Claudio Pinhanez


Fixing Rogue Memorization in Many-to-One Multilingual Translators of Extremely-Low-Resource Languages by Rephrasing Training Samples
Paulo Cavalin | Pedro Henrique Domingues | Claudio Pinhanez | Julio Nogima
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

In this paper we study the fine-tuning of pre-trained large high-resource language models (LLMs) into many-to-one multilingual machine translators for extremely-low-resource languages such as endangered Indigenous languages. We explore those issues using datasets created from pseudo-parallel translations to English of The Bible written in 39 Brazilian Indigenous languages using mBART50 and WMT19 as pre-trained models and multiple translation metrics. We examine bilingual and multilingual models and show that, according to machine translation metrics, same-linguistic family models tend to perform best. However, we also found that many-to-one multilingual systems have a tendency to learn a “rogue” strategy of storing output strings from the training data in the LLM structure and retrieving them instead of performing actual translations. We show that rephrasing the output of the training samples seems to solve the problem.

Human Evaluation of the Usefulness of Fine-Tuned English Translators for the Guarani Mbya and Nheengatu Indigenous Languages
Claudio Pinhanez | Paulo Cavalin | Julio Nogima
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Processing of Portuguese - Vol. 2


Understanding Native Language Identification for Brazilian Indigenous Languages
Paulo Cavalin | Pedro Domingues | Julio Nogima | Claudio Pinhanez
Proceedings of the Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Indigenous Languages of the Americas (AmericasNLP)

We investigate native language identification (LangID) for Brazilian Indigenous Languages (BILs), using the Bible as training data. Our research extends from previous work, by presenting two analyses on the generalization of Bible-based LangID in non-biblical data. First, with newly collected non-biblical datasets, we show that such a LangID can still provide quite reasonable accuracy in languages for which there are more established writing standards, such as Guarani Mbya and Kaigang, but there can be a quite drastic drop in accuracy depending on the language. Then, we applied the LangID on a large set of texts, about 13M sentences from the Portuguese Wikipedia, towards understanding the difficulty factors may come out of such task in practice. The main outcome is that the lack of handling other American indigenous languages can affect considerably the precision for BILs, suggesting the need of a joint effort with related languages from the Americas.


Using Meta-Knowledge Mined from Identifiers to Improve Intent Recognition in Conversational Systems
Claudio Pinhanez | Paulo Cavalin | Victor Henrique Alves Ribeiro | Ana Appel | Heloisa Candello | Julio Nogima | Mauro Pichiliani | Melina Guerra | Maira de Bayser | Gabriel Malfatti | Henrique Ferreira
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

In this paper we explore the improvement of intent recognition in conversational systems by the use of meta-knowledge embedded in intent identifiers. Developers often include such knowledge, structure as taxonomies, in the documentation of chatbots. By using neuro-symbolic algorithms to incorporate those taxonomies into embeddings of the output space, we were able to improve accuracy in intent recognition. In datasets with intents and example utterances from 200 professional chatbots, we saw decreases in the equal error rate (EER) in more than 40% of the chatbots in comparison to the baseline of the same algorithm without the meta-knowledge. The meta-knowledge proved also to be effective in detecting out-of-scope utterances, improving the false acceptance rate (FAR) in two thirds of the chatbots, with decreases of 0.05 or more in FAR in almost 40% of the chatbots. When considering only the well-developed workspaces with a high level use of taxonomies, FAR decreased more than 0.05 in 77% of them, and more than 0.1 in 39% of the chatbots.


Improving Out-of-Scope Detection in Intent Classification by Using Embeddings of the Word Graph Space of the Classes
Paulo Cavalin | Victor Henrique Alves Ribeiro | Ana Appel | Claudio Pinhanez
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

This paper explores how intent classification can be improved by representing the class labels not as a discrete set of symbols but as a space where the word graphs associated to each class are mapped using typical graph embedding techniques. The approach, inspired by a previous algorithm used for an inverse dictionary task, allows the classification algorithm to take in account inter-class similarities provided by the repeated occurrence of some words in the training examples of the different classes. The classification is carried out by mapping text embeddings to the word graph embeddings of the classes. Focusing solely on improving the representation of the class label set, we show in experiments conducted in both private and public intent classification datasets, that better detection of out-of-scope examples (OOS) is achieved and, as a consequence, that the overall accuracy of intent classification is also improved. In particular, using the recently-released Larson dataset, an error of about 9.9% has been achieved for OOS detection, beating the previous state-of-the-art result by more than 31 percentage points.

From Disjoint Sets to Parallel Data to Train Seq2Seq Models for Sentiment Transfer
Paulo Cavalin | Marisa Vasconcelos | Marcelo Grave | Claudio Pinhanez | Victor Henrique Alves Ribeiro
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020

We present a method for creating parallel data to train Seq2Seq neural networks for sentiment transfer. Most systems for this task, which can be viewed as monolingual machine translation (MT), have relied on unsupervised methods, such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)-inspired approaches, for coping with the lack of parallel corpora. Given that the literature shows that Seq2Seq methods have been consistently outperforming unsupervised methods in MT-related tasks, in this work we exploit the use of semantic similarity computation for converting non-parallel data onto a parallel corpus. That allows us to train a transformer neural network for the sentiment transfer task, and compare its performance against unsupervised approaches. With experiments conducted on two well-known public datasets, i.e. Yelp and Amazon, we demonstrate that the proposed methodology outperforms existing unsupervised methods very consistently in fluency, and presents competitive results in terms of sentiment conversion and content preservation. We believe that this works opens up an opportunity for seq2seq neural networks to be better exploited in problems for which they have not been applied owing to the lack of parallel training data.