Marcus Collins


Collecting High-quality Multi-modal Conversational Search Data for E-Commerce
Marcus Collins | Oleg Rokhlenko | Eugene Agichtein | Shervin Malmasi
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Knowledge Augmented Methods for NLP

Continued improvement of conversational assistants in knowledge-rich domains like E-Commerce requires large volumes of realistic high-quality conversation data to power increasingly sophisticated large language model chatbots, dialogue managers, response rankers, and recommenders. The problem is exacerbated for multi-modal interactions in realistic conversational product search and recommendation. Here, an artificial sales agent must interact intelligently with a customer using both textual and visual information and incorporate results from external search systems, such as a product catalog. Yet, it remains an open question how to best crowd-source large-scale, naturalistic multi-modal dialogue and action data, required to train such an artificial agent. We describe our crowd-sourced task where one worker (the Buyer) plays the role of the customer, and another (the Seller) plays the role of the sales agent. We identify subtle interactions between one worker’s environment and their partner’s behavior mediated by workers’ word choice. We find that limiting information presented to the Buyer, both in their backstory and by the Seller, improves conversation quality. We also show how conversations are improved through minimal automated Seller “coaching”. While typed and spoken messages are slightly different, the differences are not as large as frequently assumed. We plan to release our platform code and the resulting dialogues to advance research on conversational search agents.

Combining Multiple Metrics for Evaluating Retrieval-Augmented Conversations
Jason Ingyu Choi | Marcus Collins | Eugene Agichtein | Oleg Rokhlenko | Shervin Malmasi
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Bridging Human--Computer Interaction and Natural Language Processing

Conversational AI is a subtype of Human Computer Interaction that has gained wide adoption. These systems are typically powered by Large Language Models (LLMs) that use Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) to infuse external knowledge, which is effective against issues like hallucination. However, automatically evaluating retrieval augmented conversations with minimal human effort remains challenging, particularly in online settings. We address this challenge by proposing a lexical metric, and a novel method for combining it with other metrics, including semantic models. Our approach involves: (1) Conversational Information Utility (CIU), a new automated metric inspired by prior user studies on web search evaluation, to compute information overlap between conversation context and grounded information in an unsupervised, purely lexical way; and (2) a generalized reward model through Mixture-of-Experts (MoE-CIU) that dynamically ensembles CIU with other metrics, including learned ones, into a single reward. Evaluation against human ratings on two public datasets (Topical Chat and Persona Chat) shows that CIU improves correlation against human judgments by 2.0% and 0.9% respectively compared to the second best metric. When MoE is applied to combine lexical and learned semantic metrics, correlations further improve by 9.9% and 5.0%, suggesting that unified reward models are a promising approach.


Faithful Low-Resource Data-to-Text Generation through Cycle Training
Zhuoer Wang | Marcus Collins | Nikhita Vedula | Simone Filice | Shervin Malmasi | Oleg Rokhlenko
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Methods to generate text from structured data have advanced significantly in recent years, primarily due to fine-tuning of pre-trained language models on large datasets. However, such models can fail to produce output faithful to the input data, particularly on out-of-domain data. Sufficient annotated data is often not available for specific domains, leading us to seek an unsupervised approach to improve the faithfulness of output text. Since the problem is fundamentally one of consistency between the representations of the structured data and text, we evaluate the effectiveness of cycle training in this work. Cycle training uses two models which are inverses of each other: one that generates text from structured data, and one which generates the structured data from natural language text. We show that cycle training, when initialized with a small amount of supervised data (100 samples in our case), achieves nearly the same performance as fully supervised approaches for the data-to-text generation task on the WebNLG, E2E, WTQ, and WSQL datasets. We perform extensive empirical analysis with automated evaluation metrics and a newly designed human evaluation schema to reveal different cycle training strategies’ effectiveness of reducing various types of generation errors. Our code is publicly available at


Wizard of Tasks: A Novel Conversational Dataset for Solving Real-World Tasks in Conversational Settings
Jason Ingyu Choi | Saar Kuzi | Nikhita Vedula | Jie Zhao | Giuseppe Castellucci | Marcus Collins | Shervin Malmasi | Oleg Rokhlenko | Eugene Agichtein
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Conversational Task Assistants (CTAs) are conversational agents whose goal is to help humans perform real-world tasks. CTAs can help in exploring available tasks, answering task-specific questions and guiding users through step-by-step instructions. In this work, we present Wizard of Tasks, the first corpus of such conversations in two domains: Cooking and Home Improvement. We crowd-sourced a total of 549 conversations (18,077 utterances) with an asynchronous Wizard-of-Oz setup, relying on recipes from WholeFoods Market for the cooking domain, and WikiHow articles for the home improvement domain. We present a detailed data analysis and show that the collected data can be a valuable and challenging resource for CTAs in two tasks: Intent Classification (IC) and Abstractive Question Answering (AQA). While on IC we acquired a high performing model (>85% F1), on AQA the performance is far from being satisfactory (~27% BertScore-F1), suggesting that more work is needed to solve the task of low-resource AQA.

Fact Checking Machine Generated Text with Dependency Trees
Alex Estes | Nikhita Vedula | Marcus Collins | Matt Cecil | Oleg Rokhlenko
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track

Factual and logical errors made by Natural Language Generation (NLG) systems limit their applicability in many settings. We study this problem in a conversational search and recommendation setting, and observe that we can often make two simplifying assumptions in this domain: (i) there exists a body of structured knowledge we can use for verifying factuality of generated text; and (ii) the text to be factually assessed typically has a well-defined structure and style. Grounded in these assumptions, we propose a fast, unsupervised and explainable technique, DepChecker, that assesses factuality of input text based on rules derived from structured knowledge patterns and dependency relations with respect to the input text. We show that DepChecker outperforms state-of-the-art, general purpose fact-checking techniques in this special, but important case.


VoiSeR: A New Benchmark for Voice-Based Search Refinement
Simone Filice | Giuseppe Castellucci | Marcus Collins | Eugene Agichtein | Oleg Rokhlenko
Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Main Volume

Voice assistants, e.g., Alexa or Google Assistant, have dramatically improved in recent years. Supporting voice-based search, exploration, and refinement are fundamental tasks for voice assistants, and remain an open challenge. For example, when using voice to search an online shopping site, a user often needs to refine their search by some aspect or facet. This common user intent is usually available through a “filter-by” interface on online shopping websites, but is challenging to support naturally via voice, as the intent of refinements must be interpreted in the context of the original search, the initial results, and the available product catalogue facets. To our knowledge, no benchmark dataset exists for training or validating such contextual search understanding models. To bridge this gap, we introduce the first large-scale dataset of voice-based search refinements, VoiSeR, consisting of about 10,000 search refinement utterances, collected using a novel crowdsourcing task. These utterances are intended to refine a previous search, with respect to a search facet or attribute (e.g., brand, color, review rating, etc.), and are manually annotated with the specific intent. This paper reports qualitative and empirical insights into the most common and challenging types of refinements that a voice-based conversational search system must support. As we show, VoiSeR can support research in conversational query understanding, contextual user intent prediction, and other conversational search topics to facilitate the development of conversational search systems.