Shuaiqi Liu


kNN-ICL: Compositional Task-Oriented Parsing Generalization with Nearest Neighbor In-Context Learning
Wenting Zhao | Ye Liu | Yao Wan | Yibo Wang | Qingyang Wu | Zhongfen Deng | Jiangshu Du | Shuaiqi Liu | Yunlong Xu | Philip Yu
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Task-Oriented Parsing (TOP) enables conversational assistants to interpret user commands expressed in natural language, transforming them into structured outputs that combine elements of both natural language and intent/slot tags. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved impressive performance in synthesizing computer programs based on a natural-language prompt, mitigating the gap between natural language and structured programs. Our paper focuses on harnessing the capabilities of LLMs for semantic parsing tasks, addressing the following three key research questions: 1) How can LLMs be effectively utilized for semantic parsing tasks? 2) What defines an effective prompt? and 3) How can LLM overcome the length constraint and streamline prompt design by including all examples as prompts? We introduce k Nearest Neighbor In-Context Learning (kNN-ICL), which simplifies prompt engineering by allowing it to be built on top of any design strategy while providing access to all demo examples. Extensive experiments show that: 1) Simple ICL without kNN search can achieve a comparable performance with strong supervised models on the TOP tasks, and 2) kNN-ICL significantly improves the comprehension of complex requests by seamlessly integrating ICL with a nearest-neighbor approach. Notably, this enhancement is achieved without the need for additional data or specialized prompts.


Long Text and Multi-Table Summarization: Dataset and Method
Shuaiqi Liu | Jiannong Cao | Ruosong Yang | Zhiyuan Wen
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Automatic document summarization aims to produce a concise summary covering the input document’s salient information. Within a report document, the salient information can be scattered in the textual and non-textual content. However, existing document summarization datasets and methods usually focus on the text and filter out the non-textual content. Missing tabular data can limit produced summaries’ informativeness, especially when summaries require covering quantitative descriptions of critical metrics in tables. Existing datasets and methods cannot meet the requirements of summarizing long text and multiple tables in each report. To deal with the scarcity of available data, we propose FINDSum, the first large-scale dataset for long text and multi-table summarization. Built on 21,125 annual reports from 3,794 companies, it has two subsets for summarizing each company’s results of operations and liquidity. To summarize the long text and dozens of tables in each report, we present three types of summarization methods. Besides, we propose a set of evaluation metrics to assess the usage of numerical information in produced summaries. Dataset analyses and experimental results indicate the importance of jointly considering input textual and tabular data when summarizing report documents.


Automatically Select Emotion for Response via Personality-affected Emotion Transition
Zhiyuan Wen | Jiannong Cao | Ruosong Yang | Shuaiqi Liu | Jiaxing Shen
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021

Highlight-Transformer: Leveraging Key Phrase Aware Attention to Improve Abstractive Multi-Document Summarization
Shuaiqi Liu | Jiannong Cao | Ruosong Yang | Zhiyuan Wen
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021