Shafiuddin Rehan Ahmed


FtG-CoT at SemEval-2024 Task 9: Solving Sentence Puzzles Using Fine-Tuned Language Models and Zero-Shot CoT Prompting
Micah Zhang | Shafiuddin Rehan Ahmed | James H. Martin
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)

Recent large language models (LLMs) can solve puzzles that require creativity and lateral thinking. To advance this front of research, we tackle SemEval-2024 Task 9: BRAINTEASER: A Novel Task Defying Common Sense. We approach this task by introducing a technique that we call Fine-tuned Generated Chain-of-Thought (FtG-CoT). It is a novel few-shot prompting method that combines a fine-tuned BERT classifier encoder with zero-shot chain-of-thought generation and a fine-tuned LLM. The fine-tuned BERT classifier provides a context-rich encoding of each example question and choice list. Zero-shot chain-of-thought generation leverages the benefits of chain-of-thought prompting without requiring manual creation of the reasoning chains. We fine-tune the LLM on the generated chains-of-thought and include a set of generated reasoning chains in the final few-shot LLM prompt to maximize the relevance and correctness of the final generated response. In this paper, we show that FtG-CoT outperforms the zero-shot prompting baseline presented in the task paper and is highly effective at solving challenging sentence puzzles achieving a perfect score on the practice set and a 0.9 score on the evaluation set.

X-AMR Annotation Tool
Shafiuddin Rehan Ahmed | Jon Cai | Martha Palmer | James H. Martin
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations

This paper presents a novel Cross-document Abstract Meaning Representation (X-AMR) annotation tool designed for annotating key corpus-level event semantics. Leveraging machine assistance through the Prodigy Annotation Tool, we enhance the user experience, ensuring ease and efficiency in the annotation process. Through empirical analyses, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our tool in augmenting an existing event corpus, highlighting its advantages when integrated with GPT-4. Code and annotations: href{}{} footnote Demo: {href{}{}} footnote Live Link: {href{}{}}

Linear Cross-document Event Coreference Resolution with X-AMR
Shafiuddin Rehan Ahmed | George Arthur Baker | Evi Judge | Michael Reagan | Kristin Wright-Bettner | Martha Palmer | James H. Martin
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Event Coreference Resolution (ECR) as a pairwise mention classification task is expensive both for automated systems and manual annotations. The task’s quadratic difficulty is exacerbated when using Large Language Models (LLMs), making prompt engineering for ECR prohibitively costly. In this work, we propose a graphical representation of events, X-AMR, anchored around individual mentions using a cross-document version of Abstract Meaning Representation. We then linearize the ECR with a novel multi-hop coreference algorithm over the event graphs. The event graphs simplify ECR, making it a) LLM cost-effective, b) compositional and interpretable, and c) easily annotated. For a fair assessment, we first enrich an existing ECR benchmark dataset with these event graphs using an annotator-friendly tool we introduce. Then, we employ GPT-4, the newest LLM by OpenAI, for these annotations. Finally, using the ECR algorithm, we assess GPT-4 against humans and analyze its limitations. Through this research, we aim to advance the state-of-the-art for efficient ECR and shed light on the potential shortcomings of current LLMs at this task. Code and annotations:

Multimodal Cross-Document Event Coreference Resolution Using Linear Semantic Transfer and Mixed-Modality Ensembles
Abhijnan Nath | Huma Jamil | Shafiuddin Rehan Ahmed | George Arthur Baker | Rahul Ghosh | James H. Martin | Nathaniel Blanchard | Nikhil Krishnaswamy
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Event coreference resolution (ECR) is the task of determining whether distinct mentions of events within a multi-document corpus are actually linked to the same underlying occurrence. Images of the events can help facilitate resolution when language is ambiguous. Here, we propose a multimodal cross-document event coreference resolution method that integrates visual and textual cues with a simple linear map between vision and language models. As existing ECR benchmark datasets rarely provide images for all event mentions, we augment the popular ECB+ dataset with event-centric images scraped from the internet and generated using image diffusion models. We establish three methods that incorporate images and text for coreference: 1) a standard fused model with finetuning, 2) a novel linear mapping method without finetuning and 3) an ensembling approach based on splitting mention pairs by semantic and discourse-level difficulty. We evaluate on 2 datasets: the augmented ECB+, and AIDA Phase 1. Our ensemble systems using cross-modal linear mapping establish an upper limit (91.9 CoNLL F1) on ECB+ ECR performance given the preprocessing assumptions used, and establish a novel baseline on AIDA Phase 1. Our results demonstrate the utility of multimodal information in ECR for certain challenging coreference problems, and highlight a need for more multimodal resources in the coreference resolution space.

Generating Harder Cross-document Event Coreference Resolution Datasets using Metaphoric Paraphrasing
Shafiuddin Rehan Ahmed | Zhiyong Wang | George Baker | Kevin Stowe | James Martin
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

The most popular Cross-Document Event Coreference Resolution (CDEC) datasets fail to convey the true difficulty of the task, due to the lack of lexical diversity between coreferring event triggers (words or phrases that refer to an event). Furthermore, there is a dearth of event datasets for figurative language, limiting a crucial avenue of research in event comprehension. We address these two issues by introducing ECB+META, a lexically rich variant of Event Coref Bank Plus (ECB+) for CDEC on symbolic and metaphoric language. We use ChatGPT as a tool for the metaphoric transformation of sentences in the documents of ECB+, then tag the original event triggers in the transformed sentences in a semi-automated manner. In this way, we avoid the re-annotation of expensive coreference links. We present results that show existing methods that work well on ECB+ struggle with ECB+META, thereby paving the way for CDEC research on a much more challenging dataset. Code/data:


CAMRA: Copilot for AMR Annotation
Jon Cai | Shafiuddin Rehan Ahmed | Julia Bonn | Kristin Wright-Bettner | Martha Palmer | James H. Martin
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

In this paper, we introduce CAMRA (Copilot for AMR Annotatations), a cutting-edge web-based tool designed for constructing Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) from natural language text. CAMRA offers a novel approach to deep lexical semantics annotation such as AMR, treating AMR annotation akin to coding in programming languages. Leveraging the familiarity of programming paradigms, CAMRA encompasses all essential features of existing AMR editors, including example lookup, while going a step further by integrating Propbank roleset lookup as an autocomplete feature within the tool. Notably, CAMRA incorporates AMR parser models as coding co-pilots, greatly enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of AMR annotators.

How Good Is the Model in Model-in-the-loop Event Coreference Resolution Annotation?
Shafiuddin Rehan Ahmed | Abhijnan Nath | Michael Regan | Adam Pollins | Nikhil Krishnaswamy | James H. Martin
Proceedings of the 17th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW-XVII)

Annotating cross-document event coreference links is a time-consuming and cognitively demanding task that can compromise annotation quality and efficiency. To address this, we propose a model-in-the-loop annotation approach for event coreference resolution, where a machine learning model suggests likely corefering event pairs only. We evaluate the effectiveness of this approach by first simulating the annotation process and then, using a novel annotator-centric Recall-Annotation effort trade-off metric, we compare the results of various underlying models and datasets. We finally present a method for obtaining 97% recall while substantially reducing the workload required by a fully manual annotation process.

2*n is better than n2: Decomposing Event Coreference Resolution into Two Tractable Problems
Shafiuddin Rehan Ahmed | Abhijnan Nath | James H. Martin | Nikhil Krishnaswamy
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Event Coreference Resolution (ECR) is the task of linking mentions of the same event either within or across documents. Most mention pairs are not coreferent, yet many that are coreferent can be identified through simple techniques such as lemma matching of the event triggers or the sentences in which they appear. Existing methods for training coreference systems sample from a largely skewed distribution, making it difficult for the algorithm to learn coreference beyond surface matching. Additionally, these methods are intractable because of the quadratic operations needed. To address these challenges, we break the problem of ECR into two parts: a) a heuristic to efficiently filter out a large number of non-coreferent pairs, and b) a training approach on a balanced set of coreferent and non-coreferent mention pairs. By following this approach, we show that we get comparable results to the state of the art on two popular ECR datasets while significantly reducing compute requirements. We also analyze the mention pairs that are “hard” to accurately classify as coreferent or non-coreferentcode repo: \mathtt{\_ce\_coref}.