Ercong Nie


Team MGTD4ADL at SemEval-2024 Task 8: Leveraging (Sentence) Transformer Models with Contrastive Learning for Identifying Machine-Generated Text
Huixin Chen | Jan Büssing | David Rügamer | Ercong Nie
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)

This paper outlines our approach to SemEval-2024 Task 8 (Subtask B), which focuses on discerning machine-generated text from human-written content, while also identifying the text sources, i.e., from which Large Language Model (LLM) the target text is generated. Our detection system is built upon Transformer-based techniques, leveraging various pre-trained language models (PLMs), including sentence transformer models. Additionally, we incorporate Contrastive Learning (CL) into the classifier to improve the detecting capabilities and employ Data Augmentation methods. Ultimately, our system achieves a peak accuracy of 76.96% on the test set of the competition, configured using a sentence transformer model integrated with CL methodology.

GNNavi: Navigating the Information Flow in Large Language Models by Graph Neural Network
Shuzhou Yuan | Ercong Nie | Michael Färber | Helmut Schmid | Hinrich Schuetze
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Large Language Models (LLMs) exhibit strong In-Context Learning (ICL) capabilities when prompts with demonstrations are used. However, fine-tuning still remains crucial to further enhance their adaptability. Prompt-based fine-tuning proves to be an effective fine-tuning method in low-data scenarios, but high demands on computing resources limit its practicality. We address this issue by introducing a prompt-based parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) approach. GNNavi leverages insights into ICL’s information flow dynamics, which indicates that label words act in prompts as anchors for information propagation. GNNavi employs a Graph Neural Network (GNN) layer to precisely guide the aggregation and distribution of information flow during the processing of prompts by hardwiring the desired information flow into the GNN. Our experiments on text classification tasks with GPT-2 and Llama2 show GNNavi surpasses standard prompt-based fine-tuning methods in few-shot settings by updating just 0.2% to 0.5% of parameters. We compare GNNavi with prevalent PEFT approaches, such as prefix tuning, LoRA and Adapter in terms of performance and efficiency. Our analysis reveals that GNNavi enhances information flow and ensures a clear aggregation process.

ToPro: Token-Level Prompt Decomposition for Cross-Lingual Sequence Labeling Tasks
Bolei Ma | Ercong Nie | Shuzhou Yuan | Helmut Schmid | Michael Färber | Frauke Kreuter | Hinrich Schuetze
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Prompt-based methods have been successfully applied to multilingual pretrained language models for zero-shot cross-lingual understanding. However, most previous studies primarily focused on sentence-level classification tasks, and only a few considered token-level labeling tasks such as Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging. In this paper, we propose Token-Level Prompt Decomposition (ToPro), which facilitates the prompt-based method for token-level sequence labeling tasks. The ToPro method decomposes an input sentence into single tokens and applies one prompt template to each token. Our experiments on multilingual NER and POS tagging datasets demonstrate that ToPro-based fine-tuning outperforms Vanilla fine-tuning and Prompt-Tuning in zero-shot cross-lingual transfer, especially for languages that are typologically different from the source language English. Our method also attains state-of-the-art performance when employed with the mT5 model. Besides, our exploratory study in multilingual large language models shows that ToPro performs much better than the current in-context learning method. Overall, the performance improvements show that ToPro could potentially serve as a novel and simple benchmarking method for sequence labeling tasks.

Decoding Probing: Revealing Internal Linguistic Structures in Neural Language Models Using Minimal Pairs
Linyang He | Peili Chen | Ercong Nie | Yuanning Li | Jonathan R. Brennan
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Inspired by cognitive neuroscience studies, we introduce a novel “decoding probing” method that uses minimal pairs benchmark (BLiMP) to probe internal linguistic characteristics in neural language models layer by layer. By treating the language model as the brain and its representations as “neural activations”, we decode grammaticality labels of minimal pairs from the intermediate layers’ representations. This approach reveals: 1) Self-supervised language models capture abstract linguistic structures in intermediate layers that GloVe and RNN language models cannot learn. 2) Information about syntactic grammaticality is robustly captured through the first third layers of GPT-2 and also distributed in later layers. As sentence complexity increases, more layers are required for learning grammatical capabilities. 3) Morphological and semantics/syntax interface-related features are harder to capture than syntax. 4) For Transformer-based models, both embeddings and attentions capture grammatical features but show distinct patterns. Different attention heads exhibit similar tendencies toward various linguistic phenomena, but with varied contributions.


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Is Prompt-Based Finetuning Always Better than Vanilla Finetuning? Insights from Cross-Lingual Language Understanding
Bolei Ma | Ercong Nie | Helmut Schmid | Hinrich Schuetze
Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2023)

Crosslingual Retrieval Augmented In-context Learning for Bangla
Xiaoqian Li | Ercong Nie | Sheng Liang
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Bangla Language Processing (BLP-2023)

The promise of Large Language Models (LLMs) in Natural Language Processing has often been overshadowed by their limited performance in low-resource languages such as Bangla. To address this, our paper presents a pioneering approach that utilizes cross-lingual retrieval augmented in-context learning. By strategically sourcing semantically similar prompts from high-resource language, we enable multilingual pretrained language models (MPLMs), especially the generative model BLOOMZ, to successfully boost performance on Bangla tasks. Our extensive evaluation highlights that the cross-lingual retrieval augmented prompts bring steady improvements to MPLMs over the zero-shot performance.

Baby’s CoThought: Leveraging Large Language Models for Enhanced Reasoning in Compact Models
Zheyu Zhang | Han Yang | Bolei Ma | David Rügamer | Ercong Nie
Proceedings of the BabyLM Challenge at the 27th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning

Cross-Lingual Retrieval Augmented Prompt for Low-Resource Languages
Ercong Nie | Sheng Liang | Helmut Schmid | Hinrich Schütze
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Multilingual Pretrained Language Models (MPLMs) perform strongly in cross-lingual transfer. We propose Prompts Augmented by Retrieval Crosslingually (PARC) to improve zero-shot performance on low-resource languages (LRLs) by augmenting the context with prompts consisting of semantically similar sentences retrieved from a high-resource language (HRL). PARC improves zero-shot performance on three downstream tasks (sentiment classification, topic categorization, natural language inference) with multilingual parallel test sets across 10 LRLs covering 6 language families in unlabeled (+5.1%) and labeled settings (+16.3%). PARC also outperforms finetuning by 3.7%. We find a significant positive correlation between cross-lingual transfer performance on one side, and the similarity between high- and low-resource languages as well as the amount of low-resource pretraining data on the other side. A robustness analysis suggests that PARC has the potential to achieve even stronger performance with more powerful MPLMs.

Unleashing the Multilingual Encoder Potential: Boosting Zero-Shot Performance via Probability Calibration
Ercong Nie | Helmut Schmid | Hinrich Schuetze
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Pretrained multilingual encoder models can directly perform zero-shot multilingual tasks or linguistic probing by reformulating the input examples into cloze-style prompts. This is accomplished by predicting the probabilities of the label words at the masked token position, without requiring any updates to the model parameters. However, the performance of this method is limited by the model’s bias toward predicting label words which frequently occurred during the pretraining. These words typically receive high probabilities. To address this issue, we combine the models with calibration techniques which modify the probabilities of label words predicted by the models. We first validate the effectiveness of a proposed simple calibration method together with other existing techniques on monolingual encoders in both zero- and few-shot scenarios. We subsequently employ these calibration techniques on multilingual encoders, resulting in substantial performance improvements across a wide range of tasks.

Cross-Lingual Constituency Parsing for Middle High German: A Delexicalized Approach
Ercong Nie | Helmut Schmid | Hinrich Schütze
Proceedings of the Ancient Language Processing Workshop

Constituency parsing plays a fundamental role in advancing natural language processing (NLP) tasks. However, training an automatic syntactic analysis system for ancient languages solely relying on annotated parse data is a formidable task due to the inherent challenges in building treebanks for such languages. It demands extensive linguistic expertise, leading to a scarcity of available resources. To overcome this hurdle, cross-lingual transfer techniques which require minimal or even no annotated data for low-resource target languages offer a promising solution. In this study, we focus on building a constituency parser for Middle High German (MHG) under realistic conditions, where no annotated MHG treebank is available for training. In our approach, we leverage the linguistic continuity and structural similarity between MHG and Modern German (MG), along with the abundance of MG treebank resources. Specifically, by employing the delexicalization method, we train a constituency parser on MG parse datasets and perform cross-lingual transfer to MHG parsing. Our delexicalized constituency parser demonstrates remarkable performance on the MHG test set, achieving an F1-score of 67.3%. It outperforms the best zero-shot cross-lingual baseline by a margin of 28.6% points. The encouraging results underscore the practicality and potential for automatic syntactic analysis in other ancient languages that face similar challenges as MHG.