Lea Frermann


Generative Debunking of Climate Misinformation
Francisco Zanartu | Yulia Otmakhova | John Cook | Lea Frermann
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Natural Language Processing Meets Climate Change (ClimateNLP 2024)

Misinformation about climate change causes numerous negative impacts, necessitating corrective responses. Psychological research has offered various strategies for reducing the influence of climate misinformation, such as the fact-myth-fallacy-fact-structure. However, practically implementing corrective interventions at scale represents a challenge. Automatic detection and correction of misinformation offers a solution to the misinformation problem. This study documents the development of large language models that accept as input a climate myth and produce a debunking that adheres to the fact-myth-fallacy-fact (“truth sandwich”) structure, by incorporating contrarian claim classification and fallacy detection into an LLM prompting framework. We combine open (Mixtral, Palm2) and proprietary (GPT-4) LLMs with prompting strategies of varying complexity. Experiments reveal promising performance of GPT-4 and Mixtral if combined with structured prompts. We identify specific challenges of debunking generation and human evaluation, and map out avenues for future work. We release a dataset of high-quality truth-sandwich debunkings, source code and a demo of the debunking system.

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Connecting the Dots in News Analysis: Bridging the Cross-Disciplinary Disparities in Media Bias and Framing
Gisela Vallejo | Timothy Baldwin | Lea Frermann
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Computational Social Science (NLP+CSS 2024)

The manifestation and effect of bias in news reporting have been central topics in the social sciences for decades, and have received increasing attention in the NLP community recently. While NLP can help to scale up analyses or contribute automatic procedures to investigate the impact of biased news in society, we argue that methodologies that are currently dominant fall short of capturing the complex questions and effects addressed in theoretical media studies. This is problematic because it diminishes the validity and safety of the resulting tools and applications. Here, we review and critically compare task formulations, methods and evaluation schemes in the social sciences and NLP. We discuss open questions and suggest possible directions to close identified gaps between theory and predictive models, and their evaluation. These include model transparency, considering document-external information, and cross-document reasoning.

Can GPT-4 Recover Latent Semantic Relational Information from Word Associations? A Detailed Analysis of Agreement with Human-annotated Semantic Ontologies.
Simon De Deyne | Chunhua Liu | Lea Frermann
Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon @ LREC-COLING 2024

Word associations, i.e., spontaneous responses to a cue word, provide not only a window into the human mental lexicon but have also been shown to be a repository of common-sense knowledge and can underpin efforts in lexicography and the construction of dictionaries. Especially the latter tasks require knowledge about the relations underlying the associations (e.g., Taxonomic vs. Situational); however, to date, there is neither an established ontology of relations nor an effective labelling paradigm. Here, we test GPT-4’s ability to infer semantic relations for human-produced word associations. We use four human-labelled data sets of word associations and semantic features, with differing relation inventories and various levels of annotator agreement. We directly prompt GPT-4 with detailed relation definitions without further fine-tuning or training. Our results show that while GPT-4 provided a good account of higher-level classifications (e.g. Taxonomic vs Situational), prompting instructions alone cannot obtain similar performance for detailed classifications (e.g. superordinate, subordinate or coordinate relations) despite high agreement among human annotators. This suggests that latent relations can at least be partially recovered from word associations and highlights ways in which LLMs could be improved and human annotation protocols could adapted to reduce coding ambiguity.


Seeking Clozure: Robust Hypernym extraction from BERT with Anchored Prompts
Chunhua Liu | Trevor Cohn | Lea Frermann
Proceedings of the 12th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2023)

The automatic extraction of hypernym knowledge from large language models like BERT is an open problem, and it is unclear whether methods fail due to a lack of knowledge in the model or shortcomings of the extraction methods. In particular, methods fail on challenging cases which include rare or abstract concepts, and perform inconsistently under paraphrased prompts. In this study, we revisit the long line of work on pattern-based hypernym extraction, and use it as a diagnostic tool to thoroughly examine the hypernomy knowledge encoded in BERT and the limitations of hypernym extraction methods. We propose to construct prompts from established pattern structures: definitional (X is a Y); lexico-syntactic (Y such as X); and their anchored versions (Y such as X or Z). We devise an automatic method for anchor prediction, and compare different patterns in: (i) their effectiveness for hypernym retrieval from BERT across six English data sets; (ii) on challenge sets of rare and abstract concepts; and (iii) on consistency under paraphrasing. We show that anchoring is particularly useful for abstract concepts and in enhancing consistency across paraphrases, demonstrating how established methods in the field can inform prompt engineering.

Super-SCOTUS: A multi-sourced dataset for the Supreme Court of the US
Biaoyan Fang | Trevor Cohn | Timothy Baldwin | Lea Frermann
Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2023

Given the complexity of the judiciary in the US Supreme Court, various procedures, along with various resources, contribute to the court system. However, most research focuses on a limited set of resources, e.g., court opinions or oral arguments, for analyzing a specific perspective in court, e.g., partisanship or voting. To gain a fuller understanding of these perspectives in the legal system of the US Supreme Court, a more comprehensive dataset, connecting different sources in different phases of the court procedure, is needed. To address this gap, we present a multi-sourced dataset for the Supreme Court, comprising court resources from different procedural phases, connecting language documents with extensive metadata. We showcase its utility through a case study on how different court documents reveal the decision direction (conservative vs. liberal) of the cases. We analyze performance differences across three protected attributes, indicating that different court resources encode different biases, and reinforcing that considering various resources provides a fuller picture of the court procedures. We further discuss how our dataset can contribute to future research directions.

It’s not only What You Say, It’s also Who It’s Said to: Counterfactual Analysis of Interactive Behavior in the Courtroom
Biaoyan Fang | Trevor Cohn | Timothy Baldwin | Lea Frermann
Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing and the 3rd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

The uncivil empathy: Investigating the relation between empathy and toxicity in online mental health support forums
Ming-Bin Chen | Jey Han Lau | Lea Frermann
Proceedings of the 21st Annual Workshop of the Australasian Language Technology Association

We explore the relationship between empathy and toxicity in the context of online mental health forums. Despite the common assumption of a negative correlation between these concepts, it has not been empirically examined. We augment the EPITOME mental health empathy dataset with toxicity labels using two widely employed toxic/harmful content detection APIs: Perspective API and OpenAI moderation API. We find a notable presence of toxic/harmful content (17.77%) within empathetic responses, and only a very weak negative correlation between the two variables. Qualitative analysis revealed contributions labeled as empathetic often contain harmful content such as promotion of suicidal ideas. Our results highlight the need for reevaluating empathy independently from toxicity in future research and encourage a reconsideration of empathy’s role in natural language generation and evaluation.

A Large-Scale Multilingual Study of Visual Constraints on Linguistic Selection of Descriptions
Uri Berger | Lea Frermann | Gabriel Stanovsky | Omri Abend
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2023

We present a large, multilingual study into how vision constrains linguistic choice, covering four languages and five linguistic properties, such as verb transitivity or use of numerals. We propose a novel method that leverages existing corpora of images with captions written by native speakers, and apply it to nine corpora, comprising 600k images and 3M captions. We study the relation between visual input and linguistic choices by training classifiers to predict the probability of expressing a property from raw images, and find evidence supporting the claim that linguistic properties are constrained by visual context across languages. We complement this investigation with a corpus study, taking the test case of numerals. Specifically, we use existing annotations (number or type of objects) to investigate the effect of different visual conditions on the use of numeral expressions in captions, and show that similar patterns emerge across languages. Our methods and findings both confirm and extend existing research in the cognitive literature. We additionally discuss possible applications for language generation.

More than Votes? Voting and Language based Partisanship in the US Supreme Court
Biaoyan Fang | Trevor Cohn | Timothy Baldwin | Lea Frermann
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Understanding the prevalence and dynamics of justice partisanship and ideology in the US Supreme Court is critical in studying jurisdiction. Most research quantifies partisanship based on voting behavior, and oral arguments in the courtroom — the last essential procedure before the final case outcome — have not been well studied for this purpose. To address this gap, we present a framework for analyzing the language of justices in the courtroom for partisan signals, and study how partisanship in speech aligns with voting patterns. Our results show that the affiliated party of justices can be predicted reliably from their oral contributions. We further show a strong correlation between language partisanship and voting ideology.

Probing Power by Prompting: Harnessing Pre-trained Language Models for Power Connotation Framing
Shima Khanehzar | Trevor Cohn | Gosia Mikolajczak | Lea Frermann
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

When describing actions, subtle changes in word choice can evoke very different associations with the involved entities. For instance, a company ‘employing workers’ evokes a more positive connotation than the one ‘exploiting’ them. This concept is called connotation. This paper investigates whether pre-trained language models (PLMs) encode such subtle connotative information about power differentials between involved entities. We design a probing framework for power connotation, building on (CITATION)’s operationalization of connotation frames. We show that zero-shot prompting of PLMs leads to above chance prediction of power connotation, however fine-tuning PLMs using our framework drastically improves their accuracy. Using our fine-tuned models, we present a case study of power dynamics in US news reporting on immigration, showing the potential of our framework as a tool for understanding subtle bias in the media.

Conflicts, Villains, Resolutions: Towards models of Narrative Media Framing
Lea Frermann | Jiatong Li | Shima Khanehzar | Gosia Mikolajczak
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Despite increasing interest in the automatic detection of media frames in NLP, the problem is typically simplified as single-label classification and adopts a topic-like view on frames, evading modelling the broader document-level narrative. In this work, we revisit a widely used conceptualization of framing from the communication sciences which explicitly captures elements of narratives, including conflict and its resolution, and integrate it with the narrative framing of key entities in the story as heroes, victims or villains. We adapt an effective annotation paradigm that breaks a complex annotation task into a series of simpler binary questions, and present an annotated data set of English news articles, and a case study on the framing of climate change in articles from news outlets across the political spectrum. Finally, we explore automatic multi-label prediction of our frames with supervised and semi-supervised approaches, and present a novel retrieval-based method which is both effective and transparent in its predictions. We conclude with a discussion of opportunities and challenges for future work on document-level models of narrative framing.


Systematic Evaluation of Predictive Fairness
Xudong Han | Aili Shen | Trevor Cohn | Timothy Baldwin | Lea Frermann
Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Mitigating bias in training on biased datasets is an important open problem. Several techniques have been proposed, however the typical evaluation regime is very limited, considering very narrow data conditions. For instance, the effect of target class imbalance and stereotyping is under-studied. To address this gap, we examine the performance of various debiasing methods across multiple tasks, spanning binary classification (Twitter sentiment), multi-class classification (profession prediction), and regression (valence prediction). Through extensive experimentation, we find that data conditions have a strong influence on relative model performance, and that general conclusions cannot be drawn about method efficacy when evaluating only on standard datasets, as is current practice in fairness research.

WAX: A New Dataset for Word Association eXplanations
Chunhua Liu | Trevor Cohn | Simon De Deyne | Lea Frermann
Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Word associations are among the most common paradigms to study the human mental lexicon. While their structure and types of associations have been well studied, surprisingly little attention has been given to the question of why participants produce the observed associations. Answering this question would not only advance understanding of human cognition, but could also aid machines in learning and representing basic commonsense knowledge. This paper introduces a large, crowd-sourced data set of English word associations with explanations, labeled with high-level relation types. We present an analysis of the provided explanations, and design several tasks to probe to what extent current pre-trained language models capture the underlying relations. Our experiments show that models struggle to capture the diversity of human associations, suggesting WAX is a rich benchmark for commonsense modeling and generation.

Evaluating the Examiner: The Perils of Pearson Correlation for Validating Text Similarity Metrics
Gisela Vallejo | Timothy Baldwin | Lea Frermann
Proceedings of the 20th Annual Workshop of the Australasian Language Technology Association

In recent years, researchers have developed question-answering based approaches to automatically evaluate system summaries, reporting improved validity compared to word overlap-based metrics like ROUGE, in terms of correlation with human ratings of criteria including fluency and hallucination. In this paper, we take a closer look at one particular metric, QuestEval, and ask whether: (1) it can serve as a more general metric for long document similarity assessment; and (2) a single correlation score between metric scores and human ratings, as the currently standard approach, is sufficient for metric validation. We find that correlation scores can be misleading, and that score distributions and outliers should be taken into account. With these caveats in mind, QuestEval can be a promising candidate for long document similarity assessment.

Does Representational Fairness Imply Empirical Fairness?
Aili Shen | Xudong Han | Trevor Cohn | Timothy Baldwin | Lea Frermann
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: AACL-IJCNLP 2022

NLP technologies can cause unintended harms if learned representations encode sensitive attributes of the author, or predictions systematically vary in quality across groups. Popular debiasing approaches, like adversarial training, remove sensitive information from representations in order to reduce disparate performance, however the relation between representational fairness and empirical (performance) fairness has not been systematically studied. This paper fills this gap, and proposes a novel debiasing method building on contrastive learning to encourage a latent space that separates instances based on target label, while mixing instances that share protected attributes. Our results show the effectiveness of our new method and, more importantly, show across a set of diverse debiasing methods that representational fairness does not imply empirical fairness. This work highlights the importance of aligning and understanding the relation of the optimization objective and final fairness target.

Unsupervised Cross-Lingual Transfer of Structured Predictors without Source Data
Kemal Kurniawan | Lea Frermann | Philip Schulz | Trevor Cohn
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Providing technologies to communities or domains where training data is scarce or protected e.g., for privacy reasons, is becoming increasingly important. To that end, we generalise methods for unsupervised transfer from multiple input models for structured prediction. We show that the means of aggregating over the input models is critical, and that multiplying marginal probabilities of substructures to obtain high-probability structures for distant supervision is substantially better than taking the union of such structures over the input models, as done in prior work. Testing on 18 languages, we demonstrate that the method works in a cross-lingual setting, considering both dependency parsing and part-of-speech structured prediction problems. Our analyses show that the proposed method produces less noisy labels for the distant supervision.

A Computational Acquisition Model for Multimodal Word Categorization
Uri Berger | Gabriel Stanovsky | Omri Abend | Lea Frermann
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Recent advances in self-supervised modeling of text and images open new opportunities for computational models of child language acquisition, which is believed to rely heavily on cross-modal signals. However, prior studies has been limited by their reliance on vision models trained on large image datasets annotated with a pre-defined set of depicted object categories. This is (a) not faithful to the information children receive and (b) prohibits the evaluation of such models with respect to category learning tasks, due to the pre-imposed category structure. We address this gap, and present a cognitively-inspired, multimodal acquisition model, trained from image-caption pairs on naturalistic data using cross-modal self-supervision. We show that the model learns word categories and object recognition abilities, and presents trends reminiscent of ones reported in the developmental literature.

Optimising Equal Opportunity Fairness in Model Training
Aili Shen | Xudong Han | Trevor Cohn | Timothy Baldwin | Lea Frermann
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Real-world datasets often encode stereotypes and societal biases. Such biases can be implicitly captured by trained models, leading to biased predictions and exacerbating existing societal preconceptions. Existing debiasing methods, such as adversarial training and removing protected information from representations, have been shown to reduce bias. However, a disconnect between fairness criteria and training objectives makes it difficult to reason theoretically about the effectiveness of different techniques. In this work, we propose two novel training objectives which directly optimise for the widely-used criterion of equal opportunity, and show that they are effective in reducing bias while maintaining high performance over two classification tasks.

FairLib: A Unified Framework for Assessing and Improving Fairness
Xudong Han | Aili Shen | Yitong Li | Lea Frermann | Timothy Baldwin | Trevor Cohn
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

This paper presents FairLib, an open-source python library for assessing and improving model fairness. It provides a systematic framework for quickly accessing benchmark datasets, reproducing existing debiasing baseline models, developing new methods, evaluating models with different metrics, and visualizing their results. Its modularity and extensibility enable the framework to be used for diverse types of inputs, including natural language, images, and audio. We implement 14 debiasing methods, including pre-processing,at-training-time, and post-processing approaches. The built-in metrics cover the most commonly acknowledged fairness criteria and can be further generalized and customized for fairness evaluation.

Towards Fair Dataset Distillation for Text Classification
Xudong Han | Aili Shen | Yitong Li | Lea Frermann | Timothy Baldwin | Trevor Cohn
Proceedings of The Third Workshop on Simple and Efficient Natural Language Processing (SustaiNLP)

With the growing prevalence of large-scale language models, their energy footprint and potential to learn and amplify historical biases are two pressing challenges. Dataset distillation (DD) — a method for reducing the dataset size by learning a small number of synthetic samples which encode the information in the original dataset — is a method for reducing the cost of model training, however its impact on fairness has not been studied. We investigate how DD impacts on group bias, with experiments over two language classification tasks, concluding that vanilla DD preserves the bias of the dataset. We then show how existing debiasing methods can be combined with DD to produce models that are fair and accurate, at reduced training cost.

Professional Presentation and Projected Power: A Case Study of Implicit Gender Information in English CVs
Jinrui Yang | Sheilla Njoto | Marc Cheong | Leah Ruppanner | Lea Frermann
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Computational Social Science (NLP+CSS)

Gender discrimination in hiring is a pertinent and persistent bias in society, and a common motivating example for exploring bias in NLP. However, the manifestation of gendered language in application materials has received limited attention. This paper investigates the framing of skills and background in CVs of self-identified men and women. We introduce a data set of 1.8K authentic, English-language, CVs from the US, covering 16 occupations, allowing us to partially control for the confound occupation-specific gender base rates. We find that (1) women use more verbs evoking impressions of low power; and (2) classifiers capture gender signal even after data balancing and removal of pronouns and named entities, and this holds for both transformer-based and linear classifiers.


Commonsense Knowledge in Word Associations and ConceptNet
Chunhua Liu | Trevor Cohn | Lea Frermann
Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning

Humans use countless basic, shared facts about the world to efficiently navigate in their environment. This commonsense knowledge is rarely communicated explicitly, however, understanding how commonsense knowledge is represented in different paradigms is important for (a) a deeper understanding of human cognition and (b) augmenting automatic reasoning systems. This paper presents an in-depth comparison of two large-scale resources of general knowledge: ConceptNet, an engineered relational database, and SWOW, a knowledge graph derived from crowd-sourced word associations. We examine the structure, overlap and differences between the two graphs, as well as the extent of situational commonsense knowledge present in the two resources. We finally show empirically that both resources improve downstream task performance on commonsense reasoning benchmarks over text-only baselines, suggesting that large-scale word association data, which have been obtained for several languages through crowd-sourcing, can be a valuable complement to curated knowledge graphs.

PPT: Parsimonious Parser Transfer for Unsupervised Cross-Lingual Adaptation
Kemal Kurniawan | Lea Frermann | Philip Schulz | Trevor Cohn
Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Main Volume

Cross-lingual transfer is a leading technique for parsing low-resource languages in the absence of explicit supervision. Simple ‘direct transfer’ of a learned model based on a multilingual input encoding has provided a strong benchmark. This paper presents a method for unsupervised cross-lingual transfer that improves over direct transfer systems by using their output as implicit supervision as part of self-training on unlabelled text in the target language. The method assumes minimal resources and provides maximal flexibility by (a) accepting any pre-trained arc-factored dependency parser; (b) assuming no access to source language data; (c) supporting both projective and non-projective parsing; and (d) supporting multi-source transfer. With English as the source language, we show significant improvements over state-of-the-art transfer models on both distant and nearby languages, despite our conceptually simpler approach. We provide analyses of the choice of source languages for multi-source transfer, and the advantage of non-projective parsing. Our code is available online.

PTST-UoM at SemEval-2021 Task 10: Parsimonious Transfer for Sequence Tagging
Kemal Kurniawan | Lea Frermann | Philip Schulz | Trevor Cohn
Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2021)

This paper describes PTST, a source-free unsupervised domain adaptation technique for sequence tagging, and its application to the SemEval-2021 Task 10 on time expression recognition. PTST is an extension of the cross-lingual parsimonious parser transfer framework, which uses high-probability predictions of the source model as a supervision signal in self-training. We extend the framework to a sequence prediction setting, and demonstrate its applicability to unsupervised domain adaptation. PTST achieves F1 score of 79.6% on the official test set, with the precision of 90.1%, the highest out of 14 submissions.

Framing Unpacked: A Semi-Supervised Interpretable Multi-View Model of Media Frames
Shima Khanehzar | Trevor Cohn | Gosia Mikolajczak | Andrew Turpin | Lea Frermann
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Understanding how news media frame political issues is important due to its impact on public attitudes, yet hard to automate. Computational approaches have largely focused on classifying the frame of a full news article while framing signals are often subtle and local. Furthermore, automatic news analysis is a sensitive domain, and existing classifiers lack transparency in their predictions. This paper addresses both issues with a novel semi-supervised model, which jointly learns to embed local information about the events and related actors in a news article through an auto-encoding framework, and to leverage this signal for document-level frame classification. Our experiments show that: our model outperforms previous models of frame prediction; we can further improve performance with unlabeled training data leveraging the semi-supervised nature of our model; and the learnt event and actor embeddings intuitively corroborate the document-level predictions, providing a nuanced and interpretable article frame representation.

Multi-modal Intent Classification for Assistive Robots with Large-scale Naturalistic Datasets
Karun Varghese Mathew | Venkata S Aditya Tarigoppula | Lea Frermann
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Workshop of the Australasian Language Technology Association

Recent years have brought a tremendous growth in assistive robots/prosthetics for people with partial or complete loss of upper limb control. These technologies aim to help the users with various reaching and grasping tasks in their daily lives such as picking up an object and transporting it to a desired location; and their utility critically depends on the ease and effectiveness of communication between the user and robot. One of the natural ways of communicating with assistive technologies is through verbal instructions. The meaning of natural language commands depends on the current configuration of the surrounding environment and needs to be interpreted in this multi-modal context, as accurate interpretation of the command is essential for a successful execution of the user’s intent by an assistive device. The research presented in this paper demonstrates how large-scale situated natural language datasets can support the development of robust assistive technologies. We leveraged a navigational dataset comprising >25k human-provided natural language commands covering diverse situations. We demonstrated a way to extend the dataset in a task-informed way and use it to develop multi-modal intent classifiers for pick and place tasks. Our best classifier reached >98% accuracy in a 16-way multi-modal intent classification task, suggesting high robustness and flexibility.

Principled Analysis of Energy Discourse across Domains with Thesaurus-based Automatic Topic Labeling
Thomas Scelsi | Alfonso Martinez Arranz | Lea Frermann
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Workshop of the Australasian Language Technology Association

With the increasing impact of Natural Language Processing tools like topic models in social science research, the experimental rigor and comparability of models and datasets has come under scrutiny. Especially when contributing to research on topics with worldwide impacts like energy policy, objective analyses and reliable datasets are necessary. We contribute toward this goal in two ways: first, we release two diachronic corpora covering 23 years of energy discussions in the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Secondly, we propose a simple and theoretically sound method for automatic topic labelling drawing on political thesauri. We empirically evaluate the quality of our labels, and apply our labelling to topics induced by diachronic topic models on our energy corpora, and present a detailed analysis.

Fairness-aware Class Imbalanced Learning
Shivashankar Subramanian | Afshin Rahimi | Timothy Baldwin | Trevor Cohn | Lea Frermann
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Class imbalance is a common challenge in many NLP tasks, and has clear connections to bias, in that bias in training data often leads to higher accuracy for majority groups at the expense of minority groups. However there has traditionally been a disconnect between research on class-imbalanced learning and mitigating bias, and only recently have the two been looked at through a common lens. In this work we evaluate long-tail learning methods for tweet sentiment and occupation classification, and extend a margin-loss based approach with methods to enforce fairness. We empirically show through controlled experiments that the proposed approaches help mitigate both class imbalance and demographic biases.

Evaluating Debiasing Techniques for Intersectional Biases
Shivashankar Subramanian | Xudong Han | Timothy Baldwin | Trevor Cohn | Lea Frermann
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Bias is pervasive for NLP models, motivating the development of automatic debiasing techniques. Evaluation of NLP debiasing methods has largely been limited to binary attributes in isolation, e.g., debiasing with respect to binary gender or race, however many corpora involve multiple such attributes, possibly with higher cardinality. In this paper we argue that a truly fair model must consider ‘gerrymandering’ groups which comprise not only single attributes, but also intersectional groups. We evaluate a form of bias-constrained model which is new to NLP, as well an extension of the iterative nullspace projection technique which can handle multiple identities.


Screenplay Summarization Using Latent Narrative Structure
Pinelopi Papalampidi | Frank Keller | Lea Frermann | Mirella Lapata
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Most general-purpose extractive summarization models are trained on news articles, which are short and present all important information upfront. As a result, such models are biased on position and often perform a smart selection of sentences from the beginning of the document. When summarizing long narratives, which have complex structure and present information piecemeal, simple position heuristics are not sufficient. In this paper, we propose to explicitly incorporate the underlying structure of narratives into general unsupervised and supervised extractive summarization models. We formalize narrative structure in terms of key narrative events (turning points) and treat it as latent in order to summarize screenplays (i.e., extract an optimal sequence of scenes). Experimental results on the CSI corpus of TV screenplays, which we augment with scene-level summarization labels, show that latent turning points correlate with important aspects of a CSI episode and improve summarization performance over general extractive algorithms leading to more complete and diverse summaries.


Partners in Crime: Multi-view Sequential Inference for Movie Understanding
Nikos Papasarantopoulos | Lea Frermann | Mirella Lapata | Shay B. Cohen
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Multi-view learning algorithms are powerful representation learning tools, often exploited in the context of multimodal problems. However, for problems requiring inference at the token-level of a sequence (that is, a separate prediction must be made for every time step), it is often the case that single-view systems are used, or that more than one views are fused in a simple manner. We describe an incremental neural architecture paired with a novel training objective for incremental inference. The network operates on multi-view data. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on the problem of predicting perpetrators in crime drama series, for which our model significantly outperforms previous work and strong baselines. Moreover, we introduce two tasks, crime case and speaker type tagging, that contribute to movie understanding and demonstrate the effectiveness of our model on them.

Book QA: Stories of Challenges and Opportunities
Stefanos Angelidis | Lea Frermann | Diego Marcheggiani | Roi Blanco | Lluís Màrquez
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Machine Reading for Question Answering

We present a system for answering questions based on the full text of books (BookQA), which first selects book passages given a question at hand, and then uses a memory network to reason and predict an answer. To improve generalization, we pretrain our memory network using artificial questions generated from book sentences. We experiment with the recently published NarrativeQA corpus, on the subset of Who questions, which expect book characters as answers. We experimentally show that BERT-based retrieval and pretraining improve over baseline results significantly. At the same time, we confirm that NarrativeQA is a highly challenging data set, and that there is need for novel research in order to achieve high-precision BookQA results. We analyze some of the bottlenecks of the current approach, and we argue that more research is needed on text representation, retrieval of relevant passages, and reasoning, including commonsense knowledge.

Extractive NarrativeQA with Heuristic Pre-Training
Lea Frermann
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Machine Reading for Question Answering

Although advances in neural architectures for NLP problems as well as unsupervised pre-training have led to substantial improvements on question answering and natural language inference, understanding of and reasoning over long texts still poses a substantial challenge. Here, we consider the task of question answering from full narratives (e.g., books or movie scripts), or their summaries, tackling the NarrativeQA challenge (NQA; Kocisky et al. (2018)). We introduce a heuristic extractive version of the data set, which allows us to approach the more feasible problem of answer extraction (rather than generation). We train systems for passage retrieval as well as answer span prediction using this data set. We use pre-trained BERT embeddings for injecting prior knowledge into our system. We show that our setup leads to state of the art performance on summary-level QA. On QA from full narratives, our model outperforms previous models on the METEOR metric. We analyze the relative contributions of pre-trained embeddings and the extractive training paradigm, and provide a detailed error analysis.

Inducing Document Structure for Aspect-based Summarization
Lea Frermann | Alexandre Klementiev
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Automatic summarization is typically treated as a 1-to-1 mapping from document to summary. Documents such as news articles, however, are structured and often cover multiple topics or aspects; and readers may be interested in only some of them. We tackle the task of aspect-based summarization, where, given a document and a target aspect, our models generate a summary centered around the aspect. We induce latent document structure jointly with an abstractive summarization objective, and train our models in a scalable synthetic setup. In addition to improvements in summarization over topic-agnostic baselines, we demonstrate the benefit of the learnt document structure: we show that our models (a) learn to accurately segment documents by aspect; (b) can leverage the structure to produce both abstractive and extractive aspect-based summaries; and (c) that structure is particularly advantageous for summarizing long documents. All results transfer from synthetic training documents to natural news articles from CNN/Daily Mail and RCV1.


Unsupervised Induction of Linguistic Categories with Records of Reading, Speaking, and Writing
Maria Barrett | Ana Valeria González-Garduño | Lea Frermann | Anders Søgaard
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long Papers)

When learning POS taggers and syntactic chunkers for low-resource languages, different resources may be available, and often all we have is a small tag dictionary, motivating type-constrained unsupervised induction. Even small dictionaries can improve the performance of unsupervised induction algorithms. This paper shows that performance can be further improved by including data that is readily available or can be easily obtained for most languages, i.e., eye-tracking, speech, or keystroke logs (or any combination thereof). We project information from all these data sources into shared spaces, in which the union of words is represented. For English unsupervised POS induction, the additional information, which is not required at test time, leads to an average error reduction on Ontonotes domains of 1.5% over systems augmented with state-of-the-art word embeddings. On Penn Treebank the best model achieves 5.4% error reduction over a word embeddings baseline. We also achieve significant improvements for syntactic chunk induction. Our analysis shows that improvements are even bigger when the available tag dictionaries are smaller.

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Whodunnit? Crime Drama as a Case for Natural Language Understanding
Lea Frermann | Shay B. Cohen | Mirella Lapata
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 6

In this paper we argue that crime drama exemplified in television programs such as CSI: Crime Scene Investigation is an ideal testbed for approximating real-world natural language understanding and the complex inferences associated with it. We propose to treat crime drama as a new inference task, capitalizing on the fact that each episode poses the same basic question (i.e., who committed the crime) and naturally provides the answer when the perpetrator is revealed. We develop a new dataset based on CSI episodes, formalize perpetrator identification as a sequence labeling problem, and develop an LSTM-based model which learns from multi-modal data. Experimental results show that an incremental inference strategy is key to making accurate guesses as well as learning from representations fusing textual, visual, and acoustic input.


Inducing Semantic Micro-Clusters from Deep Multi-View Representations of Novels
Lea Frermann | György Szarvas
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Automatically understanding the plot of novels is important both for informing literary scholarship and applications such as summarization or recommendation. Various models have addressed this task, but their evaluation has remained largely intrinsic and qualitative. Here, we propose a principled and scalable framework leveraging expert-provided semantic tags (e.g., mystery, pirates) to evaluate plot representations in an extrinsic fashion, assessing their ability to produce locally coherent groupings of novels (micro-clusters) in model space. We present a deep recurrent autoencoder model that learns richly structured multi-view plot representations, and show that they i) yield better micro-clusters than less structured representations; and ii) are interpretable, and thus useful for further literary analysis or labeling of the emerging micro-clusters.


A Bayesian Model of Diachronic Meaning Change
Lea Frermann | Mirella Lapata
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 4

Word meanings change over time and an automated procedure for extracting this information from text would be useful for historical exploratory studies, information retrieval or question answering. We present a dynamic Bayesian model of diachronic meaning change, which infers temporal word representations as a set of senses and their prevalence. Unlike previous work, we explicitly model language change as a smooth, gradual process. We experimentally show that this modeling decision is beneficial: our model performs competitively on meaning change detection tasks whilst inducing discernible word senses and their development over time. Application of our model to the SemEval-2015 temporal classification benchmark datasets further reveals that it performs on par with highly optimized task-specific systems.


A Bayesian Model for Joint Learning of Categories and their Features
Lea Frermann | Mirella Lapata
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies


A Hierarchical Bayesian Model for Unsupervised Induction of Script Knowledge
Lea Frermann | Ivan Titov | Manfred Pinkal
Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Incremental Bayesian Learning of Semantic Categories
Lea Frermann | Mirella Lapata
Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics


Cross-lingual Parse Disambiguation based on Semantic Correspondence
Lea Frermann | Francis Bond
Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)