Elizabeth Boschee


AutoTriggER: Label-Efficient and Robust Named Entity Recognition with Auxiliary Trigger Extraction
Dong-Ho Lee | Ravi Kiran Selvam | Sheikh Muhammad Sarwar | Bill Yuchen Lin | Fred Morstatter | Jay Pujara | Elizabeth Boschee | James Allan | Xiang Ren
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Deep neural models for named entity recognition (NER) have shown impressive results in overcoming label scarcity and generalizing to unseen entities by leveraging distant supervision and auxiliary information such as explanations. However, the costs of acquiring such additional information are generally prohibitive. In this paper, we present a novel two-stage framework (AutoTriggER) to improve NER performance by automatically generating and leveraging “entity triggers” which are human-readable cues in the text that help guide the model to make better decisions. Our framework leverages post-hoc explanation to generate rationales and strengthens a model’s prior knowledge using an embedding interpolation technique. This approach allows models to exploit triggers to infer entity boundaries and types instead of solely memorizing the entity words themselves. Through experiments on three well-studied NER datasets, AutoTriggER shows strong label-efficiency, is capable of generalizing to unseen entities, and outperforms the RoBERTa-CRF baseline by nearly 0.5 F1 points on average.

Massively Multi-Lingual Event Understanding: Extraction, Visualization, and Search
Chris Jenkins | Shantanu Agarwal | Joel Barry | Steven Fincke | Elizabeth Boschee
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 3: System Demonstrations)

In this paper, we present ISI-Clear, a state-of-the-art, cross-lingual, zero-shot event extraction system and accompanying user interface for event visualization & search. Using only English training data, ISI-Clear makes global events available on-demand, processing user-supplied text in 100 languages ranging from Afrikaans to Yiddish. We provide multiple event-centric views of extracted events, including both a graphical representation and a document-level summary. We also integrate existing cross-lingual search algorithms with event extraction capabilities to provide cross-lingual event-centric search, allowing English-speaking users to search over events automatically extracted from a corpus of non-English documents, using either English natural language queries (e.g. “cholera outbreaks in Iran”) or structured queries (e.g. find all events of type Disease-Outbreak with agent “cholera” and location “Iran”).


DEGREE: A Data-Efficient Generation-Based Event Extraction Model
I-Hung Hsu | Kuan-Hao Huang | Elizabeth Boschee | Scott Miller | Prem Natarajan | Kai-Wei Chang | Nanyun Peng
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Event extraction requires high-quality expert human annotations, which are usually expensive. Therefore, learning a data-efficient event extraction model that can be trained with only a few labeled examples has become a crucial challenge. In this paper, we focus on low-resource end-to-end event extraction and propose DEGREE, a data-efficient model that formulates event extraction as a conditional generation problem. Given a passage and a manually designed prompt, DEGREE learns to summarize the events mentioned in the passage into a natural sentence that follows a predefined pattern. The final event predictions are then extracted from the generated sentence with a deterministic algorithm. DEGREE has three advantages to learn well with less training data. First, our designed prompts provide semantic guidance for DEGREE to leverage DEGREE and thus better capture the event arguments. Moreover, DEGREE is capable of using additional weakly-supervised information, such as the description of events encoded in the prompts. Finally, DEGREE learns triggers and arguments jointly in an end-to-end manner, which encourages the model to better utilize the shared knowledge and dependencies among them. Our experimental results demonstrate the strong performance of DEGREE for low-resource event extraction.


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Keynote Abstract: Events on a Global Scale: Towards Language-Agnostic Event Extraction
Elizabeth Boschee
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Challenges and Applications of Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from Text (CASE 2021)

Event extraction is a challenging and exciting task in the world of machine learning & natural language processing. The breadth of events of possible interest, the speed at which surrounding socio-political event contexts evolve, and the complexities involved in generating representative annotated data all contribute to this challenge. One particular dimension of difficulty is the intrinsically global nature of events: many downstream use cases for event extraction involve reporting not just in a few major languages but in a much broader context. The languages of interest for even a fixed task may still shift from day to day, e.g. when a disease emerges in an unexpected location. Early approaches to multi-lingual event extraction (e.g. ACE) relied wholly on supervised data provided in each language of interest. Later approaches leveraged the success of machine translation to side-step the issue, simply translating foreign-language content to English and deploying English models on the result (often leaving some significant portion of the original content behind). Most recently, however, the community has begun to shown significant progress applying zero-shot transfer techniques to the problem, developing models using supervised English data but decoding in a foreign language without translation, typically using embedding spaces specifically designed to capture multi-lingual semantic content. In this talk I will discuss multiple dimensions of these promising new approaches and the linguistic representations that underlie them. I will compare them with approaches based on machine translation (as well as with models trained using in-language training data, where available), and discuss their strengths and weaknesses in different contexts, including the amount of English/foreign bitext available and the nature of the target event ontology. I will also discuss possible future directions with an eye to improving the quality of event extraction no matter its source around the globe.


LEAN-LIFE: A Label-Efficient Annotation Framework Towards Learning from Explanation
Dong-Ho Lee | Rahul Khanna | Bill Yuchen Lin | Seyeon Lee | Qinyuan Ye | Elizabeth Boschee | Leonardo Neves | Xiang Ren
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations

Successfully training a deep neural network demands a huge corpus of labeled data. However, each label only provides limited information to learn from, and collecting the requisite number of labels involves massive human effort. In this work, we introduce LEAN-LIFE, a web-based, Label-Efficient AnnotatioN framework for sequence labeling and classification tasks, with an easy-to-use UI that not only allows an annotator to provide the needed labels for a task but also enables LearnIng From Explanations for each labeling decision. Such explanations enable us to generate useful additional labeled data from unlabeled instances, bolstering the pool of available training data. On three popular NLP tasks (named entity recognition, relation extraction, sentiment analysis), we find that using this enhanced supervision allows our models to surpass competitive baseline F1 scores by more than 5-10 percentage points, while using 2X times fewer labeled instances. Our framework is the first to utilize this enhanced supervision technique and does so for three important tasks – thus providing improved annotation recommendations to users and an ability to build datasets of (data, label, explanation) triples instead of the regular (data, label) pair.

SEARCHER: Shared Embedding Architecture for Effective Retrieval
Joel Barry | Elizabeth Boschee | Marjorie Freedman | Scott Miller
Proceedings of the workshop on Cross-Language Search and Summarization of Text and Speech (CLSSTS2020)

We describe an approach to cross lingual information retrieval that does not rely on explicit translation of either document or query terms. Instead, both queries and documents are mapped into a shared embedding space where retrieval is performed. We discuss potential advantages of the approach in handling polysemy and synonymy. We present a method for training the model, and give details of the model implementation. We present experimental results for two cases: Somali-English and Bulgarian-English CLIR.

Teaching Machine Comprehension with Compositional Explanations
Qinyuan Ye | Xiao Huang | Elizabeth Boschee | Xiang Ren
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020

Advances in machine reading comprehension (MRC) rely heavily on the collection of large scale human-annotated examples in the form of (question, paragraph, answer) triples. In contrast, humans are typically able to generalize with only a few examples, relying on deeper underlying world knowledge, linguistic sophistication, and/or simply superior deductive powers. In this paper, we focus on “teaching” machines reading comprehension, using a small number of semi-structured explanations that explicitly inform machines why answer spans are correct. We extract structured variables and rules from explanations and compose neural module teachers that annotate instances for training downstream MRC models. We use learnable neural modules and soft logic to handle linguistic variation and overcome sparse coverage; the modules are jointly optimized with the MRC model to improve final performance. On the SQuAD dataset, our proposed method achieves 70.14% F1 score with supervision from 26 explanations, comparable to plain supervised learning using 1,100 labeled instances, yielding a 12x speed up.


Learning a Unified Named Entity Tagger from Multiple Partially Annotated Corpora for Efficient Adaptation
Xiao Huang | Li Dong | Elizabeth Boschee | Nanyun Peng
Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL)

Named entity recognition (NER) identifies typed entity mentions in raw text. While the task is well-established, there is no universally used tagset: often, datasets are annotated for use in downstream applications and accordingly only cover a small set of entity types relevant to a particular task. For instance, in the biomedical domain, one corpus might annotate genes, another chemicals, and another diseases—despite the texts in each corpus containing references to all three types of entities. In this paper, we propose a deep structured model to integrate these “partially annotated” datasets to jointly identify all entity types appearing in the training corpora. By leveraging multiple datasets, the model can learn robust input representations; by building a joint structured model, it avoids potential conflicts caused by combining several models’ predictions at test time. Experiments show that the proposed model significantly outperforms strong multi-task learning baselines when training on multiple, partially annotated datasets and testing on datasets that contain tags from more than one of the training corpora.

SARAL: A Low-Resource Cross-Lingual Domain-Focused Information Retrieval System for Effective Rapid Document Triage
Elizabeth Boschee | Joel Barry | Jayadev Billa | Marjorie Freedman | Thamme Gowda | Constantine Lignos | Chester Palen-Michel | Michael Pust | Banriskhem Kayang Khonglah | Srikanth Madikeri | Jonathan May | Scott Miller
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations

With the increasing democratization of electronic media, vast information resources are available in less-frequently-taught languages such as Swahili or Somali. That information, which may be crucially important and not available elsewhere, can be difficult for monolingual English speakers to effectively access. In this paper we present an end-to-end cross-lingual information retrieval (CLIR) and summarization system for low-resource languages that 1) enables English speakers to search foreign language repositories of text and audio using English queries, 2) summarizes the retrieved documents in English with respect to a particular information need, and 3) provides complete transcriptions and translations as needed. The SARAL system achieved the top end-to-end performance in the most recent IARPA MATERIAL CLIR+summarization evaluations. Our demonstration system provides end-to-end open query retrieval and summarization capability, and presents the original source text or audio, speech transcription, and machine translation, for two low resource languages.


Last Words: What Can Be Accomplished with the State of the Art in Information Extraction? A Personal View
Ralph Weischedel | Elizabeth Boschee
Computational Linguistics, Volume 44, Issue 4 - December 2018

Though information extraction (IE) research has more than a 25-year history, F1 scores remain low. Thus, one could question continued investment in IE research. In this article, we present three applications where information extraction of entities, relations, and/or events has been used, and note the common features that seem to have led to success. We also identify key research challenges whose solution seems essential for broader successes. Because a few practical deployments already exist and because breakthroughs on particular challenges would greatly broaden the technology’s deployment, further R and D investments are justified.


Learning to Translate for Multilingual Question Answering
Ferhan Ture | Elizabeth Boschee
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing


Learning to Translate: A Query-Specific Combination Approach for Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval
Ferhan Ture | Elizabeth Boschee
Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)


Extreme Extraction – Machine Reading in a Week
Marjorie Freedman | Lance Ramshaw | Elizabeth Boschee | Ryan Gabbard | Gary Kratkiewicz | Nicolas Ward | Ralph Weischedel
Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing


Empirical Studies in Learning to Read
Marjorie Freedman | Edward Loper | Elizabeth Boschee | Ralph Weischedel
Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First International Workshop on Formalisms and Methodology for Learning by Reading


Experiments in Multi-Modal Automatic Content Extraction
Lance Ramshaw | Elizabeth Boschee | Sergey Bratus | Scott Miller | Rebecca Stone | Ralph Weischedel | Alex Zamanian
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Human Language Technology Research