Jing Nathan Yan


Predicting Text Preference Via Structured Comparative Reasoning
Jing Nathan Yan | Tianqi Liu | Justin Chiu | Jiaming Shen | Zhen Qin | Yue Yu | Charumathi Lakshmanan | Yair Kurzion | Alexander Rush | Jialu Liu | Michael Bendersky
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Comparative reasoning plays a crucial role in predicting text preferences; however, large language models (LLMs) often demonstrate inconsistencies in their reasoning, leading to incorrect preference predictions. While approaches like Chain-of-Thought improve accuracy in many settings, they struggle to consistently distinguish the similarities and differences of complex texts. We introduce SC2, a model that prompts LLMs to predict text preferences by generating structured intermediate comparisons. SC2 begins by proposing aspects for comparison, followed by generating textual comparisons under each aspect. We select consistent comparisons with a pairwise comparator that ensures each comparison of a given aspect clearly distinguishes differences between texts, significantly reducing hallucination and improving consistency. Our empirical studies across various NLP tasks, including summarization, retrieval, and automatic rating, demonstrate that SC2‘s enhanced performance in text preference prediction is significant.

Explanation-aware Soft Ensemble Empowers Large Language Model In-context Learning
Yue Yu | Jiaming Shen | Tianqi Liu | Zhen Qin | Jing Nathan Yan | Jialu Liu | Chao Zhang | Michael Bendersky
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable capabilities in various natural language understanding tasks with a few demonstration examples via in-context learning. Common strategies to boost such “in-context” learning ability are to ensemble multiple model decoded results and require the model to generate an explanation along with the prediction. However, these models often treat different class predictions equally and neglect the potential discrepancy between the explanations and predictions. To fully unleash the power of explanations, we propose EASE, an Explanation-Aware Soft Ensemble framework to empower in-context learning with LLMs. We design two techniques, explanation-guided ensemble, and soft probability aggregation, to mitigate the effect of unreliable explanations and improve the consistency between explanations and final predictions. Experiments on seven natural language understanding tasks and four varying-size LLMs demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework.


TimelineQA: A Benchmark for Question Answering over Timelines
Wang-Chiew Tan | Jane Dwivedi-Yu | Yuliang Li | Lambert Mathias | Marzieh Saeidi | Jing Nathan Yan | Alon Halevy
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Lifelogs are descriptions of experiences that a person had during their life. Lifelogs are created by fusing data from the multitude of digital services, such as online photos, maps, shopping and content streaming services. Question answering over lifelogs can offer personal assistants a critical resource when they try to provide advice in context. However, obtaining answers to questions over lifelogs is beyond the current state of the art of question answering techniques for a variety of reasons, the most pronounced of which is that lifelogs combine free text with some degree of structure such as temporal and geographical information. We create and publicly release TimelineQA, a benchmark for accelerating progress on querying lifelogs. TimelineQA generates lifelogs of imaginary people. The episodes in the lifelog range from major life episodes such as high school graduation to those that occur on a daily basis such as going for a run. We describe a set of experiments on TimelineQA with several state-of-the-art QA models. Our experiments reveal that for atomic queries, an extractive QA system significantly out-performs a state-of-the-art retrieval-augmented QA system. For multi-hop queries involving aggregates, we show that the best result is obtained with a state-of-the-art table QA technique, assuming the ground truth set of episodes for deriving the answer is available.

Pretraining Without Attention
Junxiong Wang | Jing Nathan Yan | Albert Gu | Alexander Rush
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Transformers have been essential to pretraining success in NLP. While other architectures have been used, downstream accuracy is either significantly worse, or requires attention layers to match standard benchmarks such as GLUE. This work explores pretraining without attention by using recent advances in sequence routing based on state-space models (SSMs). Our proposed model, Bidirectional Gated SSM (BiGS), combines SSM layers with a multiplicative gating architecture that has been effective in simplified sequence modeling architectures. The model learns static layers that do not consider pair-wise interactions. Even so, BiGS is able to match BERT pretraining accuracy on GLUE and can be extended to long-form pretraining of 4096 tokens without approximation. Analysis shows that while the models have similar average accuracy, the approach has different inductive biases than BERT and scales more efficiently to longer sequences.