Lingwei Wei


Multi-stream Information Fusion Framework for Emotional Support Conversation
Yinan Bao | Dou Hu | Lingwei Wei | Shuchong Wei | Wei Zhou | Songlin Hu
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Emotional support conversation (ESC) task aims to relieve the emotional distress of users who have high-intensity of negative emotions. However, due to the ignorance of emotion intensity modelling which is essential for ESC, previous methods fail to capture the transition of emotion intensity effectively. To this end, we propose a Multi-stream information Fusion Framework (MFF-ESC) to thoroughly fuse three streams (text semantics stream, emotion intensity stream, and feedback stream) for the modelling of emotion intensity, based on a designed multi-stream fusion unit. As the difficulty of modelling subtle transitions of emotion intensity and the strong emotion intensity-feedback correlations, we use the KL divergence between feedback distribution and emotion intensity distribution to further guide the learning of emotion intensities. Experimental results on automatic and human evaluations indicate the effectiveness of our method.

Representation Learning with Conditional Information Flow Maximization
Dou Hu | Lingwei Wei | Wei Zhou | Songlin Hu
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

This paper proposes an information-theoretic representation learning framework, named conditional information flow maximization, to extract noise-invariant sufficient representations for the input data and target task. It promotes the learned representations have good feature uniformity and sufficient predictive ability, which can enhance the generalization of pre-trained language models (PLMs) for the target task. Firstly, an information flow maximization principle is proposed to learn more sufficient representations for the input and target by simultaneously maximizing both input-representation and representation-label mutual information. Unlike the information bottleneck, we handle the input-representation information in an opposite way to avoid the over-compression issue of latent representations. Besides, to mitigate the negative effect of potential redundant features from the input, we design a conditional information minimization principle to eliminate negative redundant features while preserve noise-invariant features. Experiments on 13 language understanding benchmarks demonstrate that our method effectively improves the performance of PLMs for classification and regression. Extensive experiments show that the learned representations are more sufficient, robust and transferable.


UCAS-IIE-NLP at SemEval-2023 Task 12: Enhancing Generalization of Multilingual BERT for Low-resource Sentiment Analysis
Dou Hu | Lingwei Wei | Yaxin Liu | Wei Zhou | Songlin Hu
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

This paper describes our system designed for SemEval-2023 Task 12: Sentiment analysis for African languages. The challenge faced by this task is the scarcity of labeled data and linguistic resources in low-resource settings. To alleviate these, we propose a generalized multilingual system SACL-XLMR for sentiment analysis on low-resource languages. Specifically, we design a lexicon-based multilingual BERT to facilitate language adaptation and sentiment-aware representation learning. Besides, we apply a supervised adversarial contrastive learning technique to learn sentiment-spread structured representations and enhance model generalization. Our system achieved competitive results, largely outperforming baselines on both multilingual and zero-shot sentiment classification subtasks. Notably, the system obtained the 1st rank on the zero-shot classification subtask in the official ranking. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our system.

Supervised Adversarial Contrastive Learning for Emotion Recognition in Conversations
Dou Hu | Yinan Bao | Lingwei Wei | Wei Zhou | Songlin Hu
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Extracting generalized and robust representations is a major challenge in emotion recognition in conversations (ERC). To address this, we propose a supervised adversarial contrastive learning (SACL) framework for learning class-spread structured representations in a supervised manner. SACL applies contrast-aware adversarial training to generate worst-case samples and uses joint class-spread contrastive learning to extract structured representations. It can effectively utilize label-level feature consistency and retain fine-grained intra-class features. To avoid the negative impact of adversarial perturbations on context-dependent data, we design a contextual adversarial training (CAT) strategy to learn more diverse features from context and enhance the model’s context robustness. Under the framework with CAT, we develop a sequence-based SACL-LSTM to learn label-consistent and context-robust features for ERC. Experiments on three datasets show that SACL-LSTM achieves state-of-the-art performance on ERC. Extended experiments prove the effectiveness of SACL and CAT.


Uncertainty-aware Propagation Structure Reconstruction for Fake News Detection
Lingwei Wei | Dou Hu | Wei Zhou | Songlin Hu
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

The widespread of fake news has detrimental societal effects. Recent works model information propagation as graph structure and aggregate structural features from user interactions for fake news detection. However, they usually neglect a broader propagation uncertainty issue, caused by some missing and unreliable interactions during actual spreading, and suffer from learning accurate and diverse structural properties. In this paper, we propose a novel dual graph-based model, Uncertainty-aware Propagation Structure Reconstruction (UPSR) for improving fake news detection. Specifically, after the original propagation modeling, we introduce propagation structure reconstruction to fully explore latent interactions in the actual propagation. We design a novel Gaussian Propagation Estimation to refine the original deterministic node representation by multiple Gaussian distributions and arise latent interactions with KL divergence between distributions in a multi-facet manner. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of our model.

A Unified Propagation Forest-based Framework for Fake News Detection
Lingwei Wei | Dou Hu | Yantong Lai | Wei Zhou | Songlin Hu
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Fake news’s quick propagation on social media brings severe social ramifications and economic damage. Previous fake news detection usually learn semantic and structural patterns within a single target propagation tree. However, they are usually limited in narrow signals since they do not consider latent information cross other propagation trees. Motivated by a common phenomenon that most fake news is published around a specific hot event/topic, this paper develops a new concept of propagation forest to naturally combine propagation trees in a semantic-aware clustering. We propose a novel Unified Propagation Forest-based framework (UniPF) to fully explore latent correlations between propagation trees to improve fake news detection. Besides, we design a root-induced training strategy, which encourages representations of propagation trees to be closer to their prototypical root nodes. Extensive experiments on four benchmarks consistently suggest the effectiveness and scalability of UniPF.

Multi-Granularity Semantic Aware Graph Model for Reducing Position Bias in Emotion Cause Pair Extraction
Yinan Bao | Qianwen Ma | Lingwei Wei | Wei Zhou | Songlin Hu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

The emotion cause pair extraction (ECPE) task aims to extract emotions and causes as pairs from documents. We observe that the relative distance distribution of emotions and causes is extremely imbalanced in the typical ECPE dataset. Existing methods have set a fixed size window to capture relations between neighboring clauses. However, they neglect the effective semantic connections between distant clauses, leading to poor generalization ability towards position-insensitive data. To alleviate the problem, we propose a novel Multi-Granularity Semantic Aware Graph model (MGSAG) to incorporate fine-grained and coarse-grained semantic features jointly, without regard to distance limitation. In particular, we first explore semantic dependencies between clauses and keywords extracted from the document that convey fine-grained semantic features, obtaining keywords enhanced clause representations. Besides, a clause graph is also established to model coarse-grained semantic relations between clauses. Experimental results indicate that MGSAG surpasses the existing state-of-the-art ECPE models. Especially, MGSAG outperforms other models significantly in the condition of position-insensitive data.


Towards Propagation Uncertainty: Edge-enhanced Bayesian Graph Convolutional Networks for Rumor Detection
Lingwei Wei | Dou Hu | Wei Zhou | Zhaojuan Yue | Songlin Hu
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Detecting rumors on social media is a very critical task with significant implications to the economy, public health, etc. Previous works generally capture effective features from texts and the propagation structure. However, the uncertainty caused by unreliable relations in the propagation structure is common and inevitable due to wily rumor producers and the limited collection of spread data. Most approaches neglect it and may seriously limit the learning of features. Towards this issue, this paper makes the first attempt to explore propagation uncertainty for rumor detection. Specifically, we propose a novel Edge-enhanced Bayesian Graph Convolutional Network (EBGCN) to capture robust structural features. The model adaptively rethinks the reliability of latent relations by adopting a Bayesian approach. Besides, we design a new edge-wise consistency training framework to optimize the model by enforcing consistency on relations. Experiments on three public benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed model achieves better performance than baseline methods on both rumor detection and early rumor detection tasks.

DialogueCRN: Contextual Reasoning Networks for Emotion Recognition in Conversations
Dou Hu | Lingwei Wei | Xiaoyong Huai
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Emotion Recognition in Conversations (ERC) has gained increasing attention for developing empathetic machines. Recently, many approaches have been devoted to perceiving conversational context by deep learning models. However, these approaches are insufficient in understanding the context due to lacking the ability to extract and integrate emotional clues. In this work, we propose novel Contextual Reasoning Networks (DialogueCRN) to fully understand the conversational context from a cognitive perspective. Inspired by the Cognitive Theory of Emotion, we design multi-turn reasoning modules to extract and integrate emotional clues. The reasoning module iteratively performs an intuitive retrieving process and a conscious reasoning process, which imitates human unique cognitive thinking. Extensive experiments on three public benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed model.