Ian Porada


Challenges to Evaluating the Generalization of Coreference Resolution Models: A Measurement Modeling Perspective
Ian Porada | Alexandra Olteanu | Kaheer Suleman | Adam Trischler | Jackie Cheung
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

It is increasingly common to evaluate the same coreference resolution (CR) model on multiple datasets. Do these multi-dataset evaluations allow us to draw meaningful conclusions about model generalization? Or, do they rather reflect the idiosyncrasies of a particular experimental setup (e.g., the specific datasets used)? To study this, we view evaluation through the lens of measurement modeling, a framework commonly used in the social sciences for analyzing the validity of measurements. By taking this perspective, we show how multi-dataset evaluations risk conflating different factors concerning what, precisely, is being measured. This in turn makes it difficult to draw more generalizable conclusions from these evaluations. For instance, we show that across seven datasets, measurements intended to reflect CR model generalization are often correlated with differences in both how coreference is defined and how it is operationalized; this limits our ability to draw conclusions regarding the ability of CR models to generalize across any singular dimension. We believe the measurement modeling framework provides the needed vocabulary for discussing challenges surrounding what is actually being measured by CR evaluations.

Separately Parameterizing Singleton Detection Improves End-to-end Neural Coreference Resolution
Xiyuan Zou | Yiran Li | Ian Porada | Jackie Cheung
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Current end-to-end coreference resolution models combine detection of singleton mentions and antecedent linking into a single step. In contrast, singleton detection was often treated as a separate step in the pre-neural era. In this work, we show that separately parameterizing these two sub-tasks also benefits end-to-end neural coreference systems. Specifically, we add a singleton detector to the coarse-to-fine (C2F) coreference model, and design an anaphoricity-aware span embedding and singleton detection loss. Our method significantly improves model performance on OntoNotes and four additional datasets.

A Controlled Reevaluation of Coreference Resolution Models
Ian Porada | Xiyuan Zou | Jackie Chi Kit Cheung
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

All state-of-the-art coreference resolution (CR) models involve finetuning a pretrained language model. Whether the superior performance of one CR model over another is due to the choice of language model or other factors, such as the task-specific architecture, is difficult or impossible to determine due to lack of a standardized experimental setup. To resolve this ambiguity, we systematically evaluate five CR models and control for certain design decisions including the pretrained language model used by each. When controlling for language model size, encoder-based CR models outperform more recent decoder-based models in terms of both accuracy and inference speed. Surprisingly, among encoder-based CR models, more recent models are not always more accurate, and the oldest CR model that we test generalizes the best to out-of-domain textual genres. We conclude that controlling for the choice of language model reduces most, but not all, of the increase in F1 score reported in the past five years.


McGill BabyLM Shared Task Submission: The Effects of Data Formatting and Structural Biases
Ziling Cheng | Rahul Aralikatte | Ian Porada | Cesare Spinoso-Di Piano | Jackie CK Cheung
Proceedings of the BabyLM Challenge at the 27th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning

McGill at CRAC 2023: Multilingual Generalization of Entity-Ranking Coreference Resolution Models
Ian Porada | Jackie Chi Kit Cheung
Proceedings of the CRAC 2023 Shared Task on Multilingual Coreference Resolution

Our submission to the CRAC 2023 shared task, described herein, is an adapted entity-ranking model jointly trained on all 17 datasets spanning 12 languages. Our model outperforms the shared task baselines by a difference in F1 score of +8.47, achieving an ultimate F1 score of 65.43 and fourth place in the shared task. We explore design decisions related to data preprocessing, the pretrained encoder, and data mixing.


Does Pre-training Induce Systematic Inference? How Masked Language Models Acquire Commonsense Knowledge
Ian Porada | Alessandro Sordoni | Jackie Cheung
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Transformer models pre-trained with a masked-language-modeling objective (e.g., BERT) encode commonsense knowledge as evidenced by behavioral probes; however, the extent to which this knowledge is acquired by systematic inference over the semantics of the pre-training corpora is an open question. To answer this question, we selectively inject verbalized knowledge into the pre-training minibatches of BERT and evaluate how well the model generalizes to supported inferences after pre-training on the injected knowledge. We find generalization does not improve over the course of pre-training BERT from scratch, suggesting that commonsense knowledge is acquired from surface-level, co-occurrence patterns rather than induced, systematic reasoning.


ADEPT: An Adjective-Dependent Plausibility Task
Ali Emami | Ian Porada | Alexandra Olteanu | Kaheer Suleman | Adam Trischler | Jackie Chi Kit Cheung
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

A false contract is more likely to be rejected than a contract is, yet a false key is less likely than a key to open doors. While correctly interpreting and assessing the effects of such adjective-noun pairs (e.g., false key) on the plausibility of given events (e.g., opening doors) underpins many natural language understanding tasks, doing so often requires a significant degree of world knowledge and common-sense reasoning. We introduce ADEPT – a large-scale semantic plausibility task consisting of over 16 thousand sentences that are paired with slightly modified versions obtained by adding an adjective to a noun. Overall, we find that while the task appears easier for human judges (85% accuracy), it proves more difficult for transformer-based models like RoBERTa (71% accuracy). Our experiments also show that neither the adjective itself nor its taxonomic class suffice in determining the correct plausibility judgement, emphasizing the importance of endowing automatic natural language understanding systems with more context sensitivity and common-sense reasoning.

Modeling Event Plausibility with Consistent Conceptual Abstraction
Ian Porada | Kaheer Suleman | Adam Trischler | Jackie Chi Kit Cheung
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Understanding natural language requires common sense, one aspect of which is the ability to discern the plausibility of events. While distributional models—most recently pre-trained, Transformer language models—have demonstrated improvements in modeling event plausibility, their performance still falls short of humans’. In this work, we show that Transformer-based plausibility models are markedly inconsistent across the conceptual classes of a lexical hierarchy, inferring that “a person breathing” is plausible while “a dentist breathing” is not, for example. We find this inconsistency persists even when models are softly injected with lexical knowledge, and we present a simple post-hoc method of forcing model consistency that improves correlation with human plausibility judgements.


Can a Gorilla Ride a Camel? Learning Semantic Plausibility from Text
Ian Porada | Kaheer Suleman | Jackie Chi Kit Cheung
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Commonsense Inference in Natural Language Processing

Modeling semantic plausibility requires commonsense knowledge about the world and has been used as a testbed for exploring various knowledge representations. Previous work has focused specifically on modeling physical plausibility and shown that distributional methods fail when tested in a supervised setting. At the same time, distributional models, namely large pretrained language models, have led to improved results for many natural language understanding tasks. In this work, we show that these pretrained language models are in fact effective at modeling physical plausibility in the supervised setting. We therefore present the more difficult problem of learning to model physical plausibility directly from text. We create a training set by extracting attested events from a large corpus, and we provide a baseline for training on these attested events in a self-supervised manner and testing on a physical plausibility task. We believe results could be further improved by injecting explicit commonsense knowledge into a distributional model.