Weixiang Yan


Advancing Precise Outline-Conditioned Text Generation with Task Duality and Explicit Outline Control
Yunzhe Li | Qian Chen | Weixiang Yan | Wen Wang | Qinglin Zhang | Hari Sundaram
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Existing works on outline-conditioned text generation typically aim to generate text using provided outlines as rough sketches, such as keywords and phrases. However, these approaches make it challenging to control the quality of text generation and assess consistency between outlines and generated texts due to lack of clarity and rationality of the rough outlines. In this paper, we introduce a novel text generation task called Precise Outline-conditioned Generation, which requires generating stories based on specific, sentence-level outlines. To facilitate research on this task, we construct two new datasets, WPOG and CDM. We provide strong baselines based on fine-tuning models such as BART and GPT-2, and evaluating zero-shot performance of models such as ChatGPT and Vicuna. Furthermore, we identify an issue of imbalanced utilization of the outline information in the precise outline-conditioned generation, which is ubiquitously observed across fine-tuned models and zero-shot inference models. To address this issue, we propose an explicit outline utilization control approach and a novel framework that leverages the task duality between summarization and generation. Experimental results show that the proposed approaches effectively alleviate the issue of imbalanced outline utilization and enhance the quality of precise outline-conditioned text generation for both fine-tuning and zero-shot settings.

CodeScope: An Execution-based Multilingual Multitask Multidimensional Benchmark for Evaluating LLMs on Code Understanding and Generation
Weixiang Yan | Haitian Liu | Yunkun Wang | Yunzhe Li | Qian Chen | Wen Wang | Tingyu Lin | Weishan Zhao | Li Zhu | Hari Sundaram | Shuiguang Deng
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance on assisting humans in programming and facilitating programming automation. However, existing benchmarks for evaluating the code understanding and generation capacities of LLMs suffer from severe limitations. First, most benchmarks are insufficient as they focus on a narrow range of popular programming languages and specific tasks, whereas real-world software development scenarios show a critical need to implement systems with multilingual and multitask programming environments to satisfy diverse requirements. Second, most benchmarks fail to consider the actual executability and the consistency of execution results of the generated code. To bridge these gaps between existing benchmarks and expectations from practical applications, we introduce **CodeScope**, an execution-based, multilingual, multitask, multidimensional evaluation benchmark for comprehensively measuring LLM capabilities on coding tasks. CodeScope covers **43 programming languages** and **eight coding tasks**. It evaluates the coding performance of LLMs from three dimensions (perspectives): **length**, **difficulty**, and **efficiency**. To facilitate execution-based evaluations of code generation, we develop **MultiCodeEngine**, an automated code execution engine that supports 14 programming languages. Finally, we systematically evaluate and analyze eight mainstream LLMs and demonstrate the superior breadth and challenges of CodeScope for evaluating LLMs on code understanding and generation tasks compared to other benchmarks. The CodeScope benchmark and code are publicly available at https://github.com/WeixiangYAN/CodeScope.


CodeTransOcean: A Comprehensive Multilingual Benchmark for Code Translation
Weixiang Yan | Yuchen Tian | Yunzhe Li | Qian Chen | Wen Wang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Recent code translation techniques exploit neural machine translation models to translate source code from one programming language to another to satisfy production compatibility or to improve efficiency of codebase maintenance. Most existing code translation datasets only focus on a single pair of popular programming languages. To advance research on code translation and meet diverse requirements of real-world applications, we construct **CodeTransOcean**, a large-scale comprehensive benchmark that supports the largest variety of programming languages for code translation. CodeTransOcean consists of three novel multilingual datasets, namely, **MultilingualTrans** supporting translations between multiple popular programming languages, **NicheTrans** for translating between niche programming languages and popular ones, and **LLMTrans** for evaluating executability of translated code by large language models (LLMs). CodeTransOcean also includes a novel cross-framework dataset, **DLTrans**, for translating deep learning code across different frameworks. We develop multilingual modeling approaches for code translation and demonstrate their great potential in improving the translation quality of both low-resource and high-resource language pairs and boosting the training efficiency. We also propose a novel evaluation metric **Debugging Success Rate@K** for program-level code translation. Last but not least, we evaluate LLM ChatGPT on our datasets and investigate its potential for fuzzy execution predictions. We build baselines for CodeTransOcean and analyze challenges of code translation for guiding future research. The CodeTransOcean datasets and code are publicly available at https://github.com/WeixiangYAN/CodeTransOcean.