Shubhanshu Mishra


Beyond Binary Gender Labels: Revealing Gender Bias in LLMs through Gender-Neutral Name Predictions
Zhiwen You | HaeJin Lee | Shubhanshu Mishra | Sullam Jeoung | Apratim Mishra | Jinseok Kim | Jana Diesner
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing (GeBNLP)

Name-based gender prediction has traditionally categorized individuals as either female or male based on their names, using a binary classification system. That binary approach can be problematic in the cases of gender-neutral names that do not align with any one gender, among other reasons. Relying solely on binary gender categories without recognizing gender-neutral names can reduce the inclusiveness of gender prediction tasks. We introduce an additional gender category, i.e., “neutral”, to study and address potential gender biases in Large Language Models (LLMs). We evaluate the performance of several foundational and large language models in predicting gender based on first names only. Additionally, we investigate the impact of adding birth years to enhance the accuracy of gender prediction, accounting for shifting associations between names and genders over time. Our findings indicate that most LLMs identify male and female names with high accuracy (over 80%) but struggle with gender-neutral names (under 40%), and the accuracy of gender prediction is higher for English-based first names than non-English names. The experimental results show that incorporating the birth year does not improve the overall accuracy of gender prediction, especially for names with evolving gender associations. We recommend using caution when applying LLMs for gender identification in downstream tasks, particularly when dealing with non-binary gender labels.


PyTAIL: An Open Source Tool for Interactive and Incremental Learning of NLP Models with Human in the Loop for Online Data
Shubhanshu Mishra | Jana Diesner
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop for Natural Language Processing Open Source Software (NLP-OSS 2023)

Online data streams make training machine learning models hard because of distribution shift and new patterns emerging over time. For natural language processing (NLP) tasks that utilize a collection of features based on lexicons and rules, it is important to adapt these features to the changing data. To address this challenge we introduce PyTAIL, a python library, which allows a human in the loop approach to actively train NLP models. PyTAIL enhances generic active learning, which only suggests new instances to label by also suggesting new features like rules and lexicons to label. Furthermore, PyTAIL is flexible enough for users to accept, reject, or update rules and lexicons as the model is being trained. Finally, we simulate the performance of PyTAIL on existing social media benchmark datasets for text classification. We compare various active learning strategies on these benchmarks. The model closes the gap with as few as 10% of the training data. Finally, we also highlight the importance of tracking evaluation metric on remaining data (which is not yet merged with active learning) alongside the test dataset. This highlights the effectiveness of the model in accurately annotating the remaining dataset, which is especially suitable for batch processing of large unlabelled corpora. PyTAIL will be open sourced and available at


NTULM: Enriching Social Media Text Representations with Non-Textual Units
Jinning Li | Shubhanshu Mishra | Ahmed El-Kishky | Sneha Mehta | Vivek Kulkarni
Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT 2022)

On social media, additional context is often present in the form of annotations and meta-data such as the post’s author, mentions, Hashtags, and hyperlinks. We refer to these annotations as Non-Textual Units (NTUs). We posit that NTUs provide social context beyond their textual semantics and leveraging these units can enrich social media text representations. In this work we construct an NTU-centric social heterogeneous network to co-embed NTUs. We then principally integrate these NTU embeddings into a large pretrained language model by fine-tuning with these additional units. This adds context to noisy short-text social media. Experiments show that utilizing NTU-augmented text representations significantly outperforms existing text-only baselines by 2-5% relative points on many downstream tasks highlighting the importance of context to social media NLP. We also highlight that including NTU context into the initial layers of language model alongside text is better than using it after the text embedding is generated. Our work leads to the generation of holistic general purpose social media content embedding.

Robust Candidate Generation for Entity Linking on Short Social Media Texts
Liam Hebert | Raheleh Makki | Shubhanshu Mishra | Hamidreza Saghir | Anusha Kamath | Yuval Merhav
Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT 2022)

Entity Linking (EL) is the gateway into Knowledge Bases. Recent advances in EL utilize dense retrieval approaches for Candidate Generation, which addresses some of the shortcomings of the Lookup based approach of matching NER mentions against pre-computed dictionaries. In this work, we show that in the domain of Tweets, such methods suffer as users often include informal spelling, limited context, and lack of specificity, among other issues. We investigate these challenges on a large and recent Tweets benchmark for EL, empirically evaluate lookup and dense retrieval approaches, and demonstrate a hybrid solution using long contextual representation from Wikipedia is necessary to achieve considerable gains over previous work, achieving 0.93 recall.

Towards Improved Distantly Supervised Multilingual Named-Entity Recognition for Tweets
Ramy Eskander | Shubhanshu Mishra | Sneha Mehta | Sofia Samaniego | Aria Haghighi
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Multi-lingual Representation Learning (MRL)

Recent low-resource named-entity recognition (NER) work has shown impressive gains by leveraging a single multilingual model trained using distantly supervised data derived from cross-lingual knowledge bases. In this work, we investigate such approaches by leveraging Wikidata to build large-scale NER datasets of Tweets and propose two orthogonal improvements for low-resource NER in the Twitter social media domain: (1) leveraging domain-specific pre-training on Tweets; and (2) building a model for each language family rather than an all-in-one single multilingual model. For (1), we show that mBERT with Tweet pre-training outperforms the state-of-the-art multilingual transformer-based language model, LaBSE, by a relative increase of 34.6% in F1 when evaluated on Twitter data in a language-agnostic multilingual setting. For (2), we show that learning NER models for language families outperforms a single multilingual model by relative increases of 14.1%, 15.8% and 45.3% in F1 when utilizing mBERT, mBERT with Tweet pre-training and LaBSE, respectively. We conduct analyses and present examples for these observed improvements.


LMSOC: An Approach for Socially Sensitive Pretraining
Vivek Kulkarni | Shubhanshu Mishra | Aria Haghighi
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021

While large-scale pretrained language models have been shown to learn effective linguistic representations for many NLP tasks, there remain many real-world contextual aspects of language that current approaches do not capture. For instance, consider a cloze test “I enjoyed the _____ game this weekend”: the correct answer depends heavily on where the speaker is from, when the utterance occurred, and the speaker’s broader social milieu and preferences. Although language depends heavily on the geographical, temporal, and other social contexts of the speaker, these elements have not been incorporated into modern transformer-based language models. We propose a simple but effective approach to incorporate speaker social context into the learned representations of large-scale language models. Our method first learns dense representations of social contexts using graph representation learning algorithms and then primes language model pretraining with these social context representations. We evaluate our approach on geographically-sensitive language modeling tasks and show a substantial improvement (more than 100% relative lift on MRR) compared to baselines.

Improved Multilingual Language Model Pretraining for Social Media Text via Translation Pair Prediction
Shubhanshu Mishra | Aria Haghighi
Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT 2021)

We evaluate a simple approach to improving zero-shot multilingual transfer of mBERT on social media corpus by adding a pretraining task called translation pair prediction (TPP), which predicts whether a pair of cross-lingual texts are a valid translation. Our approach assumes access to translations (exact or approximate) between source-target language pairs, where we fine-tune a model on source language task data and evaluate the model in the target language. In particular, we focus on language pairs where transfer learning is difficult for mBERT: those where source and target languages are different in script, vocabulary, and linguistic typology. We show improvements from TPP pretraining over mBERT alone in zero-shot transfer from English to Hindi, Arabic, and Japanese on two social media tasks: NER (a 37% average relative improvement in F1 across target languages) and sentiment classification (12% relative improvement in F1) on social media text, while also benchmarking on a non-social media task of Universal Dependency POS tagging (6.7% relative improvement in accuracy). Our results are promising given the lack of social media bitext corpus. Our code can be found at:


Multilingual Joint Fine-tuning of Transformer models for identifying Trolling, Aggression and Cyberbullying at TRAC 2020
Sudhanshu Mishra | Shivangi Prasad | Shubhanshu Mishra
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Trolling, Aggression and Cyberbullying

We present our team ‘3Idiots’ (referred as ‘sdhanshu’ in the official rankings) approach for the Trolling, Aggression and Cyberbullying (TRAC) 2020 shared tasks. Our approach relies on fine-tuning various Transformer models on the different datasets. We also investigated the utility of task label marginalization, joint label classification, and joint training on multilingual datasets as possible improvements to our models. Our team came second in English sub-task A, a close fourth in the English sub-task B and third in the remaining 4 sub-tasks. We find the multilingual joint training approach to be the best trade-off between computational efficiency of model deployment and model’s evaluation performance. We open source our approach at

Scubed at 3C task A - A simple baseline for citation context purpose classification
Shubhanshu Mishra | Sudhanshu Mishra
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications

We present our team Scubed’s approach in the ‘3C’ Citation Context Classification Task, Subtask A, citation context purpose classification. Our approach relies on text based features transformed via tf-idf features followed by training a variety of models which are capable of capturing non-linear features. Our best model on the leaderboard is a multi-layer perceptron which also performs best during our rerun. Our submission code for replicating experiments is at:

Scubed at 3C task B - A simple baseline for citation context influence classification
Shubhanshu Mishra | Sudhanshu Mishra
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications

We present our team Scubed’s approach in the 3C Citation Context Classification Task, Subtask B, citation context influence classification. Our approach relies on text based features transformed via tf-idf features followed by training a variety of simple models resulting in a strong baseline. Our best model on the leaderboard is a random forest classifier using only the citation context text. A replication of our analysis finds logistic regression and gradient boosted tree classifier to be the best performing model. Our submission code can be found at:


Semi-supervised Named Entity Recognition in noisy-text
Shubhanshu Mishra | Jana Diesner
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (WNUT)

Many of the existing Named Entity Recognition (NER) solutions are built based on news corpus data with proper syntax. These solutions might not lead to highly accurate results when being applied to noisy, user generated data, e.g., tweets, which can feature sloppy spelling, concept drift, and limited contextualization of terms and concepts due to length constraints. The models described in this paper are based on linear chain conditional random fields (CRFs), use the BIEOU encoding scheme, and leverage random feature dropout for up-sampling the training data. The considered features include word clusters and pre-trained distributed word representations, updated gazetteer features, and global context predictions. The latter feature allows for ingesting the meaning of new or rare tokens into the system via unsupervised learning and for alleviating the need to learn lexicon based features, which usually tend to be high dimensional. In this paper, we report on the solution [ST] we submitted to the WNUT 2016 NER shared task. We also present an improvement over our original submission [SI], which we built by using semi-supervised learning on labelled training data and pre-trained resourced constructed from unlabelled tweet data. Our ST solution achieved an F1 score of 1.2% higher than the baseline (35.1% F1) for the task of extracting 10 entity types. The SI resulted in an increase of 8.2% in F1 score over the base-line (7.08% over ST). Finally, the SI model’s evaluation on the test data achieved a F1 score of 47.3% (~1.15% increase over the 2nd best submitted solution). Our experimental setup and results are available as a standalone twitter NER tool at