Daniel Spokoyny


Aligning Unstructured Paris Agreement Climate Plans with Sustainable Development Goals
Daniel Spokoyny | Janelle Cai | Tom Corringham | Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Natural Language Processing Meets Climate Change (ClimateNLP 2024)

Aligning unstructured climate policy documents according to a particular classification taxonomy with little to no labeled examples is challenging and requires manual effort of climate policy researchers. In this work we examine whether large language models (LLMs) can act as an effective substitute or assist in the annotation process. Utilizing a large set of text spans from Paris Agreement Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) linked to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and targets contained in the Climate Watch dataset from the World Resources Institute in combination with our own annotated data, we validate our approaches and establish a benchmark for model performance evaluation on this task. With our evaluation benchmarking we quantify the effectiveness of using zero-shot or few-shot prompted LLMs to align these documents.


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Masked Measurement Prediction: Learning to Jointly Predict Quantities and Units from Textual Context
Daniel Spokoyny | Ivan Lee | Zhao Jin | Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2022

Physical measurements constitute a large portion of numbers in academic papers, engineering reports, and web tables. Current benchmarks fall short of properly evaluating numeracy of pretrained language models on measurements, hindering research on developing new methods and applying them to numerical tasks. To that end, we introduce a novel task, Masked Measurement Prediction (MMP), where a model learns to reconstruct a number together with its associated unit given masked text. MMP is useful for both training new numerically informed models as well as evaluating numeracy of existing systems. To address this task, we introduce a new Generative Masked Measurement (GeMM) model that jointly learns to predict numbers along with their units. We perform fine-grained analyses comparing our model with various ablations and baselines. We use linear probing of traditional pretrained transformer models (RoBERTa) to show that they significantly underperform jointly trained number-unit models, highlighting the difficulty of this new task and the benefits of our proposed pretraining approach. We hope this framework accelerates the progress towards building more robust numerical reasoning systems in the future.

Numerical Correlation in Text
Daniel Spokoyny | Chien-Sheng Wu | Caiming Xiong
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Mathematical Natural Language Processing (MathNLP)

Evaluation of quantitative reasoning of large language models is an important step towards understanding their current capabilities and limitations. We propose a new task, Numerical Correlation in Text, which requires models to identify the correlation between two numbers in a sentence. To this end, we introduce a new dataset, which contains over 2,000 Wikipedia sentences with two numbers and their correlation labels. Using this dataset we are able to show that recent numerically aware pretraining methods for language models do not help generalization on this task posing a challenge for future work in this area.


An Empirical Investigation of Contextualized Number Prediction
Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick | Daniel Spokoyny
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

We conduct a large scale empirical investigation of contextualized number prediction in running text. Specifically, we consider two tasks: (1)masked number prediction– predict-ing a missing numerical value within a sentence, and (2)numerical anomaly detection–detecting an errorful numeric value within a sentence. We experiment with novel combinations of contextual encoders and output distributions over the real number line. Specifically, we introduce a suite of output distribution parameterizations that incorporate latent variables to add expressivity and better fit the natural distribution of numeric values in running text, and combine them with both recur-rent and transformer-based encoder architectures. We evaluate these models on two numeric datasets in the financial and scientific domain. Our findings show that output distributions that incorporate discrete latent variables and allow for multiple modes outperform simple flow-based counterparts on all datasets, yielding more accurate numerical pre-diction and anomaly detection. We also show that our models effectively utilize textual con-text and benefit from general-purpose unsupervised pretraining.


Explicit Causal Connections between the Acquisition of Linguistic Tiers: Evidence from Dynamical Systems Modeling
Daniel Spokoyny | Jeremy Irvin | Fermin Moscoso del Prado Martin
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of Computational Language Learning