Simone Tedeschi


CNER: Concept and Named Entity Recognition
Giuliano Martinelli | Francesco Molfese | Simone Tedeschi | Alberte Fernández-Castro | Roberto Navigli
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Named entities – typically expressed via proper nouns – play a key role in Natural Language Processing, as their identification and comprehension are crucial in tasks such as Relation Extraction, Coreference Resolution and Question Answering, among others. Tasks like these also often entail dealing with concepts – typically represented by common nouns – which, however, have not received as much attention. Indeed, the potential of their identification and understanding remains underexplored, as does the benefit of a synergistic formulation with named entities. To fill this gap, we introduce Concept and Named Entity Recognition (CNER), a new unified task that handles concepts and entities mentioned in unstructured texts seamlessly. We put forward a comprehensive set of categories that can be used to model concepts and named entities jointly, and propose new approaches for the creation of CNER datasets. We evaluate the benefits of performing CNER as a unified task extensively, showing that a CNER model gains up to +5.4 and +8 macro F1 points when compared to specialized named entity and concept recognition systems, respectively. Finally, to encourage the development of CNER systems, we release our datasets and models at

CroCoAlign: A Cross-Lingual, Context-Aware and Fully-Neural Sentence Alignment System for Long Texts
Francesco Molfese | Andrei Bejgu | Simone Tedeschi | Simone Conia | Roberto Navigli
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Sentence alignment – establishing links between corresponding sentences in two related documents – is an important NLP task with several downstream applications, such as machine translation (MT). Despite the fact that existing sentence alignment systems have achieved promising results, their effectiveness is based on auxiliary information such as document metadata or machine-generated translations, as well as hyperparameter-sensitive techniques. Moreover, these systems often overlook the crucial role that context plays in the alignment process. In this paper, we address the aforementioned issues and propose CroCoAlign: the first context-aware, end-to-end and fully neural architecture for sentence alignment. Our system maps source and target sentences in long documents by contextualizing their sentence embeddings with respect to the other sentences in the document. We extensively evaluate CroCoAlign on a multilingual dataset consisting of 20 language pairs derived from the Opus project, and demonstrate that our model achieves state-of-the-art performance. To ensure reproducibility, we release our code and model checkpoints at

Analyzing Homonymy Disambiguation Capabilities of Pretrained Language Models
Lorenzo Proietti | Stefano Perrella | Simone Tedeschi | Giulia Vulpis | Leonardo Lavalle | Andrea Sanchietti | Andrea Ferrari | Roberto Navigli
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) is a key task in Natural Language Processing (NLP), aiming to assign the correct meaning (sense) to a word in context. However, traditional WSD systems rely on WordNet as the underlying sense inventory, often differentiating meticulously between subtle nuances of word meanings, which may lead to excessive complexity and reduced practicality of WSD systems in today’s NLP. Indeed, current Pretrained Language Models (PLMs) do seem to be able to perform disambiguation, but it is not clear to what extent, or to what level of granularity, they actually operate. In this paper, we address these points and, firstly, introduce a new large-scale resource that leverages homonymy relations to systematically cluster WordNet senses, effectively reducing the granularity of word senses to a very coarse-grained level; secondly, we use this resource to train Homonymy Disambiguation systems and investigate whether PLMs are inherently able to differentiate coarse-grained word senses. Our findings demonstrate that, while state-of-the-art models still struggle to choose the correct fine-grained meaning of a word in context, Homonymy Disambiguation systems are able to differentiate homonyms with up to 95% accuracy scores even without fine-tuning the underlying PLM. We release our data and code at

Language Pivoting from Parallel Corpora for Word Sense Disambiguation of Historical Languages: A Case Study on Latin
Iacopo Ghinassi | Simone Tedeschi | Paola Marongiu | Roberto Navigli | Barbara McGillivray
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) is an important task in NLP, which serves the purpose of automatically disambiguating a polysemous word with its most likely sense in context. Recent studies have advanced the state of the art in this task, but most of the work has been carried out on contemporary English or other modern languages, leaving challenges posed by low-resource languages and diachronic change open. Although the problem with low-resource languages has recently been mitigated by using existing multilingual resources to propagate otherwise expensive annotations from English to other languages, such techniques have hitherto not been applied to historical languages such as Latin. In this work, we make the following two major contributions. First, we test such a strategy on a historical language and propose a new approach in this framework which makes use of existing bilingual corpora instead of native English datasets. Second, we fine-tune a Latin WSD model on the data produced and achieve state-of-the-art results on a standard benchmark for the task. Finally, we release the dataset generated with our approach, which is the largest dataset for Latin WSD to date. This work opens the door to further research, as our approach can be used for different historical and, generally, under-resourced languages.


REDFM: a Filtered and Multilingual Relation Extraction Dataset
‪Pere-Lluís Huguet Cabot | Simone Tedeschi | Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo | Roberto Navigli
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Relation Extraction (RE) is a task that identifies relationships between entities in a text, enabling the acquisition of relational facts and bridging the gap between natural language and structured knowledge. However, current RE models often rely on small datasets with low coverage of relation types, particularly when working with languages other than English.In this paper, we address the above issue and provide two new resources that enable the training and evaluation of multilingual RE systems. First, we present SREDFM, an automatically annotated dataset covering 18 languages, 400 relation types, 13 entity types, totaling more than 40 million triplet instances. Second, we propose REDFM, a smaller, human-revised dataset for seven languages that allows for the evaluation of multilingual RE systems. To demonstrate the utility of these novel datasets, we experiment with the first end-to-end multilingual RE model, mREBEL, that extracts triplets, including entity types, in multiple languages. We release our resources and model checkpoints at [](

What’s the Meaning of Superhuman Performance in Today’s NLU?
Simone Tedeschi | Johan Bos | Thierry Declerck | Jan Hajič | Daniel Hershcovich | Eduard Hovy | Alexander Koller | Simon Krek | Steven Schockaert | Rico Sennrich | Ekaterina Shutova | Roberto Navigli
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

In the last five years, there has been a significant focus in Natural Language Processing (NLP) on developing larger Pretrained Language Models (PLMs) and introducing benchmarks such as SuperGLUE and SQuAD to measure their abilities in language understanding, reasoning, and reading comprehension. These PLMs have achieved impressive results on these benchmarks, even surpassing human performance in some cases. This has led to claims of superhuman capabilities and the provocative idea that certain tasks have been solved. In this position paper, we take a critical look at these claims and ask whether PLMs truly have superhuman abilities and what the current benchmarks are really evaluating. We show that these benchmarks have serious limitations affecting the comparison between humans and PLMs and provide recommendations for fairer and more transparent benchmarks.


EUREKA: EUphemism Recognition Enhanced through Knn-based methods and Augmentation
Sedrick Scott Keh | Rohit Bharadwaj | Emmy Liu | Simone Tedeschi | Varun Gangal | Roberto Navigli
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Figurative Language Processing (FLP)

We introduce EUREKA, an ensemble-based approach for performing automatic euphemism detection. We (1) identify and correct potentially mislabelled rows in the dataset, (2) curate an expanded corpus called EuphAug, (3) leverage model representations of Potentially Euphemistic Terms (PETs), and (4) explore using representations of semantically close sentences to aid in classification. Using our augmented dataset and kNN-based methods, EUREKA was able to achieve state-of-the-art results on the public leaderboard of the Euphemism Detection Shared Task, ranking first with a macro F1 score of 0.881.

MultiNERD: A Multilingual, Multi-Genre and Fine-Grained Dataset for Named Entity Recognition (and Disambiguation)
Simone Tedeschi | Roberto Navigli
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2022

Named Entity Recognition (NER) is the task of identifying named entities in texts and classifying them through specific semantic categories, a process which is crucial for a wide range of NLP applications. Current datasets for NER focus mainly on coarse-grained entity types, tend to consider a single textual genre and to cover a narrow set of languages, thus limiting the general applicability of NER systems. In this work, we design a new methodology for automatically producing NER annotations, and address the aforementioned limitations by introducing a novel dataset that covers 10 languages, 15 NER categories and 2 textual genres. We also introduce a manually-annotated test set, and extensively evaluate the quality of our novel dataset on both this new test set and standard benchmarks for NER.In addition, in our dataset, we include: i) disambiguation information to enable the development of multilingual entity linking systems, and ii) image URLs to encourage the creation of multimodal systems. We release our dataset at

ID10M: Idiom Identification in 10 Languages
Simone Tedeschi | Federico Martelli | Roberto Navigli
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2022

Idioms are phrases which present a figurative meaning that cannot be (completely) derived by looking at the meaning of their individual components. Identifying and understanding idioms in context is a crucial goal and a key challenge in a wide range of Natural Language Understanding tasks. Although efforts have been undertaken in this direction, the automatic identification and understanding of idioms is still a largely under-investigated area, especially when operating in a multilingual scenario. In this paper, we address such limitations and put forward several new contributions: we propose a novel multilingual Transformer-based system for the identification of idioms; we produce a high-quality automatically-created training dataset in 10 languages, along with a novel manually-curated evaluation benchmark; finally, we carry out a thorough performance analysis and release our evaluation suite at

NER4ID at SemEval-2022 Task 2: Named Entity Recognition for Idiomaticity Detection
Simone Tedeschi | Roberto Navigli
Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2022)

Idioms are lexically-complex phrases whose meaning cannot be derived by compositionally interpreting their components. Although the automatic identification and understanding of idioms is essential for a wide range of Natural Language Understanding tasks, they are still largely under-investigated. This motivated the organization of the SemEval-2022 Task 2, which is divided into two multilingual subtasks: one about idiomaticity detection, and the other about sentence embeddings. In this work, we focus on the first subtask and propose a Transformer-based dual-encoder architecture to compute the semantic similarity between a potentially-idiomatic expression and its context and, based on this, predict idiomaticity. Then, we show how and to what extent Named Entity Recognition can be exploited to reduce the degree of confusion of idiom identification systems and, therefore, improve performance. Our model achieves 92.1 F1 in the one-shot setting and shows strong robustness towards unseen idioms achieving 77.4 F1 in the zero-shot setting. We release our code at


WikiNEuRal: Combined Neural and Knowledge-based Silver Data Creation for Multilingual NER
Simone Tedeschi | Valentino Maiorca | Niccolò Campolungo | Francesco Cecconi | Roberto Navigli
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021

Multilingual Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a key intermediate task which is needed in many areas of NLP. In this paper, we address the well-known issue of data scarcity in NER, especially relevant when moving to a multilingual scenario, and go beyond current approaches to the creation of multilingual silver data for the task. We exploit the texts of Wikipedia and introduce a new methodology based on the effective combination of knowledge-based approaches and neural models, together with a novel domain adaptation technique, to produce high-quality training corpora for NER. We evaluate our datasets extensively on standard benchmarks for NER, yielding substantial improvements up to 6 span-based F1-score points over previous state-of-the-art systems for data creation.

Named Entity Recognition for Entity Linking: What Works and What’s Next
Simone Tedeschi | Simone Conia | Francesco Cecconi | Roberto Navigli
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021

Entity Linking (EL) systems have achieved impressive results on standard benchmarks mainly thanks to the contextualized representations provided by recent pretrained language models. However, such systems still require massive amounts of data – millions of labeled examples – to perform at their best, with training times that often exceed several days, especially when limited computational resources are available. In this paper, we look at how Named Entity Recognition (NER) can be exploited to narrow the gap between EL systems trained on high and low amounts of labeled data. More specifically, we show how and to what extent an EL system can benefit from NER to enhance its entity representations, improve candidate selection, select more effective negative samples and enforce hard and soft constraints on its output entities. We release our software – code and model checkpoints – at