Shwai He


Selective Reflection-Tuning: Student-Selected Data Recycling for LLM Instruction-Tuning
Ming Li | Lichang Chen | Jiuhai Chen | Shwai He | Jiuxiang Gu | Tianyi Zhou
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Instruction tuning is critical to large language models (LLMs) for achieving better instruction following and task adaptation capabilities but its success heavily relies on the training data quality. Many recent methods focus on improving the data quality but often overlook the compatibility of the data with the student model being finetuned. This paper introduces Selective Reflection-Tuning, a novel paradigm that synergizes a teacher LLM’s reflection and introspection for improving existing data quality with the data selection capability of the student LLM, to automatically refine existing instruction-tuning data. This teacher-student collaboration produces high-quality and student-compatible instruction-response pairs, resulting in sample-efficient instruction tuning and LLMs of superior performance. Selective Reflection-Tuning is a data augmentation and synthesis that generally improves LLM finetuning and self-improvement without collecting brand-new data. We apply our method to Alpaca and WizardLM data and achieve much stronger and top-tier 7B and 13B LLMs.

Superfiltering: Weak-to-Strong Data Filtering for Fast Instruction-Tuning
Ming Li | Yong Zhang | Shwai He | Zhitao Li | Hongyu Zhao | Jianzong Wang | Ning Cheng | Tianyi Zhou
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Instruction tuning is critical to improve LLMs but usually suffers from low-quality and redundant data. Data filtering for instruction tuning has proved important in improving both the efficiency and performance of the tuning process. But it also leads to extra cost and computation due to the involvement of LLMs in this process. To reduce the filtering cost, we study Superfiltering: Can we use a smaller and weaker model to select data for finetuning a larger and stronger model? Despite the performance gap between weak and strong language models, we find their highly consistent capability to perceive instruction difficulty and data selection results. This enables us to use a much smaller and more efficient model to filter the instruction data used to train a larger language model. Not only does it largely speed up the data filtering, but the filtered-data-finetuned LLM achieves even better performance on standard benchmarks. Extensive experiments validate the efficacy and efficiency of our approach.


Merging Experts into One: Improving Computational Efficiency of Mixture of Experts
Shwai He | Run-Ze Fan | Liang Ding | Li Shen | Tianyi Zhou | Dacheng Tao
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Scaling the size of language models usually leads to remarkable advancements in NLP tasks. But it often comes with a price of growing computational cost. Although a sparse Mixture of Experts (MoE) can reduce the cost by activating a small subset of parameters (e.g., one expert) for each input, its computation escalates significantly if increasing the number of activated experts, limiting its practical utility. Can we retain the advantages of adding more experts without substantially increasing the computational costs? In this paper, we first demonstrate the superiority of selecting multiple experts and then propose a computation-efficient approach called Merging Experts into One (MEO), which reduces the computation cost to that of a single expert. Extensive experiments show that MEO significantly improves computational efficiency, e.g., FLOPS drops from 72.0G of vanilla MoE to 28.6G (MEO). Moreover, we propose a token-level attention block that further enhances the efficiency and performance of token-level MEO, e.g., 83.3% (MEO) vs. 82.6% (vanilla MoE) average score on the GLUE benchmark. Our code will be released upon acceptance. Code will be released at:

PAD-Net: An Efficient Framework for Dynamic Networks
Shwai He | Liang Ding | Daize Dong | Boan Liu | Fuqiang Yu | Dacheng Tao
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Dynamic networks, e.g., Dynamic Convolution (DY-Conv) and the Mixture of Experts (MoE), have been extensively explored as they can considerably improve the model’s representation power with acceptable computational cost. The common practice in implementing dynamic networks is to convert the given static layers into fully dynamic ones where all parameters are dynamic (at least within a single layer) and vary with the input. However, such a fully dynamic setting may cause redundant parameters and high deployment costs, limiting the applicability of dynamic networks to a broader range of tasks and models. The main contributions of our work are challenging the basic commonsense in dynamic networks and proposing a partially dynamic network, namely PAD-Net, to transform the redundant dynamic parameters into static ones. Also, we further design Iterative Mode Partition to partition dynamic and static parameters efficiently. Our method is comprehensively supported by large-scale experiments with two typical advanced dynamic architectures, i.e., DY-Conv and MoE, on both image classification and GLUE benchmarks. Encouragingly, we surpass the fully dynamic networks by +0.7% top-1 acc with only 30% dynamic parameters for ResNet-50 and +1.9% average score in language understanding with only 50% dynamic parameters for BERT. Code will be released at:


SparseAdapter: An Easy Approach for Improving the Parameter-Efficiency of Adapters
Shwai He | Liang Ding | Daize Dong | Jeremy Zhang | Dacheng Tao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Adapter Tuning, which freezes the pretrained language models (PLMs) and only fine-tunes a few extra modules, becomes an appealing efficient alternative to the full model fine-tuning. Although computationally efficient, the recent Adapters often increase parameters (e.g. bottleneck dimension) for matching the performance of full model fine-tuning, which we argue goes against their original intention. In this work, we re-examine the parameter-efficiency of Adapter through the lens of network pruning (we name such plug-in concept as SparseAdapter) and find that SparseAdapter can achieve comparable or better performance than standard Adapters when the sparse ratio reaches up to 80%. Based on our findings, we introduce an easy but effective setting “Large-Sparse” to improve the model capacity of Adapters under the same parameter budget. Experiments on five competitive Adapters upon three advanced PLMs show that with proper sparse method (e.g. SNIP) and ratio (e.g. 40%) SparseAdapter can consistently outperform their corresponding counterpart. Encouragingly, with the Large-Sparse setting, we can obtain further appealing gains, even outperforming the full fine-tuning by a large margin.

Vega-MT: The JD Explore Academy Machine Translation System for WMT22
Changtong Zan | Keqin Peng | Liang Ding | Baopu Qiu | Boan Liu | Shwai He | Qingyu Lu | Zheng Zhang | Chuang Liu | Weifeng Liu | Yibing Zhan | Dacheng Tao
Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Machine Translation (WMT)

We describe the JD Explore Academy’s submission of the WMT 2022 shared general translation task. We participated in all high-resource tracks and one medium-resource track, including Chinese-English, German-English, Czech-English, Russian-English, and Japanese-English. We push the limit of our previous work – bidirectional training for translation by scaling up two main factors, i.e. language pairs and model sizes, namely the Vega-MT system. As for language pairs, we scale the “bidirectional” up to the “multidirectional” settings, covering all participating languages, to exploit the common knowledge across languages, and transfer them to the downstream bilingual tasks. As for model sizes, we scale the Transformer-Big up to the extremely large model that owns nearly 4.7 Billion parameters, to fully enhance the model capacity for our Vega-MT. Also, we adopt the data augmentation strategies, e.g. cycle translation for monolingual data, and bidirectional self-training for bilingual and monolingual data, to comprehensively exploit the bilingual and monolingual data. To adapt our Vega-MT to the general domain test set, generalization tuning is designed. Based on the official automatic scores of constrained systems, in terms of the sacreBLEU shown in Figure-1, we got the 1st place on Zh-En (33.5), En-Zh (49.7), De-En (33.7), En-De (37.8), Cs-En (54.9), En-Cs (41.4) and En-Ru (32.7), 2nd place on Ru-En (45.1) and Ja-En (25.6), and 3rd place on En-Ja(41.5), respectively; W.R.T the COMET, we got the 1st place on Zh-En (45.1), En-Zh (61.7), De-En (58.0), En-De (63.2), Cs-En (74.7), Ru-En (64.9), En-Ru (69.6) and En-Ja (65.1), 2nd place on En-Cs (95.3) and Ja-En (40.6), respectively. Models will be released to facilitate the MT community through GitHub and OmniForce Platform.