Linbo Qiao


Two-stage Generative Question Answering on Temporal Knowledge Graph Using Large Language Models
Yifu Gao | Linbo Qiao | Zhigang Kan | Zhihua Wen | Yongquan He | Dongsheng Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Temporal knowledge graph question answering (TKGQA) poses a significant challenge task, due to the temporal constraints hidden in questions and the answers sought from dynamic structured knowledge. Although large language models (LLMs) have made considerable progress in their reasoning ability over structured data, their application to the TKGQA task is a relatively unexplored area. This paper first proposes a novel generative temporal knowledge graph question answering framework, GenTKGQA, which guides LLMs to answer temporal questions through two phases: Subgraph Retrieval and Answer Generation. First, we exploit LLM’s intrinsic knowledge to mine temporal constraints and structural links in the questions without extra training, thus narrowing down the subgraph search space in both temporal and structural dimensions. Next, we design virtual knowledge indicators to fuse the graph neural network signals of the subgraph and the text representations of the LLM in a non-shallow way, which helps the open-source LLM deeply understand the temporal order and structural dependencies among the retrieved facts through instruction tuning. Experimental results on two widely used datasets demonstrate the superiority of our model.

Emancipating Event Extraction from the Constraints of Long-Tailed Distribution Data Utilizing Large Language Models
Zhigang Kan | Liwen Peng | Linbo Qiao | Dongsheng Li
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Event Extraction (EE) is a challenging task that aims to extract structural event-related information from unstructured text. Traditional methods for EE depend on manual annotations, which are both expensive and scarce. Furthermore, the existing datasets mostly follow the long-tail distribution, severely hindering the previous methods of modeling tail types. Two techniques can address this issue: transfer learning and data generation. However, the existing methods based on transfer learning still rely on pre-training with a large amount of labeled data in the source domain. Additionally, the quality of data generated by previous data generation methods is difficult to control. In this paper, leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs), we propose novel methods for event extraction and generation based on dialogues, overcoming the problems of relying on source domain data and maintaining data quality. Specifically, this paper innovatively transforms the EE task into multi-turn dialogues, guiding LLMs to learn event schemas from historical dialogue information and output structural events. Furthermore, we introduce a novel LLM-based method for generating high-quality data, significantly improving traditional models’ performance with various paradigms and structures, especially on tail types. Adequate experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed event extraction and data generation methods.


Learning Joint Structural and Temporal Contextualized Knowledge Embeddings for Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion
Yifu Gao | Yongquan He | Zhigang Kan | Yi Han | Linbo Qiao | Dongsheng Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Temporal knowledge graph completion that predicts missing links for incomplete temporal knowledge graphs (TKG) is gaining increasing attention. Most existing works have achieved good results by incorporating time information into static knowledge graph embedding methods. However, they ignore the contextual nature of the TKG structure, i.e., query-specific subgraph contains both structural and temporal neighboring facts. This paper presents the SToKE, a novel method that employs the pre-trained language model (PLM) to learn joint Structural and Temporal Contextualized Knowledge Embeddings.Specifically, we first construct an event evolution tree (EET) for each query to enable PLMs to handle the TKG, which can be seen as a structured event sequence recording query-relevant structural and temporal contexts. We then propose a novel temporal embedding and structural matrix to learn the time information and structural dependencies of facts in EET.Finally, we formulate TKG completion as a mask prediction problem by masking the missing entity of the query to fine-tune pre-trained language models. Experimental results on three widely used datasets show the superiority of our model.


Exploring Pre-trained Language Models for Event Extraction and Generation
Sen Yang | Dawei Feng | Linbo Qiao | Zhigang Kan | Dongsheng Li
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Traditional approaches to the task of ACE event extraction usually depend on manually annotated data, which is often laborious to create and limited in size. Therefore, in addition to the difficulty of event extraction itself, insufficient training data hinders the learning process as well. To promote event extraction, we first propose an event extraction model to overcome the roles overlap problem by separating the argument prediction in terms of roles. Moreover, to address the problem of insufficient training data, we propose a method to automatically generate labeled data by editing prototypes and screen out generated samples by ranking the quality. Experiments on the ACE2005 dataset demonstrate that our extraction model can surpass most existing extraction methods. Besides, incorporating our generation method exhibits further significant improvement. It obtains new state-of-the-art results on the event extraction task, including pushing the F1 score of trigger classification to 81.1%, and the F1 score of argument classification to 58.9%.