Rui Hou


MART: Improving LLM Safety with Multi-round Automatic Red-Teaming
Suyu Ge | Chunting Zhou | Rui Hou | Madian Khabsa | Yi-Chia Wang | Qifan Wang | Jiawei Han | Yuning Mao
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Red-teaming is a common practice for mitigating unsafe behaviors in Large Language Models (LLMs), which involves thoroughly assessing LLMs to identify potential flaws and addressing them with responsible and accurate responses.While effective, manual red-teaming is costly, and existing automatic red-teaming typically discovers safety risks without addressing them.In this paper, we propose a Multi-round Automatic Red-Teaming (MART) method, which incorporates both automatic adversarial prompt writing and safe response generation, significantly increasing red-teaming scalability and the safety of the target LLM.Specifically, an adversarial LLM and a target LLM interplay with each other in an iterative manner, where the adversarial LLM aims to generate challenging prompts that elicit unsafe responses from the target LLM, while the target LLM is fine-tuned with safety aligned data on these adversarial prompts. In each round, the adversarial LLM crafts better attacks on the updated target LLM, while the target LLM also improves itself through safety fine-tuning.On adversarial prompt benchmarks, the violation rate of an LLM with limited safety alignment reduces up to 84.7% after 4 rounds of MART, achieving comparable performance to LLMs with extensive adversarial prompt writing. Notably, model helpfulness on non-adversarial prompts remains stable throughout iterations, indicating the target LLM maintains strong performance on instruction following.

Effective Long-Context Scaling of Foundation Models
Wenhan Xiong | Jingyu Liu | Igor Molybog | Hejia Zhang | Prajjwal Bhargava | Rui Hou | Louis Martin | Rashi Rungta | Karthik Abinav Sankararaman | Barlas Oguz | Madian Khabsa | Han Fang | Yashar Mehdad | Sharan Narang | Kshitiz Malik | Angela Fan | Shruti Bhosale | Sergey Edunov | Mike Lewis | Sinong Wang | Hao Ma
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We present an effective recipe to train strong long-context LLMs that are capable of utilizing massive context windows of up to 32,000 tokens. Our models are built through continual pretraining from Llama 2 checkpoints with longer text sequences and on a dataset where long texts are upsampled. We perform extensive evaluation using language modeling, synthetic context probing tasks, and a wide range of downstream benchmarks. Across all evaluations, our models achieve consistent improvements on most regular-context tasks and significant improvements on long-context tasks over Llama 2. Moreover, with a cost-effective instruction tuning procedure that is free of expensive annotation, the presented models can already surpass gpt-3.5-turbo-16k‘s overall performance on long-context benchmarks. Alongside these results, we provide an in-depth analysis on each individual component of our method. We delve into Llama’s position encodings and discuss its key limitation in modeling long data. We examine the impact of various design choices in the pretraining process, including the data mix and the training curriculum of sequence lengths – ablation results suggest that having abundant long texts in the pretrain dataset is not the key to achieving strong performance, and we empirically verify that long context continual pretraining is more efficient and similarly effective compared to pretraining from scratch with long sequences.

Synergetic Interaction Network with Cross-task Attention for Joint Relational Triple Extraction
Da Luo | Run Lin | Qiao Liu | Yuxiang Cai | Xueyi Liu | Yanglei Gan | Rui Hou
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Joint entity-relation extraction remains a challenging task in information retrieval, given the intrinsic difficulty in modelling the interdependence between named entity recognition (NER) and relation extraction (RE) sub-tasks. Most existing joint extraction models encode entity and relation features in a sequential or parallel manner, allowing for limited one-way interaction. However, it is not yet clear how to capture the interdependence between these two sub-tasks in a synergistic and mutually reinforcing fashion. With this in mind, we propose a novel approach for joint entity-relation extraction, named Synergetic Interaction Network (SINET) which utilizes a cross-task attention mechanism to effectively leverage contextual associations between NER and RE. Specifically, we construct two sets of distinct token representations for NER and RE sub-tasks respectively. Then, both sets of unique representation interact with one another via a cross-task attention mechanism, which exploits associated contextual information produced by concerted efforts of both NER and RE. Experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed model achieves significantly better performance in joint entity-relation extraction. Moreover, extended analysis validates that the proposed mechanism can indeed leverage the semantic information produced by NER and RE sub-tasks to boost one another in a complementary way. The source code is available to the public online.


XLM-V: Overcoming the Vocabulary Bottleneck in Multilingual Masked Language Models
Davis Liang | Hila Gonen | Yuning Mao | Rui Hou | Naman Goyal | Marjan Ghazvininejad | Luke Zettlemoyer | Madian Khabsa
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Large multilingual language models typically rely on a single vocabulary shared across 100+ languages. As these models have increased in parameter count and depth, vocabulary size has remained largely unchanged. This vocabulary bottleneck limits the representational capabilities of multilingual models like XLM-R. In this paper, we introduce a new approach for scaling to very large multilingual vocabularies by de-emphasizing token sharing between languages with little lexical overlap and assigning vocabulary capacity to achieve sufficient coverage for each individual language. Tokenizations using our vocabulary are typically more semantically meaningful and shorter compared to XLM-R. Leveraging this improved vocabulary, we train XLM-V, a multilingual language model with a one million token vocabulary. XLM-V outperforms XLM-R on every task we tested on ranging from natural language inference (XNLI), question answering (MLQA, XQuAD, TyDiQA), to named entity recognition (WikiAnn). XLM-V is particularly effective on low-resource language tasks and outperforms XLM-R by 11.2% and 5.8% absolute on MasakhaNER and Americas NLI, respectively.

Query Rewriting for Effective Misinformation Discovery
Ashkan Kazemi | Artem Abzaliev | Naihao Deng | Rui Hou | Scott Hale | Veronica Perez-Rosas | Rada Mihalcea
Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing and the 3rd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Residual Prompt Tuning: improving prompt tuning with residual reparameterization
Anastasiia Razdaibiedina | Yuning Mao | Madian Khabsa | Mike Lewis | Rui Hou | Jimmy Ba | Amjad Almahairi
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Prompt tuning is one of the successful approaches for parameter-efficient tuning of pre-trained language models. Despite being arguably the most parameter-efficient (tuned soft prompts constitute <0.1% of total parameters), it typically performs worse than other efficient tuning methods and is quite sensitive to hyper-parameters. In this work, we introduce Residual Prompt Tuning - a simple and efficient method that significantly improves the performance and stability of prompt tuning. We propose to reparameterize soft prompt embeddings using a shallow network with a residual connection. Our experiments show that Residual Prompt Tuning significantly outperforms prompt tuning across T5-Large, T5-Base and BERT-Base models. Notably, our method reaches +7 points improvement over prompt tuning on SuperGLUE benchmark with T5-Base model and allows to reduce the prompt length by 10 times without hurting performance. In addition, we show that our approach is robust to the choice of learning rate and prompt initialization, and is effective in few-shot settings.

A Study on Knowledge Distillation from Weak Teacher for Scaling Up Pre-trained Language Models
Hayeon Lee | Rui Hou | Jongpil Kim | Davis Liang | Sung Ju Hwang | Alexander Min
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Distillation from Weak Teacher (DWT) is a method of transferring knowledge from a smaller, weaker teacher model to a larger student model to improve its performance. Previous studies have shown that DWT can be effective in the vision domain and natural language processing (NLP) pre-training stage. Specifically, DWT shows promise in practical scenarios, such as enhancing new generation or larger models using pre-trained yet older or smaller models and lacking a resource budget. However, the optimal conditions for using DWT have yet to be fully investigated in NLP pre-training. Therefore, this study examines three key factors to optimize DWT, distinct from those used in the vision domain or traditional knowledge distillation. These factors are:(i) the impact of teacher model quality on DWT effectiveness, (ii) guidelines for adjusting the weighting value for DWT loss, and (iii) the impact of parameter remapping as a student model initialization technique for DWT.

RoAST: Robustifying Language Models via Adversarial Perturbation with Selective Training
Jaehyung Kim | Yuning Mao | Rui Hou | Hanchao Yu | Davis Liang | Pascale Fung | Qifan Wang | Fuli Feng | Lifu Huang | Madian Khabsa
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Fine-tuning pre-trained language models (LMs) has become the de facto standard in many NLP tasks. Nevertheless, fine-tuned LMs are still prone to robustness issues, such as adversarial robustness and model calibration. Several perspectives of robustness for LMs have been studied independently, but lacking a unified consideration in multiple perspectives. In this paper, we propose Robustifying LMs via Adversarial perturbation with Selective Training (RoAST), a simple yet effective fine-tuning technique to enhance the multi-perspective robustness of LMs in a unified way. RoAST effectively incorporates two important sources for the model robustness, robustness on the perturbed inputs and generalizable knowledge in pre-trained LMs. To be specific, RoAST introduces adversarial perturbation during fine-tuning while the model parameters are selectively updated upon their relative importance to minimize unnecessary deviation. Under a unified evaluation of fine-tuned LMs by incorporating four representative perspectives of model robustness, we demonstrate the effectiveness of RoAST compared to state-of-the-art fine-tuning methods on six different types of LMs, which indicates its usefulness in practice.

Learning Easily Updated General Purpose Text Representations with Adaptable Task-Specific Prefix
Kuan-Hao Huang | Liang Tan | Rui Hou | Sinong Wang | Amjad Almahairi | Ruty Rinott
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Many real-world applications require making multiple predictions from the same text. Fine-tuning a large pre-trained language model for each downstream task causes computational burdens in the inference time due to several times of forward passes. To amortize the computational cost, freezing the language model and building lightweight models for downstream tasks based on fixed text representations are common solutions. Accordingly, how to learn fixed but general text representations that can generalize well to unseen downstream tasks becomes a challenge. Previous works have shown that the generalizability of representations can be improved by fine-tuning the pre-trained language model with some source tasks in a multi-tasking way. In this work, we propose a prefix-based method to learn the fixed text representations with source tasks. We learn a task-specific prefix for each source task independently and combine them to get the final representations. Our experimental results show that prefix-based training performs better than multi-tasking training and can update the text representations at a smaller computational cost than multi-tasking training.

Co-training and Co-distillation for Quality Improvement and Compression of Language Models
Hayeon Lee | Rui Hou | Jongpil Kim | Davis Liang | Hongbo Zhang | Sung Hwang | Alexander Min
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Knowledge Distillation (KD) compresses computationally expensive pre-trained language models (PLMs) by transferring their knowledge to smaller models, allowing their use in resource-constrained or real-time settings. However, most smaller models fail to surpass the performance of the original larger model, resulting in sacrificing performance to improve inference speed. To address this issue, we propose Co-Training and Co-Distillation (CTCD), a novel framework that improves performance and inference speed together by co-training two models while mutually distilling knowledge. The CTCD framework successfully achieves this based on two significant findings: 1) Distilling knowledge from the smaller model to the larger model during co-training improves the performance of the larger model. 2) The enhanced performance of the larger model further boosts the performance of the smaller model. The CTCD framework shows promise as it can be combined with existing techniques like architecture design or data augmentation, replacing one-way KD methods, to achieve further performance improvement. Extensive ablation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of CTCD, and the small model distilled by CTCD outperforms the original larger model by a significant margin of 1.66 on the GLUE benchmark.


IDPG: An Instance-Dependent Prompt Generation Method
Zhuofeng Wu | Sinong Wang | Jiatao Gu | Rui Hou | Yuxiao Dong | V.G.Vinod Vydiswaran | Hao Ma
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Prompt tuning is a new, efficient NLP transfer learning paradigm that adds a task-specific prompt in each input instance during the model training stage. It freezes the pre-trained language model and only optimizes a few task-specific prompts. In this paper, we propose a conditional prompt generation method to generate prompts for each input instance, referred to as the Instance-Dependent Prompt Generation (IDPG). Unlike traditional prompt tuning methods that use a fixed prompt, IDPG introduces a lightweight and trainable component to generate prompts based on each input sentence. Extensive experiments on ten natural language understanding (NLU) tasks show that the proposed strategy consistently outperforms various prompt tuning baselines and is on par with other efficient transfer learning methods such as Compacter while tuning far fewer model parameters.

UniPELT: A Unified Framework for Parameter-Efficient Language Model Tuning
Yuning Mao | Lambert Mathias | Rui Hou | Amjad Almahairi | Hao Ma | Jiawei Han | Scott Yih | Madian Khabsa
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Recent parameter-efficient language model tuning (PELT) methods manage to match the performance of fine-tuning with much fewer trainable parameters and perform especially well when training data is limited. However, different PELT methods may perform rather differently on the same task, making it nontrivial to select the most appropriate method for a specific task, especially considering the fast-growing number of new PELT methods and tasks. In light of model diversity and the difficulty of model selection, we propose a unified framework, UniPELT, which incorporates different PELT methods as submodules and learns to activate the ones that best suit the current data or task setup via gating mechanism. On the GLUE benchmark, UniPELT consistently achieves 1 4% gains compared to the best individual PELT method that it incorporates and even outperforms fine-tuning under different setups. Moreover, UniPELT generally surpasses the upper bound that takes the best performance of all its submodules used individually on each task, indicating that a mixture of multiple PELT methods may be inherently more effective than single methods.