Wuttikorn Ponwitayarat


Space Decomposition for Sentence Embedding
Wuttikorn Ponwitayarat | Peerat Limkonchotiwat | Ekapol Chuangsuwanich | Sarana Nutanong
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Determining sentence pair similarity is crucial for various NLP tasks. A common technique to address this is typically evaluated on a continuous semantic textual similarity scale from 0 to 5. However, based on a linguistic observation in STS annotation guidelines, we found that the score in the range [4,5] indicates an upper-range sample, while the rest are lower-range samples. This necessitates a new approach to treating the upper-range and lower-range classes separately. In this paper, we introduce a novel embedding space decomposition method called MixSP utilizing a Mixture of Specialized Projectors, designed to distinguish and rank upper-range and lower-range samples accurately. The experimental results demonstrate that MixSP decreased the overlap representation between upper-range and lower-range classes significantly while outperforming competitors on STS and zero-shot benchmarks.


An Efficient Self-Supervised Cross-View Training For Sentence Embedding
Peerat Limkonchotiwat | Wuttikorn Ponwitayarat | Lalita Lowphansirikul | Can Udomcharoenchaikit | Ekapol Chuangsuwanich | Sarana Nutanong
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 11

Self-supervised sentence representation learning is the task of constructing an embedding space for sentences without relying on human annotation efforts. One straightforward approach is to finetune a pretrained language model (PLM) with a representation learning method such as contrastive learning. While this approach achieves impressive performance on larger PLMs, the performance rapidly degrades as the number of parameters decreases. In this paper, we propose a framework called Self-supervised Cross-View Training (SCT) to narrow the performance gap between large and small PLMs. To evaluate the effectiveness of SCT, we compare it to 5 baseline and state-of-the-art competitors on seven Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) benchmarks using 5 PLMs with the number of parameters ranging from 4M to 340M. The experimental results show that STC outperforms the competitors for PLMs with less than 100M parameters in 18 of 21 cases.1

Typo-Robust Representation Learning for Dense Retrieval
Panuthep Tasawong | Wuttikorn Ponwitayarat | Peerat Limkonchotiwat | Can Udomcharoenchaikit | Ekapol Chuangsuwanich | Sarana Nutanong
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Dense retrieval is a basic building block of information retrieval applications. One of the main challenges of dense retrieval in real-world settings is the handling of queries containing misspelled words. A popular approach for handling misspelled queries is minimizing the representations discrepancy between misspelled queries and their pristine ones. Unlike the existing approaches, which only focus on the alignment between misspelled and pristine queries, our method also improves the contrast between each misspelled query and its surrounding queries. To assess the effectiveness of our proposed method, we compare it against the existing competitors using two benchmark datasets and two base encoders. Our method outperforms the competitors in all cases with misspelled queries. Our code and models are available at https://github.com/panuthept/DST-DenseRetrieval.


CL-ReLKT: Cross-lingual Language Knowledge Transfer for Multilingual Retrieval Question Answering
Peerat Limkonchotiwat | Wuttikorn Ponwitayarat | Can Udomcharoenchaikit | Ekapol Chuangsuwanich | Sarana Nutanong
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2022

Cross-Lingual Retrieval Question Answering (CL-ReQA) is concerned with retrieving answer documents or passages to a question written in a different language. A common approach to CL-ReQA is to create a multilingual sentence embedding space such that question-answer pairs across different languages are close to each other. In this paper, we propose a novel CL-ReQA method utilizing the concept of language knowledge transfer and a new cross-lingual consistency training technique to create a multilingual embedding space for ReQA. To assess the effectiveness of our work, we conducted comprehensive experiments on CL-ReQA and a downstream task, machine reading QA. We compared our proposed method with the current state-of-the-art solutions across three public CL-ReQA corpora. Our method outperforms competitors in 19 out of 21 settings of CL-ReQA. When used with a downstream machine reading QA task, our method outperforms the best existing language-model-based method by 10% in F1 while being 10 times faster in sentence embedding computation. The code and models are available at https://github.com/mrpeerat/CL-ReLKT.

ConGen: Unsupervised Control and Generalization Distillation For Sentence Representation
Peerat Limkonchotiwat | Wuttikorn Ponwitayarat | Lalita Lowphansirikul | Can Udomcharoenchaikit | Ekapol Chuangsuwanich | Sarana Nutanong
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Sentence representations are essential in many NLP tasks operating at the sentence level.Recently, research attention has shifted towards learning how to represent sentences without any annotations, i.e., unsupervised representation learning. Despite the benefit of training without supervised data, there is still a performance penalty compared to supervised methods.Furthermore, the supervised-unsupervised performance gap widens as we reduce the model size. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised sentence representation method to reduce the supervised-unsupervised performance gap, especially for smaller models. Utilizing the concept for knowledge distillation, we derive a distillation framework comprising two training objectives, control and generalize, called ConGen. Experiments on semantic textual similarity (STS), text classification (transfer), and natural language inference (NLI) tasks show that ConGen is on par with supervised training even on smaller models.Furthermore, our method consistently outperformed competitors on multilingual STS.The code and models are available at https://github.com/KornWtp/ConGen.

Mitigating Spurious Correlation in Natural Language Understanding with Counterfactual Inference
Can Udomcharoenchaikit | Wuttikorn Ponwitayarat | Patomporn Payoungkhamdee | Kanruethai Masuk | Weerayut Buaphet | Ekapol Chuangsuwanich | Sarana Nutanong
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Despite their promising results on standard benchmarks, NLU models are still prone to make predictions based on shortcuts caused by unintended bias in the dataset. For example, an NLI model may use lexical overlap as a shortcut to make entailment predictions due to repetitive data generation patterns from annotators, also called annotation artifacts. In this paper, we propose a causal analysis framework to help debias NLU models. We show that (1) by defining causal relationships, we can introspect how much annotation artifacts affect the outcomes. (2) We can utilize counterfactual inference to mitigate bias with this knowledge. We found that viewing a model as a treatment can mitigate bias more effectively than viewing annotation artifacts as treatment. (3) In addition to bias mitigation, we can interpret how much each debiasing strategy is affected by annotation artifacts. Our experimental results show that using counterfactual inference can improve out-of-distribution performance in all settings while maintaining high in-distribution performance.