Preslav Nakov

Also published as: Preslav I. Nakov


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On a Novel Application of Wasserstein-Procrustes for Unsupervised Cross-Lingual Alignment of Embeddings
Guillem Ramírez | Rumen Dangovski | Preslav Nakov | Marin Soljacic
Proceedings of the 17th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora (BUCC) @ LREC-COLING 2024

BERTastic at SemEval-2024 Task 4: State-of-the-Art Multilingual Propaganda Detection in Memes via Zero-Shot Learning with Vision-Language Models
Tarek Mahmoud | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)

Analyzing propagandistic memes in a multilingual, multimodal dataset is a challenging problem due to the inherent complexity of memes’ multimodal content, which combines images, text, and often, nuanced context. In this paper, we use a VLM in a zero-shot approach to detect propagandistic memes and achieve a state-of-the-art average macro F1 of 66.7% over all languages. Notably, we outperform other systems on North Macedonian memes, and obtain competitive results on Bulgarian and Arabic memes. We also present our early fusion approach for identifying persuasion techniques in memes in a hierarchical multilabel classification setting. This approach outperforms all other approaches in average hierarchical precision with an average score of 77.66%. The systems presented contribute to the evolving field of research on the detection of persuasion techniques in multimodal datasets by offering insights that could be of use in the development of more effective tools for combating online propaganda.

SemEval-2024 Task 4: Multilingual Detection of Persuasion Techniques in Memes
Dimitar Dimitrov | Firoj Alam | Maram Hasanain | Abul Hasnat | Fabrizio Silvestri | Preslav Nakov | Giovanni Da San Martino
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)

The automatic identification of misleading and persuasive content has emerged as a significant issue among various stakeholders, including social media platforms, policymakers, and the broader society. To tackle this issue within the context of memes, we organized a shared task at SemEval-2024, focusing on the multilingual detection of persuasion techniques. This paper outlines the dataset, the organization of the task, the evaluation framework, the outcomes, and the systems that participated. The task targets memes in four languages, with the inclusion of three surprise test datasets in Bulgarian, North Macedonian, and Arabic. It encompasses three subtasks: (i) identifying whether a meme utilizes a persuasion technique; (ii) identifying persuasion techniques within the meme’s ”textual content”; and (iii) identifying persuasion techniques across both the textual and visual components of the meme (a multimodal task). Furthermore, due to the complex nature of persuasion techniques, we present a hierarchy that groups the 22 persuasion techniques into several levels of categories. This became one of the attractive shared tasks in SemEval 2024, with 153 teams registered, 48 teams submitting results, and finally, 32 system description papers submitted.

Do-Not-Answer: Evaluating Safeguards in LLMs
Yuxia Wang | Haonan Li | Xudong Han | Preslav Nakov | Timothy Baldwin
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2024

With the rapid evolution of large language models (LLMs), new and hard-to-predict harmful capabilities are emerging. This requires developers to identify potential risks through the evaluation of “dangerous capabilities” in order to responsibly deploy LLMs. Here we aim to facilitate this process. In particular, we collect an open-source dataset to evaluate the safeguards in LLMs, to facilitate the deployment of safer open-source LLMs at a low cost. Our dataset is curated and filtered to consist only of instructions that responsible language models should not follow. We assess the responses of six popular LLMs to these instructions, and we find that simple BERT-style classifiers can achieve results that are comparable to GPT-4 on automatic safety evaluation. Our data and code are available at

Rethinking STS and NLI in Large Language Models
Yuxia Wang | Minghan Wang | Preslav Nakov
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2024

Recent years, have seen the rise of large language models (LLMs), where practitioners use task-specific prompts; this was shown to be effective for a variety of tasks. However, when applied to semantic textual similarity (STS) and natural language inference (NLI), the effectiveness of LLMs turns out to be limited by low-resource domain accuracy, model overconfidence, and difficulty to capture the disagreements between human judgements. With this in mind, here we try to rethink STS and NLI in the era of LLMs. We first evaluate the performance of STS and NLI in the clinical/biomedical domain, and then we assess LLMs’ predictive confidence and their capability of capturing collective human opinions. We find that these old problems are still to be properly addressed in the era of LLMs.

Adapting Fake News Detection to the Era of Large Language Models
Jinyan Su | Claire Cardie | Preslav Nakov
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024

In the age of large language models (LLMs) and the widespread adoption of AI-driven content creation, the landscape of information dissemination has witnessed a paradigm shift. With the proliferation of both human-written and machine-generated real and fake news, robustly and effectively discerning the veracity of news articles has become an intricate challenge. While substantial research has been dedicated to fake news detection, it has either assumed that all news articles are human-written or has abruptly assumed that all machine-generated news was fake. Thus, a significant gap exists in understanding the interplay between machine-paraphrased real news, machine-generated fake news, human-written fake news, and human-written real news. In this paper, we study this gap by conducting a comprehensive evaluation of fake news detectors trained in various scenarios. Our primary objectives revolve around the following pivotal question: How can we adapt fake news detectors to the era of LLMs?Our experiments reveal an interesting pattern that detectors trained exclusively on human-written articles can indeed perform well at detecting machine-generated fake news, but not vice versa. Moreover, due to the bias of detectors against machine-generated texts (CITATION), they should be trained on datasets with a lower machine-generated news ratio than the test set. Building on our findings, we provide a practical strategy for the development of robust fake news detectors.

A Chinese Dataset for Evaluating the Safeguards in Large Language Models
Yuxia Wang | Zenan Zhai | Haonan Li | Xudong Han | Shom Lin | Zhenxuan Zhang | Angela Zhao | Preslav Nakov | Timothy Baldwin
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Many studies have demonstrated that large language models (LLMs) can produce harmful responses, exposing users to unexpected risks. Previous studies have proposed comprehensive taxonomies of LLM risks, as well as corresponding prompts that can be used to examine LLM safety. However, the focus has been almost exclusively on English. We aim to broaden LLM safety research by introducing a dataset for the safety evaluation of Chinese LLMs, and extending it to better identify false negative and false positive examples in terms of risky prompt rejections. We further present a set of fine-grained safety assessment criteria for each risk type, facilitating both manual annotation and automatic evaluation in terms of LLM response harmfulness. Our experiments over five LLMs show that region-specific risks are the prevalent risk type. Warning: this paper contains example data that may be offensive, harmful, or biased. Our data is available at

MemeMQA: Multimodal Question Answering for Memes via Rationale-Based Inferencing
Siddhant Agarwal | Shivam Sharma | Preslav Nakov | Tanmoy Chakraborty
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Memes have evolved as a prevalent medium for diverse communication, ranging from humour to propaganda. With the rising popularity of image-focused content, there is a growing need to explore its potential harm from different aspects. Previous studies have analyzed memes in closed settings - detecting harm, applying semantic labels, and offering natural language explanations. To extend this research, we introduce MemeMQA, a multimodal question-answering framework aiming to solicit accurate responses to structured questions while providing coherent explanations. We curate MemeMQACorpus, a new dataset featuring 1,880 questions related to 1,122 memes with corresponding answer-explanation pairs. We further propose ARSENAL, a novel two-stage multimodal framework that leverages the reasoning capabilities of LLMs to address MemeMQA. We benchmark MemeMQA using competitive baselines and demonstrate its superiority - ~18% enhanced answer prediction accuracy and distinct text generation lead across various metrics measuring lexical and semantic alignment over the best baseline. We analyze ARSENAL’s robustness through diversification of question-set, confounder-based evaluation regarding MemeMQA’s generalizability, and modality-specific assessment, enhancing our understanding of meme interpretation in the multimodal communication landscape.

ArabicMMLU: Assessing Massive Multitask Language Understanding in Arabic
Fajri Koto | Haonan Li | Sara Shatnawi | Jad Doughman | Abdelrahman Sadallah | Aisha Alraeesi | Khalid Almubarak | Zaid Alyafeai | Neha Sengupta | Shady Shehata | Nizar Habash | Preslav Nakov | Timothy Baldwin
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

The focus of language model evaluation has transitioned towards reasoning and knowledge-intensive tasks, driven by advancements in pretraining large models. While state-of-the-art models are partially trained on large Arabic texts, evaluating their performance in Arabic remains challenging due to the limited availability of relevant datasets. To bridge this gap, we present ArabicMMLU, the first multi-task language understanding benchmark for the Arabic language, sourced from school exams across diverse educational levels in different countries spanning North Africa, the Levant, and the Gulf regions. Our data comprises 40 tasks and 14,575 multiple-choice questions in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and is carefully constructed by collaborating with native speakers in the region. Our comprehensive evaluations of 35 models reveal substantial room for improvement, particularly among the best open-source models. Notably, BLOOMZ, mT0, LLama2, and Falcon struggle to achieve a score of 50%, while even the top-performing Arabic-centric model only achieves a score of 62.3%.

Fact-Checking the Output of Large Language Models via Token-Level Uncertainty Quantification
Ekaterina Fadeeva | Aleksandr Rubashevskii | Artem Shelmanov | Sergey Petrakov | Haonan Li | Hamdy Mubarak | Evgenii Tsymbalov | Gleb Kuzmin | Alexander Panchenko | Timothy Baldwin | Preslav Nakov | Maxim Panov
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Large language models (LLMs) are notorious for hallucinating, i.e., producing erroneous claims in their output. Such hallucinations can be dangerous, as occasional factual inaccuracies in the generated text might be obscured by the rest of the output being generally factually correct, making it extremely hard for the users to spot them. Current services that leverage LLMs usually do not provide any means for detecting unreliable generations. Here, we aim to bridge this gap. In particular, we propose a novel fact-checking and hallucination detection pipeline based on token-level uncertainty quantification. Uncertainty scores leverage information encapsulated in the output of a neural network or its layers to detect unreliable predictions, and we show that they can be used to fact-check the atomic claims in the LLM output. Moreover, we present a novel token-level uncertainty quantification method that removes the impact of uncertainty about what claim to generate on the current step and what surface form to use. Our method Claim Conditioned Probability (CCP) measures only the uncertainty of a particular claim value expressed by the model. Experiments on the task of biography generation demonstrate strong improvements for CCP compared to the baselines for seven different LLMs and four languages. Human evaluation reveals that the fact-checking pipeline based on uncertainty quantification is competitive with a fact-checking tool that leverages external knowledge.

Large Language Models are Few-Shot Training Example Generators: A Case Study in Fallacy Recognition
Tariq Alhindi | Smaranda Muresan | Preslav Nakov
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Recognizing fallacies is crucial for ensuring the quality and validity of arguments across various domains. However, computational fallacy recognition faces challenges due to the diverse genres, domains, and types of fallacies found in datasets. This leads to a highly multi-class, and even multi-label, setup with substantial class imbalance. In this study, we aim to enhance existing models for fallacy recognition by incorporating additional context and by leveraging large language models to generate synthetic data, thus increasing the representation of the infrequent classes. We experiment with GPT3.5 to generate synthetic examples and we examine the impact of prompt settings for this. Moreover, we explore zero-shot and few-shot scenarios to evaluate the effectiveness of using the generated examples for training smaller models within a unified fallacy recognition framework. Furthermore, we analyze the overlap between the synthetic data and existing fallacy datasets. Finally, we investigate the usefulness of providing supplementary context for detecting fallacy types that need such context, e.g., diversion fallacies. Our evaluation results demonstrate consistent improvements across fallacy types, datasets, and generators. The code and the synthetic datasets are all publicly available.

A Survey on Predicting the Factuality and the Bias of News Media
Preslav Nakov | Jisun An | Haewoon Kwak | Muhammad Arslan Manzoor | Zain Mujahid | Husrev Sencar
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

The present level of proliferation of fake, biased, and propagandistic content online has made it impossible to fact-check every single suspicious claim or article, either manually or automatically. An increasing number of scholars are focusing on a coarser granularity, aiming to profile entire news outlets, which allows fast identification of potential “fake news” by checking the reliability of their source. Source factuality is also an important element of systems for automatic fact-checking and “fake news” detection, as they need to assess the reliability of the evidence they retrieve online. Political bias detection, which in the Western political landscape is about predicting left-center-right bias, is an equally important topic, which has experienced a similar shift toward profiling entire news outlets. Moreover, there is a clear connection between the two, as highly biased media are less likely to be factual; yet, the two problems have been addressed separately. In this survey, we review the state of the art on media profiling for factuality and bias, arguing for the need to model them jointly. We also shed light on some of the major challenges for modeling bias and factuality jointly. We further discuss interesting recent advances in using different information sources and modalities, which go beyond the text of the articles the target news outlet has published. Finally, we discuss current challenges and outline future research directions.

A Survey of Confidence Estimation and Calibration in Large Language Models
Jiahui Geng | Fengyu Cai | Yuxia Wang | Heinz Koeppl | Preslav Nakov | Iryna Gurevych
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities across a wide range of tasks in various domains. Despite their impressive performance, they can be unreliable due to factual errors in their generations. Assessing their confidence and calibrating them across different tasks can help mitigate risks and enable LLMs to produce better generations. There has been a lot of recent research aiming to address this, but there has been no comprehensive overview to organize it and to outline the main lessons learned. The present survey aims to bridge this gap. In particular, we outline the challenges and we summarize recent technical advancements for LLM confidence estimation and calibration. We further discuss their applications and suggest promising directions for future work.

M4: Multi-generator, Multi-domain, and Multi-lingual Black-Box Machine-Generated Text Detection
Yuxia Wang | Jonibek Mansurov | Petar Ivanov | Jinyan Su | Artem Shelmanov | Akim Tsvigun | Chenxi Whitehouse | Osama Mohammed Afzal | Tarek Mahmoud | Toru Sasaki | Thomas Arnold | Alham Fikri Aji | Nizar Habash | Iryna Gurevych | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capability to generate fluent responses to a wide variety of user queries. However, this has also raised concerns about the potential misuse of such texts in journalism, education, and academia. In this study, we strive to create automated systems that can detect machine-generated texts and pinpoint potential misuse. We first introduce a large-scale benchmark M4, which is a multi-generator, multi-domain, and multi-lingual corpus for machine-generated text detection. Through an extensive empirical study of this dataset, we show that it is challenging for detectors to generalize well on instances from unseen domains or LLMs. In such cases, detectors tend to misclassify machine-generated text as human-written. These results show that the problem is far from solved and that there is a lot of room for improvement. We believe that our dataset will enable future research towards more robust approaches to this pressing societal problem. The dataset is available at

Unleashing the Power of Discourse-Enhanced Transformers for Propaganda Detection
Alexander Chernyavskiy | Dmitry Ilvovsky | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

The prevalence of information manipulation online has created a need for propaganda detection systems. Such systems have typically focused on the surface words, ignoring the linguistic structure. Here we aim to bridge this gap. In particular, we present the first attempt at using discourse analysis for the task. We consider both paragraph-level and token-level classification and we propose a discourse-aware Transformer architecture. Our experiments on English and Russian demonstrate sizeable performance gains compared to a number of baselines. Moreover, our ablation study emphasizes the importance of specific types of discourse features, and our in-depth analysis reveals a strong correlation between propaganda instances and discourse spans.

FRAPPE: FRAming, Persuasion, and Propaganda Explorer
Ahmed Sajwani | Alaa El Setohy | Ali Mekky | Diana Turmakhan | Lara Hassan | Mohamed El Zeftawy | Omar El Herraoui | Osama Mohammed Afzal | Qisheng Liao | Tarek Mahmoud | Zain Muhammad Mujahid | Muhammad Umar Salman | Muhammad Arslan Manzoor | Massa Baali | Jakub Piskorski | Nicolas Stefanovitch | Giovanni Da San Martino | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations

The abundance of news sources and the urgent demand for reliable information have led to serious concerns about the threat of misleading information. In this paper, we present FRAPPE, a FRAming, Persuasion, and Propaganda Explorer system. FRAPPE goes beyond conventional news analysis of articles and unveils the intricate linguistic techniques used to shape readers’ opinions and emotions. Our system allows users not only to analyze individual articles for their genre, framings, and use of persuasion techniques, but also to draw comparisons between the strategies of persuasion and framing adopted by a diverse pool of news outlets and countries across multiple languages for different topics, thus providing a comprehensive understanding of how information is presented and manipulated. FRAPPE is publicly accessible at and a video explaining our system is available at

Data-Informed Global Sparseness in Attention Mechanisms for Deep Neural Networks
Ileana Rugina | Rumen Dangovski | Li Jing | Preslav Nakov | Marin Soljacic
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Attention mechanisms play a crucial role in the neural revolution of Natural Language Processing (NLP). With the growth of attention-based models, several pruning techniques have been developed to identify and exploit sparseness, making these models more efficient. Most efforts focus on hard-coding attention patterns or pruning attention weights based on training data. We propose Attention Pruning (AP), a framework that observes attention patterns in a fixed dataset and generates a global sparseness mask. AP saves 90% of attention computation for language modeling and about 50% for machine translation and GLUE tasks, maintaining result quality. Our method reveals important distinctions between self- and cross-attention patterns, guiding future NLP research. Our framework can reduce both latency and memory requirements for any attention-based model, aiding in the development of improved models for existing or new NLP applications. We have demonstrated this with encoder and autoregressive transformer models using Triton GPU kernels and make our code publicly available at

DocScript: Document-level Script Event Prediction
Puneet Mathur | Vlad I. Morariu | Aparna Garimella | Franck Dernoncourt | Jiuxiang Gu | Ramit Sawhney | Preslav Nakov | Dinesh Manocha | Rajiv Jain
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

We present a novel task of document-level script event prediction, which aims to predict the next event given a candidate list of narrative events in long-form documents. To enable this, we introduce DocSEP, a challenging dataset in two new domains - contractual documents and Wikipedia articles, where timeline events may be paragraphs apart and may require multi-hop temporal and causal reasoning. We benchmark existing baselines and present a novel architecture called DocScript to learn sequential ordering between events at the document scale. Our experimental results on the DocSEP dataset demonstrate that learning longer-range dependencies between events is a key challenge and show that contemporary LLMs such as ChatGPT and FlanT5 struggle to solve this task, indicating their lack of reasoning abilities for understanding causal relationships and temporal sequences within long texts.

RISE: Robust Early-exiting Internal Classifiers for Suicide Risk Evaluation
Ritesh Singh Soun | Atula Tejaswi Neerkaje | Ramit Sawhney | Nikolaos Aletras | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Suicide is a serious public health issue, but it is preventable with timely intervention. Emerging studies have suggested there is a noticeable increase in the number of individuals sharing suicidal thoughts online. As a result, utilising advance Natural Language Processing techniques to build automated systems for risk assessment is a viable alternative. However, existing systems are prone to incorrectly predicting risk severity and have no early detection mechanisms. Therefore, we propose RISE, a novel robust mechanism for accurate early detection of suicide risk by ensembling Hyperbolic Internal Classifiers equipped with an abstention mechanism and early-exit inference capabilities. Through quantitative, qualitative and ablative experiments, we demonstrate RISE as an efficient and robust human-in-the-loop approach for risk assessment over the Columbia Suicide Severity Risk Scale (C-SSRS) and CLPsych 2022 datasets. It is able to successfully abstain from 84% incorrect predictions on Reddit data while out-predicting state of the art models upto 3.5x earlier.

Saliency-Aware Interpolative Augmentation for Multimodal Financial Prediction
Samyak Jain | Parth Chhabra | Atula Tejaswi Neerkaje | Puneet Mathur | Ramit Sawhney | Shivam Agarwal | Preslav Nakov | Sudheer Chava | Dinesh Manocha
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Predicting price variations of financial instruments for risk modeling and stock trading is challenging due to the stochastic nature of the stock market. While recent advancements in the Financial AI realm have expanded the scope of data and methods they use, such as textual and audio cues from financial earnings calls, limitations exist. Most datasets are small, and show domain distribution shifts due to the nature of their source, suggesting the exploration for data augmentation for robust augmentation strategies such as Mixup. To tackle such challenges in the financial domain, we propose SH-Mix: Saliency-guided Hierarchical Mixup augmentation technique for multimodal financial prediction tasks. SH-Mix combines multi-level embedding mixup strategies based on the contribution of each modality and context subsequences. Through extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments on financial earnings and conference call datasets consisting of text and speech, we show that SH-Mix outperforms state-of-the-art methods by 3-7%. Additionally, we show that SH-Mix is generalizable across different modalities and models.

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Proceedings of the Eleventh Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties, and Dialects (VarDial 2024)
Yves Scherrer | Tommi Jauhiainen | Nikola Ljubešić | Marcos Zampieri | Preslav Nakov | Jörg Tiedemann
Proceedings of the Eleventh Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties, and Dialects (VarDial 2024)

M4GT-Bench: Evaluation Benchmark for Black-Box Machine-Generated Text Detection
Yuxia Wang | Jonibek Mansurov | Petar Ivanov | Jinyan Su | Artem Shelmanov | Akim Tsvigun | Osama Mohammed Afzal | Tarek Mahmoud | Giovanni Puccetti | Thomas Arnold | Alham Aji | Nizar Habash | Iryna Gurevych | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has brought an unprecedented surge in machine-generated text (MGT) across diverse channels. This raises legitimate concerns about its potential misuse and societal implications. The need to identify and differentiate such content from genuine human-generated text is critical in combating disinformation, preserving the integrity of education and scientific fields, and maintaining trust in communication. In this work, we address this problem by introducing a new benchmark based on a multilingual, multi-domain and multi-generator corpus of MGTs — M4GT-Bench. The benchmark is compiled of three tasks: (1) mono-lingual and multi-lingual binary MGT detection; (2) multi-way detection where one need to identify, which particular model generated the text; and (3) mixed human-machine text detection, where a word boundary delimiting MGT from human-written content should be determined. On the developed benchmark, we have tested several MGT detection baselines and also conducted an evaluation of human performance. We see that obtaining good performance in MGT detection usually requires an access to the training data from the same domain and generators. The benchmark is available at

Missci: Reconstructing Fallacies in Misrepresented Science
Max Glockner | Yufang Hou | Preslav Nakov | Iryna Gurevych
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Health-related misinformation on social networks can lead to poor decision-making and real-world dangers. Such misinformation often misrepresents scientific publications and cites them as “proof” to gain perceived credibility. To effectively counter such claims automatically, a system must explain how the claim was falsely derived from the cited publication. Current methods for automated fact-checking or fallacy detection neglect to assess the (mis)used evidence in relation to misinformation claims, which is required to detect the mismatch between them. To address this gap, we introduce Missci, a novel argumentation theoretical model for fallacious reasoning together with a new dataset for real-world misinformation detection that misrepresents biomedical publications. Unlike previous fallacy detection datasets, Missci (i) focuses on implicit fallacies between the relevant content of the cited publication and the inaccurate claim, and (ii) requires models to verbalize the fallacious reasoning in addition to classifying it. We present Missci as a dataset to test the critical reasoning abilities of large language models (LLMs), that are required to reconstruct real-world fallacious arguments, in a zero-shot setting. We evaluate two representative LLMs and the impact of different levels of detail about the fallacy classes provided to the LLM via prompts. Our experiments and human evaluation show promising results for GPT 4, while also demonstrating the difficulty of this task.

EXAMS-V: A Multi-Discipline Multilingual Multimodal Exam Benchmark for Evaluating Vision Language Models
Rocktim Das | Simeon Hristov | Haonan Li | Dimitar Dimitrov | Ivan Koychev | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We introduce EXAMS-V, a new challenging multi-discipline multimodal multilingual exam benchmark for evaluating vision language models. It consists of 20,932 multiple-choice questions across 20 school disciplines covering natural science, social science, and other miscellaneous studies, e.g., religion, fine arts, business, etc. EXAMS-V includes a variety of multimodal features such as text, images, tables, figures, diagrams, maps, scientific symbols, and equations. The questions come in 11 languages from 7 language families. Unlike existing benchmarks, EXAMS-V is uniquely curated by gathering school exam questions from various countries, with a variety of education systems. This distinctive approach calls for intricate reasoning across diverse languages and relies on region-specific knowledge. Solving the problems in the dataset requires advanced perception and joint reasoning over the text and the visual content in the image. Our evaluation results demonstrate that this is a challenging dataset, which is difficult even for advanced vision–text models such as GPT-4V and Gemini; this underscores the inherent complexity of the dataset and its significance as a future benchmark.


Enriched Pre-trained Transformers for Joint Slot Filling and Intent Detection
Momchil Hardalov | Ivan Koychev | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing

Detecting the user’s intent and finding the corresponding slots among the utterance’s words are important tasks in natural language understanding. Their interconnected nature makes their joint modeling a standard part of training such models. Moreover, data scarceness and specialized vocabularies pose additional challenges. Recently, the advances in pre-trained language models, namely contextualized models such as ELMo and BERT have revolutionized the field by tapping the potential of training very large models with just a few steps of fine-tuning on a task-specific dataset. Here, we leverage such models, and we design a novel architecture on top of them. Moreover, we propose an intent pooling attention mechanism, and we reinforce the slot filling task by fusing intent distributions, word features, and token representations. The experimental results on standard datasets show that our model outperforms both the current non-BERT state of the art as well as stronger BERT-based baselines.

Lost in Translation, Found in Spans: Identifying Claims in Multilingual Social Media
Shubham Mittal | Megha Sundriyal | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Claim span identification (CSI) is an important step in fact-checking pipelines, aiming to identify text segments that contain a check-worthy claim or assertion in a social media post. Despite its importance to journalists and human fact-checkers, it remains a severely understudied problem, and the scarce research on this topic so far has only focused on English. Here we aim to bridge this gap by creating a novel dataset, X-CLAIM, consisting of 7K real-world claims collected from numerous social media platforms in five Indian languages and English. We report strong baselines with state-of-the-art encoder-only language models (e.g., XLM-R) and we demonstrate the benefits of training on multiple languages over alternative cross-lingual transfer methods such as zero-shot transfer, or training on translated data, from a high-resource language such as English. We evaluate generative large language models from the GPT series using prompting methods on the X-CLAIM dataset and we find that they underperform the smaller encoder-only language models for low-resource languages.

SCITAB: A Challenging Benchmark for Compositional Reasoning and Claim Verification on Scientific Tables
Xinyuan Lu | Liangming Pan | Qian Liu | Preslav Nakov | Min-Yen Kan
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Current scientific fact-checking benchmarks exhibit several shortcomings, such as biases arising from crowd-sourced claims and an over-reliance on text-based evidence. We present SCITAB, a challenging evaluation dataset consisting of 1.2K expert-verified scientific claims that 1) originate from authentic scientific publications and 2) require compositional reasoning for verification. The claims are paired with evidence-containing scientific tables annotated with labels. Through extensive evaluations, we demonstrate that SCITAB poses a significant challenge to state-of-the-art models, including table-based pretraining models and large language models. All models except GPT-4 achieved performance barely above random guessing. Popular prompting techniques, such as Chain-of-Thought, do not achieve much performance gains on SCITAB. Our analysis uncovers several unique challenges posed by SCITAB, including table grounding, claim ambiguity, and compositional reasoning. Our codes and data are publicly available at

Detecting Propaganda Techniques in Code-Switched Social Media Text
Muhammad Salman | Asif Hanif | Shady Shehata | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Propaganda is a form of communication intended to influence the opinions and the mindset of the public to promote a particular agenda. With the rise of social media, propaganda has spread rapidly, leading to the need for automatic propaganda detection systems. Most work on propaganda detection has focused on high-resource languages, such as English, and little effort has been made to detect propaganda for low-resource languages. Yet, it is common to find a mix of multiple languages in social media communication, a phenomenon known as code-switching. Code-switching combines different languages within the same text, which poses a challenge for automatic systems. Considering this premise, we propose a novel task of detecting propaganda techniques in code-switched text. To support this task, we create a corpus of 1,030 texts code-switching between English and Roman Urdu, annotated with 20 propaganda techniques at fragment-level. We perform a number of experiments contrasting different experimental setups, and we find that it is important to model the multilinguality directly rather than using translation as well as to use the right fine-tuning strategy. We plan to publicly release our code and dataset.

QACheck: A Demonstration System for Question-Guided Multi-Hop Fact-Checking
Liangming Pan | Xinyuan Lu | Min-Yen Kan | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

Fact-checking real-world claims often requires intricate, multi-step reasoning due to the absence of direct evidence to support or refute them. However, existing fact-checking systems often lack transparency in their decision-making, making it challenging for users to comprehend their reasoning process. To address this, we propose the Question-guided Multi-hop Fact-Checking (QACheck) system, which guides the model’s reasoning process by asking a series of questions critical for verifying a claim. QACheck has five key modules: a claim verifier, a question generator, a question-answering module, a QA validator, and a reasoner. Users can input a claim into QACheck, which then predicts its veracity and provides a comprehensive report detailing its reasoning process, guided by a sequence of (question, answer) pairs. QACheck also provides the source of evidence supporting each question, fostering a transparent, explainable, and user-friendly fact-checking process.

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Tenth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial 2023)
Yves Scherrer | Tommi Jauhiainen | Nikola Ljubešić | Preslav Nakov | Jörg Tiedemann | Marcos Zampieri
Tenth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial 2023)

BERTastic at SemEval-2023 Task 3: Fine-Tuning Pretrained Multilingual Transformers Does Order Matter?
Tarek Mahmoud | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

The naive approach for fine-tuning pretrained deep learning models on downstream tasks involves feeding them mini-batches of randomly sampled data. In this paper, we propose a more elaborate method for fine-tuning Pretrained Multilingual Transformers (PMTs) on multilingual data. Inspired by the success of curriculum learning approaches, we investigate the significance of fine-tuning PMTs on multilingual data in a sequential fashion language by language. Unlike the curriculum learning paradigm where the model is presented with increasingly complex examples, we do not adopt a notion of “easy” and “hard” samples. Instead, our experiments draw insight from psychological findings on how the human brain processes new information and the persistence of newly learned concepts. We perform our experiments on a challenging news-framing dataset that contains texts in six languages. Our proposed method outperforms the naïve approach by achieving improvements of 2.57\% in terms of F1 score. Even when we supplement the naïve approach with recency fine-tuning, we still achieve an improvement of 1.34\% with a 3.63\%$ convergence speed-up. Moreover, we are the first to observe an interesting pattern in which deep learning models exhibit a human-like primacy-recency effect.

MarsEclipse at SemEval-2023 Task 3: Multi-lingual and Multi-label Framing Detection with Contrastive Learning
Qisheng Liao | Meiting Lai | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

This paper describes our system for SemEval-2023 Task 3 Subtask 2 on Framing Detection. We used a multi-label contrastive loss for fine-tuning large pre-trained language models in a multi-lingual setting, achieving very competitive results: our system was ranked first on the official test set and on the official shared task leaderboard for five of the six languages for which we had training data and for which we could perform fine-tuning. Here, we describe our experimental setup, as well as various ablation studies. The code of our system is available at

QCRI at SemEval-2023 Task 3: News Genre, Framing and Persuasion Techniques Detection Using Multilingual Models
Maram Hasanain | Ahmed El-Shangiti | Rabindra Nath Nandi | Preslav Nakov | Firoj Alam
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

Misinformation spreading in mainstream and social media has been misleading users in different ways. Manual detection and verification efforts by journalists and fact-checkers can no longer cope with the great scale and quick spread of misleading information. This motivated research and industry efforts to develop systems for analyzing and verifying news spreading online. The SemEval-2023 Task 3 is an attempt to address several subtasks under this overarching problem, targeting writing techniques used in news articles to affect readers’ opinions. The task addressed three subtasks with six languages, in addition to three “surprise” test languages, resulting in 27 different test setups. This paper describes our participating system to this task. Our team is one of the 6 teams that successfully submitted runs for all setups. The official results show that our system is ranked among the top 3 systems for 10 out of the 27 setups.

Team TheSyllogist at SemEval-2023 Task 3: Language-Agnostic Framing Detection in Multi-Lingual Online News: A Zero-Shot Transfer Approach
Osama Mohammed Afzal | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

We describe our system for SemEval-2022 Task 3 subtask 2 which on detecting the frames used in a news article in a multi-lingual setup. We propose a multi-lingual approach based on machine translation of the input, followed by an English prediction model. Our system demonstrated good zero-shot transfer capability, achieving micro-F1 scores of 53% for Greek (4th on the leaderboard) and 56.1% for Georgian (3rd on the leaderboard), without any prior training on translated data for these languages. Moreover, our system achieved comparable performance on seven other languages, including German, English, French, Russian, Italian, Polish, and Spanish. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of creating a language-agnostic model for automatic framing detection in online news.

SemEval-2023 Task 3: Detecting the Category, the Framing, and the Persuasion Techniques in Online News in a Multi-lingual Setup
Jakub Piskorski | Nicolas Stefanovitch | Giovanni Da San Martino | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

We describe SemEval-2023 task 3 on Detecting the Category, the Framing, and the Persuasion Techniques in Online News in a Multilingual Setup: the dataset, the task organization process, the evaluation setup, the results, and the participating systems. The task focused on news articles in nine languages (six known to the participants upfront: English, French, German, Italian, Polish, and Russian), and three additional ones revealed to the participants at the testing phase: Spanish, Greek, and Georgian). The task featured three subtasks: (1) determining the genre of the article (opinion, reporting, or satire), (2) identifying one or more frames used in an article from a pool of 14 generic frames, and (3) identify the persuasion techniques used in each paragraph of the article, using a taxonomy of 23 persuasion techniques. This was a very popular task: a total of 181 teams registered to participate, and 41 eventually made an official submission on the test set.

Overview of the Shared Task on Hope Speech Detection for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
Prasanna Kumar Kumaresan | Bharathi Raja Chakravarthi | Subalalitha Cn | Miguel Ángel García-Cumbreras | Salud María Jiménez Zafra | José Antonio García-Díaz | Rafael Valencia-García | Momchil Hardalov | Ivan Koychev | Preslav Nakov | Daniel García-Baena | Kishore Kumar Ponnusamy
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Hope serves as a powerful driving force that encourages individuals to persevere in the face of the unpredictable nature of human existence. It instills motivation within us to remain steadfast in our pursuit of important goals, regardless of the uncertainties that lie ahead. In today’s digital age, platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube have emerged as prominent social media outlets where people freely express their views and opinions. These platforms have also become crucial for marginalized individuals seeking online assistance and support[1][2][3]. The outbreak of the pandemic has exacerbated people’s fears around the world, as they grapple with the possibility of losing loved ones and the lack of access to essential services such as schools, hospitals, and mental health facilities.

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Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Slavic Natural Language Processing 2023 (SlavicNLP 2023)
Jakub Piskorski | Michał Marcińczuk | Preslav Nakov | Maciej Ogrodniczuk | Senja Pollak | Pavel Přibáň | Piotr Rybak | Josef Steinberger | Roman Yangarber
Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Slavic Natural Language Processing 2023 (SlavicNLP 2023)

ArAIEval Shared Task: Persuasion Techniques and Disinformation Detection in Arabic Text
Maram Hasanain | Firoj Alam | Hamdy Mubarak | Samir Abdaljalil | Wajdi Zaghouani | Preslav Nakov | Giovanni Da San Martino | Abed Freihat
Proceedings of ArabicNLP 2023

We present an overview of the ArAIEval shared task, organized as part of the first ArabicNLP 2023 conference co-located with EMNLP 2023. ArAIEval offers two tasks over Arabic text: (1) persuasion technique detection, focusing on identifying persuasion techniques in tweets and news articles, and (2) disinformation detection in binary and multiclass setups over tweets. A total of 20 teams participated in the final evaluation phase, with 14 and 16 teams participating in Task 1 and Task 2, respectively. Across both tasks, we observe that fine-tuning transformer models such as AraBERT is the core of majority of participating systems. We provide a description of the task setup, including description of datasets construction and the evaluation setup. We also provide a brief overview of the participating systems. All datasets and evaluation scripts from the shared task are released to the research community. We hope this will enable further research on such important tasks within the Arabic NLP community.

Paper Bullets: Modeling Propaganda with the Help of Metaphor
Daniel Baleato Rodríguez | Verna Dankers | Preslav Nakov | Ekaterina Shutova
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2023

Propaganda aims to persuade an audience by appealing to emotions and using faulty reasoning, with the purpose of promoting a particular point of view. Similarly, metaphor modifies the semantic frame, thus eliciting a response that can be used to tune up or down the emotional volume of the message. Given the close relationship between them, we hypothesize that, when modeling them computationally, it can be beneficial to do so jointly. In particular, we perform multi-task learning with propaganda identification as the main task and metaphor detection as an auxiliary task. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that models metaphor and propaganda together. We experiment with two datasets for identifying propaganda techniques in news articles and in memes shared on social media. We find that leveraging metaphor improves model performance, particularly for the two most common propaganda techniques: loaded language and name-calling.

On the Risk of Misinformation Pollution with Large Language Models
Yikang Pan | Liangming Pan | Wenhu Chen | Preslav Nakov | Min-Yen Kan | William Wang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

We investigate the potential misuse of modern Large Language Models (LLMs) for generating credible-sounding misinformation and its subsequent impact on information-intensive applications, particularly Open-Domain Question Answering (ODQA) systems. We establish a threat model and simulate potential misuse scenarios, both unintentional and intentional, to assess the extent to which LLMs can be utilized to produce misinformation. Our study reveals that LLMs can act as effective misinformation generators, leading to a significant degradation (up to 87%) in the performance of ODQA systems. Moreover, we uncover disparities in the attributes associated with persuading humans and machines, presenting an obstacle to current human-centric approaches to combat misinformation. To mitigate the harm caused by LLM-generated misinformation, we propose three defense strategies: misinformation detection, vigilant prompting, and reader ensemble. These approaches have demonstrated promising results, albeit with certain associated costs. Lastly, we discuss the practicality of utilizing LLMs as automatic misinformation generators and provide relevant resources and code to facilitate future research in this area.

From Chaos to Clarity: Claim Normalization to Empower Fact-Checking
Megha Sundriyal | Tanmoy Chakraborty | Preslav Nakov
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

With the proliferation of social media platforms, users are exposed to vast information, including posts containing misleading claims. However, the pervasive noise inherent in these posts presents a challenge in identifying precise and prominent claims that require verification. Extracting the core assertions from such posts is arduous and time-consuming. We introduce a novel task, called Claim Normalization (aka ClaimNorm) that aims to decompose complex and noisy social media posts into more straightforward and understandable forms, termed normalized claims. We propose CACN , a pioneering approach that leverages chain-of-thought and claim check-worthiness estimation, mimicking human reasoning processes, to comprehend intricate claims. Moreover, we capitalize on large language models’ powerful in-context learning abilities to provide guidance and improve the claim normalization process. To evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed model, we meticulously compile a comprehensive real-world dataset, CLAN, comprising more than 6k instances of social media posts alongside their respective normalized claims. Experimentation demonstrates that CACN outperforms several baselines across various evaluation measures. A rigorous error analysis validates CACN‘s capabilities and pitfalls. We release our dataset and code at

DetectLLM: Leveraging Log Rank Information for Zero-Shot Detection of Machine-Generated Text
Jinyan Su | Terry Zhuo | Di Wang | Preslav Nakov
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

With the rapid progress of Large language models (LLMs) and the huge amount of text they generate, it becomes impractical to manually distinguish whether a text is machine-generated. The growing use of LLMs in social media and education, prompts us to develop methods to detect machine-generated text, preventing malicious use such as plagiarism, misinformation, and propaganda. In this paper, we introduce two novel zero-shot methods for detecting machine-generated text by leveraging the Log-Rank information. One is called DetectLLM-LRR, which is fast and efficient, and the other is called DetectLLM-NPR, which is more accurate, but slower due to the need for perturbations. Our experiments on three datasets and seven language models show that our proposed methods improve over the state of the art by 3.9 and 1.75 AUROC points absolute. Moreover, DetectLLM-NPR needs fewer perturbations than previous work to achieve the same level of performance, which makes it more practical for real-world use. We also investigate the efficiency-performance trade-off based on users’ preference for these two measures and provide intuition for using them in practice effectively. We release the data and the code of both methods in

Characterizing the Entities in Harmful Memes: Who is the Hero, the Villain, the Victim?
Shivam Sharma | Atharva Kulkarni | Tharun Suresh | Himanshi Mathur | Preslav Nakov | Md. Shad Akhtar | Tanmoy Chakraborty
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Memes can sway people’s opinions over social media as they combine visual and textual information in an easy-to-consume manner. Since memes instantly turn viral, it becomes crucial to infer their intent and potentially associated harmfulness to take timely measures as needed. A common problem associated with meme comprehension lies in detecting the entities referenced and characterizing the role of each of these entities. Here, we aim to understand whether the meme glorifies, vilifies, or victimizes each entity it refers to. To this end, we address the task of role identification of entities in harmful memes, i.e., detecting who is the ‘hero’, the ‘villain’, and the ‘victim’ in the meme, if any. We utilize HVVMemes – a memes dataset on US Politics and Covid-19 memes, released recently as part of the CONSTRAINT@ACL-2022 shared-task. It contains memes, entities referenced, and their associated roles: hero, villain, victim, and other. We further design VECTOR (Visual-semantic role dEteCToR), a robust multi-modal framework for the task, which integrates entity-based contextual information in the multi-modal representation and compare it to several standard unimodal (text-only or image-only) or multi-modal (image+text) models. Our experimental results show that our proposed model achieves an improvement of 4% over the best baseline and 1% over the best competing stand-alone submission from the shared-task. Besides divulging an extensive experimental setup with comparative analyses, we finally highlight the challenges encountered in addressing the complex task of semantic role labeling within memes.

Multilingual Multifaceted Understanding of Online News in Terms of Genre, Framing, and Persuasion Techniques
Jakub Piskorski | Nicolas Stefanovitch | Nikolaos Nikolaidis | Giovanni Da San Martino | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We present a new multilingual multifacet dataset of news articles, each annotated for genre (objective news reporting vs. opinion vs. satire), framing (what key aspects are highlighted), and persuasion techniques (logical fallacies, emotional appeals, ad hominem attacks, etc.). The persuasion techniques are annotated at the span level, using a taxonomy of 23 fine-grained techniques grouped into 6 coarse categories. The dataset contains 1,612 news articles covering recent news on current topics of public interest in six European languages (English, French, German, Italian, Polish, and Russian), with more than 37k annotated spans of persuasion techniques. We describe the dataset and the annotation process, and we report the evaluation results of multilabel classification experiments using state-of-the-art multilingual transformers at different levels of granularity: token-level, sentence-level, paragraph-level, and document-level.

Fact-Checking Complex Claims with Program-Guided Reasoning
Liangming Pan | Xiaobao Wu | Xinyuan Lu | Anh Tuan Luu | William Yang Wang | Min-Yen Kan | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Fact-checking real-world claims often requires collecting multiple pieces of evidence and applying complex multi-step reasoning. In this paper, we present Program-Guided Fact-Checking (ProgramFC), a novel fact-checking model that decomposes complex claims into simpler sub-tasks that can be solved using a shared library of specialized functions. We first leverage the in-context learning ability of large language models to generate reasoning programs to guide the verification process. Afterward, we execute the program by delegating each sub-task to the corresponding sub-task handler. This process makes our model both explanatory and data-efficient, providing clear explanations of its reasoning process and requiring minimal training data. We evaluate ProgramFC on two challenging fact-checking datasets and show that it outperforms seven fact-checking baselines across different settings of evidence availability, with explicit output programs that benefit human debugging. Our codes and data are publicly available at

bgGLUE: A Bulgarian General Language Understanding Evaluation Benchmark
Momchil Hardalov | Pepa Atanasova | Todor Mihaylov | Galia Angelova | Kiril Simov | Petya Osenova | Veselin Stoyanov | Ivan Koychev | Preslav Nakov | Dragomir Radev
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We present bgGLUE (Bulgarian General Language Understanding Evaluation), a benchmark for evaluating language models on Natural Language Understanding (NLU) tasks in Bulgarian. Our benchmark includes NLU tasks targeting a variety of NLP problems (e.g., natural language inference, fact-checking, named entity recognition, sentiment analysis, question answering, etc.) and machine learning tasks (sequence labeling, document-level classification, and regression). We run the first systematic evaluation of pre-trained language models for Bulgarian, comparing and contrasting results across the nine tasks in the benchmark. The evaluation results show strong performance on sequence labeling tasks, but there is a lot of room for improvement for tasks that require more complex reasoning. We make bgGLUE publicly available together with the fine-tuning and the evaluation code, as well as a public leaderboard at, and we hope that it will enable further advancements in developing NLU models for Bulgarian.

Faking Fake News for Real Fake News Detection: Propaganda-Loaded Training Data Generation
Kung-Hsiang Huang | Kathleen McKeown | Preslav Nakov | Yejin Choi | Heng Ji
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Despite recent advances in detecting fake news generated by neural models, their results are not readily applicable to effective detection of human-written disinformation. What limits the successful transfer between them is the sizable gap between machine-generated fake news and human-authored ones, including the notable differences in terms of style and underlying intent. With this in mind, we propose a novel framework for generating training examples that are informed by the known styles and strategies of human-authored propaganda. Specifically, we perform self-critical sequence training guided by natural language inference to ensure the validity of the generated articles, while also incorporating propaganda techniques, such as appeal to authority and loaded language. In particular, we create a new training dataset, PropaNews, with 2,256 examples, which we release for future use. Our experimental results show that fake news detectors trained on PropaNews are better at detecting human-written disinformation by 3.62–7.69% F1 score on two public datasets.

Target-Based Offensive Language Identification
Marcos Zampieri | Skye Morgan | Kai North | Tharindu Ranasinghe | Austin Simmmons | Paridhi Khandelwal | Sara Rosenthal | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

We present TBO, a new dataset for Target-based Offensive language identification. TBO contains post-level annotations regarding the harmfulness of an offensive post and token-level annotations comprising of the target and the offensive argument expression. Popular offensive language identification datasets for social media focus on annotation taxonomies only at the post level and more recently, some datasets have been released that feature only token-level annotations. TBO is an important resource that bridges the gap between post-level and token-level annotation datasets by introducing a single comprehensive unified annotation taxonomy. We use the TBO taxonomy to annotate post-level and token-level offensive language on English Twitter posts. We release an initial dataset of over 4,500 instances collected from Twitter and we carry out multiple experiments to compare the performance of different models trained and tested on TBO.


CrowdChecked: Detecting Previously Fact-Checked Claims in Social Media
Momchil Hardalov | Anton Chernyavskiy | Ivan Koychev | Dmitry Ilvovsky | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

While there has been substantial progress in developing systems to automate fact-checking, they still lack credibility in the eyes of the users. Thus, an interesting approach has emerged: to perform automatic fact-checking by verifying whether an input claim has been previously fact-checked by professional fact-checkers and to return back an article that explains their decision. This is a sensible approach as people trust manual fact-checking, and as many claims are repeated multiple times. Yet, a major issue when building such systems is the small number of known tweet–verifying article pairs available for training. Here, we aim to bridge this gap by making use of crowd fact-checking, i.e., mining claims in social media for which users have responded with a link to a fact-checking article. In particular, we mine a large-scale collection of 330,000 tweets paired with a corresponding fact-checking article. We further propose an end-to-end framework to learn from this noisy data based on modified self-adaptive training, in a distant supervision scenario. Our experiments on the CLEF’21 CheckThat! test set show improvements over the state of the art by two points absolute. Our code and datasets are available at

The Battlefront of Combating Misinformation and Coping with Media Bias
Yi Fung | Kung-Hsiang Huang | Preslav Nakov | Heng Ji
Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: Tutorial Abstracts

Misinformation is a pressing issue in modern society. It arouses a mixture of anger, distrust, confusion, and anxiety that cause damage on our daily life judgments and public policy decisions. While recent studies have explored various fake news detection and media bias detection techniques in attempts to tackle the problem, there remain many ongoing challenges yet to be addressed, as can be witnessed from the plethora of untrue and harmful content present during the COVID-19 pandemic and the international crises of late. In this tutorial, we provide researchers and practitioners with a systematic overview of the frontier in fighting misinformation. Specifically, we dive into the important research questions of how to (i) develop a robust fake news detection system, which not only fact-check information pieces provable by background knowledge but also reason about the consistency and the reliability of subtle details for emerging events; (ii) uncover the bias and agenda of news sources to better characterize misinformation; as well as (iii) correct false information and mitigate news bias, while allowing diverse opinions to be expressed. Moreover, we discuss the remaining challenges, future research directions, and exciting opportunities to help make this world a better place, with safer and more harmonic information sharing.

A Survey on Multimodal Disinformation Detection
Firoj Alam | Stefano Cresci | Tanmoy Chakraborty | Fabrizio Silvestri | Dimiter Dimitrov | Giovanni Da San Martino | Shaden Shaar | Hamed Firooz | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Recent years have witnessed the proliferation of offensive content online such as fake news, propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation. While initially this was mostly about textual content, over time images and videos gained popularity, as they are much easier to consume, attract more attention, and spread further than text. As a result, researchers started leveraging different modalities and combinations thereof to tackle online multimodal offensive content. In this study, we offer a survey on the state-of-the-art on multimodal disinformation detection covering various combinations of modalities: text, images, speech, video, social media network structure, and temporal information. Moreover, while some studies focused on factuality, others investigated how harmful the content is. While these two components in the definition of disinformation – (i) factuality, and (ii) harmfulness –, are equally important, they are typically studied in isolation. Thus, we argue for the need to tackle disinformation detection by taking into account multiple modalities as well as both factuality and harmfulness, in the same framework. Finally, we discuss current challenges and future research directions.

Overview of the WANLP 2022 Shared Task on Propaganda Detection in Arabic
Firoj Alam | Hamdy Mubarak | Wajdi Zaghouani | Giovanni Da San Martino | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the Seventh Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop (WANLP)

Propaganda is defined as an expression of opinion or action by individuals or groups deliberately designed to influence opinions or actions of other individuals or groups with reference to predetermined ends and this is achieved by means of well-defined rhetorical and psychological devices. Currently, propaganda (or persuasion) techniques have been commonly used on social media to manipulate or mislead social media users. Automatic detection of propaganda techniques from textual, visual, or multimodal content has been studied recently, however, major of such efforts are focused on English language content. In this paper, we propose a shared task on detecting propaganda techniques for Arabic textual content. We have done a pilot annotation of 200 Arabic tweets, which we plan to extend to 2,000 tweets, covering diverse topics. We hope that the shared task will help in building a community for Arabic propaganda detection. The dataset will be made publicly available, which can help in future studies.

IITD at WANLP 2022 Shared Task: Multilingual Multi-Granularity Network for Propaganda Detection
Shubham Mittal | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the Seventh Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop (WANLP)

We present our system for the two subtasks of the shared task on propaganda detection in Arabic, part of WANLP’2022. Subtask 1 is a multi-label classification problem to find the propaganda techniques used in a given tweet. Our system for this task uses XLM-R to predict probabilities for the target tweet to use each of the techniques. In addition to finding the techniques, subtask 2 further asks to identify the textual span for each instance of each technique that is present in the tweet; the task can be modelled as a sequence tagging problem. We use a multi-granularity network with mBERT encoder for subtask 2. Overall, our system ranks second for both subtasks (out of 14 and 3 participants, respectively). Our experimental results and analysis show that it does not help to use a much larger English corpus annotated with propaganda techniques, regardless of whether used in English or after translation to Arabic.

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Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022
Smaranda Muresan | Preslav Nakov | Aline Villavicencio
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

A Survey on Stance Detection for Mis- and Disinformation Identification
Momchil Hardalov | Arnav Arora | Preslav Nakov | Isabelle Augenstein
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2022

Understanding attitudes expressed in texts, also known as stance detection, plays an important role in systems for detecting false information online, be it misinformation (unintentionally false) or disinformation (intentionally false information). Stance detection has been framed in different ways, including (a) as a component of fact-checking, rumour detection, and detecting previously fact-checked claims, or (b) as a task in its own right. While there have been prior efforts to contrast stance detection with other related tasks such as argumentation mining and sentiment analysis, there is no existing survey on examining the relationship between stance detection and mis- and disinformation detection. Here, we aim to bridge this gap by reviewing and analysing existing work in this area, with mis- and disinformation in focus, and discussing lessons learnt and future challenges.

DISARM: Detecting the Victims Targeted by Harmful Memes
Shivam Sharma | Md Shad Akhtar | Preslav Nakov | Tanmoy Chakraborty
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2022

Internet memes have emerged as an increasingly popular means of communication on the web. Although memes are typically intended to elicit humour, they have been increasingly used to spread hatred, trolling, and cyberbullying, as well as to target specific individuals, communities, or society on political, socio-cultural, and psychological grounds. While previous work has focused on detecting harmful, hateful, and offensive memes in general, identifying whom these memes attack (i.e., the ‘victims’) remains a challenging and underexplored area. We attempt to address this problem in this paper. To this end, we create a dataset in which we annotate each meme with its victim(s) such as the name of the targeted person(s), organization(s), and community(ies). We then propose DISARM (Detecting vIctimS targeted by hARmful Memes), a framework that uses named-entity recognition and person identification to detect all entities a meme is referring to, and then, incorporates a novel contextualized multimodal deep neural network to classify whether the meme intends to harm these entities. We perform several systematic experiments on three different test sets, corresponding to entities that are (i) all seen while training, (ii) not seen as a harmful target while training, and (iii) not seen at all while training. The evaluation shows that DISARM significantly outperforms 10 unimodal and multimodal systems. Finally, we demonstrate that DISARM is interpretable and comparatively more generalizable and that it can reduce the relative error rate of harmful target identification by up to 9 % absolute over multimodal baseline systems.

The Role of Context in Detecting Previously Fact-Checked Claims
Shaden Shaar | Firoj Alam | Giovanni Da San Martino | Preslav Nakov
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2022

Recent years have seen the proliferation of disinformation and fake news online. Traditional approaches to mitigate these issues is to use manual or automatic fact-checking. Recently, another approach has emerged: checking whether the input claim has previously been fact-checked, which can be done automatically, and thus fast, while also offering credibility and explainability, thanks to the human fact-checking and explanations in the associated fact-checking article. Here, we focus on claims made in a political debate and we study the impact of modeling the context of the claim: both on the source side, i.e., in the debate, as well as on the target side, i.e., in the fact-checking explanation document. We do this by modeling the local context, the global context, as well as by means of co-reference resolution, and multi-hop reasoning over the sentences of the document describing the fact-checked claim. The experimental results show that each of these represents a valuable information source, but that modeling the source-side context is most important, and can yield 10+ points of absolute improvement over a state-of-the-art model.

Assisting the Human Fact-Checkers: Detecting All Previously Fact-Checked Claims in a Document
Shaden Shaar | Nikola Georgiev | Firoj Alam | Giovanni Da San Martino | Aisha Mohamed | Preslav Nakov
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Given the recent proliferation of false claims online, there has been a lot of manual fact-checking effort. As this is very time-consuming, human fact-checkers can benefit from tools that can support them and make them more efficient. Here, we focus on building a system that could provide such support. Given an input document, it aims to detect all sentences that contain a claim that can be verified by some previously fact-checked claims (from a given database). The output is a re-ranked list of the document sentences, so that those that can be verified are ranked as high as possible, together with corresponding evidence. Unlike previous work, which has looked into claim retrieval, here we take a document-level perspective. We create a new manually annotated dataset for the task, and we propose suitable evaluation measures. We further experiment with a learning-to-rank approach, achieving sizable performance gains over several strong baselines. Our analysis demonstrates the importance of modeling text similarity and stance, while also taking into account the veracity of the retrieved previously fact-checked claims. We believe that this research would be of interest to fact-checkers, journalists, media, and regulatory authorities.

Batch-Softmax Contrastive Loss for Pairwise Sentence Scoring Tasks
Anton Chernyavskiy | Dmitry Ilvovsky | Pavel Kalinin | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

The use of contrastive loss for representation learning has become prominent in computer vision, and it is now getting attention in Natural Language Processing (NLP).Here, we explore the idea of using a batch-softmax contrastive loss when fine-tuning large-scale pre-trained transformer models to learn better task-specific sentence embeddings for pairwise sentence scoring tasks. We introduce and study a number of variations in the calculation of the loss as well as in the overall training procedure; in particular, we find that a special data shuffling can be quite important. Our experimental results show sizable improvements on a number of datasets and pairwise sentence scoring tasks including classification, ranking, and regression. Finally, we offer detailed analysis and discussion, which should be useful for researchers aiming to explore the utility of contrastive loss in NLP.

PASTA: Table-Operations Aware Fact Verification via Sentence-Table Cloze Pre-training
Zihui Gu | Ju Fan | Nan Tang | Preslav Nakov | Xiaoman Zhao | Xiaoyong Du
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Fact verification has attracted a lot of attention recently, e.g., in journalism, marketing, and policymaking, as misinformation and dis- information can sway one’s opinion and affect one’s actions. While fact-checking is a hard task in general, in many cases, false statements can be easily debunked based on analytics over tables with reliable information. Hence, table- based fact verification has recently emerged as an important and growing research area. Yet, progress has been limited due to the lack of datasets that can be used to pre-train language models (LMs) to be aware of common table operations, such as aggregating a column or comparing tuples. To bridge this gap, this paper introduces PASTA for table-based fact verification via pre-training with synthesized sentence–table cloze questions. In particular, we design six types of common sentence–table cloze tasks, including Filter, Aggregation, Superlative, Comparative, Ordinal, and Unique, based on which we synthesize a large corpus consisting of 1.2 million sentence–table pairs from WikiTables. PASTA uses a recent pre-trained LM, DeBERTaV3, and further pre- trains it on our corpus. Our experimental results show that PASTA achieves new state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on two table-based fact verification datasets TabFact and SEM-TAB- FACTS. In particular, on the complex set of TabFact, which contains multiple operations, PASTA largely outperforms previous SOTA by 4.7% (85.6% vs. 80.9%), and the gap between PASTA and human performance on the small test set is narrowed to just 1.5% (90.6% vs. 92.1%).

NewsClaims: A New Benchmark for Claim Detection from News with Attribute Knowledge
Revanth Gangi Reddy | Sai Chetan Chinthakindi | Zhenhailong Wang | Yi Fung | Kathryn Conger | Ahmed ELsayed | Martha Palmer | Preslav Nakov | Eduard Hovy | Kevin Small | Heng Ji
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Claim detection and verification are crucial for news understanding and have emerged as promising technologies for mitigating misinformation and disinformation in the news. However, most existing work has focused on claim sentence analysis while overlooking additional crucial attributes (e.g., the claimer and the main object associated with the claim).In this work, we present NewsClaims, a new benchmark for attribute-aware claim detection in the news domain. We extend the claim detection problem to include extraction of additional attributes related to each claim and release 889 claims annotated over 143 news articles. NewsClaims aims to benchmark claim detection systems in emerging scenarios, comprising unseen topics with little or no training data. To this end, we see that zero-shot and prompt-based baselines show promising performance on this benchmark, while still considerably behind human performance.

GREENER: Graph Neural Networks for News Media Profiling
Panayot Panayotov | Utsav Shukla | Husrev Taha Sencar | Mohamed Nabeel | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

We study the problem of profiling news media on the Web with respect to their factuality of reporting and bias. This is an important but under-studied problem related to disinformation and “fake news” detection, but it addresses the issue at a coarser granularity compared to looking at an individual article or an individual claim. This is useful as it allows to profile entire media outlets in advance. Unlike previous work, which has focused primarily on text (e.g., on the text of the articles published by the target website, or on the textual description in their social media profiles or in Wikipedia), here our main focus is on modeling the similarity between media outlets based on the overlap of their audience. This is motivated by homophily considerations, i.e., the tendency of people to have connections to people with similar interests, which we extend to media, hypothesizing that similar types of media would be read by similar kinds of users. In particular, we propose GREENER (GRaph nEural nEtwork for News mEdia pRofiling), a model that builds a graph of inter-media connections based on their audience overlap, and then uses graph neural networks to represent each medium. We find that such representations are quite useful for predicting the factuality and the bias of news media outlets, yielding improvements over state-of-the-art results reported on two datasets. When augmented with conventionally used representations obtained from news articles, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Wikipedia, prediction accuracy is found to improve by 2.5-27 macro-F1 points for the two tasks.

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Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
Smaranda Muresan | Preslav Nakov | Aline Villavicencio
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

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Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)
Smaranda Muresan | Preslav Nakov | Aline Villavicencio
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

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Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects
Yves Scherrer | Tommi Jauhiainen | Nikola Ljubešić | Preslav Nakov | Jörg Tiedemann | Marcos Zampieri
Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects

TeamX@DravidianLangTech-ACL2022: A Comparative Analysis for Troll-Based Meme Classification
Rabindra Nath Nandi | Firoj Alam | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Speech and Language Technologies for Dravidian Languages

The spread of fake news, propaganda, misinformation, disinformation, and harmful content online raised concerns among social mediaplatforms, government agencies, policymakers, and society as a whole. This is because such harmful or abusive content leads to several consequences to people such as physical, emotional, relational, and financial. Among different harmful content trolling-based online content is one of them, where the idea is to post a message that is provocative, offensive, or menacing with an intent to mislead the audience. The content can be textual, visual, a combination of both, or a meme. In this study, we provide a comparative analysis of troll-based memes classification using the textual, visual, and multimodal content. We report several interesting findings in terms of code-mixed text, multimodal setting, and combining an additional dataset, which shows improvements over the majority baseline.

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Proceedings of the Workshop on Combating Online Hostile Posts in Regional Languages during Emergency Situations
Tanmoy Chakraborty | Md. Shad Akhtar | Kai Shu | H. Russell Bernard | Maria Liakata | Preslav Nakov | Aseem Srivastava
Proceedings of the Workshop on Combating Online Hostile Posts in Regional Languages during Emergency Situations

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Findings of the CONSTRAINT 2022 Shared Task on Detecting the Hero, the Villain, and the Victim in Memes
Shivam Sharma | Tharun Suresh | Atharva Kulkarni | Himanshi Mathur | Preslav Nakov | Md. Shad Akhtar | Tanmoy Chakraborty
Proceedings of the Workshop on Combating Online Hostile Posts in Regional Languages during Emergency Situations

We present the findings of the shared task at the CONSTRAINT 2022 Workshop: Hero, Villain, and Victim: Dissecting harmful memes for Semantic role labeling of entities. The task aims to delve deeper into the domain of meme comprehension by deciphering the connotations behind the entities present in a meme. In more nuanced terms, the shared task focuses on determining the victimizing, glorifying, and vilifying intentions embedded in meme entities to explicate their connotations. To this end, we curate HVVMemes, a novel meme dataset of about 7000 memes spanning the domains of COVID-19 and US Politics, each containing entities and their associated roles: hero, villain, victim, or none. The shared task attracted 105 participants, but eventually only 6 submissions were made. Most of the successful submissions relied on fine-tuning pre-trained language and multimodal models along with ensembles. The best submission achieved an F1-score of 58.67.

Detecting the Role of an Entity in Harmful Memes: Techniques and their Limitations
Rabindra Nath Nandi | Firoj Alam | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the Workshop on Combating Online Hostile Posts in Regional Languages during Emergency Situations

Harmful or abusive online content has been increasing over time and it has been raising concerns among social media platforms, government agencies, and policymakers. Such harmful or abusive content has a significant negative impact on society such as cyberbullying led to suicides, COVID-19 related rumors led to hundreds of deaths. The content that is posted and shared online can be textual, visual, a combination of both, or a meme. In this paper, we provide our study on detecting the roles of entities in harmful memes, which is part of the CONSTRAINT-2022 shared task. We report the results on the participated system. We further provide a comparative analysis on different experimental settings (i.e., unimodal, multimodal, attention, and augmentation).

A Neighborhood Framework for Resource-Lean Content Flagging
Sheikh Muhammad Sarwar | Dimitrina Zlatkova | Momchil Hardalov | Yoan Dinkov | Isabelle Augenstein | Preslav Nakov
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 10

We propose a novel framework for cross- lingual content flagging with limited target- language data, which significantly outperforms prior work in terms of predictive performance. The framework is based on a nearest-neighbor architecture. It is a modern instantiation of the vanilla k-nearest neighbor model, as we use Transformer representations in all its components. Our framework can adapt to new source- language instances, without the need to be retrained from scratch. Unlike prior work on neighborhood-based approaches, we encode the neighborhood information based on query– neighbor interactions. We propose two encoding schemes and we show their effectiveness using both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Our evaluation results on eight languages from two different datasets for abusive language detection show sizable improvements of up to 9.5 F1 points absolute (for Italian) over strong baselines. On average, we achieve 3.6 absolute F1 points of improvement for the three languages in the Jigsaw Multilingual dataset and 2.14 points for the WUL dataset.


Detecting Propaganda Techniques in Memes
Dimitar Dimitrov | Bishr Bin Ali | Shaden Shaar | Firoj Alam | Fabrizio Silvestri | Hamed Firooz | Preslav Nakov | Giovanni Da San Martino
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Propaganda can be defined as a form of communication that aims to influence the opinions or the actions of people towards a specific goal; this is achieved by means of well-defined rhetorical and psychological devices. Propaganda, in the form we know it today, can be dated back to the beginning of the 17th century. However, it is with the advent of the Internet and the social media that propaganda has started to spread on a much larger scale than before, thus becoming major societal and political issue. Nowadays, a large fraction of propaganda in social media is multimodal, mixing textual with visual content. With this in mind, here we propose a new multi-label multimodal task: detecting the type of propaganda techniques used in memes. We further create and release a new corpus of 950 memes, carefully annotated with 22 propaganda techniques, which can appear in the text, in the image, or in both. Our analysis of the corpus shows that understanding both modalities together is essential for detecting these techniques. This is further confirmed in our experiments with several state-of-the-art multimodal models.

SOLID: A Large-Scale Semi-Supervised Dataset for Offensive Language Identification
Sara Rosenthal | Pepa Atanasova | Georgi Karadzhov | Marcos Zampieri | Preslav Nakov
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021

Detecting Harmful Memes and Their Targets
Shraman Pramanick | Dimitar Dimitrov | Rituparna Mukherjee | Shivam Sharma | Md. Shad Akhtar | Preslav Nakov | Tanmoy Chakraborty
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021

Fighting the COVID-19 Infodemic: Modeling the Perspective of Journalists, Fact-Checkers, Social Media Platforms, Policy Makers, and the Society
Firoj Alam | Shaden Shaar | Fahim Dalvi | Hassan Sajjad | Alex Nikolov | Hamdy Mubarak | Giovanni Da San Martino | Ahmed Abdelali | Nadir Durrani | Kareem Darwish | Abdulaziz Al-Homaid | Wajdi Zaghouani | Tommaso Caselli | Gijs Danoe | Friso Stolk | Britt Bruntink | Preslav Nakov
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021

With the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the political and the medical aspects of disinformation merged as the problem got elevated to a whole new level to become the first global infodemic. Fighting this infodemic has been declared one of the most important focus areas of the World Health Organization, with dangers ranging from promoting fake cures, rumors, and conspiracy theories to spreading xenophobia and panic. Addressing the issue requires solving a number of challenging problems such as identifying messages containing claims, determining their check-worthiness and factuality, and their potential to do harm as well as the nature of that harm, to mention just a few. To address this gap, we release a large dataset of 16K manually annotated tweets for fine-grained disinformation analysis that (i) focuses on COVID-19, (ii) combines the perspectives and the interests of journalists, fact-checkers, social media platforms, policy makers, and society, and (iii) covers Arabic, Bulgarian, Dutch, and English. Finally, we show strong evaluation results using pretrained Transformers, thus confirming the practical utility of the dataset in monolingual vs. multilingual, and single task vs. multitask settings.

MOMENTA: A Multimodal Framework for Detecting Harmful Memes and Their Targets
Shraman Pramanick | Shivam Sharma | Dimitar Dimitrov | Md. Shad Akhtar | Preslav Nakov | Tanmoy Chakraborty
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021

Internet memes have become powerful means to transmit political, psychological, and socio-cultural ideas. Although memes are typically humorous, recent days have witnessed an escalation of harmful memes used for trolling, cyberbullying, and abuse. Detecting such memes is challenging as they can be highly satirical and cryptic. Moreover, while previous work has focused on specific aspects of memes such as hate speech and propaganda, there has been little work on harm in general. Here, we aim to bridge this gap. In particular, we focus on two tasks: (i)detecting harmful memes, and (ii) identifying the social entities they target. We further extend the recently released HarMeme dataset, which covered COVID-19, with additional memes and a new topic: US politics. To solve these tasks, we propose MOMENTA (MultimOdal framework for detecting harmful MemEs aNd Their tArgets), a novel multimodal deep neural network that uses global and local perspectives to detect harmful memes. MOMENTA systematically analyzes the local and the global perspective of the input meme (in both modalities) and relates it to the background context. MOMENTA is interpretable and generalizable, and our experiments show that it outperforms several strong rivaling approaches.

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Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on NLP for Internet Freedom: Censorship, Disinformation, and Propaganda
Anna Feldman | Giovanni Da San Martino | Chris Leberknight | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on NLP for Internet Freedom: Censorship, Disinformation, and Propaganda

AraStance: A Multi-Country and Multi-Domain Dataset of Arabic Stance Detection for Fact Checking
Tariq Alhindi | Amal Alabdulkarim | Ali Alshehri | Muhammad Abdul-Mageed | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on NLP for Internet Freedom: Censorship, Disinformation, and Propaganda

With the continuing spread of misinformation and disinformation online, it is of increasing importance to develop combating mechanisms at scale in the form of automated systems that support multiple languages. One task of interest is claim veracity prediction, which can be addressed using stance detection with respect to relevant documents retrieved online. To this end, we present our new Arabic Stance Detection dataset (AraStance) of 4,063 claim–article pairs from a diverse set of sources comprising three fact-checking websites and one news website. AraStance covers false and true claims from multiple domains (e.g., politics, sports, health) and several Arab countries, and it is well-balanced between related and unrelated documents with respect to the claims. We benchmark AraStance, along with two other stance detection datasets, using a number of BERT-based models. Our best model achieves an accuracy of 85% and a macro F1 score of 78%, which leaves room for improvement and reflects the challenging nature of AraStance and the task of stance detection in general.

Findings of the NLP4IF-2021 Shared Tasks on Fighting the COVID-19 Infodemic and Censorship Detection
Shaden Shaar | Firoj Alam | Giovanni Da San Martino | Alex Nikolov | Wajdi Zaghouani | Preslav Nakov | Anna Feldman
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on NLP for Internet Freedom: Censorship, Disinformation, and Propaganda

We present the results and the main findings of the NLP4IF-2021 shared tasks. Task 1 focused on fighting the COVID-19 infodemic in social media, and it was offered in Arabic, Bulgarian, and English. Given a tweet, it asked to predict whether that tweet contains a verifiable claim, and if so, whether it is likely to be false, is of general interest, is likely to be harmful, and is worthy of manual fact-checking; also, whether it is harmful to society, and whether it requires the attention of policy makers. Task 2 focused on censorship detection, and was offered in Chinese. A total of ten teams submitted systems for task 1, and one team participated in task 2; nine teams also submitted a system description paper. Here, we present the tasks, analyze the results, and discuss the system submissions and the methods they used. Most submissions achieved sizable improvements over several baselines, and the best systems used pre-trained Transformers and ensembles. The data, the scorers and the leaderboards for the tasks are available at

SemEval-2021 Task 6: Detection of Persuasion Techniques in Texts and Images
Dimitar Dimitrov | Bishr Bin Ali | Shaden Shaar | Firoj Alam | Fabrizio Silvestri | Hamed Firooz | Preslav Nakov | Giovanni Da San Martino
Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2021)

We describe SemEval-2021 task 6 on Detection of Persuasion Techniques in Texts and Images: the data, the annotation guidelines, the evaluation setup, the results, and the participating systems. The task focused on memes and had three subtasks: (i) detecting the techniques in the text, (ii) detecting the text spans where the techniques are used, and (iii) detecting techniques in the entire meme, i.e., both in the text and in the image. It was a popular task, attracting 71 registrations, and 22 teams that eventually made an official submission on the test set. The evaluation results for the third subtask confirmed the importance of both modalities, the text and the image. Moreover, some teams reported benefits when not just combining the two modalities, e.g., by using early or late fusion, but rather modeling the interaction between them in a joint model.

Compressing Large-Scale Transformer-Based Models: A Case Study on BERT
Prakhar Ganesh | Yao Chen | Xin Lou | Mohammad Ali Khan | Yin Yang | Hassan Sajjad | Preslav Nakov | Deming Chen | Marianne Winslett
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 9

Pre-trained Transformer-based models have achieved state-of-the-art performance for various Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. However, these models often have billions of parameters, and thus are too resource- hungry and computation-intensive to suit low- capability devices or applications with strict latency requirements. One potential remedy for this is model compression, which has attracted considerable research attention. Here, we summarize the research in compressing Transformers, focusing on the especially popular BERT model. In particular, we survey the state of the art in compression for BERT, we clarify the current best practices for compressing large-scale Transformer models, and we provide insights into the workings of various methods. Our categorization and analysis also shed light on promising future research directions for achieving lightweight, accurate, and generic NLP models.

Predicting the Factuality of Reporting of News Media Using Observations about User Attention in Their YouTube Channels
Krasimira Bozhanova | Yoan Dinkov | Ivan Koychev | Maria Castaldo | Tommaso Venturini | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2021)

We propose a novel framework for predicting the factuality of reporting of news media outlets by studying the user attention cycles in their YouTube channels. In particular, we design a rich set of features derived from the temporal evolution of the number of views, likes, dislikes, and comments for a video, which we then aggregate to the channel level. We develop and release a dataset for the task, containing observations of user attention on YouTube channels for 489 news media. Our experiments demonstrate both complementarity and sizable improvements over state-of-the-art textual representations.

COVID-19 in Bulgarian Social Media: Factuality, Harmfulness, Propaganda, and Framing
Preslav Nakov | Firoj Alam | Shaden Shaar | Giovanni Da San Martino | Yifan Zhang
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2021)

With the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the political and the medical aspects of disinformation merged as the problem got elevated to a whole new level to become the first global infodemic. Fighting this infodemic is currently ranked very high on the list of priorities of the World Health Organization, with dangers ranging from promoting fake cures, rumors, and conspiracy theories to spreading xenophobia and panic. With this in mind, we studied how COVID-19 is discussed in Bulgarian social media in terms of factuality, harmfulness, propaganda, and framing. We found that most Bulgarian tweets contain verifiable factual claims, are factually true, are of potential public interest, are not harmful, and are too trivial to fact-check; moreover, zooming into harmful tweets, we found that they spread not only rumors but also panic. We further analyzed articles shared in Bulgarian partisan pro/con-COVID-19 Facebook groups and found that propaganda is more prevalent in skeptical articles, which use doubt, flag waving, and slogans to convey their message; in contrast, concerned ones appeal to emotions, fear, and authority; moreover, skeptical articles frame the issue as one of quality of life, policy, legality, economy, and politics, while concerned articles focus on health & safety. We release our manually and automatically analyzed datasets to enable further research.

A Second Pandemic? Analysis of Fake News about COVID-19 Vaccines in Qatar
Preslav Nakov | Firoj Alam | Shaden Shaar | Giovanni Da San Martino | Yifan Zhang
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2021)

While COVID-19 vaccines are finally becoming widely available, a second pandemic that revolves around the circulation of anti-vaxxer “fake news” may hinder efforts to recover from the first one. With this in mind, we performed an extensive analysis of Arabic and English tweets about COVID-19 vaccines, with focus on messages originating from Qatar. We found that Arabic tweets contain a lot of false information and rumors, while English tweets are mostly factual. However, English tweets are much more propagandistic than Arabic ones. In terms of propaganda techniques, about half of the Arabic tweets express doubt, and 1/5 use loaded language, while English tweets are abundant in loaded language, exaggeration, fear, name-calling, doubt, and flag-waving. Finally, in terms of framing, Arabic tweets adopt a health and safety perspective, while in English economic concerns dominate.

Interpretable Propaganda Detection in News Articles
Seunghak Yu | Giovanni Da San Martino | Mitra Mohtarami | James Glass | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2021)

Online users today are exposed to misleading and propagandistic news articles and media posts on a daily basis. To counter thus, a number of approaches have been designed aiming to achieve a healthier and safer online news and media consumption. Automatic systems are able to support humans in detecting such content; yet, a major impediment to their broad adoption is that besides being accurate, the decisions of such systems need also to be interpretable in order to be trusted and widely adopted by users. Since misleading and propagandistic content influences readers through the use of a number of deception techniques, we propose to detect and to show the use of such techniques as a way to offer interpretability. In particular, we define qualitatively descriptive features and we analyze their suitability for detecting deception techniques. We further show that our interpretable features can be easily combined with pre-trained language models, yielding state-of-the-art results.

Generating Answer Candidates for Quizzes and Answer-Aware Question Generators
Kristiyan Vachev | Momchil Hardalov | Georgi Karadzhov | Georgi Georgiev | Ivan Koychev | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop Associated with RANLP 2021

In education, quiz questions have become an important tool for assessing the knowledge of students. Yet, manually preparing such questions is a tedious task, and thus automatic question generation has been proposed as a possible alternative. So far, the vast majority of research has focused on generating the question text, relying on question answering datasets with readily picked answers, and the problem of how to come up with answer candidates in the first place has been largely ignored. Here, we aim to bridge this gap. In particular, we propose a model that can generate a specified number of answer candidates for a given passage of text, which can then be used by instructors to write questions manually or can be passed as an input to automatic answer-aware question generators. Our experiments show that our proposed answer candidate generation model outperforms several baselines.

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Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects
Marcos Zampieri | Preslav Nakov | Nikola Ljubešić | Jörg Tiedemann | Yves Scherrer | Tommi Jauhiainen
Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects

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Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Balto-Slavic Natural Language Processing
Bogdan Babych | Olga Kanishcheva | Preslav Nakov | Jakub Piskorski | Lidia Pivovarova | Vasyl Starko | Josef Steinberger | Roman Yangarber | Michał Marcińczuk | Senja Pollak | Pavel Přibáň | Marko Robnik-Šikonja
Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Balto-Slavic Natural Language Processing

Slav-NER: the 3rd Cross-lingual Challenge on Recognition, Normalization, Classification, and Linking of Named Entities across Slavic Languages
Jakub Piskorski | Bogdan Babych | Zara Kancheva | Olga Kanishcheva | Maria Lebedeva | Michał Marcińczuk | Preslav Nakov | Petya Osenova | Lidia Pivovarova | Senja Pollak | Pavel Přibáň | Ivaylo Radev | Marko Robnik-Sikonja | Vasyl Starko | Josef Steinberger | Roman Yangarber
Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Balto-Slavic Natural Language Processing

This paper describes Slav-NER: the 3rd Multilingual Named Entity Challenge in Slavic languages. The tasks involve recognizing mentions of named entities in Web documents, normalization of the names, and cross-lingual linking. The Challenge covers six languages and five entity types, and is organized as part of the 8th Balto-Slavic Natural Language Processing Workshop, co-located with the EACL 2021 Conference. Ten teams participated in the competition. Performance for the named entity recognition task reached 90% F-measure, much higher than reported in the first edition of the Challenge. Seven teams covered all six languages, and five teams participated in the cross-lingual entity linking task. Detailed valuation information is available on the shared task web page.

RuleBERT: Teaching Soft Rules to Pre-Trained Language Models
Mohammed Saeed | Naser Ahmadi | Preslav Nakov | Paolo Papotti
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

While pre-trained language models (PLMs) are the go-to solution to tackle many natural language processing problems, they are still very limited in their ability to capture and to use common-sense knowledge. In fact, even if information is available in the form of approximate (soft) logical rules, it is not clear how to transfer it to a PLM in order to improve its performance for deductive reasoning tasks. Here, we aim to bridge this gap by teaching PLMs how to reason with soft Horn rules. We introduce a classification task where, given facts and soft rules, the PLM should return a prediction with a probability for a given hypothesis. We release the first dataset for this task, and we propose a revised loss function that enables the PLM to learn how to predict precise probabilities for the task. Our evaluation results show that the resulting fine-tuned models achieve very high performance, even on logical rules that were unseen at training. Moreover, we demonstrate that logical notions expressed by the rules are transferred to the fine-tuned model, yielding state-of-the-art results on external datasets.

Cross-Domain Label-Adaptive Stance Detection
Momchil Hardalov | Arnav Arora | Preslav Nakov | Isabelle Augenstein
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Stance detection concerns the classification of a writer’s viewpoint towards a target. There are different task variants, e.g., stance of a tweet vs. a full article, or stance with respect to a claim vs. an (implicit) topic. Moreover, task definitions vary, which includes the label inventory, the data collection, and the annotation protocol. All these aspects hinder cross-domain studies, as they require changes to standard domain adaptation approaches. In this paper, we perform an in-depth analysis of 16 stance detection datasets, and we explore the possibility for cross-domain learning from them. Moreover, we propose an end-to-end unsupervised framework for out-of-domain prediction of unseen, user-defined labels. In particular, we combine domain adaptation techniques such as mixture of experts and domain-adversarial training with label embeddings, and we demonstrate sizable performance gains over strong baselines, both (i) in-domain, i.e., for seen targets, and (ii) out-of-domain, i.e., for unseen targets. Finally, we perform an exhaustive analysis of the cross-domain results, and we highlight the important factors influencing the model performance.


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Proceedings of the 3rd NLP4IF Workshop on NLP for Internet Freedom: Censorship, Disinformation, and Propaganda
Giovanni Da San Martino | Chris Brew | Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia | Anna Feldman | Chris Leberknight | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 3rd NLP4IF Workshop on NLP for Internet Freedom: Censorship, Disinformation, and Propaganda

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Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects
Marcos Zampieri | Preslav Nakov | Nikola Ljubešić | Jörg Tiedemann | Yves Scherrer
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects

Predicting the Topical Stance and Political Leaning of Media using Tweets
Peter Stefanov | Kareem Darwish | Atanas Atanasov | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Discovering the stances of media outlets and influential people on current, debatable topics is important for social statisticians and policy makers. Many supervised solutions exist for determining viewpoints, but manually annotating training data is costly. In this paper, we propose a cascaded method that uses unsupervised learning to ascertain the stance of Twitter users with respect to a polarizing topic by leveraging their retweet behavior; then, it uses supervised learning based on user labels to characterize both the general political leaning of online media and of popular Twitter users, as well as their stance with respect to the target polarizing topic. We evaluate the model by comparing its predictions to gold labels from the Media Bias/Fact Check website, achieving 82.6% accuracy.

What Was Written vs. Who Read It: News Media Profiling Using Text Analysis and Social Media Context
Ramy Baly | Georgi Karadzhov | Jisun An | Haewoon Kwak | Yoan Dinkov | Ahmed Ali | James Glass | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Predicting the political bias and the factuality of reporting of entire news outlets are critical elements of media profiling, which is an understudied but an increasingly important research direction. The present level of proliferation of fake, biased, and propagandistic content online has made it impossible to fact-check every single suspicious claim, either manually or automatically. Thus, it has been proposed to profile entire news outlets and to look for those that are likely to publish fake or biased content. This makes it possible to detect likely “fake news” the moment they are published, by simply checking the reliability of their source. From a practical perspective, political bias and factuality of reporting have a linguistic aspect but also a social context. Here, we study the impact of both, namely (i) what was written (i.e., what was published by the target medium, and how it describes itself in Twitter) vs. (ii) who reads it (i.e., analyzing the target medium’s audience on social media). We further study (iii) what was written about the target medium (in Wikipedia). The evaluation results show that what was written matters most, and we further show that putting all information sources together yields huge improvements over the current state-of-the-art.

That is a Known Lie: Detecting Previously Fact-Checked Claims
Shaden Shaar | Nikolay Babulkov | Giovanni Da San Martino | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

The recent proliferation of ”fake news” has triggered a number of responses, most notably the emergence of several manual fact-checking initiatives. As a result and over time, a large number of fact-checked claims have been accumulated, which increases the likelihood that a new claim in social media or a new statement by a politician might have already been fact-checked by some trusted fact-checking organization, as viral claims often come back after a while in social media, and politicians like to repeat their favorite statements, true or false, over and over again. As manual fact-checking is very time-consuming (and fully automatic fact-checking has credibility issues), it is important to try to save this effort and to avoid wasting time on claims that have already been fact-checked. Interestingly, despite the importance of the task, it has been largely ignored by the research community so far. Here, we aim to bridge this gap. In particular, we formulate the task and we discuss how it relates to, but also differs from, previous work. We further create a specialized dataset, which we release to the research community. Finally, we present learning-to-rank experiments that demonstrate sizable improvements over state-of-the-art retrieval and textual similarity approaches.

Prta: A System to Support the Analysis of Propaganda Techniques in the News
Giovanni Da San Martino | Shaden Shaar | Yifan Zhang | Seunghak Yu | Alberto Barrón-Cedeño | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations

Recent events, such as the 2016 US Presidential Campaign, Brexit and the COVID-19 “infodemic”, have brought into the spotlight the dangers of online disinformation. There has been a lot of research focusing on fact-checking and disinformation detection. However, little attention has been paid to the specific rhetorical and psychological techniques used to convey propaganda messages. Revealing the use of such techniques can help promote media literacy and critical thinking, and eventually contribute to limiting the impact of “fake news” and disinformation campaigns. Prta (Propaganda Persuasion Techniques Analyzer) allows users to explore the articles crawled on a regular basis by highlighting the spans in which propaganda techniques occur and to compare them on the basis of their use of propaganda techniques. The system further reports statistics about the use of such techniques, overall and over time, or according to filtering criteria specified by the user based on time interval, keywords, and/or political orientation of the media. Moreover, it allows users to analyze any text or URL through a dedicated interface or via an API. The system is available online:

We Can Detect Your Bias: Predicting the Political Ideology of News Articles
Ramy Baly | Giovanni Da San Martino | James Glass | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

We explore the task of predicting the leading political ideology or bias of news articles. First, we collect and release a large dataset of 34,737 articles that were manually annotated for political ideology –left, center, or right–, which is well-balanced across both topics and media. We further use a challenging experimental setup where the test examples come from media that were not seen during training, which prevents the model from learning to detect the source of the target news article instead of predicting its political ideology. From a modeling perspective, we propose an adversarial media adaptation, as well as a specially adapted triplet loss. We further add background information about the source, and we show that it is quite helpful for improving article-level prediction. Our experimental results show very sizable improvements over using state-of-the-art pre-trained Transformers in this challenging setup.

EXAMS: A Multi-subject High School Examinations Dataset for Cross-lingual and Multilingual Question Answering
Momchil Hardalov | Todor Mihaylov | Dimitrina Zlatkova | Yoan Dinkov | Ivan Koychev | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

We propose EXAMS – a new benchmark dataset for cross-lingual and multilingual question answering for high school examinations. We collected more than 24,000 high-quality high school exam questions in 16 languages, covering 8 language families and 24 school subjects from Natural Sciences and Social Sciences, among others.EXAMS offers unique fine-grained evaluation framework across multiple languages and subjects, which allows precise analysis and comparison of the proposed models. We perform various experiments with existing top-performing multilingual pre-trained models and show that EXAMS offers multiple challenges that require multilingual knowledge and reasoning in multiple domains. We hope that EXAMS will enable researchers to explore challenging reasoning and knowledge transfer methods and pre-trained models for school question answering in various languages which was not possible by now. The data, code, pre-trained models, and evaluation are available at

Vector-Vector-Matrix Architecture: A Novel Hardware-Aware Framework for Low-Latency Inference in NLP Applications
Matthew Khoury | Rumen Dangovski | Longwu Ou | Preslav Nakov | Yichen Shen | Li Jing
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Deep neural networks have become the standard approach to building reliable Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications, ranging from Neural Machine Translation (NMT) to dialogue systems. However, improving accuracy by increasing the model size requires a large number of hardware computations, which can slow down NLP applications significantly at inference time. To address this issue, we propose a novel vector-vector-matrix architecture (VVMA), which greatly reduces the latency at inference time for NMT. This architecture takes advantage of specialized hardware that has low-latency vector-vector operations and higher-latency vector-matrix operations. It also reduces the number of parameters and FLOPs for virtually all models that rely on efficient matrix multipliers without significantly impacting accuracy. We present empirical results suggesting that our framework can reduce the latency of sequence-to-sequence and Transformer models used for NMT by a factor of four. Finally, we show evidence suggesting that our VVMA extends to other domains, and we discuss novel hardware for its efficient use.

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Fact-Checking, Fake News, Propaganda, and Media Bias: Truth Seeking in the Post-Truth Era
Preslav Nakov | Giovanni Da San Martino
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Tutorial Abstracts

The rise of social media has democratized content creation and has made it easy for everybody to share and spread information online. On the positive side, this has given rise to citizen journalism, thus enabling much faster dissemination of information compared to what was possible with newspapers, radio, and TV. On the negative side, stripping traditional media from their gate-keeping role has left the public unprotected against the spread of misinformation, which could now travel at breaking-news speed over the same democratic channel. This has given rise to the proliferation of false information specifically created to affect individual people’s beliefs, and ultimately to influence major events such as political elections. There are strong indications that false information was weaponized at an unprecedented scale during Brexit and the 2016 U.S. presidential elections. “Fake news,” which can be defined as fabricated information that mimics news media content in form but not in organizational process or intent, became the Word of the Year for 2017, according to Collins Dictionary. Thus, limiting the spread of “fake news” and its impact has become a major focus for computer scientists, journalists, social media companies, and regulatory authorities. The tutorial will offer an overview of the broad and emerging research area of disinformation, with focus on the latest developments and research directions.

SemEval-2020 Task 11: Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles
Giovanni Da San Martino | Alberto Barrón-Cedeño | Henning Wachsmuth | Rostislav Petrov | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

We present the results and the main findings of SemEval-2020 Task 11 on Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles. The task featured two subtasks. Subtask SI is about Span Identification: given a plain-text document, spot the specific text fragments containing propaganda. Subtask TC is about Technique Classification: given a specific text fragment, in the context of a full document, determine the propaganda technique it uses, choosing from an inventory of 14 possible propaganda techniques. The task attracted a large number of participants: 250 teams signed up to participate and 44 made a submission on the test set. In this paper, we present the task, analyze the results, and discuss the system submissions and the methods they used. For both subtasks, the best systems used pre-trained Transformers and ensembles.

SemEval-2020 Task 12: Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media (OffensEval 2020)
Marcos Zampieri | Preslav Nakov | Sara Rosenthal | Pepa Atanasova | Georgi Karadzhov | Hamdy Mubarak | Leon Derczynski | Zeses Pitenis | Çağrı Çöltekin
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

We present the results and the main findings of SemEval-2020 Task 12 on Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media (OffensEval-2020). The task included three subtasks corresponding to the hierarchical taxonomy of the OLID schema from OffensEval-2019, and it was offered in five languages: Arabic, Danish, English, Greek, and Turkish. OffensEval-2020 was one of the most popular tasks at SemEval-2020, attracting a large number of participants across all subtasks and languages: a total of 528 teams signed up to participate in the task, 145 teams submitted official runs on the test data, and 70 teams submitted system description papers.

Aschern at SemEval-2020 Task 11: It Takes Three to Tango: RoBERTa, CRF, and Transfer Learning
Anton Chernyavskiy | Dmitry Ilvovsky | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

We describe our system for SemEval-2020 Task 11 on Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles. We developed ensemble models using RoBERTa-based neural architectures, additional CRF layers, transfer learning between the two subtasks, and advanced post-processing to handle the multi-label nature of the task, the consistency between nested spans, repetitions, and labels from similar spans in training. We achieved sizable improvements over baseline fine-tuned RoBERTa models, and the official evaluation ranked our system 3rd (almost tied with the 2nd) out of 36 teams on the span identification subtask with an F1 score of 0.491, and 2nd (almost tied with the 1st) out of 31 teams on the technique classification subtask with an F1 score of 0.62.


Rotational Unit of Memory: A Novel Representation Unit for RNNs with Scalable Applications
Rumen Dangovski | Li Jing | Preslav Nakov | Mićo Tatalović | Marin Soljačić
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 7

Stacking long short-term memory (LSTM) cells or gated recurrent units (GRUs) as part of a recurrent neural network (RNN) has become a standard approach to solving a number of tasks ranging from language modeling to text summarization. Although LSTMs and GRUs were designed to model long-range dependencies more accurately than conventional RNNs, they nevertheless have problems copying or recalling information from the long distant past. Here, we derive a phase-coded representation of the memory state, Rotational Unit of Memory (RUM), that unifies the concepts of unitary learning and associative memory. We show experimentally that RNNs based on RUMs can solve basic sequential tasks such as memory copying and memory recall much better than LSTMs/GRUs. We further demonstrate that by replacing LSTM/GRU with RUM units we can apply neural networks to real-world problems such as language modeling and text summarization, yielding results comparable to the state of the art.

Predicting the Role of Political Trolls in Social Media
Atanas Atanasov | Gianmarco De Francisci Morales | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL)

We investigate the political roles of “Internet trolls” in social media. Political trolls, such as the ones linked to the Russian Internet Research Agency (IRA), have recently gained enormous attention for their ability to sway public opinion and even influence elections. Analysis of the online traces of trolls has shown different behavioral patterns, which target different slices of the population. However, this analysis is manual and labor-intensive, thus making it impractical as a first-response tool for newly-discovered troll farms. In this paper, we show how to automate this analysis by using machine learning in a realistic setting. In particular, we show how to classify trolls according to their political role —left, news feed, right— by using features extracted from social media, i.e., Twitter, in two scenarios: (i) in a traditional supervised learning scenario, where labels for trolls are available, and (ii) in a distant supervision scenario, where labels for trolls are not available, and we rely on more-commonly-available labels for news outlets mentioned by the trolls. Technically, we leverage the community structure and the text of the messages in the online social network of trolls represented as a graph, from which we extract several types of learned representations, i.e., embeddings, for the trolls. Experiments on the “IRA Russian Troll” dataset show that our methodology improves over the state-of-the-art in the first scenario, while providing a compelling case for the second scenario, which has not been explored in the literature thus far.

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Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects
Marcos Zampieri | Preslav Nakov | Shervin Malmasi | Nikola Ljubešić | Jörg Tiedemann | Ahmed Ali
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects

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Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Balto-Slavic Natural Language Processing
Tomaž Erjavec | Michał Marcińczuk | Preslav Nakov | Jakub Piskorski | Lidia Pivovarova | Jan Šnajder | Josef Steinberger | Roman Yangarber
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Balto-Slavic Natural Language Processing

Fact-Checking Meets Fauxtography: Verifying Claims About Images
Dimitrina Zlatkova | Preslav Nakov | Ivan Koychev
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

The recent explosion of false claims in social media and on the Web in general has given rise to a lot of manual fact-checking initiatives. Unfortunately, the number of claims that need to be fact-checked is several orders of magnitude larger than what humans can handle manually. Thus, there has been a lot of research aiming at automating the process. Interestingly, previous work has largely ignored the growing number of claims about images. This is despite the fact that visual imagery is more influential than text and naturally appears alongside fake news. Here we aim at bridging this gap. In particular, we create a new dataset for this problem, and we explore a variety of features modeling the claim, the image, and the relationship between the claim and the image. The evaluation results show sizable improvements over the baseline. We release our dataset, hoping to enable further research on fact-checking claims about images.

Evaluating Pronominal Anaphora in Machine Translation: An Evaluation Measure and a Test Suite
Prathyusha Jwalapuram | Shafiq Joty | Irina Temnikova | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

The ongoing neural revolution in machine translation has made it easier to model larger contexts beyond the sentence-level, which can potentially help resolve some discourse-level ambiguities such as pronominal anaphora, thus enabling better translations. Unfortunately, even when the resulting improvements are seen as substantial by humans, they remain virtually unnoticed by traditional automatic evaluation measures like BLEU, as only a few words end up being affected. Thus, specialized evaluation measures are needed. With this aim in mind, we contribute an extensive, targeted dataset that can be used as a test suite for pronoun translation, covering multiple source languages and different pronoun errors drawn from real system translations, for English. We further propose an evaluation measure to differentiate good and bad pronoun translations. We also conduct a user study to report correlations with human judgments.

Contrastive Language Adaptation for Cross-Lingual Stance Detection
Mitra Mohtarami | James Glass | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

We study cross-lingual stance detection, which aims to leverage labeled data in one language to identify the relative perspective (or stance) of a given document with respect to a claim in a different target language. In particular, we introduce a novel contrastive language adaptation approach applied to memory networks, which ensures accurate alignment of stances in the source and target languages, and can effectively deal with the challenge of limited labeled data in the target language. The evaluation results on public benchmark datasets and comparison against current state-of-the-art approaches demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.

Fine-Grained Analysis of Propaganda in News Article
Giovanni Da San Martino | Seunghak Yu | Alberto Barrón-Cedeño | Rostislav Petrov | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Propaganda aims at influencing people’s mindset with the purpose of advancing a specific agenda. Previous work has addressed propaganda detection at document level, typically labelling all articles from a propagandistic news outlet as propaganda. Such noisy gold labels inevitably affect the quality of any learning system trained on them. A further issue with most existing systems is the lack of explainability. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel task: performing fine-grained analysis of texts by detecting all fragments that contain propaganda techniques as well as their type. In particular, we create a corpus of news articles manually annotated at fragment level with eighteen propaganda techniques and propose a suitable evaluation measure. We further design a novel multi-granularity neural network, and we show that it outperforms several strong BERT-based baselines.

Tanbih: Get To Know What You Are Reading
Yifan Zhang | Giovanni Da San Martino | Alberto Barrón-Cedeño | Salvatore Romeo | Jisun An | Haewoon Kwak | Todor Staykovski | Israa Jaradat | Georgi Karadzhov | Ramy Baly | Kareem Darwish | James Glass | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP): System Demonstrations

We introduce Tanbih, a news aggregator with intelligent analysis tools to help readers understanding what’s behind a news story. Our system displays news grouped into events and generates media profiles that show the general factuality of reporting, the degree of propagandistic content, hyper-partisanship, leading political ideology, general frame of reporting, and stance with respect to various claims and topics of a news outlet. In addition, we automatically analyse each article to detect whether it is propagandistic and to determine its stance with respect to a number of controversial topics.

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Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Internet Freedom: Censorship, Disinformation, and Propaganda
Anna Feldman | Giovanni Da San Martino | Alberto Barrón-Cedeño | Chris Brew | Chris Leberknight | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Internet Freedom: Censorship, Disinformation, and Propaganda

Findings of the NLP4IF-2019 Shared Task on Fine-Grained Propaganda Detection
Giovanni Da San Martino | Alberto Barrón-Cedeño | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Internet Freedom: Censorship, Disinformation, and Propaganda

We present the shared task on Fine-Grained Propaganda Detection, which was organized as part of the NLP4IF workshop at EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019. There were two subtasks. FLC is a fragment-level task that asks for the identification of propagandist text fragments in a news article and also for the prediction of the specific propaganda technique used in each such fragment (18-way classification task). SLC is a sentence-level binary classification task asking to detect the sentences that contain propaganda. A total of 12 teams submitted systems for the FLC task, 25 teams did so for the SLC task, and 14 teams eventually submitted a system description paper. For both subtasks, most systems managed to beat the baseline by a sizable margin. The leaderboard and the data from the competition are available at

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Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Tutorial Abstracts
Preslav Nakov | Alexis Palmer
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Tutorial Abstracts

Detecting Toxicity in News Articles: Application to Bulgarian
Yoan Dinkov | Ivan Koychev | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2019)

Online media aim for reaching ever bigger audience and for attracting ever longer attention span. This competition creates an environment that rewards sensational, fake, and toxic news. To help limit their spread and impact, we propose and develop a news toxicity detector that can recognize various types of toxic content. While previous research primarily focused on English, here we target Bulgarian. We created a new dataset by crawling a website that for five years has been collecting Bulgarian news articles that were manually categorized into eight toxicity groups. Then we trained a multi-class classifier with nine categories: eight toxic and one non-toxic. We experimented with different representations based on ElMo, BERT, and XLM, as well as with a variety of domain-specific features. Due to the small size of our dataset, we created a separate model for each feature type, and we ultimately combined these models into a meta-classifier. The evaluation results show an accuracy of 59.0% and a macro-F1 score of 39.7%, which represent sizable improvements over the majority-class baseline (Acc=30.3%, macro-F1=5.2%).

Beyond English-Only Reading Comprehension: Experiments in Zero-shot Multilingual Transfer for Bulgarian
Momchil Hardalov | Ivan Koychev | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2019)

Recently, reading comprehension models achieved near-human performance on large-scale datasets such as SQuAD, CoQA, MS Macro, RACE, etc. This is largely due to the release of pre-trained contextualized representations such as BERT and ELMo, which can be fine-tuned for the target task. Despite those advances and the creation of more challenging datasets, most of the work is still done for English. Here, we study the effectiveness of multilingual BERT fine-tuned on large-scale English datasets for reading comprehension (e.g., for RACE), and we apply it to Bulgarian multiple-choice reading comprehension. We propose a new dataset containing 2,221 questions from matriculation exams for twelfth grade in various subjects —history, biology, geography and philosophy—, and 412 additional questions from online quizzes in history. While the quiz authors gave no relevant context, we incorporate knowledge from Wikipedia, retrieving documents matching the combination of question + each answer option. Moreover, we experiment with different indexing and pre-training strategies. The evaluation results show accuracy of 42.23%, which is well above the baseline of 24.89%.

A Morpho-Syntactically Informed LSTM-CRF Model for Named Entity Recognition
Lilia Simeonova | Kiril Simov | Petya Osenova | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2019)

We propose a morphologically informed model for named entity recognition, which is based on LSTM-CRF architecture and combines word embeddings, Bi-LSTM character embeddings, part-of-speech (POS) tags, and morphological information. While previous work has focused on learning from raw word input, using word and character embeddings only, we show that for morphologically rich languages, such as Bulgarian, access to POS information contributes more to the performance gains than the detailed morphological information. Thus, we show that named entity recognition needs only coarse-grained POS tags, but at the same time it can benefit from simultaneously using some POS information of different granularity. Our evaluation results over a standard dataset show sizeable improvements over the state-of-the-art for Bulgarian NER.

It Takes Nine to Smell a Rat: Neural Multi-Task Learning for Check-Worthiness Prediction
Slavena Vasileva | Pepa Atanasova | Lluís Màrquez | Alberto Barrón-Cedeño | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2019)

We propose a multi-task deep-learning approach for estimating the check-worthiness of claims in political debates. Given a political debate, such as the 2016 US Presidential and Vice-Presidential ones, the task is to predict which statements in the debate should be prioritized for fact-checking. While different fact-checking organizations would naturally make different choices when analyzing the same debate, we show that it pays to learn from multiple sources simultaneously (PolitiFact, FactCheck, ABC, CNN, NPR, NYT, Chicago Tribune, The Guardian, and Washington Post) in a multi-task learning setup, even when a particular source is chosen as a target to imitate. Our evaluation shows state-of-the-art results on a standard dataset for the task of check-worthiness prediction.

Predicting the Type and Target of Offensive Posts in Social Media
Marcos Zampieri | Shervin Malmasi | Preslav Nakov | Sara Rosenthal | Noura Farra | Ritesh Kumar
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers)

As offensive content has become pervasive in social media, there has been much research in identifying potentially offensive messages. However, previous work on this topic did not consider the problem as a whole, but rather focused on detecting very specific types of offensive content, e.g., hate speech, cyberbulling, or cyber-aggression. In contrast, here we target several different kinds of offensive content. In particular, we model the task hierarchically, identifying the type and the target of offensive messages in social media. For this purpose, we complied the Offensive Language Identification Dataset (OLID), a new dataset with tweets annotated for offensive content using a fine-grained three-layer annotation scheme, which we make publicly available. We discuss the main similarities and differences between OLID and pre-existing datasets for hate speech identification, aggression detection, and similar tasks. We further experiment with and we compare the performance of different machine learning models on OLID.

One Size Does Not Fit All: Comparing NMT Representations of Different Granularities
Nadir Durrani | Fahim Dalvi | Hassan Sajjad | Yonatan Belinkov | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers)

Recent work has shown that contextualized word representations derived from neural machine translation are a viable alternative to such from simple word predictions tasks. This is because the internal understanding that needs to be built in order to be able to translate from one language to another is much more comprehensive. Unfortunately, computational and memory limitations as of present prevent NMT models from using large word vocabularies, and thus alternatives such as subword units (BPE and morphological segmentations) and characters have been used. Here we study the impact of using different kinds of units on the quality of the resulting representations when used to model morphology, syntax, and semantics. We found that while representations derived from subwords are slightly better for modeling syntax, character-based representations are superior for modeling morphology and are also more robust to noisy input.

Multi-Task Ordinal Regression for Jointly Predicting the Trustworthiness and the Leading Political Ideology of News Media
Ramy Baly | Georgi Karadzhov | Abdelrhman Saleh | James Glass | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers)

In the context of fake news, bias, and propaganda, we study two important but relatively under-explored problems: (i) trustworthiness estimation (on a 3-point scale) and (ii) political ideology detection (left/right bias on a 7-point scale) of entire news outlets, as opposed to evaluating individual articles. In particular, we propose a multi-task ordinal regression framework that models the two problems jointly. This is motivated by the observation that hyper-partisanship is often linked to low trustworthiness, e.g., appealing to emotions rather than sticking to the facts, while center media tend to be generally more impartial and trustworthy. We further use several auxiliary tasks, modeling centrality, hyper-partisanship, as well as left-vs.-right bias on a coarse-grained scale. The evaluation results show sizable performance gains by the joint models over models that target the problems in isolation.

SemEval-2019 Task 6: Identifying and Categorizing Offensive Language in Social Media (OffensEval)
Marcos Zampieri | Shervin Malmasi | Preslav Nakov | Sara Rosenthal | Noura Farra | Ritesh Kumar
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

We present the results and the main findings of SemEval-2019 Task 6 on Identifying and Categorizing Offensive Language in Social Media (OffensEval). The task was based on a new dataset, the Offensive Language Identification Dataset (OLID), which contains over 14,000 English tweets, and it featured three sub-tasks. In sub-task A, systems were asked to discriminate between offensive and non-offensive posts. In sub-task B, systems had to identify the type of offensive content in the post. Finally, in sub-task C, systems had to detect the target of the offensive posts. OffensEval attracted a large number of participants and it was one of the most popular tasks in SemEval-2019. In total, nearly 800 teams signed up to participate in the task and 115 of them submitted results, which are presented and analyzed in this report.

SemEval-2019 Task 8: Fact Checking in Community Question Answering Forums
Tsvetomila Mihaylova | Georgi Karadzhov | Pepa Atanasova | Ramy Baly | Mitra Mohtarami | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

We present SemEval-2019 Task 8 on Fact Checking in Community Question Answering Forums, which features two subtasks. Subtask A is about deciding whether a question asks for factual information vs. an opinion/advice vs. just socializing. Subtask B asks to predict whether an answer to a factual question is true, false or not a proper answer. We received 17 official submissions for subtask A and 11 official submissions for Subtask B. For subtask A, all systems improved over the majority class baseline. For Subtask B, all systems were below a majority class baseline, but several systems were very close to it. The leaderboard and the data from the competition can be found at

Team Jack Ryder at SemEval-2019 Task 4: Using BERT Representations for Detecting Hyperpartisan News
Daniel Shaprin | Giovanni Da San Martino | Alberto Barrón-Cedeño | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

We describe the system submitted by the Jack Ryder team to SemEval-2019 Task 4 on Hyperpartisan News Detection. The task asked participants to predict whether a given article is hyperpartisan, i.e., extreme-left or extreme-right. We proposed an approach based on BERT with fine-tuning, which was ranked 7th out 28 teams on the distantly supervised dataset, where all articles from a hyperpartisan/non-hyperpartisan news outlet are considered to be hyperpartisan/non-hyperpartisan. On a manually annotated test dataset, where human annotators double-checked the labels, we were ranked 29th out of 42 teams.

Team QCRI-MIT at SemEval-2019 Task 4: Propaganda Analysis Meets Hyperpartisan News Detection
Abdelrhman Saleh | Ramy Baly | Alberto Barrón-Cedeño | Giovanni Da San Martino | Mitra Mohtarami | Preslav Nakov | James Glass
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

We describe our submission to SemEval-2019 Task 4 on Hyperpartisan News Detection. We rely on a variety of engineered features originally used to detect propaganda. This is based on the assumption that biased messages are propagandistic and promote a particular political cause or viewpoint. In particular, we trained a logistic regression model with features ranging from simple bag of words to vocabulary richness and text readability. Our system achieved 72.9% accuracy on the manually annotated testset, and 60.8% on the test data that was obtained with distant supervision. Additional experiments showed that significant performance gains can be achieved with better feature pre-processing.


Automatic Stance Detection Using End-to-End Memory Networks
Mitra Mohtarami | Ramy Baly | James Glass | Preslav Nakov | Lluís Màrquez | Alessandro Moschitti
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long Papers)

We present an effective end-to-end memory network model that jointly (i) predicts whether a given document can be considered as relevant evidence for a given claim, and (ii) extracts snippets of evidence that can be used to reason about the factuality of the target claim. Our model combines the advantages of convolutional and recurrent neural networks as part of a memory network. We further introduce a similarity matrix at the inference level of the memory network in order to extract snippets of evidence for input claims more accurately. Our experiments on a public benchmark dataset, FakeNewsChallenge, demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.

Integrating Stance Detection and Fact Checking in a Unified Corpus
Ramy Baly | Mitra Mohtarami | James Glass | Lluís Màrquez | Alessandro Moschitti | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 2 (Short Papers)

A reasonable approach for fact checking a claim involves retrieving potentially relevant documents from different sources (e.g., news websites, social media, etc.), determining the stance of each document with respect to the claim, and finally making a prediction about the claim’s factuality by aggregating the strength of the stances, while taking the reliability of the source into account. Moreover, a fact checking system should be able to explain its decision by providing relevant extracts (rationales) from the documents. Yet, this setup is not directly supported by existing datasets, which treat fact checking, document retrieval, source credibility, stance detection and rationale extraction as independent tasks. In this paper, we support the interdependencies between these tasks as annotations in the same corpus. We implement this setup on an Arabic fact checking corpus, the first of its kind.

ClaimRank: Detecting Check-Worthy Claims in Arabic and English
Israa Jaradat | Pepa Gencheva | Alberto Barrón-Cedeño | Lluís Màrquez | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Demonstrations

We present ClaimRank, an online system for detecting check-worthy claims. While originally trained on political debates, the system can work for any kind of text, e.g., interviews or just regular news articles. Its aim is to facilitate manual fact-checking efforts by prioritizing the claims that fact-checkers should consider first. ClaimRank supports both Arabic and English, it is trained on actual annotations from nine reputable fact-checking organizations (PolitiFact, FactCheck, ABC, CNN, NPR, NYT, Chicago Tribune, The Guardian, and Washington Post), and thus it can mimic the claim selection strategies for each and any of them, as well as for the union of them all.

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Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial 2018)
Marcos Zampieri | Preslav Nakov | Nikola Ljubešić | Jörg Tiedemann | Shervin Malmasi | Ahmed Ali
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial 2018)

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Language Identification and Morphosyntactic Tagging: The Second VarDial Evaluation Campaign
Marcos Zampieri | Shervin Malmasi | Preslav Nakov | Ahmed Ali | Suwon Shon | James Glass | Yves Scherrer | Tanja Samardžić | Nikola Ljubešić | Jörg Tiedemann | Chris van der Lee | Stefan Grondelaers | Nelleke Oostdijk | Dirk Speelman | Antal van den Bosch | Ritesh Kumar | Bornini Lahiri | Mayank Jain
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial 2018)

We present the results and the findings of the Second VarDial Evaluation Campaign on Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects. The campaign was organized as part of the fifth edition of the VarDial workshop, collocated with COLING’2018. This year, the campaign included five shared tasks, including two task re-runs – Arabic Dialect Identification (ADI) and German Dialect Identification (GDI) –, and three new tasks – Morphosyntactic Tagging of Tweets (MTT), Discriminating between Dutch and Flemish in Subtitles (DFS), and Indo-Aryan Language Identification (ILI). A total of 24 teams submitted runs across the five shared tasks, and contributed 22 system description papers, which were included in the VarDial workshop proceedings and are referred to in this report.

Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Duplicate Question Detection
Darsh Shah | Tao Lei | Alessandro Moschitti | Salvatore Romeo | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

We address the problem of detecting duplicate questions in forums, which is an important step towards automating the process of answering new questions. As finding and annotating such potential duplicates manually is very tedious and costly, automatic methods based on machine learning are a viable alternative. However, many forums do not have annotated data, i.e., questions labeled by experts as duplicates, and thus a promising solution is to use domain adaptation from another forum that has such annotations. Here we focus on adversarial domain adaptation, deriving important findings about when it performs well and what properties of the domains are important in this regard. Our experiments with StackExchange data show an average improvement of 5.6% over the best baseline across multiple pairs of domains.

Predicting Factuality of Reporting and Bias of News Media Sources
Ramy Baly | Georgi Karadzhov | Dimitar Alexandrov | James Glass | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

We present a study on predicting the factuality of reporting and bias of news media. While previous work has focused on studying the veracity of claims or documents, here we are interested in characterizing entire news media. This is an under-studied, but arguably important research problem, both in its own right and as a prior for fact-checking systems. We experiment with a large list of news websites and with a rich set of features derived from (i) a sample of articles from the target news media, (ii) its Wikipedia page, (iii) its Twitter account, (iv) the structure of its URL, and (v) information about the Web traffic it attracts. The experimental results show sizable performance gains over the baseline, and reveal the importance of each feature type.

Joint Multitask Learning for Community Question Answering Using Task-Specific Embeddings
Shafiq Joty | Lluís Màrquez | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

We address jointly two important tasks for Question Answering in community forums: given a new question, (i) find related existing questions, and (ii) find relevant answers to this new question. We further use an auxiliary task to complement the previous two, i.e., (iii) find good answers with respect to the thread question in a question-comment thread. We use deep neural networks (DNNs) to learn meaningful task-specific embeddings, which we then incorporate into a conditional random field (CRF) model for the multitask setting, performing joint learning over a complex graph structure. While DNNs alone achieve competitive results when trained to produce the embeddings, the CRF, which makes use of the embeddings and the dependencies between the tasks, improves the results significantly and consistently across a variety of evaluation metrics, thus showing the complementarity of DNNs and structured learning.


SemEval-2017 Task 3: Community Question Answering
Preslav Nakov | Doris Hoogeveen | Lluís Màrquez | Alessandro Moschitti | Hamdy Mubarak | Timothy Baldwin | Karin Verspoor
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2017)

We describe SemEval–2017 Task 3 on Community Question Answering. This year, we reran the four subtasks from SemEval-2016: (A) Question–Comment Similarity, (B) Question–Question Similarity, (C) Question–External Comment Similarity, and (D) Rerank the correct answers for a new question in Arabic, providing all the data from 2015 and 2016 for training, and fresh data for testing. Additionally, we added a new subtask E in order to enable experimentation with Multi-domain Question Duplicate Detection in a larger-scale scenario, using StackExchange subforums. A total of 23 teams participated in the task, and submitted a total of 85 runs (36 primary and 49 contrastive) for subtasks A–D. Unfortunately, no teams participated in subtask E. A variety of approaches and features were used by the participating systems to address the different subtasks. The best systems achieved an official score (MAP) of 88.43, 47.22, 15.46, and 61.16 in subtasks A, B, C, and D, respectively. These scores are better than the baselines, especially for subtasks A–C.

SemEval-2017 Task 4: Sentiment Analysis in Twitter
Sara Rosenthal | Noura Farra | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2017)

This paper describes the fifth year of the Sentiment Analysis in Twitter task. SemEval-2017 Task 4 continues with a rerun of the subtasks of SemEval-2016 Task 4, which include identifying the overall sentiment of the tweet, sentiment towards a topic with classification on a two-point and on a five-point ordinal scale, and quantification of the distribution of sentiment towards a topic across a number of tweets: again on a two-point and on a five-point ordinal scale. Compared to 2016, we made two changes: (i) we introduced a new language, Arabic, for all subtasks, and (ii) we made available information from the profiles of the Twitter users who posted the target tweets. The task continues to be very popular, with a total of 48 teams participating this year.

Cross-language Learning with Adversarial Neural Networks
Shafiq Joty | Preslav Nakov | Lluís Màrquez | Israa Jaradat
Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2017)

We address the problem of cross-language adaptation for question-question similarity reranking in community question answering, with the objective to port a system trained on one input language to another input language given labeled training data for the first language and only unlabeled data for the second language. In particular, we propose to use adversarial training of neural networks to learn high-level features that are discriminative for the main learning task, and at the same time are invariant across the input languages. The evaluation results show sizable improvements for our cross-language adversarial neural network (CLANN) model over a strong non-adversarial system.

Building Chatbots from Forum Data: Model Selection Using Question Answering Metrics
Martin Boyanov | Preslav Nakov | Alessandro Moschitti | Giovanni Da San Martino | Ivan Koychev
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2017

We propose to use question answering (QA) data from Web forums to train chat-bots from scratch, i.e., without dialog data. First, we extract pairs of question and answer sentences from the typically much longer texts of questions and answers in a forum. We then use these shorter texts to train seq2seq models in a more efficient way. We further improve the parameter optimization using a new model selection strategy based on QA measures. Finally, we propose to use extrinsic evaluation with respect to a QA task as an automatic evaluation method for chatbot systems. The evaluation shows that the model achieves a MAP of 63.5% on the extrinsic task. Moreover, our manual evaluation demonstrates that the model can answer correctly 49.5% of the questions when they are similar in style to how questions are asked in the forum, and 47.3% of the questions, when they are more conversational in style.

A Context-Aware Approach for Detecting Worth-Checking Claims in Political Debates
Pepa Gencheva | Preslav Nakov | Lluís Màrquez | Alberto Barrón-Cedeño | Ivan Koychev
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2017

In the context of investigative journalism, we address the problem of automatically identifying which claims in a given document are most worthy and should be prioritized for fact-checking. Despite its importance, this is a relatively understudied problem. Thus, we create a new corpus of political debates, containing statements that have been fact-checked by nine reputable sources, and we train machine learning models to predict which claims should be prioritized for fact-checking, i.e., we model the problem as a ranking task. Unlike previous work, which has looked primarily at sentences in isolation, in this paper we focus on a rich input representation modeling the context: relationship between the target statement and the larger context of the debate, interaction between the opponents, and reaction by the moderator and by the public. Our experiments show state-of-the-art results, outperforming a strong rivaling system by a margin, while also confirming the importance of the contextual information.

We Built a Fake News / Click Bait Filter: What Happened Next Will Blow Your Mind!
Georgi Karadzhov | Pepa Gencheva | Preslav Nakov | Ivan Koychev
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2017

It is completely amazing! Fake news and “click baits” have totally invaded the cyberspace. Let us face it: everybody hates them for three simple reasons. Reason #2 will absolutely amaze you. What these can achieve at the time of election will completely blow your mind! Now, we all agree, this cannot go on, you know, somebody has to stop it. So, we did this research, and trust us, it is totally great research, it really is! Make no mistake. This is the best research ever! Seriously, come have a look, we have it all: neural networks, attention mechanism, sentiment lexicons, author profiling, you name it. Lexical features, semantic features, we absolutely have it all. And we have totally tested it, trust us! We have results, and numbers, really big numbers. The best numbers ever! Oh, and analysis, absolutely top notch analysis. Interested? Come read the shocking truth about fake news and clickbait in the Bulgarian cyberspace. You won’t believe what we have found!

Fully Automated Fact Checking Using External Sources
Georgi Karadzhov | Preslav Nakov | Lluís Màrquez | Alberto Barrón-Cedeño | Ivan Koychev
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2017

Given the constantly growing proliferation of false claims online in recent years, there has been also a growing research interest in automatically distinguishing false rumors from factually true claims. Here, we propose a general-purpose framework for fully-automatic fact checking using external sources, tapping the potential of the entire Web as a knowledge source to confirm or reject a claim. Our framework uses a deep neural network with LSTM text encoding to combine semantic kernels with task-specific embeddings that encode a claim together with pieces of potentially relevant text fragments from the Web, taking the source reliability into account. The evaluation results show good performance on two different tasks and datasets: (i) rumor detection and (ii) fact checking of the answers to a question in community question answering forums.

Robust Tuning Datasets for Statistical Machine Translation
Preslav Nakov | Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2017

We explore the idea of automatically crafting a tuning dataset for Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) that makes the hyper-parameters of the SMT system more robust with respect to some specific deficiencies of the parameter tuning algorithms. This is an under-explored research direction, which can allow better parameter tuning. In this paper, we achieve this goal by selecting a subset of the available sentence pairs, which are more suitable for specific combinations of optimizers, objective functions, and evaluation measures. We demonstrate the potential of the idea with the pairwise ranking optimization (PRO) optimizer, which is known to yield too short translations. We show that the learning problem can be alleviated by tuning on a subset of the development set, selected based on sentence length. In particular, using the longest 50% of the tuning sentences, we achieve two-fold tuning speedup, and improvements in BLEU score that rival those of alternatives, which fix BLEU+1’s smoothing instead.

Do Not Trust the Trolls: Predicting Credibility in Community Question Answering Forums
Preslav Nakov | Tsvetomila Mihaylova | Lluís Màrquez | Yashkumar Shiroya | Ivan Koychev
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2017

We address information credibility in community forums, in a setting in which the credibility of an answer posted in a question thread by a particular user has to be predicted. First, we motivate the problem and we create a publicly available annotated English corpus by crowdsourcing. Second, we propose a large set of features to predict the credibility of the answers. The features model the user, the answer, the question, the thread as a whole, and the interaction between them. Our experiments with ranking SVMs show that the credibility labels can be predicted with high performance according to several standard IR ranking metrics, thus supporting the potential usage of this layer of credibility information in practical applications. The features modeling the profile of the user (in particular trollness) turn out to be most important, but embedding features modeling the answer and the similarity between the question and the answer are also very relevant. Overall, half of the gap between the baseline performance and the perfect classifier can be covered using the proposed features.

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Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial)
Preslav Nakov | Marcos Zampieri | Nikola Ljubešić | Jörg Tiedemann | Shevin Malmasi | Ahmed Ali
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial)

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Findings of the VarDial Evaluation Campaign 2017
Marcos Zampieri | Shervin Malmasi | Nikola Ljubešić | Preslav Nakov | Ahmed Ali | Jörg Tiedemann | Yves Scherrer | Noëmi Aepli
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial)

We present the results of the VarDial Evaluation Campaign on Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects, which we organized as part of the fourth edition of the VarDial workshop at EACL’2017. This year, we included four shared tasks: Discriminating between Similar Languages (DSL), Arabic Dialect Identification (ADI), German Dialect Identification (GDI), and Cross-lingual Dependency Parsing (CLP). A total of 19 teams submitted runs across the four tasks, and 15 of them wrote system description papers.

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Findings of the 2017 DiscoMT Shared Task on Cross-lingual Pronoun Prediction
Sharid Loáiciga | Sara Stymne | Preslav Nakov | Christian Hardmeier | Jörg Tiedemann | Mauro Cettolo | Yannick Versley
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Discourse in Machine Translation

We describe the design, the setup, and the evaluation results of the DiscoMT 2017 shared task on cross-lingual pronoun prediction. The task asked participants to predict a target-language pronoun given a source-language pronoun in the context of a sentence. We further provided a lemmatized target-language human-authored translation of the source sentence, and automatic word alignments between the source sentence words and the target-language lemmata. The aim of the task was to predict, for each target-language pronoun placeholder, the word that should replace it from a small, closed set of classes, using any type of information that can be extracted from the entire document. We offered four subtasks, each for a different language pair and translation direction: English-to-French, English-to-German, German-to-English, and Spanish-to-English. Five teams participated in the shared task, making submissions for all language pairs. The evaluation results show that most participating teams outperformed two strong n-gram-based language model-based baseline systems by a sizable margin.

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Proceedings of the IJCNLP 2017, Shared Tasks
Chao-Hong Liu | Preslav Nakov | Nianwen Xue
Proceedings of the IJCNLP 2017, Shared Tasks

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Discourse Structure in Machine Translation Evaluation
Shafiq Joty | Francisco Guzmán | Lluís Màrquez | Preslav Nakov
Computational Linguistics, Volume 43, Issue 4 - December 2017

In this article, we explore the potential of using sentence-level discourse structure for machine translation evaluation. We first design discourse-aware similarity measures, which use all-subtree kernels to compare discourse parse trees in accordance with the Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST). Then, we show that a simple linear combination with these measures can help improve various existing machine translation evaluation metrics regarding correlation with human judgments both at the segment level and at the system level. This suggests that discourse information is complementary to the information used by many of the existing evaluation metrics, and thus it could be taken into account when developing richer evaluation metrics, such as the WMT-14 winning combined metric DiscoTKparty. We also provide a detailed analysis of the relevance of various discourse elements and relations from the RST parse trees for machine translation evaluation. In particular, we show that (i) all aspects of the RST tree are relevant, (ii) nuclearity is more useful than relation type, and (iii) the similarity of the translation RST tree to the reference RST tree is positively correlated with translation quality.


On the Impact of Seed Words on Sentiment Polarity Lexicon Induction
Dame Jovanoski | Veno Pachovski | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers

Sentiment polarity lexicons are key resources for sentiment analysis, and researchers have invested a lot of efforts in their manual creation. However, there has been a recent shift towards automatically extracted lexicons, which are orders of magnitude larger and perform much better. These lexicons are typically mined using bootstrapping, starting from very few seed words whose polarity is given, e.g., 50-60 words, and sometimes even just 5-6. Here we demonstrate that much higher-quality lexicons can be built by starting with hundreds of words and phrases as seeds, especially when they are in-domain. Thus, we combine (i) mid-sized high-quality manually crafted lexicons as seeds and (ii) bootstrapping, in order to build large-scale lexicons.

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An Interactive System for Exploring Community Question Answering Forums
Enamul Hoque | Shafiq Joty | Lluís Màrquez | Alberto Barrón-Cedeño | Giovanni Da San Martino | Alessandro Moschitti | Preslav Nakov | Salvatore Romeo | Giuseppe Carenini
Proceedings of COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations

We present an interactive system to provide effective and efficient search capabilities in Community Question Answering (cQA) forums. The system integrates state-of-the-art technology for answer search with a Web-based user interface specifically tailored to support the cQA forum readers. The answer search module automatically finds relevant answers for a new question by exploring related questions and the comments within their threads. The graphical user interface presents the search results and supports the exploration of related information. The system is running live at

It Takes Three to Tango: Triangulation Approach to Answer Ranking in Community Question Answering
Preslav Nakov | Lluís Màrquez | Francisco Guzmán
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Sentiment Analysis in Twitter: A SemEval Perspective
Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis

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Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Multiword Expressions
Valia Kordoni | Kostadin Cholakov | Markus Egg | Stella Markantonatou | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Multiword Expressions

Findings of the 2016 WMT Shared Task on Cross-lingual Pronoun Prediction
Liane Guillou | Christian Hardmeier | Preslav Nakov | Sara Stymne | Jörg Tiedemann | Yannick Versley | Mauro Cettolo | Bonnie Webber | Andrei Popescu-Belis
Proceedings of the First Conference on Machine Translation: Volume 2, Shared Task Papers

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Proceedings of the Third Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial3)
Preslav Nakov | Marcos Zampieri | Liling Tan | Nikola Ljubešić | Jörg Tiedemann | Shervin Malmasi
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial3)

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Discriminating between Similar Languages and Arabic Dialect Identification: A Report on the Third DSL Shared Task
Shervin Malmasi | Marcos Zampieri | Nikola Ljubešić | Preslav Nakov | Ahmed Ali | Jörg Tiedemann
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial3)

We present the results of the third edition of the Discriminating between Similar Languages (DSL) shared task, which was organized as part of the VarDial’2016 workshop at COLING’2016. The challenge offered two subtasks: subtask 1 focused on the identification of very similar languages and language varieties in newswire texts, whereas subtask 2 dealt with Arabic dialect identification in speech transcripts. A total of 37 teams registered to participate in the task, 24 teams submitted test results, and 20 teams also wrote system description papers. High-order character n-grams were the most successful feature, and the best classification approaches included traditional supervised learning methods such as SVM, logistic regression, and language models, while deep learning approaches did not perform very well.

Negation and Modality in Machine Translation
Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the Workshop on Extra-Propositional Aspects of Meaning in Computational Linguistics (ExProM)

Negation and modality are two important grammatical phenomena that have attracted recent research attention as they can contribute to extra-propositional meaning aspects, among with factuality, attribution, irony and sarcasm. These aspects go beyond analysis such as semantic role labeling, and modeling them is important as a step towards a higher level of language understanding, which is needed for practical applications such as sentiment analysis. In this talk, I will go beyond English, and I will discuss how negation and modality are expressed in other languages. I will also go beyond sentiment analysis and I will present some challenges that the two phenomena pose for machine translation (MT). In particular, I will demonstrate how contemporary MT systems fail on them, and I will discuss some possible solutions.

Hunting for Troll Comments in News Community Forums
Todor Mihaylov | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Machine Translation Evaluation Meets Community Question Answering
Francisco Guzmán | Lluís Màrquez | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Joint Learning with Global Inference for Comment Classification in Community Question Answering
Shafiq Joty | Lluís Màrquez | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Source Language Adaptation Approaches for Resource-Poor Machine Translation
Pidong Wang | Preslav Nakov | Hwee Tou Ng
Computational Linguistics, Volume 42, Issue 2 - June 2016

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Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2016)
Steven Bethard | Marine Carpuat | Daniel Cer | David Jurgens | Preslav Nakov | Torsten Zesch
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2016)

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SemEval-2016 Task 4: Sentiment Analysis in Twitter
Preslav Nakov | Alan Ritter | Sara Rosenthal | Fabrizio Sebastiani | Veselin Stoyanov
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2016)

SemEval-2016 Task 3: Community Question Answering
Preslav Nakov | Lluís Màrquez | Alessandro Moschitti | Walid Magdy | Hamdy Mubarak | Abed Alhakim Freihat | Jim Glass | Bilal Randeree
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2016)

SUper Team at SemEval-2016 Task 3: Building a Feature-Rich System for Community Question Answering
Tsvetomila Mihaylova | Pepa Gencheva | Martin Boyanov | Ivana Yovcheva | Todor Mihaylov | Momchil Hardalov | Yasen Kiprov | Daniel Balchev | Ivan Koychev | Preslav Nakov | Ivelina Nikolova | Galia Angelova
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2016)

PMI-cool at SemEval-2016 Task 3: Experiments with PMI and Goodness Polarity Lexicons for Community Question Answering
Daniel Balchev | Yasen Kiprov | Ivan Koychev | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2016)

SemanticZ at SemEval-2016 Task 3: Ranking Relevant Answers in Community Question Answering Using Semantic Similarity Based on Fine-tuned Word Embeddings
Todor Mihaylov | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2016)

MTE-NN at SemEval-2016 Task 3: Can Machine Translation Evaluation Help Community Question Answering?
Francisco Guzmán | Preslav Nakov | Lluís Màrquez
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2016)


Pairwise Neural Machine Translation Evaluation
Francisco Guzmán | Shafiq Joty | Lluís Màrquez | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Thread-Level Information for Comment Classification in Community Question Answering
Alberto Barrón-Cedeño | Simone Filice | Giovanni Da San Martino | Shafiq Joty | Lluís Màrquez | Preslav Nakov | Alessandro Moschitti
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Global Thread-level Inference for Comment Classification in Community Question Answering
Shafiq Joty | Alberto Barrón-Cedeño | Giovanni Da San Martino | Simone Filice | Lluís Màrquez | Alessandro Moschitti | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Learning Semantic Relations from Text
Preslav Nakov | Vivi Nastase | Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha | Stan Szpakowicz
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Tutorial Abstracts

Every non-trivial text describes interactions and relations between people, institutions, activities, events and so on. What we know about the world consists in large part of such relations, and that knowledge contributes to the understanding of what texts refer to. Newly found relations can in turn become part of this knowledge that is stored for future use.To grasp a text’s semantic content, an automatic system must be able to recognize relations in texts and reason about them. This may be done by applying and updating previously acquired knowledge. We focus here in particular on semantic relations which describe the interactions among nouns and compact noun phrases, and we present such relations from both a theoretical and a practical perspective. The theoretical exploration sketches the historical path which has brought us to the contemporary view and interpretation of semantic relations. We discuss a wide range of relation inventories proposed by linguists and by language processing people. Such inventories vary by domain, granularity and suitability for downstream applications.On the practical side, we investigate the recognition and acquisition of relations from texts. In a look at supervised learning methods, we present available datasets, the variety of features which can describe relation instances, and learning algorithms found appropriate for the task. Next, we present weakly supervised and unsupervised learning methods of acquiring relations from large corpora with little or no previously annotated data. We show how enduring the bootstrapping algorithm based on seed examples or patterns has proved to be, and how it has been adapted to tackle Web-scale text collections. We also show a few machine learning techniques which can perform fast and reliable relation extraction by taking advantage of data redundancy and variability.

Analyzing Optimization for Statistical Machine Translation: MERT Learns Verbosity, PRO Learns Length
Francisco Guzmán | Preslav Nakov | Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the Nineteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning

Finding Opinion Manipulation Trolls in News Community Forums
Todor Mihaylov | Georgi Georgiev | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the Nineteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning

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Pronoun-Focused MT and Cross-Lingual Pronoun Prediction: Findings of the 2015 DiscoMT Shared Task on Pronoun Translation
Christian Hardmeier | Preslav Nakov | Sara Stymne | Jörg Tiedemann | Yannick Versley | Mauro Cettolo
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Discourse in Machine Translation

The Web as an Implicit Training Set: Application to Noun Compounds Syntax and Semantics
Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the ACL 2015 Workshop on Novel Computational Approaches to Keyphrase Extraction

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Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Language Technology for Closely Related Languages, Varieties and Dialects
Preslav Nakov | Marcos Zampieri | Petya Osenova | Liling Tan | Cristina Vertan | Nikola Ljubešić | Jörg Tiedemann
Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Language Technology for Closely Related Languages, Varieties and Dialects

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Overview of the DSL Shared Task 2015
Marcos Zampieri | Liling Tan | Nikola Ljubešić | Jörg Tiedemann | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Language Technology for Closely Related Languages, Varieties and Dialects

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Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2015)
Preslav Nakov | Torsten Zesch | Daniel Cer | David Jurgens
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2015)

QCRI: Answer Selection for Community Question Answering - Experiments for Arabic and English
Massimo Nicosia | Simone Filice | Alberto Barrón-Cedeño | Iman Saleh | Hamdy Mubarak | Wei Gao | Preslav Nakov | Giovanni Da San Martino | Alessandro Moschitti | Kareem Darwish | Lluís Màrquez | Shafiq Joty | Walid Magdy
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2015)

SemEval-2015 Task 3: Answer Selection in Community Question Answering
Preslav Nakov | Lluís Màrquez | Walid Magdy | Alessandro Moschitti | Jim Glass | Bilal Randeree
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2015)

SemEval-2015 Task 10: Sentiment Analysis in Twitter
Sara Rosenthal | Preslav Nakov | Svetlana Kiritchenko | Saif Mohammad | Alan Ritter | Veselin Stoyanov
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2015)

Sentiment Analysis in Twitter for Macedonian
Dame Jovanoski | Veno Pachovski | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing

Fine-Grained Sentiment Analysis for Movie Reviews in Bulgarian
Borislav Kapukaranov | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing

Exposing Paid Opinion Manipulation Trolls
Todor Mihaylov | Ivan Koychev | Georgi Georgiev | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing


DiscoTK: Using Discourse Structure for Machine Translation Evaluation
Shafiq Joty | Francisco Guzmán | Lluís Màrquez | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation

Unsupervised Word Segmentation Improves Dialectal Arabic to English Machine Translation
Kamla Al-Mannai | Hassan Sajjad | Alaa Khader | Fahad Al Obaidli | Preslav Nakov | Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the EMNLP 2014 Workshop on Arabic Natural Language Processing (ANLP)

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Proceedings of the EMNLP’2014 Workshop on Language Technology for Closely Related Languages and Language Variants
Preslav Nakov | Petya Osenova | Cristina Vertan
Proceedings of the EMNLP’2014 Workshop on Language Technology for Closely Related Languages and Language Variants

Learning to Differentiate Better from Worse Translations
Francisco Guzmán | Shafiq Joty | Lluís Màrquez | Alessandro Moschitti | Preslav Nakov | Massimo Nicosia
Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Semantic Kernels for Semantic Parsing
Iman Saleh | Alessandro Moschitti | Preslav Nakov | Lluís Màrquez | Shafiq Joty
Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Predicting Dialect Variation in Immigrant Contexts Using Light Verb Constructions
A. Seza Doğruöz | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Using Discourse Structure Improves Machine Translation Evaluation
Francisco Guzmán | Shafiq Joty | Lluís Màrquez | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

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Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2014)
Preslav Nakov | Torsten Zesch
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2014)

SemEval-2014 Task 9: Sentiment Analysis in Twitter
Sara Rosenthal | Alan Ritter | Preslav Nakov | Veselin Stoyanov
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2014)

SU-FMI: System Description for SemEval-2014 Task 9 on Sentiment Analysis in Twitter
Boris Velichkov | Borislav Kapukaranov | Ivan Grozev | Jeni Karanesheva | Todor Mihaylov | Yasen Kiprov | Preslav Nakov | Ivan Koychev | Georgi Georgiev
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2014)

A Study of using Syntactic and Semantic Structures for Concept Segmentation and Labeling
Iman Saleh | Scott Cyphers | Jim Glass | Shafiq Joty | Lluís Màrquez | Alessandro Moschitti | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers


QCRI at IWSLT 2013: experiments in Arabic-English and English-Arabic spoken language translation
Hassan Sajjad | Francisco Guzmán | Preslav Nakov | Ahmed Abdelali | Kenton Murray | Fahad Al Obaidli | Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation: Evaluation Campaign

We describe the Arabic-English and English-Arabic statistical machine translation systems developed by the Qatar Computing Research Institute for the IWSLT’2013 evaluation campaign on spoken language translation. We used one phrase-based and two hierarchical decoders, exploring various settings thereof. We further experimented with three domain adaptation methods, and with various Arabic word segmentation schemes. Combining the output of several systems yielded a gain of up to 3.4 BLEU points over the baseline. Here we also describe a specialized normalization scheme for evaluating Arabic output, which was adopted for the IWSLT’2013 evaluation campaign.

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Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on NLP&LOD and SWAIE: Semantic Web, Linked Open Data and Information Extraction
Diana Maynard | Marieke van Erp | Brian Davis | Petya Osenova | Kiril Simov | Georgi Georgiev | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on NLP&LOD and SWAIE: Semantic Web, Linked Open Data and Information Extraction

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Combining, Adapting and Reusing Bi-texts between Related Languages: Application to Statistical Machine Translation (invited talk)
Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the Workshop on Adaptation of Language Resources and Tools for Closely Related Languages and Language Variants

SemEval-2013 Task 4: Free Paraphrases of Noun Compounds
Iris Hendrickx | Zornitsa Kozareva | Preslav Nakov | Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha | Stan Szpakowicz | Tony Veale
Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM), Volume 2: Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2013)

SemEval-2013 Task 2: Sentiment Analysis in Twitter
Preslav Nakov | Sara Rosenthal | Zornitsa Kozareva | Veselin Stoyanov | Alan Ritter | Theresa Wilson
Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM), Volume 2: Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2013)

A Tale about PRO and Monsters
Preslav Nakov | Francisco Guzmán | Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

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51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop
Anik Dey | Sebastian Krause | Ivelina Nikolova | Eva Vecchi | Steven Bethard | Preslav I. Nakov | Feiyu Xu
51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop

Parameter Optimization for Statistical Machine Translation: It Pays to Learn from Hard Examples
Preslav Nakov | Fahad Al Obaidli | Francisco Guzmán | Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing RANLP 2013

Analyzing the Use of Character-Level Translation with Sparse and Noisy Datasets
Jörg Tiedemann | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing RANLP 2013


Feature-Rich Part-of-speech Tagging for Morphologically Complex Languages: Application to Bulgarian
Georgi Georgiev | Valentin Zhikov | Kiril Simov | Petya Osenova | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 13th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Combining Word-Level and Character-Level Models for Machine Translation Between Closely-Related Languages
Preslav Nakov | Jörg Tiedemann
Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Source Language Adaptation for Resource-Poor Machine Translation
Pidong Wang | Preslav Nakov | Hwee Tou Ng
Proceedings of the 2012 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning

Optimizing for Sentence-Level BLEU+1 Yields Short Translations
Preslav Nakov | Francisco Guzman | Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of COLING 2012

QCRI at WMT12: Experiments in Spanish-English and German-English Machine Translation of News Text
Francisco Guzmán | Preslav Nakov | Ahmed Thabet | Stephan Vogel
Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation


Large-Scale Noun Compound Interpretation Using Bootstrapping and the Web as a Corpus
Su Nam Kim | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Combining Relational and Attributional Similarity for Semantic Relation Classification
Preslav Nakov | Zornitsa Kozareva
Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing 2011

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Proceedings of the ACL 2011 Workshop on Relational Models of Semantics
Su Nam Kim | Zornitsa Kozareva | Preslav Nakov | Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha | Sebastian Padó | Stan Szpakowicz
Proceedings of the ACL 2011 Workshop on Relational Models of Semantics

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Proceedings of the RANLP 2011 Workshop on Information Extraction and Knowledge Acquisition
Preslav Nakov | Zornitsa Kozareva | Kuzman Ganchev | Jerry Hobbs
Proceedings of the RANLP 2011 Workshop on Information Extraction and Knowledge Acquisition

Building a Named Entity Recognizer in Three Days: Application to Disease Name Recognition in Bulgarian Epicrises
Georgi Georgiev | Valentin Zhikov | Borislav Popov | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing

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Reusing Parallel Corpora between Related Languages
Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Annotation and Exploitation of Parallel Corpora

Translating from Morphologically Complex Languages: A Paraphrase-Based Approach
Preslav Nakov | Hwee Tou Ng
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies


A Hybrid Morpheme-Word Representation for Machine Translation of Morphologically Rich Languages
Minh-Thang Luong | Preslav Nakov | Min-Yen Kan
Proceedings of the 2010 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

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Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Multiword Expressions: from Theory to Applications
Éric Laporte | Preslav Nakov | Carlos Ramisch | Aline Villavicencio
Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Multiword Expressions: from Theory to Applications

SemEval-2010 Task 8: Multi-Way Classification of Semantic Relations between Pairs of Nominals
Iris Hendrickx | Su Nam Kim | Zornitsa Kozareva | Preslav Nakov | Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha | Sebastian Padó | Marco Pennacchiotti | Lorenza Romano | Stan Szpakowicz
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

SemEval-2 Task 9: The Interpretation of Noun Compounds Using Paraphrasing Verbs and Prepositions
Cristina Butnariu | Su Nam Kim | Preslav Nakov | Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha | Stan Szpakowicz | Tony Veale
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation


The NUS statistical machine translation system for IWSLT 2009
Preslav Nakov | Chang Liu | Wei Lu | Hwee Tou Ng
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation: Evaluation Campaign

We describe the system developed by the team of the National University of Singapore for the Chinese-English BTEC task of the IWSLT 2009 evaluation campaign. We adopted a state-of-the-art phrase-based statistical machine translation approach and focused on experiments with different Chinese word segmentation standards. In our official submission, we trained a separate system for each segmenter and we combined the outputs in a subsequent re-ranking step. Given the small size of the training data, we further re-trained the system on the development data after tuning. The evaluation results show that both strategies yield sizeable and consistent improvements in translation quality.

NUS at WMT09: Domain Adaptation Experiments for English-Spanish Machine Translation of News Commentary Text
Preslav Nakov | Hwee Tou Ng
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation

Tunable Domain-Independent Event Extraction in the MIRA Framework
Georgi Georgiev | Kuzman Ganchev | Vassil Momchev | Deyan Peychev | Preslav Nakov | Angus Roberts
Proceedings of the BioNLP 2009 Workshop Companion Volume for Shared Task

SemEval-2010 Task 8: Multi-Way Classification of Semantic Relations Between Pairs of Nominals
Iris Hendrickx | Su Nam Kim | Zornitsa Kozareva | Preslav Nakov | Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha | Sebastian Padó | Marco Pennacchiotti | Lorenza Romano | Stan Szpakowicz
Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)

SemEval-2010 Task 9: The Interpretation of Noun Compounds Using Paraphrasing Verbs and Prepositions
Cristina Butnariu | Su Nam Kim | Preslav Nakov | Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha | Stan Szpakowicz | Tony Veale
Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Evaluations: Recent Achievements and Future Directions (SEW-2009)

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Proceedings of the Workshop on Multiword Expressions: Identification, Interpretation, Disambiguation and Applications (MWE 2009)
Dimitra Anastasiou | Chikara Hashimoto | Preslav Nakov | Su Nam Kim
Proceedings of the Workshop on Multiword Expressions: Identification, Interpretation, Disambiguation and Applications (MWE 2009)

Cross-lingual Adaptation as a Baseline: Adapting Maximum Entropy Models to Bulgarian
Georgi Georgiev | Preslav Nakov | Petya Osenova | Kiril Simov
Proceedings of the Workshop on Adaptation of Language Resources and Technology to New Domains

A Joint Model for Normalizing Gene and Organism Mentions in Text
Georgi Georgiev | Preslav Nakov | Kuzman Ganchev | Deyan Peychev | Vassil Momchev
Proceedings of the Workshop on Biomedical Information Extraction

Improved Statistical Machine Translation for Resource-Poor Languages Using Related Resource-Rich Languages
Preslav Nakov | Hwee Tou Ng
Proceedings of the 2009 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Feature-Rich Named Entity Recognition for Bulgarian Using Conditional Random Fields
Georgi Georgiev | Preslav Nakov | Kuzman Ganchev | Petya Osenova | Kiril Simov
Proceedings of the International Conference RANLP-2009

Unsupervised Extraction of False Friends from Parallel Bi-Texts Using the Web as a Corpus
Svetlin Nakov | Preslav Nakov | Elena Paskaleva
Proceedings of the International Conference RANLP-2009

Language-Independent Sentiment Analysis Using Subjectivity and Positional Information
Veselin Raychev | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the International Conference RANLP-2009


Solving Relational Similarity Problems Using the Web as a Corpus
Preslav Nakov | Marti A. Hearst
Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT

Improving English-Spanish Statistical Machine Translation: Experiments in Domain Adaptation, Sentence Paraphrasing, Tokenization, and Recasing
Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation


UCB System Description for the WMT 2007 Shared Task
Preslav Nakov | Marti Hearst
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation

SemEval-2007 Task 04: Classification of Semantic Relations between Nominals
Roxana Girju | Preslav Nakov | Vivi Nastase | Stan Szpakowicz | Peter Turney | Deniz Yuret
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval-2007)

UCB: System Description for SemEval Task #4
Preslav Nakov | Marti Hearst
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval-2007)


Using the Web as an Implicit Training Set: Application to Structural Ambiguity Resolution
Preslav Nakov | Marti Hearst
Proceedings of Human Language Technology Conference and Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Search Engine Statistics Beyond the n-Gram: Application to Noun Compound Bracketing
Preslav Nakov | Marti Hearst
Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL-2005)

Supporting Annotation Layers for Natural Language Processing
Preslav Nakov | Ariel Schwartz | Brian Wolf | Marti Hearst
Proceedings of the ACL Interactive Poster and Demonstration Sessions


Towards deeper understanding and personalisation in CALL
Galia Angelova | Albena Strupchanska | Ognyan Kalaydijev | Milena Yankova | Svetla Boytcheva | Irena Vitanova | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the Workshop on eLearning for Computational Linguistics and Computational Linguistics for eLearning

Robust ending guessing rules with application to slavonic languages
Preslav Nakov | Elena Paskaleva
Proceedings of the 3rd workshop on RObust Methods in Analysis of Natural Language Data (ROMAND 2004)


Category-based Pseudowords
Preslav I. Nakov | Marti A. Hearst
Companion Volume of the Proceedings of HLT-NAACL 2003 - Short Papers
