Xiaoguang Li


Evaluating Robustness of Generative Search Engine on Adversarial Factoid Questions
Xuming Hu | Xiaochuan Li | Junzhe Chen | Yinghui Li | Yangning Li | Xiaoguang Li | Yasheng Wang | Qun Liu | Lijie Wen | Philip Yu | Zhijiang Guo
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Generative search engines have the potential to transform how people seek information online, but generated responses from existing large language models (LLMs)-backed generative search engines may not always be accurate. Nonetheless, retrieval-augmented generation exacerbates safety concerns, since adversaries may successfully evade the entire system by subtly manipulating the most vulnerable part of a claim. To this end, we propose evaluating the robustness of generative search engines in the realistic and high-risk setting, where adversaries have only black-box system access and seek to deceive the model into returning incorrect responses. Through a comprehensive human evaluation of various generative search engines, such as Bing Chat, PerplexityAI, and YouChat across diverse queries, we demonstrate the effectiveness of adversarial factual questions in inducing incorrect responses. Moreover, retrieval-augmented generation exhibits a higher susceptibility to factual errors compared to LLMs without retrieval. These findings highlight the potential security risks of these systems and emphasize the need for rigorous evaluation before deployment. The dataset and code will be publicly available.

Does the Generator Mind Its Contexts? An Analysis of Generative Model Faithfulness under Context Transfer
Xinshuo Hu | Dongfang Li | Xiaoguang Li | Yuxiang Wu | Lifeng Shang | Baotian Hu
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

he present study introduces the knowledge-augmented generator, which is specifically designed to produce information that remains grounded in contextual knowledge, regardless of alterations in the context. Previous research has predominantly focused on examining hallucinations stemming from static input, such as in the domains of summarization or machine translation. However, our investigation delves into the faithfulness of generative question answering in the presence of dynamic knowledge. Our objective is to explore the existence of hallucinations arising from parametric memory when contextual knowledge undergoes changes, while also analyzing the underlying causes for their occurrence. In order to efficiently address this issue, we propose a straightforward yet effective measure for detecting such hallucinations. Intriguingly, our investigation uncovers that all models exhibit a tendency to generate previous answers as hallucinations. To gain deeper insights into the underlying causes of this phenomenon, we conduct a series of experiments that verify the critical role played by context in hallucination, both during training and testing, from various perspectives.

ProxyQA: An Alternative Framework for Evaluating Long-Form Text Generation with Large Language Models
Haochen Tan | Zhijiang Guo | Zhan Shi | Lu Xu | Zhili Liu | Yunlong Feng | Xiaoguang Li | Yasheng Wang | Lifeng Shang | Qun Liu | Linqi Song
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Large Language Models (LLMs) have succeeded remarkably in understanding long-form contents. However, exploring their capability for generating long-form contents, such as reports and articles, has been relatively unexplored and inadequately assessed by existing benchmarks. The prevalent evaluation methods, which predominantly rely on crowdsourcing, are recognized for their labor-intensive nature and lack of efficiency, whereas automated metrics, such as the ROUGE score, demonstrate discordance with human judgment criteria. In this paper, we propose ProxyQA, an innovative framework dedicated to assessing long-text generation. ProxyQA comprises in-depth human-curated meta-questions spanning various domains, each accompanied by specific proxy-questions with pre-annotated answers. LLMs are tasked to generate extensive content in response to these meta-questions, by engaging an evaluator and incorporating the generated texts as contextual background, ProxyQA assesses the generated content’s quality through the evaluator’s accuracy in addressing the proxy-questions. We examine multiple LLMs, emphasizing ProxyQA’s demanding nature as a high-quality assessment tool. Human evaluation demonstrates that the proxy-question method is notably self-consistent and aligns closely with human evaluative standards. The dataset and leaderboard is available at https://proxy-qa.com.

EWEK-QA : Enhanced Web and Efficient Knowledge Graph Retrieval for Citation-based Question Answering Systems
Mohammad Dehghan | Mohammad Alomrani | Sunyam Bagga | David Alfonso-Hermelo | Khalil Bibi | Abbas Ghaddar | Yingxue Zhang | Xiaoguang Li | Jianye Hao | Qun Liu | Jimmy Lin | Boxing Chen | Prasanna Parthasarathi | Mahdi Biparva | Mehdi Rezagholizadeh
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

The emerging citation-based QA systems are gaining more attention especially in generative AI search applications. The importance of extracted knowledge provided to these systems is vital from both accuracy (completeness of information) and efficiency (extracting the information in a timely manner). In this regard, citation-based QA systems are suffering from two shortcomings. First, they usually rely only on web as a source of extracted knowledge and adding other external knowledge sources can hamper the efficiency of the system. Second, web-retrieved contents are usually obtained by some simple heuristics such as fixed length or breakpoints which might lead to splitting information into pieces. To mitigate these issues, we propose our enhanced web and efficient knowledge graph (KG) retrieval solution (EWEK-QA) to enrich the content of the extracted knowledge fed to the system. This has been done through designing an adaptive web retriever and incorporating KGs triples in an efficient manner. We demonstrate the effectiveness of over the open-source state-of-the-art (SoTA) web-based and KG baseline models using a comprehensive set of quantitative and human evaluation experiments. Our model is able to: first, improve the web-retriever baseline in terms of extracting more relevant passages (>20%), the coverage of answer span (>25%) and self containment (>35%); second, obtain and integrate KG triples into its pipeline very efficiently (by avoiding any LLM calls) to outperform the web-only and KG-only SoTA baselines significantly in 7 quantitative QA tasks and our human evaluation.


MIRACL: A Multilingual Retrieval Dataset Covering 18 Diverse Languages
Xinyu Zhang | Nandan Thakur | Odunayo Ogundepo | Ehsan Kamalloo | David Alfonso-Hermelo | Xiaoguang Li | Qun Liu | Mehdi Rezagholizadeh | Jimmy Lin
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 11

MIRACL is a multilingual dataset for ad hoc retrieval across 18 languages that collectively encompass over three billion native speakers around the world. This resource is designed to support monolingual retrieval tasks, where the queries and the corpora are in the same language. In total, we have gathered over 726k high-quality relevance judgments for 78k queries over Wikipedia in these languages, where all annotations have been performed by native speakers hired by our team. MIRACL covers languages that are both typologically close as well as distant from 10 language families and 13 sub-families, associated with varying amounts of publicly available resources. Extensive automatic heuristic verification and manual assessments were performed during the annotation process to control data quality. In total, MIRACL represents an investment of around five person-years of human annotator effort. Our goal is to spur research on improving retrieval across a continuum of languages, thus enhancing information access capabilities for diverse populations around the world, particularly those that have traditionally been underserved. MIRACL is available at http://miracl.ai/.

Hence, Socrates is mortal: A Benchmark for Natural Language Syllogistic Reasoning
Yongkang Wu | Meng Han | Yutao Zhu | Lei Li | Xinyu Zhang | Ruofei Lai | Xiaoguang Li | Yuanhang Ren | Zhicheng Dou | Zhao Cao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Syllogistic reasoning, a typical form of deductive reasoning, is a critical capability widely required in natural language understanding tasks, such as text entailment and question answering. To better facilitate research on syllogistic reasoning, we develop a benchmark called SylloBase that differs from existing syllogistic datasets in three aspects: (1) Covering a complete taxonomy of syllogism reasoning patterns; (2) Containing both automatically and manually constructed samples; and (3) Involving both the generation and understanding tasks. We automatically construct 50k template-based syllogism samples by mining syllogism patterns from Wikidata and ConceptNet. To improve our dataset’s naturalness and challenge, we apply GPT-3 to paraphrase the template-based data and further manually rewrite 1,000 samples as the test set. State-of-the-art pre-trained language models can achieve the best generation ROUGE-L of 38.72 by T5 and the best multi-choice accuracy of 72.77% by RoBERTa on SylloBase, which indicates the great challenge of learning diverse syllogistic reasoning types on SylloBase. Our datasets are released at https://github.com/casually-PYlearner/SYLLOBASE.

Gradually Excavating External Knowledge for Implicit Complex Question Answering
Chang Liu | Xiaoguang Li | Lifeng Shang | Xin Jiang | Qun Liu | Edmund Lam | Ngai Wong
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Recently, large language models (LLMs) have gained much attention for the emergence of human-comparable capabilities and huge potential. However, for open-domain implicit question-answering problems, LLMs may not be the ultimate solution due to the reasons of: 1) uncovered or out-of-date domain knowledge, 2) one-shot generation and hence restricted comprehensiveness. To this end, this work proposes a gradual knowledge excavation framework for open-domain complex question answering, where LLMs iteratively and actively acquire extrinsic information, then reason based on acquired historical knowledge. Specifically, during each step of the solving process, the model selects an action to execute, such as querying external knowledge or performing a single logical reasoning step, to gradually progress toward a final answer. Our method can effectively leverage plug-and-play external knowledge and dynamically adjust the strategy for solving complex questions. Evaluated on the StrategyQA dataset, our method achieves 78.17% accuracy with less than 6% parameters of its competitors, setting new SOTA in the ~10B LLM class.


Read before Generate! Faithful Long Form Question Answering with Machine Reading
Dan Su | Xiaoguang Li | Jindi Zhang | Lifeng Shang | Xin Jiang | Qun Liu | Pascale Fung
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

Long-form question answering (LFQA) aims to generate a paragraph-length answer for a given question. While current work on LFQA using large pre-trained model for generation are effective at producing fluent and somewhat relevant content, one primary challenge lies in how to generate a faithful answer that has less hallucinated content. We propose a new end-to-end framework that jointly models answer generation and machine reading. The key idea is to augment the generation model with fine-grained, answer-related salient information which can be viewed as an emphasis on faithful facts. State-of-the-art results on two LFQA datasets, ELI5 and MS MARCO, demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, in comparison with strong baselines on automatic and human evaluation metrics. A detailed analysis further proves the competency of our methods in generating fluent, relevant, and more faithful answers.

How Pre-trained Language Models Capture Factual Knowledge? A Causal-Inspired Analysis
Shaobo Li | Xiaoguang Li | Lifeng Shang | Zhenhua Dong | Chengjie Sun | Bingquan Liu | Zhenzhou Ji | Xin Jiang | Qun Liu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

Recently, there has been a trend to investigate the factual knowledge captured by Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs). Many works show the PLMs’ ability to fill in the missing factual words in cloze-style prompts such as ”Dante was born in [MASK].” However, it is still a mystery how PLMs generate the results correctly: relying on effective clues or shortcut patterns? We try to answer this question by a causal-inspired analysis that quantitatively measures and evaluates the word-level patterns that PLMs depend on to generate the missing words. We check the words that have three typical associations with the missing words: knowledge-dependent, positionally close, and highly co-occurred. Our analysis shows: (1) PLMs generate the missing factual words more by the positionally close and highly co-occurred words than the knowledge-dependent words; (2) the dependence on the knowledge-dependent words is more effective than the positionally close and highly co-occurred words. Accordingly, we conclude that the PLMs capture the factual knowledge ineffectively because of depending on the inadequate associations.

Pre-training Language Models with Deterministic Factual Knowledge
Shaobo Li | Xiaoguang Li | Lifeng Shang | Chengjie Sun | Bingquan Liu | Zhenzhou Ji | Xin Jiang | Qun Liu
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Previous works show that Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) can capture factual knowledge. However, some analyses reveal that PLMs fail to perform it robustly, e.g., being sensitive to the changes of prompts when extracting factual knowledge. To mitigate this issue, we propose to let PLMs learn the deterministic relationship between the remaining context and the masked content. The deterministic relationship ensures that the masked factual content can be deterministically inferable based on the existing clues in the context. That would provide more stable patterns for PLMs to capture factual knowledge than randomly masking. Two pre-training tasks are further introduced to motivate PLMs to rely on the deterministic relationship when filling masks. Specifically, we use an external Knowledge Base (KB) to identify deterministic relationships and continuously pre-train PLMs with the proposed methods. The factual knowledge probing experiments indicate that the continuously pre-trained PLMs achieve better robustness in factual knowledge capturing. Further experiments on question-answering datasets show that trying to learn a deterministic relationship with the proposed methods can also help other knowledge-intensive tasks.

Hyperlink-induced Pre-training for Passage Retrieval in Open-domain Question Answering
Jiawei Zhou | Xiaoguang Li | Lifeng Shang | Lan Luo | Ke Zhan | Enrui Hu | Xinyu Zhang | Hao Jiang | Zhao Cao | Fan Yu | Xin Jiang | Qun Liu | Lei Chen
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

To alleviate the data scarcity problem in training question answering systems, recent works propose additional intermediate pre-training for dense passage retrieval (DPR). However, there still remains a large discrepancy between the provided upstream signals and the downstream question-passage relevance, which leads to less improvement. To bridge this gap, we propose the HyperLink-induced Pre-training (HLP), a method to pre-train the dense retriever with the text relevance induced by hyperlink-based topology within Web documents. We demonstrate that the hyperlink-based structures of dual-link and co-mention can provide effective relevance signals for large-scale pre-training that better facilitate downstream passage retrieval. We investigate the effectiveness of our approach across a wide range of open-domain QA datasets under zero-shot, few-shot, multi-hop, and out-of-domain scenarios. The experiments show our HLP outperforms the BM25 by up to 7 points as well as other pre-training methods by more than 10 points in terms of top-20 retrieval accuracy under the zero-shot scenario. Furthermore, HLP significantly outperforms other pre-training methods under the other scenarios.

A Copy-Augmented Generative Model for Open-Domain Question Answering
Shuang Liu | Dong Wang | Xiaoguang Li | Minghui Huang | Meizhen Ding
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Open-domain question answering is a challenging task with a wide variety of practical applications. Existing modern approaches mostly follow a standard two-stage paradigm: retriever then reader. In this article, we focus on improving the effectiveness of the reader module and propose a novel copy-augmented generative approach that integrates the merits of both extractive and generative readers. In particular, our model is built upon the powerful generative model FiD (CITATION). We enhance the original generative reader by incorporating a pointer network to encourage the model to directly copy words from the retrieved passages. We conduct experiments on the two benchmark datasets, Natural Questions and TriviaQA, and the empirical results demonstrate the performance gains of our proposed approach.