Gyuwan Kim


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Proceedings of The Fourth Workshop on Simple and Efficient Natural Language Processing (SustaiNLP)
Nafise Sadat Moosavi | Iryna Gurevych | Yufang Hou | Gyuwan Kim | Young Jin Kim | Tal Schuster | Ameeta Agrawal
Proceedings of The Fourth Workshop on Simple and Efficient Natural Language Processing (SustaiNLP)

Towards standardizing Korean Grammatical Error Correction: Datasets and Annotation
Soyoung Yoon | Sungjoon Park | Gyuwan Kim | Junhee Cho | Kihyo Park | Gyu Tae Kim | Minjoon Seo | Alice Oh
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Research on Korean grammatical error correction (GEC) is limited, compared to other major languages such as English. We attribute this problematic circumstance to the lack of a carefully designed evaluation benchmark for Korean GEC. In this work, we collect three datasets from different sources (Kor-Lang8, Kor-Native, and Kor-Learner) that covers a wide range of Korean grammatical errors. Considering the nature of Korean grammar, We then define 14 error types for Korean and provide KAGAS (Korean Automatic Grammatical error Annotation System), which can automatically annotate error types from parallel corpora. We use KAGAS on our datasets to make an evaluation benchmark for Korean, and present baseline models trained from our datasets. We show that the model trained with our datasets significantly outperforms the currently used statistical Korean GEC system (Hanspell) on a wider range of error types, demonstrating the diversity and usefulness of the datasets. The implementations and datasets are open-sourced.


Bridging the Training-Inference Gap for Dense Phrase Retrieval
Gyuwan Kim | Jinhyuk Lee | Barlas Oguz | Wenhan Xiong | Yizhe Zhang | Yashar Mehdad | William Yang Wang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Building dense retrievers requires a series of standard procedures, including training and validating neural models and creating indexes for efficient search. However, these procedures are often misaligned in that training objectives do not exactly reflect the retrieval scenario at inference time. In this paper, we explore how the gap between training and inference in dense retrieval can be reduced, focusing on dense phrase retrieval (Lee et al., 2021) where billions of representations are indexed at inference. Since validating every dense retriever with a large-scale index is practically infeasible, we propose an efficient way of validating dense retrievers using a small subset of the entire corpus. This allows us to validate various training strategies including unifying contrastive loss terms and using hard negatives for phrase retrieval, which largely reduces the training-inference discrepancy. As a result, we improve top-1 phrase retrieval accuracy by 2 3 points and top-20 passage retrieval accuracy by 2 4 points for open-domain question answering. Our work urges modeling dense retrievers with careful consideration of training and inference via efficient validation while advancing phrase retrieval as a general solution for dense retrieval.

Consistency Training with Virtual Adversarial Discrete Perturbation
Jungsoo Park | Gyuwan Kim | Jaewoo Kang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Consistency training regularizes a model by enforcing predictions of original and perturbed inputs to be similar. Previous studies have proposed various augmentation methods for the perturbation but are limited in that they are agnostic to the training model. Thus, the perturbed samples may not aid in regularization due to their ease of classification from the model. In this context, we propose an augmentation method of adding a discrete noise that would incur the highest divergence between predictions. This virtual adversarial discrete noise obtained by replacing a small portion of tokens while keeping original semantics as much as possible efficiently pushes a training model’s decision boundary. Experimental results show that our proposed method outperforms other consistency training baselines with text editing, paraphrasing, or a continuous noise on semi-supervised text classification tasks and a robustness benchmark.

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Proceedings of The Third Workshop on Simple and Efficient Natural Language Processing (SustaiNLP)
Angela Fan | Iryna Gurevych | Yufang Hou | Zornitsa Kozareva | Sasha Luccioni | Nafise Sadat Moosavi | Sujith Ravi | Gyuwan Kim | Roy Schwartz | Andreas Rücklé
Proceedings of The Third Workshop on Simple and Efficient Natural Language Processing (SustaiNLP)


Length-Adaptive Transformer: Train Once with Length Drop, Use Anytime with Search
Gyuwan Kim | Kyunghyun Cho
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Despite transformers’ impressive accuracy, their computational cost is often prohibitive to use with limited computational resources. Most previous approaches to improve inference efficiency require a separate model for each possible computational budget. In this paper, we extend PoWER-BERT (Goyal et al., 2020) and propose Length-Adaptive Transformer that can be used for various inference scenarios after one-shot training. We train a transformer with LengthDrop, a structural variant of dropout, which stochastically determines a sequence length at each layer. We then conduct a multi-objective evolutionary search to find a length configuration that maximizes the accuracy and minimizes the efficiency metric under any given computational budget. Additionally, we significantly extend the applicability of PoWER-BERT beyond sequence-level classification into token-level classification with Drop-and-Restore process that drops word-vectors temporarily in intermediate layers and restores at the last layer if necessary. We empirically verify the utility of the proposed approach by demonstrating the superior accuracy-efficiency trade-off under various setups, including span-based question answering and text classification. Code is available at

SSMix: Saliency-Based Span Mixup for Text Classification
Soyoung Yoon | Gyuwan Kim | Kyumin Park
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021


Efficient Dialogue State Tracking by Selectively Overwriting Memory
Sungdong Kim | Sohee Yang | Gyuwan Kim | Sang-Woo Lee
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Recent works in dialogue state tracking (DST) focus on an open vocabulary-based setting to resolve scalability and generalization issues of the predefined ontology-based approaches. However, they are inefficient in that they predict the dialogue state at every turn from scratch. Here, we consider dialogue state as an explicit fixed-sized memory and propose a selectively overwriting mechanism for more efficient DST. This mechanism consists of two steps: (1) predicting state operation on each of the memory slots, and (2) overwriting the memory with new values, of which only a few are generated according to the predicted state operations. Our method decomposes DST into two sub-tasks and guides the decoder to focus only on one of the tasks, thus reducing the burden of the decoder. This enhances the effectiveness of training and DST performance. Our SOM-DST (Selectively Overwriting Memory for Dialogue State Tracking) model achieves state-of-the-art joint goal accuracy with 51.72% in MultiWOZ 2.0 and 53.01% in MultiWOZ 2.1 in an open vocabulary-based DST setting. In addition, we analyze the accuracy gaps between the current and the ground truth-given situations and suggest that it is a promising direction to improve state operation prediction to boost the DST performance.

Large Product Key Memory for Pretrained Language Models
Gyuwan Kim | Tae Hwan Jung
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020

Product key memory (PKM) proposed by Lample et al. (2019) enables to improve prediction accuracy by increasing model capacity efficiently with insignificant computational overhead. However, their empirical application is only limited to causal language modeling. Motivated by the recent success of pretrained language models (PLMs), we investigate how to incorporate large PKM into PLMs that can be finetuned for a wide variety of downstream NLP tasks. We define a new memory usage metric, and careful observation using this metric reveals that most memory slots remain outdated during the training of PKM-augmented models. To train better PLMs by tackling this issue, we propose simple but effective solutions: (1) initialization from the model weights pretrained without memory and (2) augmenting PKM by addition rather than replacing a feed-forward network. We verify that both of them are crucial for the pretraining of PKM-augmented PLMs, enhancing memory utilization and downstream performance. Code and pretrained weights are available at


Subword Language Model for Query Auto-Completion
Gyuwan Kim
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Current neural query auto-completion (QAC) systems rely on character-level language models, but they slow down when queries are long. We present how to utilize subword language models for the fast and accurate generation of query completion candidates. Representing queries with subwords shorten a decoding length significantly. To deal with issues coming from introducing subword language model, we develop a retrace algorithm and a reranking method by approximate marginalization. As a result, our model achieves up to 2.5 times faster while maintaining a similar quality of generated results compared to the character-level baseline. Also, we propose a new evaluation metric, mean recoverable length (MRL), measuring how many upcoming characters the model could complete correctly. It provides more explicit meaning and eliminates the need for prefix length sampling for existing rank-based metrics. Moreover, we performed a comprehensive analysis with ablation study to figure out the importance of each component.