Tianqi Zhong


Benchmarking and Improving Compositional Generalization of Multi-aspect Controllable Text Generation
Tianqi Zhong | Zhaoyi Li | Quan Wang | Linqi Song | Ying Wei | Defu Lian | Zhendong Mao
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Compositional generalization, representing the model’s ability to generate text with new attribute combinations obtained by recombining single attributes from the training data, is a crucial property for multi-aspect controllable text generation (MCTG) methods. Nonetheless, a comprehensive compositional generalization evaluation benchmark of MCTG is still lacking. We propose CompMCTG, a benchmark encompassing diverse multi-aspect labeled datasets and a crafted three-dimensional evaluation protocol, to holistically evaluate the compositional generalization of MCTG approaches. We observe that existing MCTG works generally confront a noticeable performance drop in compositional testing. To mitigate this issue, we introduce Meta-MCTG, a training framework incorporating meta-learning, where we enable models to learn how to generalize by simulating compositional generalization scenarios in the training phase. We demonstrate the effectiveness of Meta-MCTG through achieving obvious improvement (by at most 3.64%) for compositional testing performance in 94.4%.


Air-Decoding: Attribute Distribution Reconstruction for Decoding-Time Controllable Text Generation
Tianqi Zhong | Quan Wang | Jingxuan Han | Yongdong Zhang | Zhendong Mao
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Controllable text generation (CTG) aims to generate text with desired attributes, and decoding-time-based methods have shown promising performance on this task. However, in this paper, we identify the phenomenon of Attribute Collapse for the first time. It causes the fluency of generated text to rapidly decrease when the control strength exceeds a critical value, rendering the text completely unusable. This limitation hinders the effectiveness of decoding methods in achieving high levels of controllability. To address this problem, we propose a novel lightweight decoding framework named Air-Decoding. Its main idea is reconstructing the attribute distributions to balance the weights between attribute words and non-attribute words to generate more fluent text. Specifically, we train prefixes by prefix-tuning to obtain attribute distributions. Then we design a novel attribute distribution reconstruction method to balance the obtained distributions and use the reconstructed distributions to guide language models for generation, effectively avoiding the issue of Attribute Collapse. Experiments on multiple CTG tasks prove that our method achieves a new state-of-the-art control performance.