Han Qin


Reinforced Cross-modal Alignment for Radiology Report Generation
Han Qin | Yan Song
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

Medical images are widely used in clinical decision-making, where writing radiology reports is a potential application that can be enhanced by automatic solutions to alleviate physicians’ workload. In general, radiology report generation is an image-text task, where cross-modal mappings between images and texts play an important role in generating high-quality reports. Although previous studies attempt to facilitate the alignment via the co-attention mechanism under supervised settings, they suffer from lacking valid and accurate correspondences due to no annotation of such alignment. In this paper, we propose an approach with reinforcement learning (RL) over a cross-modal memory (CMM) to better align visual and textual features for radiology report generation. In detail, a shared memory is used to record the mappings between visual and textual information, and the proposed reinforced algorithm is performed to learn the signal from the reports to guide the cross-modal alignment even though such reports are not directly related to how images and texts are mapped. Experimental results on two English radiology report datasets, i.e., IU X-Ray and MIMIC-CXR, show the effectiveness of our approach, where the state-of-the-art results are achieved. We further conduct human evaluation and case study which confirm the validity of the reinforced algorithm in our approach.

ChiMST: A Chinese Medical Corpus for Word Segmentation and Medical Term Recognition
Yuanhe Tian | Han Qin | Fei Xia | Yan Song
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Chinese word segmentation (CWS) and named entity recognition (NER) are two important tasks in Chinese natural language processing. To achieve good model performance on these tasks, existing neural approaches normally require a large amount of labeled training data, which is often unavailable for specific domains such as the Chinese medical domain due to privacy and legal issues. To address this problem, we have developed a Chinese medical corpus named ChiMST which consists of question-answer pairs collected from an online medical healthcare platform and is annotated with word boundary and medical term information. For word boundary, we mainly follow the word segmentation guidelines for the Penn Chinese Treebank (Xia, 2000); for medical terms, we define 9 categories and 18 sub-categories after consulting medical experts. To provide baselines on this corpus, we train existing state-of-the-art models on it and achieve good performance. We believe that the corpus and the baseline systems will be a valuable resource for CWS and NER research on the medical domain.

Enhancing Relation Extraction via Adversarial Multi-task Learning
Han Qin | Yuanhe Tian | Yan Song
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Relation extraction (RE) is a sub-field of information extraction, which aims to extract the relation between two given named entities (NEs) in a sentence and thus requires a good understanding of contextual information, especially the entities and their surrounding texts. However, limited attention is paid by most existing studies to re-modeling the given NEs and thus lead to inferior RE results when NEs are sometimes ambiguous. In this paper, we propose a RE model with two training stages, where adversarial multi-task learning is applied to the first training stage to explicitly recover the given NEs so as to enhance the main relation extractor, which is trained alone in the second stage. In doing so, the RE model is optimized by named entity recognition (NER) and thus obtains a detailed understanding of entity-aware context. We further propose the adversarial mechanism to enhance the process, which controls the effect of NER on the main relation extractor and allows the extractor to benefit from NER while keep focusing on RE rather than the entire multi-task learning. Experimental results on two English benchmark datasets for RE demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, where state-of-the-art performance is observed on both datasets.

Complementary Learning of Aspect Terms for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis
Han Qin | Yuanhe Tian | Fei Xia | Yan Song
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) aims to predict the sentiment polarity towards a given aspect term in a sentence on the fine-grained level, which usually requires a good understanding of contextual information, especially appropriately distinguishing of a given aspect and its contexts, to achieve good performance. However, most existing ABSA models pay limited attention to the modeling of the given aspect terms and thus result in inferior results when a sentence contains multiple aspect terms with contradictory sentiment polarities. In this paper, we propose to improve ABSA by complementary learning of aspect terms, which serves as a supportive auxiliary task to enhance ABSA by explicitly recovering the aspect terms from each input sentence so as to better understand aspects and their contexts. Particularly, a discriminator is also introduced to further improve the learning process by appropriately balancing the impact of aspect recovery to sentiment prediction. Experimental results on five widely used English benchmark datasets for ABSA demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, where state-of-the-art performance is observed on all datasets.

Syntax-driven Approach for Semantic Role Labeling
Yuanhe Tian | Han Qin | Fei Xia | Yan Song
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

As an important task to analyze the semantic structure of a sentence, semantic role labeling (SRL) aims to locate the semantic role (e.g., agent) of noun phrases with respect to a given predicate and thus plays an important role in downstream tasks such as dialogue systems. To achieve a better performance in SRL, a model is always required to have a good understanding of the context information. Although one can use advanced text encoder (e.g., BERT) to capture the context information, extra resources are also required to further improve the model performance. Considering that there are correlations between the syntactic structure and the semantic structure of the sentence, many previous studies leverage auto-generated syntactic knowledge, especially the dependencies, to enhance the modeling of context information through graph-based architectures, where limited attention is paid to other types of auto-generated knowledge. In this paper, we propose map memories to enhance SRL by encoding different types of auto-generated syntactic knowledge (i.e., POS tags, syntactic constituencies, and word dependencies) obtained from off-the-shelf toolkits. Experimental results on two English benchmark datasets for span-style SRL (i.e., CoNLL-2005 and CoNLL-2012) demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, which outperforms strong baselines and achieves state-of-the-art results on CoNLL-2005.


Improving Arabic Diacritization with Regularized Decoding and Adversarial Training
Han Qin | Guimin Chen | Yuanhe Tian | Yan Song
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Arabic diacritization is a fundamental task for Arabic language processing. Previous studies have demonstrated that automatically generated knowledge can be helpful to this task. However, these studies regard the auto-generated knowledge instances as gold references, which limits their effectiveness since such knowledge is not always accurate and inferior instances can lead to incorrect predictions. In this paper, we propose to use regularized decoding and adversarial training to appropriately learn from such noisy knowledge for diacritization. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets show that, even with quite flawed auto-generated knowledge, our model can still learn adequate diacritics and outperform all previous studies, on both datasets.

Federated Chinese Word Segmentation with Global Character Associations
Yuanhe Tian | Guimin Chen | Han Qin | Yan Song
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021

Relation Extraction with Word Graphs from N-grams
Han Qin | Yuanhe Tian | Yan Song
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Most recent studies for relation extraction (RE) leverage the dependency tree of the input sentence to incorporate syntax-driven contextual information to improve model performance, with little attention paid to the limitation where high-quality dependency parsers in most cases unavailable, especially for in-domain scenarios. To address this limitation, in this paper, we propose attentive graph convolutional networks (A-GCN) to improve neural RE methods with an unsupervised manner to build the context graph, without relying on the existence of a dependency parser. Specifically, we construct the graph from n-grams extracted from a lexicon built from pointwise mutual information (PMI) and apply attention over the graph. Therefore, different word pairs from the contexts within and across n-grams are weighted in the model and facilitate RE accordingly. Experimental results with further analyses on two English benchmark datasets for RE demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, where state-of-the-art performance is observed on both datasets.

Improving Federated Learning for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis via Topic Memories
Han Qin | Guimin Chen | Yuanhe Tian | Yan Song
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) predicts the sentiment polarity towards a particular aspect term in a sentence, which is an important task in real-world applications. To perform ABSA, the trained model is required to have a good understanding of the contextual information, especially the particular patterns that suggest the sentiment polarity. However, these patterns typically vary in different sentences, especially when the sentences come from different sources (domains), which makes ABSA still very challenging. Although combining labeled data across different sources (domains) is a promising solution to address the challenge, in practical applications, these labeled data are usually stored at different locations and might be inaccessible to each other due to privacy or legal concerns (e.g., the data are owned by different companies). To address this issue and make the best use of all labeled data, we propose a novel ABSA model with federated learning (FL) adopted to overcome the data isolation limitations and incorporate topic memory (TM) proposed to take the cases of data from diverse sources (domains) into consideration. Particularly, TM aims to identify different isolated data sources due to data inaccessibility by providing useful categorical information for localized predictions. Experimental results on a simulated environment for FL with three nodes demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, where TM-FL outperforms different baselines including some well-designed FL frameworks.