Jad Kabbara


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ConGraT: Self-Supervised Contrastive Pretraining for Joint Graph and Text Embeddings
William Brannon | Wonjune Kang | Suyash Fulay | Hang Jiang | Brandon Roy | Deb Roy | Jad Kabbara
Proceedings of TextGraphs-17: Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing

Learning on text-attributed graphs (TAGs), in which nodes are associated with one or more texts, has been the subject of much recent work. However, most approaches tend to make strong assumptions about the downstream task of interest, are reliant on hand-labeled data, or fail to equally balance the importance of both text and graph representations. In this work, we propose Contrastive Graph-Text pretraining (ConGraT), a general, self-supervised approach for jointly learning separate representations of texts and nodes in a TAG. Our method trains a language model (LM) and a graph neural network (GNN) to align their representations in a common latent space using a batch-wise contrastive learning objective inspired by CLIP. We further propose an extension to the CLIP objective that leverages graph structure to incorporate information about inter-node similarity. Extensive experiments demonstrate that ConGraT outperforms baselines on various downstream tasks, including node and text category classification, link prediction, and language modeling. Finally, we present an application of our method to community detection in social graphs, which enables finding more textually grounded communities, rather than purely graph-based ones.

PersonaLLM: Investigating the Ability of Large Language Models to Express Personality Traits
Hang Jiang | Xiajie Zhang | Xubo Cao | Cynthia Breazeal | Deb Roy | Jad Kabbara
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024

Despite the many use cases for large language models (LLMs) in creating personalized chatbots, there has been limited research on evaluating the extent to which the behaviors of personalized LLMs accurately and consistently reflect specific personality traits. We consider studying the behavior of LLM-based agents which we refer to as LLM personas and present a case study with GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 to investigate whether LLMs can generate content that aligns with their assigned personality profiles. To this end, we simulate distinct LLM personas based on the Big Five personality model, have them complete the 44-item Big Five Inventory (BFI) personality test and a story writing task, and then assess their essays with automatic and human evaluations. Results show that LLM personas’ self-reported BFI scores are consistent with their designated personality types, with large effect sizes observed across five traits. Additionally, LLM personas’ writings have emerging representative linguistic patterns for personality traits when compared with a human writing corpus. Furthermore, human evaluation shows that humans can perceive some personality traits with an accuracy of up to 80%. Interestingly, the accuracy drops significantly when the annotators were informed of AI authorship.

Confidence Under the Hood: An Investigation into the Confidence-Probability Alignment in Large Language Models
Abhishek Kumar | Robert Morabito | Sanzhar Umbet | Jad Kabbara | Ali Emami
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

As the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) becomes more widespread, understanding their self-evaluation of confidence in generated responses becomes increasingly important as it is integral to the reliability of the output of these models. We introduce the concept of Confidence-Probability Alignment, that connects an LLM’s internal confidence, quantified by token probabilities, to the confidence conveyed in the model’s response when explicitly asked about its certainty. Using various datasets and prompting techniques that encourage model introspection, we probe the alignment between models’ internal and expressed confidence. These techniques encompass using structured evaluation scales to rate confidence, including answer options when prompting, and eliciting the model’s confidence level for outputs it does not recognize as its own. Notably, among the models analyzed, OpenAI’s GPT-4 showed the strongest confidence-probability alignment, with an average Spearman’s  ̂𝜌 of 0.42, across a wide range of tasks. Our work contributes to the ongoing efforts to facilitate risk assessment in the application of LLMs and to further our understanding of model trustworthiness.

Leveraging Large Language Models for Learning Complex Legal Concepts through Storytelling
Hang Jiang | Xiajie Zhang | Robert Mahari | Daniel Kessler | Eric Ma | Tal August | Irene Li | Alex Pentland | Yoon Kim | Deb Roy | Jad Kabbara
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Making legal knowledge accessible to non-experts is crucial for enhancing general legal literacy and encouraging civic participation in democracy. However, legal documents are often challenging to understand for people without legal backgrounds. In this paper, we present a novel application of large language models (LLMs) in legal education to help non-experts learn intricate legal concepts through storytelling, an effective pedagogical tool in conveying complex and abstract concepts. We also introduce a new dataset LegalStories, which consists of 294 complex legal doctrines, each accompanied by a story and a set of multiple-choice questions generated by LLMs. To construct the dataset, we experiment with various LLMs to generate legal stories explaining these concepts. Furthermore, we use an expert-in-the-loop approach to iteratively design multiple-choice questions. Then, we evaluate the effectiveness of storytelling with LLMs through randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with legal novices on 10 samples from the dataset. We find that LLM-generated stories enhance comprehension of legal concepts and interest in law among non-native speakers compared to only definitions. Moreover, stories consistently help participants relate legal concepts to their lives. Finally, we find that learning with stories shows a higher retention rate for non-native speakers in the follow-up assessment. Our work has strong implications for using LLMs in promoting teaching and learning in the legal field and beyond.

Fora: A corpus and framework for the study of facilitated dialogue
Hope Schroeder | Deb Roy | Jad Kabbara
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Facilitated dialogue is increasingly popular as a method of civic engagement and as a method for gathering social insight, but resources for its study are scant. We present Fora, a unique collection of annotated facilitated dialogues. We compile 262 facilitated conversations that were hosted with partner organizations seeking to engage their members and surface insights regarding issues like education, elections, and public health, primarily through the sharing of personal experience. Alongside this corpus of 39,911 speaker turns, we present a framework for the analysis of facilitated dialogue. We taxonomize key personal sharing behaviors and facilitation strategies in the corpus, annotate a 25% sample (10,000+ speaker turns) of the data accordingly, and evaluate and establish baselines on a number of tasks essential to the identification of these phenomena in dialogue. We describe the data, and relate facilitator behavior to turn-taking and participant sharing. We outline how this research can inform future work in understanding and improving facilitated dialogue, parsing spoken conversation, and improving the behavior of dialogue agents.


Debiasing should be Good and Bad: Measuring the Consistency of Debiasing Techniques in Language Models
Robert Morabito | Jad Kabbara | Ali Emami
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Debiasing methods that seek to mitigate the tendency of Language Models (LMs) to occasionally output toxic or inappropriate text have recently gained traction. In this paper, we propose a standardized protocol which distinguishes methods that yield not only desirable results, but are also consistent with their mechanisms and specifications. For example, we ask, given a debiasing method that is developed to reduce toxicity in LMs, if the definition of toxicity used by the debiasing method is reversed, would the debiasing results also be reversed? We used such considerations to devise three criteria for our new protocol: Specification Polarity, Specification Importance, and Domain Transferability. As a case study, we apply our protocol to a popular debiasing method, Self-Debiasing, and compare it to one we propose, called Instructive Debiasing, and demonstrate that consistency is as important an aspect to debiasing viability as is simply a desirable result. We show that our protocol provides essential insights into the generalizability and interpretability of debiasing methods that may otherwise go overlooked.

Investigating the Effect of Pre-finetuning BERT Models on NLI Involving Presuppositions
Jad Kabbara | Jackie Cheung
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

We explore the connection between presupposition, discourse and sarcasm and propose to leverage that connection in a transfer learning scenario with the goal of improving the performance of NLI models on cases involving presupposition. We exploit advances in training transformer-based models that show that pre-finetuning—–i.e., finetuning the model on an additional task or dataset before the actual finetuning phase—–can help these models, in some cases, achieve a higher performance on a given downstream task. Building on those advances and that aforementioned connection, we propose pre-finetuning NLI models on carefully chosen tasks in an attempt to improve their performance on NLI cases involving presupposition. We notice that, indeed, pre-finetuning on those tasks leads to performance improvements. Furthermore, we run several diagnostic tests to understand whether these gains are merely a byproduct of additional training data. The results show that, while additional training data seems to be helping on its own in some cases, the choice of the tasks plays a role in the performance improvements.


Investigating the Performance of Transformer-Based NLI Models on Presuppositional Inferences
Jad Kabbara | Jackie Chi Kit Cheung
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Presuppositions are assumptions that are taken for granted by an utterance, and identifying them is key to a pragmatic interpretation of language. In this paper, we investigate the capabilities of transformer models to perform NLI on cases involving presupposition. First, we present simple heuristics to create alternative “contrastive” test cases based on the ImpPres dataset and investigate the model performance on those test cases. Second, to better understand how the model is making its predictions, we analyze samples from sub-datasets of ImpPres and examine model performance on them. Overall, our findings suggest that NLI-trained transformer models seem to be exploiting specific structural and lexical cues as opposed to performing some kind of pragmatic reasoning.


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Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: Student Research Workshop
Jad Kabbara | Haitao Lin | Amandalynne Paullada | Jannis Vamvas
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: Student Research Workshop

Post-Editing Extractive Summaries by Definiteness Prediction
Jad Kabbara | Jackie Chi Kit Cheung
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021

Extractive summarization has been the mainstay of automatic summarization for decades. Despite all the progress, extractive summarizers still suffer from shortcomings including coreference issues arising from extracting sentences away from their original context in the source document. This affects the coherence and readability of extractive summaries. In this work, we propose a lightweight post-editing step for extractive summaries that centers around a single linguistic decision: the definiteness of noun phrases. We conduct human evaluation studies that show that human expert judges substantially prefer the output of our proposed system over the original summaries. Moreover, based on an automatic evaluation study, we provide evidence for our system’s ability to generate linguistic decisions that lead to improved extractive summaries. We also draw insights about how the automatic system is exploiting some local cues related to the writing style of the main article texts or summary texts to make the decisions, rather than reasoning about the contexts pragmatically.


Computational Investigations of Pragmatic Effects in Natural Language
Jad Kabbara
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Research Workshop

Semantics and pragmatics are two complimentary and intertwined aspects of meaning in language. The former is concerned with the literal (context-free) meaning of words and sentences, the latter focuses on the intended meaning, one that is context-dependent. While NLP research has focused in the past mostly on semantics, the goal of this thesis is to develop computational models that leverage this pragmatic knowledge in language that is crucial to performing many NLP tasks correctly. In this proposal, we begin by reviewing the current progress in this thesis, namely, on the tasks of definiteness prediction and adverbial presupposition triggering. Then we discuss the proposed research for the remainder of the thesis which builds on this progress towards the goal of building better and more pragmatically-aware natural language generation and understanding systems.


Let’s do it “again”: A First Computational Approach to Detecting Adverbial Presupposition Triggers
Andre Cianflone | Yulan Feng | Jad Kabbara | Jackie Chi Kit Cheung
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We introduce the novel task of predicting adverbial presupposition triggers, which is useful for natural language generation tasks such as summarization and dialogue systems. We introduce two new corpora, derived from the Penn Treebank and the Annotated English Gigaword dataset and investigate the use of a novel attention mechanism tailored to this task. Our attention mechanism augments a baseline recurrent neural network without the need for additional trainable parameters, minimizing the added computational cost of our mechanism. We demonstrate that this model statistically outperforms our baselines.


Capturing Pragmatic Knowledge in Article Usage Prediction using LSTMs
Jad Kabbara | Yulan Feng | Jackie Chi Kit Cheung
Proceedings of COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers

We examine the potential of recurrent neural networks for handling pragmatic inferences involving complex contextual cues for the task of article usage prediction. We train and compare several variants of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks with an attention mechanism. Our model outperforms a previous state-of-the-art system, achieving up to 96.63% accuracy on the WSJ/PTB corpus. In addition, we perform a series of analyses to understand the impact of various model choices. We find that the gain in performance can be attributed to the ability of LSTMs to pick up on contextual cues, both local and further away in distance, and that the model is able to solve cases involving reasoning about coreference and synonymy. We also show how the attention mechanism contributes to the interpretability of the model’s effectiveness.

Stylistic Transfer in Natural Language Generation Systems Using Recurrent Neural Networks
Jad Kabbara | Jackie Chi Kit Cheung
Proceedings of the Workshop on Uphill Battles in Language Processing: Scaling Early Achievements to Robust Methods