Srikanth Ronanki


SpeechGuard: Exploring the Adversarial Robustness of Multi-modal Large Language Models
Raghuveer Peri | Sai Muralidhar Jayanthi | Srikanth Ronanki | Anshu Bhatia | Karel Mundnich | Saket Dingliwal | Nilaksh Das | Zejiang Hou | Goeric Huybrechts | Srikanth Vishnubhotla | Daniel Garcia-Romero | Sundararajan Srinivasan | Kyu Han | Katrin Kirchhoff
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Integrated Speech and Large Language Models (SLMs) that can follow speech instructions and generate relevant text responses have gained popularity lately. However, the safety and robustness of these models remains largely unclear. In this work, we investigate the potential vulnerabilities of such instruction-following speech-language models to adversarial attacks and jailbreaking. Specifically, we design algorithms that can generate adversarial examples to jailbreak SLMs in both white-box and black-box attack settings without human involvement. Additionally, we propose countermeasures to thwart such jailbreaking attacks. Our models, trained on dialog data with speech instructions, achieve state-of-the-art performance on spoken question-answering task, scoring over 80% on both safety and helpfulness metrics. Despite safety guardrails, experiments on jailbreaking demonstrate the vulnerability of SLMs to adversarial perturbations and transfer attacks, with average attack success rates of 90% and 10% respectively when evaluated on a dataset of carefully designed harmful questions spanning 12 different toxic categories. However, we demonstrate that our proposed countermeasures reduce the attack success significantly.


AdaBERT-CTC: Leveraging BERT-CTC for Text-Only Domain Adaptation in ASR
Tyler Vuong | Karel Mundnich | Dhanush Bekal | Veera Elluru | Srikanth Ronanki | Sravan Bodapati
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track

End-to-end (E2E) automatic speech recognition (ASR) models are becoming increasingly popular in commercial applications, such as virtual assistants, closed captioning, and dictation systems. The accuracy of the ASR is crucial to their success. However, E2E models still struggle to recognize out-of-domain words such as proper nouns and domain-specific terms. In this paper we introduce AdaBERT-CTC, a domain adaptation technique that relies solely on textual data. Our method allows for text-only adaptation by fine-tuning a pre-trained self-supervised text encoder model. Additionally, we show that our method can be made parameter-efficient by adding bottleneck adapters to the pre-trained model. This allows for adaptation with less than a 5% increase in parameters and minimal computational overhead during inference. We demonstrate that our approach outperforms the base BERT-CTC model by up to 14% relative word error rate improvement on several out-of-domain, publicly available datasets.

Retrieve and Copy: Scaling ASR Personalization to Large Catalogs
Sai Muralidhar Jayanthi | Devang Kulshreshtha | Saket Dingliwal | Srikanth Ronanki | Sravan Bodapati
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track

Personalization of automatic speech recognition (ASR) models is a widely studied topic because of its many practical applications. Most recently, attention-based contextual biasing techniques are used to improve the recognition of rare words and/or domain specific entities. However, due to performance constraints, the biasing is often limited to a few thousand entities, restricting real-world usability. To address this, we first propose a “Retrieve and Copy” mechanism to improve latency while retaining the accuracy even when scaled to a large catalog. We also propose a training strategy to overcome the degradation in recall at such scale due to an increased number of confusing entities. Overall, our approach achieves up to 6% more Word Error Rate reduction (WERR) and 3.6% absolute improvement in F1 when compared to a strong baseline. Our method also allows for large catalog sizes of up to 20K without significantly affecting WER and F1-scores, while achieving at least 20% inference speedup per acoustic frame.


Robust Prediction of Punctuation and Truecasing for Medical ASR
Monica Sunkara | Srikanth Ronanki | Kalpit Dixit | Sravan Bodapati | Katrin Kirchhoff
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Medical Conversations

Automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems in the medical domain that focus on transcribing clinical dictations and doctor-patient conversations often pose many challenges due to the complexity of the domain. ASR output typically undergoes automatic punctuation to enable users to speak naturally, without having to vocalize awkward and explicit punctuation commands, such as “period”, “add comma” or “exclamation point”, while truecasing enhances user readability and improves the performance of downstream NLP tasks. This paper proposes a conditional joint modeling framework for prediction of punctuation and truecasing using pretrained masked language models such as BERT, BioBERT and RoBERTa. We also present techniques for domain and task specific adaptation by fine-tuning masked language models with medical domain data. Finally, we improve the robustness of the model against common errors made in ASR by performing data augmentation. Experiments performed on dictation and conversational style corpora show that our proposed model achieves 5% absolute improvement on ground truth text and 10% improvement on ASR outputs over baseline models under F1 metric.


In Other News: a Bi-style Text-to-speech Model for Synthesizing Newscaster Voice with Limited Data
Nishant Prateek | Mateusz Łajszczak | Roberto Barra-Chicote | Thomas Drugman | Jaime Lorenzo-Trueba | Thomas Merritt | Srikanth Ronanki | Trevor Wood
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 2 (Industry Papers)

Neural text-to-speech synthesis (NTTS) models have shown significant progress in generating high-quality speech, however they require a large quantity of training data. This makes creating models for multiple styles expensive and time-consuming. In this paper different styles of speech are analysed based on prosodic variations, from this a model is proposed to synthesise speech in the style of a newscaster, with just a few hours of supplementary data. We pose the problem of synthesising in a target style using limited data as that of creating a bi-style model that can synthesise both neutral-style and newscaster-style speech via a one-hot vector which factorises the two styles. We also propose conditioning the model on contextual word embeddings, and extensively evaluate it against neutral NTTS, and neutral concatenative-based synthesis. This model closes the gap in perceived style-appropriateness between natural recordings for newscaster-style of speech, and neutral speech synthesis by approximately two-thirds.