Luca Ragazzi


What Are You Token About? Differentiable Perturbed Top-k Token Selection for Scientific Document Summarization
Luca Ragazzi | Paolo Italiani | Gianluca Moro | Mattia Panni
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Scientific document summarization aims to condense complex and long articles in both technical and plain-language terms to facilitate the accessibility and dissemination of scientific findings. Existing datasets suffer from a deficiency in source heterogeneity, as their data predominantly stem from a single common resource, hindering effective model training and generalizability. First, we introduce SciLay, a novel dataset that includes documents from multiple natural science journals with expert-authored technical and lay summaries. Second, we propose PrunePert, a new transformer-based model that incorporates a differentiable perturbed top-k encoder layer to prune irrelevant tokens in end-to-end learning. Experimental results show that our model achieves a nearly 2x speed-up compared to a state-of-the-art linear transformer, remaining comparable in effectiveness. Additional examinations underscore the importance of employing a training dataset that includes different sources to enhance the generalizability of the models. Code is available at


Discriminative Marginalized Probabilistic Neural Method for Multi-Document Summarization of Medical Literature
Gianluca Moro | Luca Ragazzi | Lorenzo Valgimigli | Davide Freddi
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Although current state-of-the-art Transformer-based solutions succeeded in a wide range for single-document NLP tasks, they still struggle to address multi-input tasks such as multi-document summarization. Many solutions truncate the inputs, thus ignoring potential summary-relevant contents, which is unacceptable in the medical domain where each information can be vital. Others leverage linear model approximations to apply multi-input concatenation, worsening the results because all information is considered, even if it is conflicting or noisy with respect to a shared background. Despite the importance and social impact of medicine, there are no ad-hoc solutions for multi-document summarization. For this reason, we propose a novel discriminative marginalized probabilistic method (DAMEN) trained to discriminate critical information from a cluster of topic-related medical documents and generate a multi-document summary via token probability marginalization. Results prove we outperform the previous state-of-the-art on a biomedical dataset for multi-document summarization of systematic literature reviews. Moreover, we perform extensive ablation studies to motivate the design choices and prove the importance of each module of our method.