Nirmal Surange


SemEval Task 1: Semantic Textual Relatedness for African and Asian Languages
Nedjma Ousidhoum | Shamsuddeen Hassan Muhammad | Mohamed Abdalla | Idris Abdulmumin | Ibrahim Said Ahmad | Sanchit Ahuja | Alham Fikri Aji | Vladimir Araujo | Meriem Beloucif | Christine De Kock | Oumaima Hourrane | Manish Shrivastava | Thamar Solorio | Nirmal Surange | Krishnapriya Vishnubhotla | Seid Muhie Yimam | Saif M. Mohammad
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)

We present the first shared task on Semantic Textual Relatedness (STR). While earlier shared tasks primarily focused on semantic similarity, we instead investigate the broader phenomenon of semantic relatedness across 14 languages: Afrikaans, Algerian Arabic, Amharic, English, Hausa, Hindi, Indonesian, Kinyarwanda, Marathi, Moroccan Arabic, Modern Standard Arabic, Punjabi, Spanish, and Telugu. These languages originate from five distinct language families and are predominantly spoken in Africa and Asia – regions characterised by the relatively limited availability of NLP resources. Each instance in the datasets is a sentence pair associated with a score that represents the degree of semantic textual relatedness between the two sentences. Participating systems were asked to rank sentence pairs by their closeness in meaning (i.e., their degree of semantic relatedness) in the 14 languages in three main tracks: (a) supervised, (b) unsupervised, and (c) crosslingual. The task attracted 163 participants. We received 70 submissions in total (across all tasks) from 51 different teams, and 38 system description papers. We report on the best-performing systems as well as the most common and the most effective approaches for the three different tracks.

SemRel2024: A Collection of Semantic Textual Relatedness Datasets for 13 Languages
Nedjma Ousidhoum | Shamsuddeen Muhammad | Mohamed Abdalla | Idris Abdulmumin | Ibrahim Ahmad | Sanchit Ahuja | Alham Aji | Vladimir Araujo | Abinew Ayele | Pavan Baswani | Meriem Beloucif | Chris Biemann | Sofia Bourhim | Christine Kock | Genet Dekebo | Oumaima Hourrane | Gopichand Kanumolu | Lokesh Madasu | Samuel Rutunda | Manish Shrivastava | Thamar Solorio | Nirmal Surange | Hailegnaw Tilaye | Krishnapriya Vishnubhotla | Genta Winata | Seid Yimam | Saif Mohammad
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Exploring and quantifying semantic relatedness is central to representing language and holds significant implications across various NLP tasks. While earlier NLP research primarily focused on semantic similarity, often within the English language context, we instead investigate the broader phenomenon of semantic relatedness. In this paper, we present SemRel, a new semantic relatedness dataset collection annotated by native speakers across 13 languages: Afrikaans, Algerian Arabic, Amharic, English, Hausa, Hindi, Indonesian, Kinyarwanda, Marathi, Moroccan Arabic, Modern Standard Arabic, Spanish, and Telugu. These languages originate from five distinct language families and are predominantly spoken in Africa and Asia – regions characterised by a relatively limited availability of NLP resources. Each instance in the SemRel datasets is a sentence pair associated with a score that represents the degree of semantic textual relatedness between the two sentences. The scores are obtained using a comparative annotation framework. We describe the data collection and annotation processes, challenges when building the datasets, baseline experiments, and their impact and utility in NLP.

TeClass: A Human-Annotated Relevance-based Headline Classification and Generation Dataset for Telugu
Gopichand Kanumolu | Lokesh Madasu | Nirmal Surange | Manish Shrivastava
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

News headline generation is a crucial task in increasing productivity for both the readers and producers of news. This task can easily be aided by automated News headline-generation models. However, the presence of irrelevant headlines in scraped news articles results in sub-optimal performance of generation models. We propose that relevance-based headline classification can greatly aid the task of generating relevant headlines. Relevance-based headline classification involves categorizing news headlines based on their relevance to the corresponding news articles. While this task is well-established in English, it remains under-explored in low-resource languages like Telugu due to a lack of annotated data. To address this gap, we present TeClass, the first-ever human-annotated Telugu news headline classification dataset, containing 78,534 annotations across 26,178 article-headline pairs. We experiment with various baseline models and provide a comprehensive analysis of their results. We further demonstrate the impact of this work by fine-tuning various headline generation models using TeClass dataset. The headlines generated by the models fine-tuned on highly relevant article-headline pairs, showed about a 5 point increment in the ROUGE-L scores. To encourage future research, the annotated dataset as well as the annotation guidelines will be made publicly available.


Mukhyansh: A Headline Generation Dataset for Indic Languages
Lokesh Madasu | Gopichand Kanumolu | Nirmal Surange | Manish Shrivastava
Proceedings of the 37th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation


LTRC @MuP 2022: Multi-Perspective Scientific Document Summarization Using Pre-trained Generation Models
Ashok Urlana | Nirmal Surange | Manish Shrivastava
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing

The MuP-2022 shared task focuses on multiperspective scientific document summarization. Given a scientific document, with multiple reference summaries, our goal was to develop a model that can produce a generic summary covering as many aspects of the document as covered by all of its reference summaries. This paper describes our best official model, a finetuned BART-large, along with a discussion on the challenges of this task and some of our unofficial models including SOTA generation models. Our submitted model out performedthe given, MuP 2022 shared task, baselines on ROUGE-2, ROUGE-L and average ROUGE F1-scores. Code of our submission can be ac- cessed here.

TeSum: Human-Generated Abstractive Summarization Corpus for Telugu
Ashok Urlana | Nirmal Surange | Pavan Baswani | Priyanka Ravva | Manish Shrivastava
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Expert human annotation for summarization is definitely an expensive task, and can not be done on huge scales. But with this work, we show that even with a crowd sourced summary generation approach, quality can be controlled by aggressive expert informed filtering and sampling-based human evaluation. We propose a pipeline that crowd-sources summarization data and then aggressively filters the content via: automatic and partial expert evaluation. Using this pipeline we create a high-quality Telugu Abstractive Summarization dataset (TeSum) which we validate with sampling-based human evaluation. We also provide baseline numbers for various models commonly used for summarization. A number of recently released datasets for summarization, scraped the web-content relying on the assumption that summary is made available with the article by the publishers. While this assumption holds for multiple resources (or news-sites) in English, it should not be generalised across languages without thorough analysis and verification. Our analysis clearly shows that this assumption does not hold true for most Indian language news resources. We show that our proposed filtration pipeline can even be applied to these large-scale scraped datasets to extract better quality article-summary pairs.