Li Shen


OOP: Object-Oriented Programming Evaluation Benchmark for Large Language Models
Shuai Wang | Liang Ding | Li Shen | Yong Luo | Bo Du | Dacheng Tao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Revisiting Knowledge Distillation for Autoregressive Language Models
Qihuang Zhong | Liang Ding | Li Shen | Juhua Liu | Bo Du | Dacheng Tao
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Knowledge distillation (KD) is a common approach to compress a teacher model to reduce its inference cost and memory footprint, by training a smaller student model. However, in the context of autoregressive language models (LMs), we empirically find that larger teacher LMs might dramatically result in a poorer student. In response to this problem, we conduct a series of analyses and reveal that different tokens have different teaching modes, neglecting which will lead to performance degradation. Motivated by this, we propose a simple yet effective adaptive teaching approach (ATKD) to improve the KD. The core of ATKD is to reduce rote learning and make teaching more diverse and flexible. Extensive experiments on 8 LM tasks show that, with the help of ATKD, various baseline KD methods can achieve consistent and significant performance gains (up to +3.04% average score) across all model types and sizes. More encouragingly, ATKD can improve the student model generalization effectively.


Zero-shot Sharpness-Aware Quantization for Pre-trained Language Models
Miaoxi Zhu | Qihuang Zhong | Li Shen | Liang Ding | Juhua Liu | Bo Du | Dacheng Tao
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Quantization is a promising approach for reducing memory overhead and accelerating inference, especially in large pre-trained language model (PLM) scenarios. While having no access to original training data due to security and privacy concerns has emerged the demand for zero-shot quantization. Most of the cutting-edge zero-shot quantization methods primarily 1) apply to computer vision tasks, and 2) neglect of overfitting problem in the generative adversarial learning process, leading to sub-optimal performance. Motivated by this, we propose a novel zero-shot sharpness-aware quantization (ZSAQ) framework for the zero-shot quantization of various PLMs. The key algorithm in solving ZSAQ is the SAM-SGA optimization, which aims to improve the quantization accuracy and model generalization via optimizing a minimax problem. We theoretically prove the convergence rate for the minimax optimization problem and this result can be applied to other nonconvex-PL minimax optimization frameworks. Extensive experiments on 11 tasks demonstrate that our method brings consistent and significant performance gains on both discriminative and generative PLMs, i.e., up to +6.98 average score. Furthermore, we empirically validate that our method can effectively improve the model generalization.

Merging Experts into One: Improving Computational Efficiency of Mixture of Experts
Shwai He | Run-Ze Fan | Liang Ding | Li Shen | Tianyi Zhou | Dacheng Tao
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Scaling the size of language models usually leads to remarkable advancements in NLP tasks. But it often comes with a price of growing computational cost. Although a sparse Mixture of Experts (MoE) can reduce the cost by activating a small subset of parameters (e.g., one expert) for each input, its computation escalates significantly if increasing the number of activated experts, limiting its practical utility. Can we retain the advantages of adding more experts without substantially increasing the computational costs? In this paper, we first demonstrate the superiority of selecting multiple experts and then propose a computation-efficient approach called Merging Experts into One (MEO), which reduces the computation cost to that of a single expert. Extensive experiments show that MEO significantly improves computational efficiency, e.g., FLOPS drops from 72.0G of vanilla MoE to 28.6G (MEO). Moreover, we propose a token-level attention block that further enhances the efficiency and performance of token-level MEO, e.g., 83.3% (MEO) vs. 82.6% (vanilla MoE) average score on the GLUE benchmark. Our code will be released upon acceptance. Code will be released at:

Towards Making the Most of ChatGPT for Machine Translation
Keqin Peng | Liang Ding | Qihuang Zhong | Li Shen | Xuebo Liu | Min Zhang | Yuanxin Ouyang | Dacheng Tao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

ChatGPT shows remarkable capabilities for machine translation (MT). Several prior studies have shown that it achieves comparable results to commercial systems for high-resource languages, but lags behind in complex tasks, e.g, low-resource and distant-language-pairs translation. However, they usually adopt simple prompts which can not fully elicit the capability of ChatGPT. In this report, we aim to further mine ChatGPT’s translation ability by revisiting several aspects: temperature, task information, and domain information, and correspondingly propose two (simple but effective) prompts: Task-Specific Prompts (TSP) and Domain-Specific Prompts (DSP). We show that: 1) The performance of ChatGPT depends largely on temperature, and a lower temperature usually can achieve better performance; 2) Emphasizing the task information further improves ChatGPT’s performance, particularly in complex MT tasks; 3) Introducing domain information can elicit ChatGPT’s generalization ability and improve its performance in the specific domain; 4) ChatGPT tends to generate hallucinations for non-English-centric MT tasks, which can be partially addressed by our proposed prompts but still need to be highlighted for the MT/NLP community. We also explore the effects of advanced in-context learning strategies and find a (negative but interesting) observation: the powerful chain-of-thought prompt leads to word-by-word translation behavior, thus bringing significant translation degradation.


On the Complementarity between Pre-Training and Random-Initialization for Resource-Rich Machine Translation
Changtong Zan | Liang Ding | Li Shen | Yu Cao | Weifeng Liu | Dacheng Tao
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Pre-Training (PT) of text representations has been successfully applied to low-resource Neural Machine Translation (NMT). However, it usually fails to achieve notable gains (some- times, even worse) on resource-rich NMT on par with its Random-Initialization (RI) counterpart. We take the first step to investigate the complementarity between PT and RI in resource-rich scenarios via two probing analyses, and find that: 1) PT improves NOT the accuracy, but the generalization by achieving flatter loss landscapes than that of RI; 2) PT improves NOT the confidence of lexical choice, but the negative diversity by assigning smoother lexical probability distributions than that of RI. Based on these insights, we propose to combine their complementarities with a model fusion algorithm that utilizes optimal transport to align neurons between PT and RI. Experiments on two resource-rich translation benchmarks, WMT’17 English-Chinese (20M) and WMT’19 English-German (36M), show that PT and RI could be nicely complementary to each other, achieving substantial improvements considering both translation accuracy, generalization, and negative diversity. Probing tools and code are released at:

Improving Sharpness-Aware Minimization with Fisher Mask for Better Generalization on Language Models
Qihuang Zhong | Liang Ding | Li Shen | Peng Mi | Juhua Liu | Bo Du | Dacheng Tao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Fine-tuning large pretrained language models on a limited training corpus usually suffers from poor generalization. Prior works show that the recently-proposed sharpness-aware minimization (SAM) optimization method can improve the model generalization. However, SAM adds a perturbation to each model parameter equally (but not all parameters contribute equally to the optimization of training), which we argue is sub-optimal and will lead to excessive computation. In this paper, we propose a novel optimization procedure, namely FSAM, which introduces a Fisher mask to improve the efficiency and performance of SAM. In short, instead of adding perturbation to all parameters, FSAM uses the Fisher information to identity the important parameters and formulates a Fisher mask to obtain the sparse perturbation, i.e., making the optimizer focus on these important parameters. Experiments on various tasks in GLUE and SuperGLUE benchmarks show that FSAM consistently outperforms the vanilla SAM by 0.67 1.98 average score among four different pretrained models. We also empirically show that FSAM works well in other complex scenarios, e.g., fine-tuning on generation tasks or limited training data. Encouragingly, when training data is limited, FSAM improves the SAM by a large margin, i.e., up to 15.1.