Lahari Poddar


Few Shot Rationale Generation using Self-Training with Dual Teachers
Aditya Srikanth Veerubhotla | Lahari Poddar | Jun Yin | György Szarvas | Sharanya Eswaran
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Self-rationalizing models that also generate a free-text explanation for their predicted labels are an important tool to build trustworthy AI applications. Since generating explanations for annotated labels is a laborious and costly process, recent models rely on large pretrained language models (PLMs) as their backbone and few-shot learning. In this work we explore a self-training approach leveraging both labeled and unlabeled data to further improve few-shot models, under the assumption that neither human written rationales nor annotated task labels are available at scale. We introduce a novel dual-teacher learning framework, which learns two specialized teacher models for task prediction and rationalization using self-training and distills their knowledge into a multi-tasking student model that can jointly generate the task label and rationale. Furthermore, we formulate a new loss function, Masked Label Regularization(MLR) which promotes explanations to be strongly conditioned on predicted labels. Evaluation on three public datasets demonstrate that the proposed methods are effective in modeling task labels and generating faithful rationales.


DialAug: Mixing up Dialogue Contexts in Contrastive Learning for Robust Conversational Modeling
Lahari Poddar | Peiyao Wang | Julia Reinspach
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Retrieval-based conversational systems learn to rank response candidates for a given dialogue context by computing the similarity between their vector representations. However, training on a single textual form of the multi-turn context limits the ability of a model to learn representations that generalize to natural perturbations seen during inference. In this paper we propose a framework that incorporates augmented versions of a dialogue context into the learning objective. We utilize contrastive learning as an auxiliary objective to learn robust dialogue context representations that are invariant to perturbations injected through the augmentation method. We experiment with four benchmark dialogue datasets and demonstrate that our framework combines well with existing augmentation methods and can significantly improve over baseline BERT-based ranking architectures. Furthermore, we propose a novel data augmentation method, ConMix, that adds token level perturbations through stochastic mixing of tokens from other contexts in the batch. We show that our proposed augmentation method outperforms previous data augmentation approaches, and provides dialogue representations that are more robust to common perturbations seen during inference.

Calibrating Imbalanced Classifiers with Focal Loss: An Empirical Study
Cheng Wang | Jorge Balazs | György Szarvas | Patrick Ernst | Lahari Poddar | Pavel Danchenko
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track

Imbalanced data distribution is a practical and common challenge in building production-level machine learning (ML) models in industry, where data usually exhibits long-tail distributions. For instance, in virtual AI Assistants, such as Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa and Apple Siri, the “play music” or “set timer” utterance is exposed to an order of magnitude more traffic than other skills. This can easily cause trained models to overfit to the majority classes, categories or intents, lead to model miscalibration. The uncalibrated models output unreliable (mostly overconfident) predictions, which are at high risk of affecting downstream decision-making systems. In this work, we study the calibration of production models in the industry use-case of predicting product return reason codes in customer service conversations of an online retail store; The returns reasons also exhibit class imbalance. To alleviate the resulting miscalibration in the production ML model, we streamline the model development and deployment using focal loss (CITATION).We empirically show the effectiveness of model training with focal loss in learning better calibrated models, as compared to standard cross-entropy loss. Better calibration, in turn, enables better control of the precision-recall trade-off for the models deployed in production.

Deploying a Retrieval based Response Model for Task Oriented Dialogues
Lahari Poddar | György Szarvas | Cheng Wang | Jorge Balazs | Pavel Danchenko | Patrick Ernst
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track

Task-oriented dialogue systems in industry settings need to have high conversational capability, be easily adaptable to changing situations and conform to business constraints. This paper describes a 3-step procedure to develop a conversational model that satisfies these criteria and can efficiently scale to rank a large set of response candidates. First, we provide a simple algorithm to semi-automatically create a high-coverage template set from historic conversations without any annotation. Second, we propose a neural architecture that encodes the dialogue context and applicable business constraints as profile features for ranking the next turn. Third, we describe a two-stage learning strategy with self-supervised training, followed by supervised fine-tuning on limited data collected through a human-in-the-loop platform. Finally, we describe offline experiments and present results of deploying our model with human-in-the-loop to converse with live customers online.


Train One Get One Free: Partially Supervised Neural Network for Bug Report Duplicate Detection and Clustering
Lahari Poddar | Leonardo Neves | William Brendel | Luis Marujo | Sergey Tulyakov | Pradeep Karuturi
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 2 (Industry Papers)

Tracking user reported bugs requires considerable engineering effort in going through many repetitive reports and assigning them to the correct teams. This paper proposes a neural architecture that can jointly (1) detect if two bug reports are duplicates, and (2) aggregate them into latent topics. Leveraging the assumption that learning the topic of a bug is a sub-task for detecting duplicates, we design a loss function that can jointly perform both tasks but needs supervision for only duplicate classification, achieving topic clustering in an unsupervised fashion. We use a two-step attention module that uses self-attention for topic clustering and conditional attention for duplicate detection. We study the characteristics of two types of real world datasets that have been marked for duplicate bugs by engineers and by non-technical annotators. The results demonstrate that our model not only can outperform state-of-the-art methods for duplicate classification on both cases, but can also learn meaningful latent clusters without additional supervision.


Author-aware Aspect Topic Sentiment Model to Retrieve Supporting Opinions from Reviews
Lahari Poddar | Wynne Hsu | Mong Li Lee
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

User generated content about products and services in the form of reviews are often diverse and even contradictory. This makes it difficult for users to know if an opinion in a review is prevalent or biased. We study the problem of searching for supporting opinions in the context of reviews. We propose a framework called SURF, that first identifies opinions expressed in a review, and then finds similar opinions from other reviews. We design a novel probabilistic graphical model that captures opinions as a combination of aspect, topic and sentiment dimensions, takes into account the preferences of individual authors, as well as the quality of the entity under review, and encodes the flow of thoughts in a review by constraining the aspect distribution dynamically among successive review segments. We derive a similarity measure that considers both lexical and semantic similarity to find supporting opinions. Experiments on TripAdvisor hotel reviews and Yelp restaurant reviews show that our model outperforms existing methods for modeling opinions, and the proposed framework is effective in finding supporting opinions.

Modeling Temporal Progression of Emotional Status in Mental Health Forum: A Recurrent Neural Net Approach
Kishaloy Halder | Lahari Poddar | Min-Yen Kan
Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis

Patients turn to Online Health Communities not only for information on specific conditions but also for emotional support. Previous research has indicated that the progression of emotional status can be studied through the linguistic patterns of an individual’s posts. We analyze a real-world dataset from the Mental Health section of Estimated from the word usages in their posts, we find that the emotional progress across patients vary widely. We study the problem of predicting a patient’s emotional status in the future from her past posts and we propose a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) based architecture to address it. We find that the future emotional status can be predicted with reasonable accuracy given her historical posts and participation features. Our evaluation results demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed architecture, by outperforming state-of-the-art approaches with over 0.13 reduction in Mean Absolute Error.


IndoNet: A Multilingual Lexical Knowledge Network for Indian Languages
Brijesh Bhatt | Lahari Poddar | Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)