Minsoo Kim


RaDA: Retrieval-augmented Web Agent Planning with LLMs
Minsoo Kim | Victor Bursztyn | Eunyee Koh | Shunan Guo | Seung-won Hwang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Agents powered by large language models (LLMs) inherit important limitations, such as the restricted context length, dependency on human-engineered exemplars (e.g., for task decomposition), and insufficient generalization. To address these challenges, we propose RaDA, a novel planning method for Web agents that does not require manual exemplars, efficiently leverages the LLMs’ context, and enhances generalization. RaDA disentangles planning into two stages: for a new given task, during Retrieval-augmented Task Decomposition (RaD), it decomposes tasks into high-level subtasks; next, during Retrieval-augmented Action Generation (RaA), it traverses the trajectory obtained with RaD to iteratively synthesize actions based on dynamically retrieved exemplars. We compare RaDA with strong baselines covering a broad space of design choices, using both GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 as backbones; and we find consistent improvements over previous SOTA in two challenging benchmarks, CompWoB and Mind2Web, covering settings with different complexities. We show the contributions of RaDA via ablation studies and qualitative analysis; and we discuss the structural benefits of our more compositional design.

RA-LoRA: Rank-Adaptive Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning for Accurate 2-bit Quantized Large Language Models
Minsoo Kim | Sihwa Lee | Wonyong Sung | Jungwook Choi
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Deploying large language models (LLMs) with their extensive parameters and high memory demands challenges computational efficiency, particularly in fine-tuning for specific applications with limited resources. Techniques like Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) help by training a smaller, modifiable extension of the base model to reduce memory usage. However, combining quantization with LoRA, especially in low-bit scenarios, can lead to performance losses due to quantization errors. Our innovative Rank-Adaptive LoRA (RA-LoRA) addresses this by dynamically adjusting the adapter’s rank using rank-subspace analysis, optimizing performance with fewer parameters. We tested RA-LoRA on state-of-the-art LLMs for 2-bit efficient fine-tuning, showing it can improve model accuracy with minimal trainable parameters, marking a leap forward in quantization-aware fine-tuning methods and highlighting the significance of rank dynamics in optimizing quantized LLMs.

Chaining Event Spans for Temporal Relation Grounding
Jongho Kim | Dohyeon Lee | Minsoo Kim | Seung-won Hwang
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Accurately understanding temporal relations between events is a critical building block of diverse tasks, such as temporal reading comprehension (TRC) and relation extraction (TRE). For example in TRC, we need to understand the temporal semantic differences between the following two questions that are lexically near-identical: “What finished right before the decision?” or “What finished right after the decision?”. To discern the two questions, existing solutions have relied on answer overlaps as a proxy label to contrast similar and dissimilar questions. However, we claim that answer overlap can lead to unreliable results, due to spurious overlaps of two dissimilar questions with coincidentally identical answers. To address the issue, we propose a novel approach that elicits proper reasoning behaviors through a module for predicting time spans of events. We introduce the Timeline Reasoning Network (TRN) operating in a two-step inductive reasoning process: In the first step model initially answers each question with semantic and syntactic information. The next step chains multiple questions on the same event to predict a timeline, which is then used to ground the answers. Results on the TORQUE and TB-dense, TRC, and TRE tasks respectively, demonstrate that TRN outperforms previous methods by effectively resolving the spurious overlaps using the predicted timeline.

Improving Conversational Abilities of Quantized Large Language Models via Direct Preference Alignment
Janghwan Lee | Seongmin Park | Sukjin Hong | Minsoo Kim | Du-Seong Chang | Jungwook Choi
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

The rapid advancement of large language models (LLMs) has facilitated their transformation into conversational chatbots that can grasp contextual nuances and generate pertinent sentences, closely mirroring human values through advanced techniques such as instruction tuning and reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). However, the computational efficiency required for LLMs, achieved through techniques like post-training quantization (PTQ), presents challenges such as token-flipping that can impair chatbot performance. In response, we propose a novel preference alignment approach, quantization-aware direct preference optimization (QDPO), that aligns quantized LLMs with their full-precision counterparts, improving conversational abilities. Evaluated on two instruction-tuned LLMs in various languages, QDPO demonstrated superior performance in improving conversational abilities compared to established PTQ and knowledge-distillation fine-tuning techniques, marking a significant step forward in the development of efficient and effective conversational LLMs.


Enhancing Computation Efficiency in Large Language Models through Weight and Activation Quantization
Janghwan Lee | Minsoo Kim | Seungcheol Baek | Seok Hwang | Wonyong Sung | Jungwook Choi
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Large Language Models (LLMs) are proficient in natural language processing tasks, but their deployment is often restricted by extensive parameter sizes and computational demands. This paper focuses on post-training quantization (PTQ) in LLMs, specifically 4-bit weight and 8-bit activation (W4A8) quantization, to enhance computational efficiency—a topic less explored compared to weight-only quantization. We present two innovative techniques: activation-quantization-aware scaling (AQAS) and sequence-length-aware calibration (SLAC) to enhance PTQ by considering the combined effects on weights and activations and aligning calibration sequence lengths to target tasks. Moreover, we introduce dINT, a hybrid data format combining integer and denormal representations, to address the underflow issue in W4A8 quantization, where small values are rounded to zero. Through rigorous evaluations of LLMs, including OPT and LLaMA, we demonstrate that our techniques significantly boost task accuracies to levels comparable with full-precision models. By developing arithmetic units compatible with dINT, we further confirm that our methods yield a 2× hardware efficiency improvement compared to 8-bit integer MAC unit.

Relevance-assisted Generation for Robust Zero-shot Retrieval
Jihyuk Kim | Minsoo Kim | Joonsuk Park | Seung-won Hwang
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track

Zero-shot retrieval tasks such as the BEIR benchmark reveal out-of-domain generalization as a key weakness of high-performance dense retrievers. As a solution, domain adaptation for dense retrievers has been actively studied. A notable approach is synthesizing domain-specific data, by generating pseudo queries (PQ), for fine-tuning with domain-specific relevance between PQ and documents. Our contribution is showing that key biases can cause sampled PQ to be irrelevant, negatively contributing to generalization. We propose to preempt their generation, by dividing the generation into simpler subtasks, of generating relevance explanations and guiding the generation to avoid negative generalization. Experiment results show that our proposed approach is more robust to domain shifts, validated on challenging BEIR zero-shot retrieval tasks.

Retrieval-augmented Video Encoding for Instructional Captioning
Yeonjoon Jung | Minsoo Kim | Seungtaek Choi | Jihyuk Kim | Minji Seo | Seung-won Hwang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Instructional videos make learning knowledge more efficient, by providing a detailed multimodal context of each procedure in instruction.A unique challenge posed by instructional videos is key-object degeneracy, where any single modality fails to sufficiently capture the key objects referred to in the procedure. For machine systems, such degeneracy can disturb the performance of a downstream task such as dense video captioning, leading to the generation of incorrect captions omitting key objects. To repair degeneracy, we propose a retrieval-based framework to augment the model representations in the presence of such key-object degeneracy. We validate the effectiveness and generalizability of our proposed framework over baselines using modalities with key-object degeneracy.

Intervention-Based Alignment of Code Search with Execution Feedback
Hojae Han | Minsoo Kim | Seung-won Hwang | Nan Duan | Shuai Lu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

One of the fundamental goals in code search is to retrieve a functionally correct code for a given natural language query. As annotating for correctness requires executing test cases (i.e. obtaining execution feedback), existing code search training datasets approximate text-code co-occurrences as positive execution feedback. However, this approximation may misalign models’ retrieval decisions from ground-truth correctness. To address such limitation, we propose Code Intervention-based Reinforcement Learning (CIRL) that perturbs training code to result in misalignment (i.e. code intervention), then tests models’ decisions and corrects them with the execution feedback by reinforcement learning. The first technical contribution of CIRL is to induce the execution feedback from perturbation, without actual execution. Secondly, CIRL introduces structural perturbations using abstract syntax trees, going beyond simple lexical changes. Experimental results on various datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of CIRL compared to conventional approaches.

Teacher Intervention: Improving Convergence of Quantization Aware Training for Ultra-Low Precision Transformers
Minsoo Kim | Kyuhong Shim | Seongmin Park | Wonyong Sung | Jungwook Choi
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Pre-trained Transformer models such as BERT have shown great success in a wide range of applications, but at the cost of substantial increases in model complexity. Quantization-aware training (QAT) is a promising method to lower the implementation cost and energy consumption. However, aggressive quantization below 2-bit causes considerable accuracy degradation due to unstable convergence, especially when the downstream dataset is not abundant. This work proposes a proactive knowledge distillation method called Teacher Intervention (TI) for fast converging QAT of ultra-low precision pre-trained Transformers. TI intervenes layer-wise signal propagation with the intact signal from the teacher to remove the interference of propagated quantization errors, smoothing loss surface of QAT and expediting the convergence. Furthermore, we propose a gradual intervention mechanism to stabilize the recovery of subsections of Transformer layers from quantization. The proposed schemes enable fast convergence of QAT and improve the model accuracy regardless of the diverse characteristics of downstream fine-tuning tasks. We demonstrate that TI consistently achieves superior accuracy with significantly lower fine-tuning iterations on well-known Transformers of natural language processing as well as computer vision compared to the state-of-the-art QAT methods.


Privacy-Preserving Text Classification on BERT Embeddings with Homomorphic Encryption
Garam Lee | Minsoo Kim | Jai Hyun Park | Seung-won Hwang | Jung Hee Cheon
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Embeddings, which compress information in raw text into semantics-preserving low-dimensional vectors, have been widely adopted for their efficacy. However, recent research has shown that embeddings can potentially leak private information about sensitive attributes of the text, and in some cases, can be inverted to recover the original input text. To address these growing privacy challenges, we propose a privatization mechanism for embeddings based on homomorphic encryption, to prevent potential leakage of any piece of information in the process of text classification. In particular, our method performs text classification on the encryption of embeddings from state-of-the-art models like BERT, supported by an efficient GPU implementation of CKKS encryption scheme. We show that our method offers encrypted protection of BERT embeddings, while largely preserving their utility on downstream text classification tasks.

Collective Relevance Labeling for Passage Retrieval
Jihyuk Kim | Minsoo Kim | Seung-won Hwang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Deep learning for Information Retrieval (IR) requires a large amount of high-quality query-document relevance labels, but such labels are inherently sparse. Label smoothing redistributes some observed probability mass over unobserved instances, often uniformly, uninformed of the true distribution. In contrast, we propose knowledge distillation for informed labeling, without incurring high computation overheads at evaluation time. Our contribution is designing a simple but efficient teacher model which utilizes collective knowledge, to outperform state-of-the-arts distilled from a more complex teacher model. Specifically, we train up to ×8 faster than the state-of-the-art teacher, while distilling the rankings better. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/jihyukkim-nlp/CollectiveKD.

PLM-based World Models for Text-based Games
Minsoo Kim | Yeonjoon Jung | Dohyeon Lee | Seung-won Hwang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

World models have improved the ability of reinforcement learning agents to operate in a sample efficient manner, by being trained to predict plausible changes in the underlying environment. As the core tasks of world models are future prediction and commonsense understanding, our claim is that pre-trained language models (PLMs) already provide a strong base upon which to build world models. Worldformer is a recently proposed world model for text-based game environments, based only partially on PLM and transformers. Our distinction is to fully leverage PLMs as actionable world models in text-based game environments, by reformulating generation as constrained decoding which decomposes actions into verb templates and objects. We show that our model improves future valid action prediction and graph change prediction. Additionally, we show that our model better reflects commonsense than standard PLM.

Understanding and Improving Knowledge Distillation for Quantization Aware Training of Large Transformer Encoders
Minsoo Kim | Sihwa Lee | Suk-Jin Hong | Du-Seong Chang | Jungwook Choi
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Knowledge distillation (KD) has been a ubiquitous method for model compression to strengthen the capability of a lightweight model with the transferred knowledge from the teacher. In particular, KD has been employed in quantization-aware training (QAT) of Transformer encoders like BERT to improve the accuracy of the student model with the reduced-precision weight parameters. However, little is understood about which of the various KD approaches best fits the QAT of Transformers. In this work, we provide an in-depth analysis of the mechanism of KD on attention recovery of quantized large Transformers. In particular, we reveal that the previously adopted MSE loss on the attention score is insufficient for recovering the self-attention information. Therefore, we propose two KD methods; attention-map and attention-output losses. Furthermore, we explore the unification of both losses to address task-dependent preference between attention-map and output losses. The experimental results on various Transformer encoder models demonstrate that the proposed KD methods achieve state-of-the-art accuracy for QAT with sub-2-bit weight quantization.


Towards Abstraction from Extraction: Multiple Timescale Gated Recurrent Unit for Summarization
Minsoo Kim | Dennis Singh Moirangthem | Minho Lee
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP