NeuInfer, for knowledge inference on n-ary facts. Besides handling the common task to infer an unknown element in a whole fact, NeuInfer can cope with a new type of task, flexible knowledge inference. It aims to infer an unknown element in a partial fact consisting of the primary triple coupled with any number of its auxiliary description(s). Experimental results demonstrate the remarkable superiority of NeuInfer.

Event Coreference Resolution with their Paraphrases and Argument-aware Embeddings
Yutao Zeng | Xiaolong Jin | Saiping Guan | Jiafeng Guo | Xueqi Cheng
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Event coreference resolution aims to classify all event mentions that refer to the same real-world event into the same group, which is necessary to information aggregation and many downstream applications. To resolve event coreference, existing methods usually calculate the similarities between event mentions and between specific kinds of event arguments. However, they fail to accurately identify paraphrase relations between events and may suffer from error propagation while extracting event components (i.e., event mentions and their arguments). Therefore, we propose a new model based on Event-specific Paraphrases and Argument-aware Semantic Embeddings, thus called EPASE, for event coreference resolution. EPASE recognizes deep paraphrase relations in an event-specific context of sentences and can cover event paraphrases of more situations, bringing about a better generalization. Additionally, the embeddings of argument roles are encoded into event embedding without relying on a fixed number and type of arguments, which results in the better scalability of EPASE. Experiments on both within- and cross-document event coreference demonstrate its consistent and significant superiority compared to existing methods.


Event Detection with Multi-Order Graph Convolution and Aggregated Attention
Haoran Yan | Xiaolong Jin | Xiangbin Meng | Jiafeng Guo | Xueqi Cheng
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Syntactic relations are broadly used in many NLP tasks. For event detection, syntactic relation representations based on dependency tree can better capture the interrelations between candidate trigger words and related entities than sentence representations. But, existing studies only use first-order syntactic relations (i.e., the arcs) in dependency trees to identify trigger words. For this reason, this paper proposes a new method for event detection, which uses a dependency tree based graph convolution network with aggregative attention to explicitly model and aggregate multi-order syntactic representations in sentences. Experimental comparison with state-of-the-art baselines shows the superiority of the proposed method.


Document Embedding Enhanced Event Detection with Hierarchical and Supervised Attention
Yue Zhao | Xiaolong Jin | Yuanzhuo Wang | Xueqi Cheng
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Document-level information is very important for event detection even at sentence level. In this paper, we propose a novel Document Embedding Enhanced Bi-RNN model, called DEEB-RNN, to detect events in sentences. This model first learns event detection oriented embeddings of documents through a hierarchical and supervised attention based RNN, which pays word-level attention to event triggers and sentence-level attention to those sentences containing events. It then uses the learned document embedding to enhance another bidirectional RNN model to identify event triggers and their types in sentences. Through experiments on the ACE-2005 dataset, we demonstrate the effectiveness and merits of the proposed DEEB-RNN model via comparison with state-of-the-art methods.