Dongyeop Kang


Which Modality should I use - Text, Motif, or Image? : Understanding Graphs with Large Language Models
Debarati Das | Ishaan Gupta | Jaideep Srivastava | Dongyeop Kang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024

Our research integrates graph data with Large Language Models (LLMs), which, despite their advancements in various fields using large text corpora, face limitations in encoding entire graphs due to context size constraints. This paper introduces a new approach to encoding a graph with diverse modalities, such as text, image, and motif, coupled with prompts to approximate a graph’s global connectivity, thereby enhancing LLMs’ efficiency in processing complex graph structures. The study also presents GraphTMI, a novel benchmark for evaluating LLMs in graph structure analysis, focusing on homophily, motif presence, and graph difficulty. Key findings indicate that the image modality, especially with vision-language models like GPT-4V, is superior to text in balancing token limits and preserving essential information and comes close to prior graph neural net (GNN) encoders. Furthermore, the research assesses how various factors affect the performance of each encoding modality and outlines the existing challenges and potential future developments for LLMs in graph understanding and reasoning tasks. Our code and data are publicly available on our project page -

Benchmarking Cognitive Biases in Large Language Models as Evaluators
Ryan Koo | Minhwa Lee | Vipul Raheja | Jong Inn Park | Zae Myung Kim | Dongyeop Kang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Large Language Models (LLMs) have recently been shown to be effective as automatic evaluators with simple prompting and in-context learning. In this work, we assemble 16 LLMs encompassing four different size ranges and evaluate their output responses by preference ranking from the other LLMs as evaluators, such as System Star is better than System Square. We then evaluate the quality of ranking outputs introducing the Cognitive Bias Benchmark for LLMs as Evaluators (CoBBLer), a benchmark to measure six different cognitive biases in LLM evaluation outputs, such as the Egocentric bias where a model prefers to rank its own outputs highly in evaluation. We find that LLMs are biased text quality evaluators, exhibiting strong indications on our bias benchmark (40% of comparisons made by all models) within each of their evaluations that question their robustness as evaluators. Furthermore, we examine the correlation between human and machine preferences and calculate the average Rank-Biased Overlap (RBO) score to be 44%, indicating that machine preferences are misaligned with humans. According to our findings, LLMs may still be unable to be utilized for automatic annotation aligned with human preferences.

II-MMR: Identifying and Improving Multi-modal Multi-hop Reasoning in Visual Question Answering
Jihyung Kil | Farideh Tavazoee | Dongyeop Kang | Joo-Kyung Kim
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Visual Question Answering (VQA) often involves diverse reasoning scenarios across Vision and Language (V&L). Most prior VQA studies, however, have merely focused on assessing the model’s overall accuracy without evaluating it on different reasoning cases. Furthermore, some recent works observe that conventional Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting fails to generate effective reasoning for VQA, especially for complex scenarios requiring multi-hop reasoning. In this paper, we propose II-MMR, a novel idea to identify and improve multi-modal multi-hop reasoning in VQA. In specific, II-MMR takes a VQA question with an image and finds a reasoning path to reach its answer using two novel language promptings: (i) answer prediction-guided CoT prompt, or (ii) knowledge triplet-guided prompt. II-MMR then analyzes this path to identify different reasoning cases in current VQA benchmarks by estimating how many hops and what types (i.e., visual or beyond-visual) of reasoning are required to answer the question. On popular benchmarks including GQA and A-OKVQA, II-MMR observes that most of their VQA questions are easy to answer, simply demanding “single-hop” reasoning, whereas only a few questions require “multi-hop” reasoning. Moreover, while the recent V&L model struggles with such complex multi-hop reasoning questions even using the traditional CoT method, II-MMR shows its effectiveness across all reasoning cases in both zero-shot and fine-tuning settings.

SkOTaPA: A Dataset for Skepticism Detection in Online Text after Persuasion Attempt
Smitha Muthya Sudheendra | Maral Abdollahi | Dongyeop Kang | Jisu Huh | Jaideep Srivastava
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Individuals often encounter persuasion attempts, during which a persuasion agent aims to persuade a target to change the target’s emotions, beliefs, and behaviors. These persuasion attempts can be observed in various social settings, such as advertising, public health, political campaigns, and personal relationships. During these persuasion attempts, targets generally like to preserve their autonomy, so their responses often manifest in some form of resistance, like a skeptical reaction. In order to detect such skepticism in response to persuasion attempts on social media, we developed a corpus based on consumer psychology. In this paper, we consider one of the most prominent areas in which persuasion attempts unfold: social media influencer marketing. In this paper, we introduce the skepticism detection corpus, SkOTaPA, which was developed using multiple independent human annotations, and inter-coder reliability was evaluated with Krippendorff’s alpha (0.709). We performed validity tests to show skepticism cannot be detected using other potential proxy variables like sentiment and sarcasm.

Tuning Large Multimodal Models for Videos using Reinforcement Learning from AI Feedback
Daechul Ahn | Yura Choi | Youngjae Yu | Dongyeop Kang | Jonghyun Choi
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Recent advancements in large language models have influenced the development of video large multimodal models (VLMMs). Previous approaches for VLMMs involve Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) with instruction-tuned datasets, integrating LLM with visual encoders, and additional learnable parameters. Here, aligning video with text, and vice versa, remains a challenge, primarily due to the insufficient quality and quantity of multimodal instruction-tune data compared to that of text-only. This discrepancy often results in alignments that poorly ground the video content. To address this, we present a novel alignment strategy that employs a multimodal AI system equipped with Reinforcement Learning from AI Feedback (RLAIF), providing self-preference feedback to refine itself and facilitating the alignment of video and text modalities. Our approach uniquely integrates detailed video descriptions as context into a multimodal AI system during the preference feedback generation to enrich the understanding of video content, a process we call context-aware reward modeling. Empirical evaluations on various video benchmarks demonstrate that our VLM-RLAIF outperforms existing approaches, including the SFT model. We commit to open-sourcing our code, models, and datasets to foster further research in this area.

Threads of Subtlety: Detecting Machine-Generated Texts Through Discourse Motifs
Zae Myung Kim | Kwang Lee | Preston Zhu | Vipul Raheja | Dongyeop Kang
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

With the advent of large language models (LLM), the line between human-crafted and machine-generated texts has become increasingly blurred. This paper delves into the inquiry of identifying discernible and unique linguistic properties in texts that were written by humans, particularly uncovering the underlying discourse structures of texts beyond their surface structures. Introducing a novel methodology, we leverage hierarchical parse trees and recursive hypergraphs to unveil distinctive discourse patterns in texts produced by both LLMs and humans. Empirical findings demonstrate that, although both LLMs and humans generate distinct discourse patterns influenced by specific domains, human-written texts exhibit more structural variability, reflecting the nuanced nature of human writing in different domains. Notably, incorporating hierarchical discourse features enhances binary classifiers’ overall performance in distinguishing between human-written and machine-generated texts, even on out-of-distribution and paraphrased samples. This underscores the significance of incorporating hierarchical discourse features in the analysis of text patterns. The code and dataset will be available at [TBA].


An Analysis of Reader Engagement in Literary Fiction through Eye Tracking and Linguistic Features
Rose Neis | Karin De Langis | Zae Myung Kim | Dongyeop Kang
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Narrative Understanding

Capturing readers’ engagement in fiction is a challenging but important aspect of narrative understanding. In this study, we collected 23 readers’ reactions to 2 short stories through eye tracking, sentence-level annotations, and an overall engagement scale survey. We analyzed the significance of various qualities of the text in predicting how engaging a reader is likely to find it. As enjoyment of fiction is highly contextual, we also investigated individual differences in our data. Furthering our understanding of what captivates readers in fiction will help better inform models used in creative narrative generation and collaborative writing tools.

Dialogue Chain-of-Thought Distillation for Commonsense-aware Conversational Agents
Hyungjoo Chae | Yongho Song | Kai Ong | Taeyoon Kwon | Minjin Kim | Youngjae Yu | Dongha Lee | Dongyeop Kang | Jinyoung Yeo
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Human-like chatbots necessitate the use of commonsense reasoning in order to effectively comprehend and respond to implicit information present within conversations. Achieving such coherence and informativeness in responses, however, is a non-trivial task. Even for large language models (LLMs), the task of identifying and aggregating key evidence within a single hop presents a substantial challenge. This complexity arises because such evidence is scattered across multiple turns in a conversation, thus necessitating integration over multiple hops. Hence, our focus is to facilitate such multi-hop reasoning over a dialogue context, namely dialogue chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning. To this end, we propose a knowledge distillation framework that leverages LLMs as unreliable teachers and selectively distills consistent and helpful rationales via alignment filters. We further present DOCTOR, a DialOgue Chain-of-ThOught Reasoner that provides reliable CoT rationales for response generation. We conduct extensive experiments to show that enhancing dialogue agents with high-quality rationales from DOCTOR significantly improves the quality of their responses.

A Comparative Study on Textual Saliency of Styles from Eye Tracking, Annotations, and Language Models
Karin de Langis | Dongyeop Kang
Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL)

There is growing interest in incorporating eye-tracking data and other implicit measures of human language processing into natural language processing (NLP) pipelines. The data from human language processing contain unique insight into human linguistic understanding that could be exploited by language models. However, many unanswered questions remain about the nature of this data and how it can best be utilized in downstream NLP tasks. In this paper, we present EyeStyliency, an eye-tracking dataset for human processing of stylistic text (e.g., politeness). We develop an experimental protocol to collect these style-specific eye movements. We further investigate how this saliency data compares to both human annotation methods and model-based interpretability metrics. We find that while eye-tracking data is unique, it also intersects with both human annotations and model-based importance scores, providing a possible bridge between human- and machine-based perspectives. We propose utilizing this type of data to evaluate the cognitive plausibility of models that interpret style. Our eye-tracking data and processing code are publicly available.

Quirk or Palmer: A Comparative Study of Modal Verb Frameworks with Annotated Datasets
Risako Owan | Maria Gini | Dongyeop Kang
Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL)

Modal verbs, such as can, may, and must, are commonly used in daily communication to convey the speaker’s perspective related to the likelihood and/or mode of the proposition. They can differ greatly in meaning depending on how they’re used and the context of a sentence (e.g. “They must help each other out.” vs. “They must have helped each other out.”). Despite their practical importance in natural language understanding, linguists have yet to agree on a single, prominent framework for the categorization of modal verb senses. This lack of agreement stems from high degrees of flexibility and polysemy from the modal verbs, making it more difficult for researchers to incorporate insights from this family of words into their work. As a tool to help navigate this issue, this work presents MoVerb, a dataset consisting of 27,240 annotations of modal verb senses over 4,540 utterances containing one or more sentences from social conversations. Each utterance is annotated by three annotators using two different theoretical frameworks (i.e., Quirk and Palmer) of modal verb senses. We observe that both frameworks have similar inter-annotator agreements, despite having a different number of sense labels (eight for Quirk and three for Palmer). With RoBERTa-based classifiers fine-tuned on MoVerb, we achieve F1 scores of 82.2 and 78.3 on Quirk and Palmer, respectively, showing that modal verb sense disambiguation is not a trivial task.

Balancing the Effect of Training Dataset Distribution of Multiple Styles for Multi-Style Text Transfer
Debarati Das | David Ma | Dongyeop Kang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Text style transfer is an exciting task within the field of natural language generation that is often plagued by the need for high-quality paired datasets. Furthermore, training a model for multi-attribute text style transfer requires datasets with sufficient support across all combinations of the considered stylistic attributes, adding to the challenges of training a style transfer model. This paper explores the impact of training data input diversity on the quality of the generated text from the multi-style transfer model. We construct a pseudo-parallel dataset by devising heuristics to adjust the style distribution in the training samples. We balance our training dataset using marginal and joint distributions to train our style transfer models. We observe that a balanced dataset produces more effective control effects over multiple styles than an imbalanced or skewed one. Through quantitative analysis, we explore the impact of multiple style distributions in training data on style-transferred output. These findings will better inform the design of style-transfer datasets.

CoEdIT: Text Editing by Task-Specific Instruction Tuning
Vipul Raheja | Dhruv Kumar | Ryan Koo | Dongyeop Kang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

We introduce CoEdIT, a state-of-the-art text editing system for writing assistance. CoEdIT takes instructions from the user specifying the attributes of the desired text, such as “Make the sentence simpler” or “Write it in a more neutral style,” and outputs the edited text. We present a large language model fine-tuned on a diverse collection of task-specific instructions for text editing (a total of 82K instructions). Our model (1) achieves state-of-the-art performance on various text editing benchmarks, (2) is competitive with publicly available largest-sized LLMs trained on instructions while being ~60x smaller, (3) is capable of generalizing to unseen edit instructions, and (4) exhibits abilities to generalize to composite instructions containing different combinations of edit actions. Through extensive qualitative and quantitative analysis, we show that writers prefer the edits suggested by CoEdIT relative to other state-of-the-art text editing models. Our code, data, and models are publicly available at

Cluster-Guided Label Generation in Extreme Multi-Label Classification
Taehee Jung | Joo-kyung Kim | Sungjin Lee | Dongyeop Kang
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

For extreme multi-label classification (XMC), existing classification-based models poorly per- form for tail labels and often ignore the semantic relations among labels, like treating”Wikipedia” and “Wiki” as independent and separate labels. In this paper, we cast XMC as a generation task (XLGen), where we benefit from pre-trained text-to-text models. However, generating labels from the extremely large label space is challenging without any constraints or guidance. We, therefore, propose to guide label generation using label cluster information to hierarchically generate lower-level labels. We also find that frequency-based label ordering and using decoding ensemble methods are critical factors for the improvements in XLGen. XLGen with cluster guidance significantly outperforms the classification and generation baselines on tail labels, and also generally improves the overall performance in four popular XMC benchmarks. In human evaluation, we also find XLGen generates unseen but plausible labels. Our code is now available at

StyLEx: Explaining Style Using Human Lexical Annotations
Shirley Anugrah Hayati | Kyumin Park | Dheeraj Rajagopal | Lyle Ungar | Dongyeop Kang
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Large pre-trained language models have achieved impressive results on various style classification tasks, but they often learn spurious domain-specific words to make predictions (Hayati et al., 2021). While human explanation highlights stylistic tokens as important features for this task, we observe that model explanations often do not align with them. To tackle this issue, we introduce StyLEx, a model that learns from human annotated explanations of stylistic features and jointly learns to perform the task and predict these features as model explanations. Our experiments show that StyLEx can provide human like stylistic lexical explanations without sacrificing the performance of sentence-level style prediction on both in-domain and out-of-domain datasets. Explanations from StyLEx show significant improvements in explanation metrics (sufficiency, plausibility) and when evaluated with human annotations. They are also more understandable by human judges compared to the widely-used saliency-based explanation baseline.

infoVerse: A Universal Framework for Dataset Characterization with Multidimensional Meta-information
Jaehyung Kim | Yekyung Kim | Karin de Langis | Jinwoo Shin | Dongyeop Kang
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

The success of NLP systems often relies on the availability of large, high-quality datasets. However, not all samples in these datasets are equally valuable for learning, as some may be redundant or noisy. Several methods for characterizing datasets based on model-driven meta-information (e.g., model’s confidence) have been developed, but the relationship and complementary effects of these methods have received less attention. In this paper, we introduce infoVerse, a universal framework for dataset characterization, which provides a new feature space that effectively captures multidimensional characteristics of datasets by incorporating various model-driven meta-information. infoVerse reveals distinctive regions of the dataset that are not apparent in the original semantic space, hence guiding users (or models) in identifying which samples to focus on for exploration, assessment, or annotation. Additionally, we propose a novel sampling method on infoVerse to select a set of data points that maximizes informativeness. In three real-world applications (data pruning, active learning, and data annotation), the samples chosen on infoVerse space consistently outperform strong baselines in all applications. Our code and demo are publicly available.

Rethinking Annotation: Can Language Learners Contribute?
Haneul Yoo | Rifki Afina Putri | Changyoon Lee | Youngin Lee | So-Yeon Ahn | Dongyeop Kang | Alice Oh
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Researchers have traditionally recruited native speakers to provide annotations for the widely used benchmark datasets. But there are languages for which recruiting native speakers is difficult, and it would help to get learners of those languages to annotate the data. In this paper, we investigate whether language learners can contribute annotations to the benchmark datasets. In a carefully controlled annotation experiment, we recruit 36 language learners, provide two types of additional resources (dictionaries and machine-translated sentences), and perform mini-tests to measure their language proficiency. We target three languages, English, Korean, and Indonesian, and four NLP tasks, sentiment analysis, natural language inference, named entity recognition, and machine reading comprehension. We find that language learners, especially those with intermediate or advanced language proficiency, are able to provide fairly accurate labels with the help of additional resources. Moreover, we show that data annotation improves learners’ language proficiency in terms of vocabulary and grammar. The implication of our findings is that broadening the annotation task to include language learners can open up the opportunity to build benchmark datasets for languages for which it is difficult to recruit native speakers.


Improving Iterative Text Revision by Learning Where to Edit from Other Revision Tasks
Zae Myung Kim | Wanyu Du | Vipul Raheja | Dhruv Kumar | Dongyeop Kang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Iterative text revision improves text quality by fixing grammatical errors, rephrasing for better readability or contextual appropriateness, or reorganizing sentence structures throughout a document.Most recent research has focused on understanding and classifying different types of edits in the iterative revision process from human-written text instead of building accurate and robust systems for iterative text revision.In this work, we aim to build an end-to-end text revision system that can iteratively generate helpful edits by explicitly detecting editable spans (where-to-edit) with their corresponding edit intents and then instructing a revision model to revise the detected edit spans.Leveraging datasets from other related text editing NLP tasks, combined with the specification of editable spans, leads our system to more accurately model the process of iterative text refinement, as evidenced by empirical results and human evaluations.Our system significantly outperforms previous baselines on our text revision tasks and other standard text revision tasks, including grammatical error correction, text simplification, sentence fusion, and style transfer.Through extensive qualitative and quantitative analysis, we make vital connections between edit intentions and writing quality, and better computational modeling of iterative text revisions.

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Proceedings of the First Workshop on Intelligent and Interactive Writing Assistants (In2Writing 2022)
Ting-Hao 'Kenneth' Huang | Vipul Raheja | Dongyeop Kang | John Joon Young Chung | Daniel Gissin | Mina Lee | Katy Ilonka Gero
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Intelligent and Interactive Writing Assistants (In2Writing 2022)

Read, Revise, Repeat: A System Demonstration for Human-in-the-loop Iterative Text Revision
Wanyu Du | Zae Myung Kim | Vipul Raheja | Dhruv Kumar | Dongyeop Kang
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Intelligent and Interactive Writing Assistants (In2Writing 2022)

Revision is an essential part of the human writing process. It tends to be strategic, adaptive, and, more importantly, iterative in nature. Despite the success of large language models on text revision tasks, they are limited to non-iterative, one-shot revisions. Examining and evaluating the capability of large language models for making continuous revisions and collaborating with human writers is a critical step towards building effective writing assistants. In this work, we present a human-in-the-loop iterative text revision system, Read, Revise, Repeat (R3), which aims at achieving high quality text revisions with minimal human efforts by reading model-generated revisions and user feedbacks, revising documents, and repeating human-machine interactions. In R3, a text revision model provides text editing suggestions for human writers, who can accept or reject the suggested edits. The accepted edits are then incorporated into the model for the next iteration of document revision. Writers can therefore revise documents iteratively by interacting with the system and simply accepting/rejecting its suggested edits until the text revision model stops making further revisions or reaches a predefined maximum number of revisions. Empirical experiments show that R3 can generate revisions with comparable acceptance rate to human writers at early revision depths, and the human-machine interaction can get higher quality revisions with fewer iterations and edits. The collected human-model interaction dataset and system code are available at Our system demonstration is available at

User or Labor: An Interaction Framework for Human-Machine Relationships in NLP
Ruyuan Wan | Naome Etori | Karla Badillo-urquiola | Dongyeop Kang
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Data Science with Human-in-the-Loop (Language Advances)

The bridging research between Human-Computer Interaction and Natural Language Processing is developing quickly these years. However, there is still a lack of formative guidelines to understand the human-machine interaction in the NLP loop. When researchers crossing the two fields talk about humans, they may imply a user or labor. Regarding a human as a user, the human is in control, and the machine is used as a tool to achieve the human’s goals. Considering a human as a laborer, the machine is in control, and the human is used as a resource to achieve the machine’s goals. Through a systematic literature review and thematic analysis, we present an interaction framework for understanding human-machine relationships in NLP. In the framework, we propose four types of human-machine interactions: Human-Teacher and Machine-Learner, Machine-Leading, Human-Leading, and Human-Machine Collaborators. Our analysis shows that the type of interaction is not fixed but can change across tasks as the relationship between the human and the machine develops. We also discuss the implications of this framework for the future of NLP and human-machine relationships.

Understanding Iterative Revision from Human-Written Text
Wanyu Du | Vipul Raheja | Dhruv Kumar | Zae Myung Kim | Melissa Lopez | Dongyeop Kang
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Writing is, by nature, a strategic, adaptive, and, more importantly, an iterative process. A crucial part of writing is editing and revising the text. Previous works on text revision have focused on defining edit intention taxonomies within a single domain or developing computational models with a single level of edit granularity, such as sentence-level edits, which differ from human’s revision cycles. This work describes IteraTeR: the first large-scale, multi-domain, edit-intention annotated corpus of iteratively revised text. In particular, IteraTeR is collected based on a new framework to comprehensively model the iterative text revisions that generalizes to a variety of domains, edit intentions, revision depths, and granularities. When we incorporate our annotated edit intentions, both generative and action-based text revision models significantly improve automatic evaluations. Through our work, we better understand the text revision process, making vital connections between edit intentions and writing quality, enabling the creation of diverse corpora to support computational modeling of iterative text revisions.


Style is NOT a single variable: Case Studies for Cross-Stylistic Language Understanding
Dongyeop Kang | Eduard Hovy
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Every natural text is written in some style. Style is formed by a complex combination of different stylistic factors, including formality markers, emotions, metaphors, etc. One cannot form a complete understanding of a text without considering these factors. The factors combine and co-vary in complex ways to form styles. Studying the nature of the covarying combinations sheds light on stylistic language in general, sometimes called cross-style language understanding. This paper provides the benchmark corpus (XSLUE) that combines existing datasets and collects a new one for sentence-level cross-style language understanding and evaluation. The benchmark contains text in 15 different styles under the proposed four theoretical groupings: figurative, personal, affective, and interpersonal groups. For valid evaluation, we collect an additional diagnostic set by annotating all 15 styles on the same text. Using XSLUE, we propose three interesting cross-style applications in classification, correlation, and generation. First, our proposed cross-style classifier trained with multiple styles together helps improve overall classification performance against individually-trained style classifiers. Second, our study shows that some styles are highly dependent on each other in human-written text. Finally, we find that combinations of some contradictive styles likely generate stylistically less appropriate text. We believe our benchmark and case studies help explore interesting future directions for cross-style research. The preprocessed datasets and code are publicly available.

Modeling Mathematical Notation Semantics in Academic Papers
Hwiyeol Jo | Dongyeop Kang | Andrew Head | Marti A. Hearst
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021

Natural language models often fall short when understanding and generating mathematical notation. What is not clear is whether these shortcomings are due to fundamental limitations of the models, or the absence of appropriate tasks. In this paper, we explore the extent to which natural language models can learn semantics between mathematical notation and their surrounding text. We propose two notation prediction tasks, and train a model that selectively masks notation tokens and encodes left and/or right sentences as context. Compared to baseline models trained by masked language modeling, our method achieved significantly better performance at the two tasks, showing that this approach is a good first step towards modeling mathematical texts. However, the current models rarely predict unseen symbols correctly, and token-level predictions are more accurate than symbol-level predictions, indicating more work is needed to represent structural patterns. Based on the results, we suggest future works toward modeling mathematical texts.

Visualizing Cross‐Lingual Discourse Relations in Multilingual TED Corpora
Zae Myung Kim | Vassilina Nikoulina | Dongyeop Kang | Didier Schwab | Laurent Besacier
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Computational Approaches to Discourse

This paper presents an interactive data dashboard that provides users with an overview of the preservation of discourse relations among 28 language pairs. We display a graph network depicting the cross-lingual discourse relations between a pair of languages for multilingual TED talks and provide a search function to look for sentences with specific keywords or relation types, facilitating ease of analysis on the cross-lingual discourse relations.

Does BERT Learn as Humans Perceive? Understanding Linguistic Styles through Lexica
Shirley Anugrah Hayati | Dongyeop Kang | Lyle Ungar
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

People convey their intention and attitude through linguistic styles of the text that they write. In this study, we investigate lexicon usages across styles throughout two lenses: human perception and machine word importance, since words differ in the strength of the stylistic cues that they provide. To collect labels of human perception, we curate a new dataset, Hummingbird, on top of benchmarking style datasets. We have crowd workers highlight the representative words in the text that makes them think the text has the following styles: politeness, sentiment, offensiveness, and five emotion types. We then compare these human word labels with word importance derived from a popular fine-tuned style classifier like BERT. Our results show that the BERT often finds content words not relevant to the target style as important words used in style prediction, but humans do not perceive the same way even though for some styles (e.g., positive sentiment and joy) human- and machine-identified words share significant overlap for some styles.


Document-Level Definition Detection in Scholarly Documents: Existing Models, Error Analyses, and Future Directions
Dongyeop Kang | Andrew Head | Risham Sidhu | Kyle Lo | Daniel Weld | Marti A. Hearst
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing

The task of definition detection is important for scholarly papers, because papers often make use of technical terminology that may be unfamiliar to readers. Despite prior work on definition detection, current approaches are far from being accurate enough to use in realworld applications. In this paper, we first perform in-depth error analysis of the current best performing definition detection system and discover major causes of errors. Based on this analysis, we develop a new definition detection system, HEDDEx, that utilizes syntactic features, transformer encoders, and heuristic filters, and evaluate it on a standard sentence-level benchmark. Because current benchmarks evaluate randomly sampled sentences, we propose an alternative evaluation that assesses every sentence within a document. This allows for evaluating recall in addition to precision. HEDDEx outperforms the leading system on both the sentence-level and the document-level tasks, by 12.7 F1 points and 14.4 F1 points, respectively. We note that performance on the high-recall document-level task is much lower than in the standard evaluation approach, due to the necessity of incorporation of document structure as features. We discuss remaining challenges in document-level definition detection, ideas for improvements, and potential issues for the development of reading aid applications.

Posterior Calibrated Training on Sentence Classification Tasks
Taehee Jung | Dongyeop Kang | Hua Cheng | Lucas Mentch | Thomas Schaaf
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Most classification models work by first predicting a posterior probability distribution over all classes and then selecting that class with the largest estimated probability. In many settings however, the quality of posterior probability itself (e.g., 65% chance having diabetes), gives more reliable information than the final predicted class alone. When these methods are shown to be poorly calibrated, most fixes to date have relied on posterior calibration, which rescales the predicted probabilities but often has little impact on final classifications. Here we propose an end-to-end training procedure called posterior calibrated (PosCal) training that directly optimizes the objective while minimizing the difference between the predicted and empirical posterior probabilities. We show that PosCal not only helps reduce the calibration error but also improve task performance by penalizing drops in performance of both objectives. Our PosCal achieves about 2.5% of task performance gain and 16.1% of calibration error reduction on GLUE (Wang et al., 2018) compared to the baseline. We achieved the comparable task performance with 13.2% calibration error reduction on xSLUE (Kang and Hovy, 2019), but not outperforming the two-stage calibration baseline. PosCal training can be easily extendable to any types of classification tasks as a form of regularization term. Also, PosCal has the advantage that it incrementally tracks needed statistics for the calibration objective during the training process, making efficient use of large training sets.

Plan ahead: Self-Supervised Text Planning for Paragraph Completion Task
Dongyeop Kang | Eduard Hovy
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Despite the recent success of contextualized language models on various NLP tasks, language model itself cannot capture textual coherence of a long, multi-sentence document (e.g., a paragraph). Humans often make structural decisions on what and how to say about before making utterances. Guiding surface realization with such high-level decisions and structuring text in a coherent way is essentially called a planning process. Where can the model learn such high-level coherence? A paragraph itself contains various forms of inductive coherence signals called self-supervision in this work, such as sentence orders, topical keywords, rhetorical structures, and so on. Motivated by that, this work proposes a new paragraph completion task PARCOM; predicting masked sentences in a paragraph. However, the task suffers from predicting and selecting appropriate topical content with respect to the given context. To address that, we propose a self-supervised text planner SSPlanner that predicts what to say first (content prediction), then guides the pretrained language model (surface realization) using the predicted content. SSPlanner outperforms the baseline generation models on the paragraph completion task in both automatic and human evaluation. We also find that a combination of noun and verb types of keywords is the most effective for content selection. As more number of content keywords are provided, overall generation quality also increases.

INSPIRED: Toward Sociable Recommendation Dialog Systems
Shirley Anugrah Hayati | Dongyeop Kang | Qingxiaoyang Zhu | Weiyan Shi | Zhou Yu
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

In recommendation dialogs, humans commonly disclose their preference and make recommendations in a friendly manner. However, this is a challenge when developing a sociable recommendation dialog system, due to the lack of dialog dataset annotated with such sociable strategies. Therefore, we present INSPIRED, a new dataset of 1,001 human-human dialogs for movie recommendation with measures for successful recommendations. To better understand how humans make recommendations in communication, we design an annotation scheme related to recommendation strategies based on social science theories and annotate these dialogs. Our analysis shows that sociable recommendation strategies, such as sharing personal opinions or communicating with encouragement, more frequently lead to successful recommendations. Based on our dataset, we train end-to-end recommendation dialog systems with and without our strategy labels. In both automatic and human evaluation, our model with strategy incorporation outperforms the baseline model. This work is a first step for building sociable recommendation dialog systems with a basis of social science theories.

GenAug: Data Augmentation for Finetuning Text Generators
Steven Y. Feng | Varun Gangal | Dongyeop Kang | Teruko Mitamura | Eduard Hovy
Proceedings of Deep Learning Inside Out (DeeLIO): The First Workshop on Knowledge Extraction and Integration for Deep Learning Architectures

In this paper, we investigate data augmentation for text generation, which we call GenAug. Text generation and language modeling are important tasks within natural language processing, and are especially challenging for low-data regimes. We propose and evaluate various augmentation methods, including some that incorporate external knowledge, for finetuning GPT-2 on a subset of Yelp Reviews. We also examine the relationship between the amount of augmentation and the quality of the generated text. We utilize several metrics that evaluate important aspects of the generated text including its diversity and fluency. Our experiments demonstrate that insertion of character-level synthetic noise and keyword replacement with hypernyms are effective augmentation methods, and that the quality of generations improves to a peak at approximately three times the amount of original data.


(Male, Bachelor) and (Female, Ph.D) have different connotations: Parallelly Annotated Stylistic Language Dataset with Multiple Personas
Dongyeop Kang | Varun Gangal | Eduard Hovy
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Stylistic variation in text needs to be studied with different aspects including the writer’s personal traits, interpersonal relations, rhetoric, and more. Despite recent attempts on computational modeling of the variation, the lack of parallel corpora of style language makes it difficult to systematically control the stylistic change as well as evaluate such models. We release PASTEL, the parallel and annotated stylistic language dataset, that contains ~41K parallel sentences (8.3K parallel stories) annotated across different personas. Each persona has different styles in conjunction: gender, age, country, political view, education, ethnic, and time-of-writing. The dataset is collected from human annotators with solid control of input denotation: not only preserving original meaning between text, but promoting stylistic diversity to annotators. We test the dataset on two interesting applications of style language, where PASTEL helps design appropriate experiment and evaluation. First, in predicting a target style (e.g., male or female in gender) given a text, multiple styles of PASTEL make other external style variables controlled (or fixed), which is a more accurate experimental design. Second, a simple supervised model with our parallel text outperforms the unsupervised models using nonparallel text in style transfer. Our dataset is publicly available.

Recommendation as a Communication Game: Self-Supervised Bot-Play for Goal-oriented Dialogue
Dongyeop Kang | Anusha Balakrishnan | Pararth Shah | Paul Crook | Y-Lan Boureau | Jason Weston
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Traditional recommendation systems produce static rather than interactive recommendations invariant to a user’s specific requests, clarifications, or current mood, and can suffer from the cold-start problem if their tastes are unknown. These issues can be alleviated by treating recommendation as an interactive dialogue task instead, where an expert recommender can sequentially ask about someone’s preferences, react to their requests, and recommend more appropriate items. In this work, we collect a goal-driven recommendation dialogue dataset (GoRecDial), which consists of 9,125 dialogue games and 81,260 conversation turns between pairs of human workers recommending movies to each other. The task is specifically designed as a cooperative game between two players working towards a quantifiable common goal. We leverage the dataset to develop an end-to-end dialogue system that can simultaneously converse and recommend. Models are first trained to imitate the behavior of human players without considering the task goal itself (supervised training). We then finetune our models on simulated bot-bot conversations between two paired pre-trained models (bot-play), in order to achieve the dialogue goal. Our experiments show that models finetuned with bot-play learn improved dialogue strategies, reach the dialogue goal more often when paired with a human, and are rated as more consistent by humans compared to models trained without bot-play. The dataset and code are publicly available through the ParlAI framework.

Earlier Isn’t Always Better: Sub-aspect Analysis on Corpus and System Biases in Summarization
Taehee Jung | Dongyeop Kang | Lucas Mentch | Eduard Hovy
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Despite the recent developments on neural summarization systems, the underlying logic behind the improvements from the systems and its corpus-dependency remains largely unexplored. Position of sentences in the original text, for example, is a well known bias for news summarization. Following in the spirit of the claim that summarization is a combination of sub-functions, we define three sub-aspects of summarization: position, importance, and diversity and conduct an extensive analysis of the biases of each sub-aspect with respect to the domain of nine different summarization corpora (e.g., news, academic papers, meeting minutes, movie script, books, posts). We find that while position exhibits substantial bias in news articles, this is not the case, for example, with academic papers and meeting minutes. Furthermore, our empirical study shows that different types of summarization systems (e.g., neural-based) are composed of different degrees of the sub-aspects. Our study provides useful lessons regarding consideration of underlying sub-aspects when collecting a new summarization dataset or developing a new system.

Linguistic Versus Latent Relations for Modeling Coherent Flow in Paragraphs
Dongyeop Kang | Eduard Hovy
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Generating a long, coherent text such as a paragraph requires a high-level control of different levels of relations between sentences (e.g., tense, coreference). We call such a logical connection between sentences as a (paragraph) flow. In order to produce a coherent flow of text, we explore two forms of intersentential relations in a paragraph: one is a human-created linguistical relation that forms a structure (e.g., discourse tree) and the other is a relation from latent representation learned from the sentences themselves. Our two proposed models incorporate each form of relations into document-level language models: the former is a supervised model that jointly learns a language model as well as discourse relation prediction, and the latter is an unsupervised model that is hierarchically conditioned by a recurrent neural network (RNN) over the latent information. Our proposed models with both forms of relations outperform the baselines in partially conditioned paragraph generation task. Our codes and data are publicly available.


A Dataset of Peer Reviews (PeerRead): Collection, Insights and NLP Applications
Dongyeop Kang | Waleed Ammar | Bhavana Dalvi | Madeleine van Zuylen | Sebastian Kohlmeier | Eduard Hovy | Roy Schwartz
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long Papers)

Peer reviewing is a central component in the scientific publishing process. We present the first public dataset of scientific peer reviews available for research purposes (PeerRead v1),1 providing an opportunity to study this important artifact. The dataset consists of 14.7K paper drafts and the corresponding accept/reject decisions in top-tier venues including ACL, NIPS and ICLR. The dataset also includes 10.7K textual peer reviews written by experts for a subset of the papers. We describe the data collection process and report interesting observed phenomena in the peer reviews. We also propose two novel NLP tasks based on this dataset and provide simple baseline models. In the first task, we show that simple models can predict whether a paper is accepted with up to 21% error reduction compared to the majority baseline. In the second task, we predict the numerical scores of review aspects and show that simple models can outperform the mean baseline for aspects with high variance such as ‘originality’ and ‘impact’.

Bridging Knowledge Gaps in Neural Entailment via Symbolic Models
Dongyeop Kang | Tushar Khot | Ashish Sabharwal | Peter Clark
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Most textual entailment models focus on lexical gaps between the premise text and the hypothesis, but rarely on knowledge gaps. We focus on filling these knowledge gaps in the Science Entailment task, by leveraging an external structured knowledge base (KB) of science facts. Our new architecture combines standard neural entailment models with a knowledge lookup module. To facilitate this lookup, we propose a fact-level decomposition of the hypothesis, and verifying the resulting sub-facts against both the textual premise and the structured KB. Our model, NSNet, learns to aggregate predictions from these heterogeneous data formats. On the SciTail dataset, NSNet outperforms a simpler combination of the two predictions by 3% and the base entailment model by 5%.

AdvEntuRe: Adversarial Training for Textual Entailment with Knowledge-Guided Examples
Dongyeop Kang | Tushar Khot | Ashish Sabharwal | Eduard Hovy
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We consider the problem of learning textual entailment models with limited supervision (5K-10K training examples), and present two complementary approaches for it. First, we propose knowledge-guided adversarial example generators for incorporating large lexical resources in entailment models via only a handful of rule templates. Second, to make the entailment model—a discriminator—more robust, we propose the first GAN-style approach for training it using a natural language example generator that iteratively adjusts to the discriminator’s weaknesses. We demonstrate effectiveness using two entailment datasets, where the proposed methods increase accuracy by 4.7% on SciTail and by 2.8% on a 1% sub-sample of SNLI. Notably, even a single hand-written rule, negate, improves the accuracy of negation examples in SNLI by 6.1%.


Detecting and Explaining Causes From Text For a Time Series Event
Dongyeop Kang | Varun Gangal | Ang Lu | Zheng Chen | Eduard Hovy
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Explaining underlying causes or effects about events is a challenging but valuable task. We define a novel problem of generating explanations of a time series event by (1) searching cause and effect relationships of the time series with textual data and (2) constructing a connecting chain between them to generate an explanation. To detect causal features from text, we propose a novel method based on the Granger causality of time series between features extracted from text such as N-grams, topics, sentiments, and their composition. The generation of the sequence of causal entities requires a commonsense causative knowledge base with efficient reasoning. To ensure good interpretability and appropriate lexical usage we combine symbolic and neural representations, using a neural reasoning algorithm trained on commonsense causal tuples to predict the next cause step. Our quantitative and human analysis show empirical evidence that our method successfully extracts meaningful causality relationships between time series with textual features and generates appropriate explanation between them.