Wenqi Ren


Insert or Attach: Taxonomy Completion via Box Embedding
Wei Xue | Yongliang Shen | Wenqi Ren | Jietian Guo | Shiliang Pu | Weiming Lu
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Taxonomy completion, enriching existing taxonomies by inserting new concepts as parents or attaching them as children, has gained significant interest. Previous approaches embed concepts as vectors in Euclidean space, which makes it difficult to model asymmetric relations in taxonomy. In addition, they introduce pseudo-leaves to convert attachment cases into insertion cases, leading to an incorrect bias in network learning dominated by numerous pseudo-leaves. Addressing these, our framework, TaxBox, leverages box containment and center closeness to design two specialized geometric scorers within the box embedding space. These scorers are tailored for insertion and attachment operations and can effectively capture intrinsic relationships between concepts by optimizing on a granular box constraint loss. We employ a dynamic ranking loss mechanism to balance the scores from these scorers, allowing adaptive adjustments of insertion and attachment scores. Experiments on four real-world datasets show that TaxBox significantly outperforms previous methods, yielding substantial improvements over prior methods in real-world datasets, with average performance boosts of 6.7%, 34.9%, and 51.4% in MRR, Hit@1, and Prec@1, respectively.


MProto: Multi-Prototype Network with Denoised Optimal Transport for Distantly Supervised Named Entity Recognition
Shuhui Wu | Yongliang Shen | Zeqi Tan | Wenqi Ren | Jietian Guo | Shiliang Pu | Weiming Lu
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Distantly supervised named entity recognition (DS-NER) aims to locate entity mentions and classify their types with only knowledge bases or gazetteers and unlabeled corpus. However, distant annotations are noisy and degrade the performance of NER models. In this paper, we propose a noise-robust prototype network named MProto for the DS-NER task. Different from previous prototype-based NER methods, MProto represents each entity type with multiple prototypes to characterize the intra-class variance among entity representations. To optimize the classifier, each token should be assigned an appropriate ground-truth prototype and we consider such token-prototype assignment as an optimal transport (OT) problem. Furthermore, to mitigate the noise from incomplete labeling, we propose a novel denoised optimal transport (DOT) algorithm. Specifically, we utilize the assignment result between *Other* class tokens and all prototypes to distinguish unlabeled entity tokens from true negatives. Experiments on several DS-NER benchmarks demonstrate that our MProto achieves state-of-the-art performance. The source code is now available on Github.