Rong Ye


Debatrix: Multi-dimensional Debate Judge with Iterative Chronological Analysis Based on LLM
Jingcong Liang | Rong Ye | Meng Han | Ruofei Lai | Xinyu Zhang | Xuanjing Huang | Zhongyu Wei
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

How can we construct an automated debate judge to evaluate an extensive, vibrant, multi-turn debate? This task is challenging, as judging a debate involves grappling with lengthy texts, intricate argument relationships, and multi-dimensional assessments.At the same time, current research mainly focuses on short dialogues, rarely touching upon the evaluation of an entire debate.In this paper, by leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs), we propose Debatrix, which makes the analysis and assessment of multi-turn debates more aligned with majority preferences. Specifically, Debatrix features a vertical, iterative chronological analysis and a horizontal, multi-dimensional evaluation collaboration.To align with real-world debate scenarios, we introduced the PanelBench benchmark, comparing our system’s performance to actual debate outcomes.The findings indicate a notable enhancement over directly using LLMs for debate evaluation.Source code and benchmark data are available at


Hi-ArG: Exploring the Integration of Hierarchical Argumentation Graphs in Language Pretraining
Jingcong Liang | Rong Ye | Meng Han | Qi Zhang | Ruofei Lai | Xinyu Zhang | Zhao Cao | Xuanjing Huang | Zhongyu Wei
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

The knowledge graph is a structure to store and represent knowledge, and recent studies have discussed its capability to assist language models for various applications. Some variations of knowledge graphs aim to record arguments and their relations for computational argumentation tasks. However, many must simplify semantic types to fit specific schemas, thus losing flexibility and expression ability. In this paper, we propose the **Hi**erarchical **Ar**gumentation **G**raph (Hi-ArG), a new structure to organize arguments. We also introduce two approaches to exploit Hi-ArG, including a text-graph multi-modal model GreaseArG and a new pre-training framework augmented with graph information. Experiments on two argumentation tasks have shown that after further pre-training and fine-tuning, GreaseArG supersedes same-scale language models on these tasks, while incorporating graph information during further pre-training can also improve the performance of vanilla language models. Code for this paper is available at <>.

Argue with Me Tersely: Towards Sentence-Level Counter-Argument Generation
Jiayu Lin | Rong Ye | Meng Han | Qi Zhang | Ruofei Lai | Xinyu Zhang | Zhao Cao | Xuanjing Huang | Zhongyu Wei
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Counter-argument generation—a captivating area in computational linguistics—seeks to craft statements that offer opposing views. While most research has ventured into paragraph-level generation, sentence-level counter-argument generation beckons with its unique constraints and brevity-focused challenges. Furthermore, the diverse nature of counter-arguments poses challenges for evaluating model performance solely based on n-gram-based metrics. In this paper, we present the ArgTersely benchmark for sentence-level counter-argument generation, drawing from a manually annotated dataset from the ChangeMyView debate forum. We also propose Arg-LlaMA for generating high-quality counter-argument. For better evaluation, we trained a BERT-based evaluator Arg-Judge with human preference data. We conducted comparative experiments involving various baselines such as LlaMA, Alpaca, GPT-3, and others. The results show the competitiveness of our proposed framework and evaluator in counter-argument generation tasks. Code and data are available at

DUB: Discrete Unit Back-translation for Speech Translation
Dong Zhang | Rong Ye | Tom Ko | Mingxuan Wang | Yaqian Zhou
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

How can speech-to-text translation (ST) perform as well as machine translation (MT)? The key point is to bridge the modality gap between speech and text so that useful MT techniques can be applied to ST.Recently, the approach of representing speech with unsupervised discrete units yields a new way to ease the modality problem. This motivates us to propose Discrete Unit Back-translation(DUB) to answer two questions (1) Is it better to represent speech with discrete units than with continuous features in direct ST? (2) How much benefit can useful MT techniques bring to ST? With DUB, the back-translation technique can successfully be applied on direct ST and obtains an average boost of 5.5 BLEU on MuST-C En-De/Fr/Es. In the low-resource language scenario, our method achieves comparable performance to existing methods that rely on large-scale external data. Code and models are available at

Improving Speech Translation by Fusing Speech and Text
Wenbiao Yin | Zhicheng Liu | Chengqi Zhao | Tao Wang | Jian Tong | Rong Ye
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

In speech translation, leveraging multimodal data to improve model performance and address limitations of individual modalities has shown significant effectiveness. In this paper, we harness the complementary strengths of speech and text to improve speech translation. However, speech and text are disparate modalities, we observe three aspects of modality gap that impede their integration in a speech translation model. To tackle these gaps, we propose **Fuse**-**S**peech-**T**ext (**FuseST**), a cross-modal model which supports three distinct input modalities for translation: speech, text and fused speech-text. We leverage multiple techniques for cross-modal alignment and conduct a comprehensive analysis to assess its impact on speech translation, machine translation and fused speech-text translation. We evaluate FuseST on MuST-C, GigaST and newstest benchmark. Experiments show that the proposed FuseST achieves an average 34.0 BLEU on MuST-C EnDe/Es/Fr (vs SOTA +1.1 BLEU). Further experiments demonstrate that FuseST does not degrade on MT task, as observed in previous works. Instead, it yields an average improvement of 3.2 BLEU over the pre-trained MT model. Code is available at

WACO: Word-Aligned Contrastive Learning for Speech Translation
Siqi Ouyang | Rong Ye | Lei Li
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

End-to-end Speech Translation (E2E ST) aims to directly translate source speech into target text. Existing ST methods perform poorly when only extremely small speech-text data are available for training. We observe that an ST model’s performance closely correlates with its embedding similarity between speech and source transcript. In this paper, we propose Word-Aligned COntrastive learning (WACO), a simple and effective method for extremely low-resource speech-to-text translation. Our key idea is bridging word-level representations for both speech and text modalities via contrastive learning. We evaluate WACO and other methods on the MuST-C dataset, a widely used ST benchmark, and on a low-resource direction Maltese-English from IWSLT 2023. Our experiments demonstrate that WACO outperforms the best baseline by 9+ BLEU points with only 1-hour parallel ST data. Code is available at


On the Impact of Noises in Crowd-Sourced Data for Speech Translation
Siqi Ouyang | Rong Ye | Lei Li
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2022)

Training speech translation (ST) models requires large and high-quality datasets. MuST-C is one of the most widely used ST benchmark datasets. It contains around 400 hours of speech-transcript-translation data for each of the eight translation directions. This dataset passes several quality-control filters during creation. However, we find that MuST-C still suffers from three major quality issues: audiotext misalignment, inaccurate translation, and unnecessary speaker’s name. What are the impacts of these data quality issues for model development and evaluation? In this paper, we propose an automatic method to fix or filter the above quality issues, using English-German (En-De) translation as an example. Our experiments show that ST models perform better on clean test sets, and the rank of proposed models remains consistent across different test sets. Besides, simply removing misaligned data points from the training set does not lead to a better ST model.

Cross-modal Contrastive Learning for Speech Translation
Rong Ye | Mingxuan Wang | Lei Li
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

How can we learn unified representations for spoken utterances and their written text? Learning similar representations for semantically similar speech and text is important for speech translation. To this end, we propose ConST, a cross-modal contrastive learning method for end-to-end speech-to-text translation. We evaluate ConST and a variety of previous baselines on a popular benchmark MuST-C. Experiments show that the proposed ConST consistently outperforms the previous methods, and achieves an average BLEU of 29.4. The analysis further verifies that ConST indeed closes the representation gap of different modalities — its learned representation improves the accuracy of cross-modal speech-text retrieval from 4% to 88%. Code and models are available at

STEMM: Self-learning with Speech-text Manifold Mixup for Speech Translation
Qingkai Fang | Rong Ye | Lei Li | Yang Feng | Mingxuan Wang
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

How to learn a better speech representation for end-to-end speech-to-text translation (ST) with limited labeled data? Existing techniques often attempt to transfer powerful machine translation (MT) capabilities to ST, but neglect the representation discrepancy across modalities. In this paper, we propose the Speech-TExt Manifold Mixup (STEMM) method to calibrate such discrepancy. Specifically, we mix up the representation sequences of different modalities, and take both unimodal speech sequences and multimodal mixed sequences as input to the translation model in parallel, and regularize their output predictions with a self-learning framework. Experiments on MuST-C speech translation benchmark and further analysis show that our method effectively alleviates the cross-modal representation discrepancy, and achieves significant improvements over a strong baseline on eight translation directions.


NeurST: Neural Speech Translation Toolkit
Chengqi Zhao | Mingxuan Wang | Qianqian Dong | Rong Ye | Lei Li
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

NeurST is an open-source toolkit for neural speech translation. The toolkit mainly focuses on end-to-end speech translation, which is easy to use, modify, and extend to advanced speech translation research and products. NeurST aims at facilitating the speech translation research for NLP researchers and building reliable benchmarks for this field. It provides step-by-step recipes for feature extraction, data preprocessing, distributed training, and evaluation. In this paper, we will introduce the framework design of NeurST and show experimental results for different benchmark datasets, which can be regarded as reliable baselines for future research. The toolkit is publicly available at and we will continuously update the performance of with other counterparts and studies at

The Volctrans Neural Speech Translation System for IWSLT 2021
Chengqi Zhao | Zhicheng Liu | Jian Tong | Tao Wang | Mingxuan Wang | Rong Ye | Qianqian Dong | Jun Cao | Lei Li
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2021)

This paper describes the systems submitted to IWSLT 2021 by the Volctrans team. We participate in the offline speech translation and text-to-text simultaneous translation tracks. For offline speech translation, our best end-to-end model achieves 7.9 BLEU improvements over the benchmark on the MuST-C test set and is even approaching the results of a strong cascade solution. For text-to-text simultaneous translation, we explore the best practice to optimize the wait-k model. As a result, our final submitted systems exceed the benchmark at around 7 BLEU on the same latency regime. We release our code and model to facilitate both future research works and industrial applications.