Min Peng


FinNLP-AgentScen-2024 Shared Task: Financial Challenges in Large Language Models - FinLLMs
Qianqian Xie | Jimin Huang | Dong Li | Zhengyu Chen | Ruoyu Xiang | Mengxi Xiao | Yangyang Yu | Vijayasai Somasundaram | Kailai Yang | Chenhan Yuan | Zheheng Luo | Zhiwei Liu | Yueru He | Yuechen Jiang | Haohang Li | Duanyu Feng | Xiao-Yang Liu | Benyou Wang | Hao Wang | Yanzhao Lai | Jordan Suchow | Alejandro Lopez-Lira | Min Peng | Sophia Ananiadou
Proceedings of the Eighth Financial Technology and Natural Language Processing and the 1st Agent AI for Scenario Planning

Deja vu: Contrastive Historical Modeling with Prefix-tuning for Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning
Miao Peng | Ben Liu | Wenjie Xu | Zihao Jiang | Jiahui Zhu | Min Peng
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024

Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning (TKGR) is the task of inferring missing facts for incomplete TKGs in complex scenarios (e.g., transductive and inductive settings), which has been gaining increasing attention. Recently, to mitigate dependence on structured connections in TKGs, text-based methods have been developed to utilize rich linguistic information from entity descriptions. However, suffering from the enormous parameters and inflexibility of pre-trained language models, existing text-based methods struggle to balance the textual knowledge and temporal information with computationally expensive purpose-built training strategies. To tap the potential of text-based models for TKGR in various complex scenarios, we propose ChapTER, a Contrastive historical modeling framework with prefix-tuning for TEmporal Reasoning. ChapTER feeds history-contextualized text into the pseudo-Siamese encoders to strike a textual-temporal balance via contrastive estimation between queries and candidates. By introducing virtual time prefix tokens, it applies a prefix-based tuning method to facilitate the frozen PLM capable for TKGR tasks under different settings. We evaluate ChapTER on four transductive and three few-shot inductive TKGR benchmarks, and experimental results demonstrate that ChapTER achieves superior performance compared to competitive baselines with only 0.17% tuned parameters. We conduct thorough analysis to verify the effectiveness, flexibility and efficiency of ChapTER.

HealMe: Harnessing Cognitive Reframing in Large Language Models for Psychotherapy
Mengxi Xiao | Qianqian Xie | Ziyan Kuang | Zhicheng Liu | Kailai Yang | Min Peng | Weiguang Han | Jimin Huang
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Large Language Models (LLMs) can play a vital role in psychotherapy by adeptly handling the crucial task of cognitive reframing and overcoming challenges such as shame, distrust, therapist skill variability, and resource scarcity. Previous LLMs in cognitive reframing mainly converted negative emotions to positive ones, but these approaches have limited efficacy, often not promoting clients’ self-discovery of alternative perspectives. In this paper, we unveil the Helping and Empowering through Adaptive Language in Mental Enhancement (HealMe) model. This novel cognitive reframing therapy method effectively addresses deep-rooted negative thoughts and fosters rational, balanced perspectives. Diverging from traditional LLM methods, HealMe employs empathetic dialogue based on psychotherapeutic frameworks. It systematically guides clients through distinguishing circumstances from feelings, brainstorming alternative viewpoints, and developing empathetic, actionable suggestions. Moreover, we adopt the first comprehensive and expertly crafted psychological evaluation metrics, specifically designed to rigorously assess the performance of cognitive reframing, in both AI-simulated dialogues and real-world therapeutic conversations. Experimental results show that our model outperforms others in terms of empathy, guidance, and logical coherence, demonstrating its effectiveness and potential positive impact on psychotherapy.


Pre-trained Language Model with Prompts for Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion
Wenjie Xu | Ben Liu | Miao Peng | Xu Jia | Min Peng
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Temporal Knowledge graph completion (TKGC) is a crucial task that involves reasoning at known timestamps to complete the missing part of facts and has attracted more and more attention in recent years. Most existing methods focus on learning representations based on graph neural networks while inaccurately extracting information from timestamps and insufficiently utilizing the implied information in relations. To address these problems, we propose a novel TKGC model, namely Pre-trained Language Model with Prompts for TKGC (PPT). We convert a series of sampled quadruples into pre-trained language model inputs and convert intervals between timestamps into different prompts to make coherent sentences with implicit semantic information. We train our model with a masking strategy to convert TKGC task into a masked token prediction task, which can leverage the semantic information in pre-trained language models. Experiments on three benchmark datasets and extensive analysis demonstrate that our model has great competitiveness compared to other models with four metrics. Our model can effectively incorporate information from temporal knowledge graphs into the language models.


SMiLE: Schema-augmented Multi-level Contrastive Learning for Knowledge Graph Link Prediction
Miao Peng | Ben Liu | Qianqian Xie | Wenjie Xu | Hua Wang | Min Peng
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Link prediction is the task of inferring missing links between entities in knowledge graphs. Embedding-based methods have shown effectiveness in addressing this problem by modeling relational patterns in triples. However, the link prediction task often requires contextual information in entity neighborhoods, while most existing embedding-based methods fail to capture it. Additionally, little attention is paid to the diversity of entity representations in different contexts, which often leads to false prediction results. In this situation, we consider that the schema of knowledge graph contains the specific contextual information, and it is beneficial for preserving the consistency of entities across contexts. In this paper, we propose a novel Schema-augmented Multi-level contrastive LEarning framework (SMiLE) to conduct knowledge graph link prediction. Specifically, we first exploit network schema as the prior constraint to sample negatives and pre-train our model by employing a multi-level contrastive learning method to yield both prior schema and contextual information. Then we fine-tune our model under the supervision of individual triples to learn subtler representations for link prediction. Extensive experimental results on four knowledge graph datasets with thorough analysis of each component demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework against state-of-the-art baselines. The implementation of SMiLE is available at https://github.com/GKNL/SMiLE.


Graph Relational Topic Model with Higher-order Graph Attention Auto-encoders
Qianqian Xie | Jimin Huang | Pan Du | Min Peng
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021

Inductive Topic Variational Graph Auto-Encoder for Text Classification
Qianqian Xie | Jimin Huang | Pan Du | Min Peng | Jian-Yun Nie
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Graph convolutional networks (GCNs) have been applied recently to text classification and produced an excellent performance. However, existing GCN-based methods do not assume an explicit latent semantic structure of documents, making learned representations less effective and difficult to interpret. They are also transductive in nature, thus cannot handle out-of-graph documents. To address these issues, we propose a novel model named inductive Topic Variational Graph Auto-Encoder (T-VGAE), which incorporates a topic model into variational graph-auto-encoder (VGAE) to capture the hidden semantic information between documents and words. T-VGAE inherits the interpretability of the topic model and the efficient information propagation mechanism of VGAE. It learns probabilistic representations of words and documents by jointly encoding and reconstructing the global word-level graph and bipartite graphs of documents, where each document is considered individually and decoupled from the global correlation graph so as to enable inductive learning. Our experiments on several benchmark datasets show that our method outperforms the existing competitive models on supervised and semi-supervised text classification, as well as unsupervised text representation learning. In addition, it has higher interpretability and is able to deal with unseen documents.


Neural Sparse Topical Coding
Min Peng | Qianqian Xie | Yanchun Zhang | Hua Wang | Xiuzhen Zhang | Jimin Huang | Gang Tian
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Topic models with sparsity enhancement have been proven to be effective at learning discriminative and coherent latent topics of short texts, which is critical to many scientific and engineering applications. However, the extensions of these models require carefully tailored graphical models and re-deduced inference algorithms, limiting their variations and applications. We propose a novel sparsity-enhanced topic model, Neural Sparse Topical Coding (NSTC) base on a sparsity-enhanced topic model called Sparse Topical Coding (STC). It focuses on replacing the complex inference process with the back propagation, which makes the model easy to explore extensions. Moreover, the external semantic information of words in word embeddings is incorporated to improve the representation of short texts. To illustrate the flexibility offered by the neural network based framework, we present three extensions base on NSTC without re-deduced inference algorithms. Experiments on Web Snippet and 20Newsgroups datasets demonstrate that our models outperform existing methods.