Chenhao Wang


Leros: Learning Explicit Reasoning on Synthesized Data for Commonsense Question Answering
Chenhao Wang | Pengfei Cao | Jiachun Li | Yubo Chen | Kang Liu | Xiaojian Jiang | Jiexin Xu | Li Qiuxia | Jun Zhao
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Recent work shows large language models can be prompted to generate useful rationales for commonsense question answering (CQA), which can improve the performance of both themselves and other models. However, the cost of deployment and further tuning is relatively expensive for the large models. Some work explores to distill the the rationale-generation ability to convenient small-sized models, yet it typically requires human-authored QA instances during the distillation. In this paper, we propose a novel framework that leverages both knowledge graphs and large language models to synthesize rationale-augmented CQA data. Based on it, we train Leros, a model that can generate helpful rationales to assist generic QA models to accomplish unseen CQA tasks. Empirical results demonstrate Leros can substantially enhance the performance of QA models on five unseen CQA benchmarks, providing better gains than both same-sized counterpart models trained with downstream data and 10x larger language models. Our work reveals a novel way to integrate knowledge from both knowledge graphs and large language models into smaller models. The codes and synthesized resources are publicly available at

Focus on Your Question! Interpreting and Mitigating Toxic CoT Problems in Commonsense Reasoning
Jiachun Li | Pengfei Cao | Chenhao Wang | Zhuoran Jin | Yubo Chen | Daojian Zeng | Kang Liu | Jun Zhao
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Large language models exhibit high-level commonsense reasoning abilities, especially with enhancement methods like Chain-of-Thought (CoT). However, we find these CoT-like methods lead to a considerable number of originally correct answers turning wrong, which we define as the Toxic CoT problem. To interpret and mitigate this problem, we first utilize attribution tracing and causal tracing methods to probe the internal working mechanism of the LLM during CoT reasoning. Through comparisons, we prove that the model exhibits information loss from the question over the shallow attention layers when generating rationales or answers. Based on the probing findings, we design a novel method called RIDERS (Residual decodIng and sERial-position Swap), which compensates for the information deficit in the model from both decoding and serial-position perspectives. Through extensive experiments on multiple commonsense reasoning benchmarks, we validate that this method not only significantly eliminates Toxic CoT problems (decreased by 23.6%), but also effectively improves the model’s overall commonsense reasoning performance (increased by 5.5%).

MULFE: A Multi-Level Benchmark for Free Text Model Editing
Chenhao Wang | Pengfei Cao | Zhuoran Jin | Yubo Chen | Daojian Zeng | Kang Liu | Jun Zhao
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Adjusting the outdated behaviors of large langugae models (LLMs) after deployment remains a significant challenge. It motivates the model editing research, which is however mainly explored in a restricted task form with triple-based edit requests. Recent works have initiated a transition to a more practical and unified editing task that takes free-form text as edit requests. However, there are gaps in nuanced benchmark designs and re-evaluation of existing methods. To bridge the gaps, we introduce a multi-level benchmark for free text model editing (MULFE). The benchmark categorizes probe queries into three levels of generalization, ranging from basic literal memory to deeper understanding and reasoning. Based on the benchmark, we conduct extensive experiments across various base models, edit sizes, and editing methods, including adaptations of mainstream locate-and-edit and hypernetwork methods. The results highlight the inconsistent behaviors of edited models on different generalization levels. Higher-level generalization remains a significant challenge. Based on the findings, we propose SIDE, a simple yet effective method based on in-context distillation to enhance the generalization performance. The benchmark dataset and evaluation scripts are publicly available at


EventOA: An Event Ontology Alignment Benchmark Based on FrameNet and Wikidata
Shaoru Guo | Chenhao Wang | Yubo Chen | Kang Liu | Ru Li | Jun Zhao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Event ontology provides a shared and formal specification about what happens in the real world and can benefit many natural language understanding tasks. However, the independent development of event ontologies often results in heterogeneous representations that raise the need for establishing alignments between semantically related events. There exists a series of works about ontology alignment (OA), but they only focus on the entity-based OA, and neglect the event-based OA. To fill the gap, we construct an Event Ontology Alignment (EventOA) dataset based on FrameNet and Wikidata, which consists of 900+ event type alignments and 8,000+ event argument alignments. Furthermore, we propose a multi-view event ontology alignment (MEOA) method, which utilizes description information (i.e., name, alias and definition) and neighbor information (i.e., subclass and superclass) to obtain richer representation of the event ontologies. Extensive experiments show that our MEOA outperforms the existing entity-based OA methods and can serve as a strong baseline for EventOA research.


Augmentation, Retrieval, Generation: Event Sequence Prediction with a Three-Stage Sequence-to-Sequence Approach
Bo Zhou | Chenhao Wang | Yubo Chen | Kang Liu | Jun Zhao | Jiexin Xu | Xiaojian Jiang | Qiuxia Li
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Being able to infer possible events related to a specific target is critical to natural language processing. One challenging task in this line is event sequence prediction, which aims at predicting a sequence of events given a goal. Currently existing approach models this task as a statistical induction problem, to predict a sequence of events by exploring the similarity between the given goal and the known sequences of events. However, this statistical based approach is complex and predicts a limited variety of events. At the same time this approach ignores the rich knowledge of external events that is important for predicting event sequences. In this paper, in order to predict more diverse events, we first reformulate the event sequence prediction problem as a sequence generation problem. Then to leverage external event knowledge, we propose a three-stage model including augmentation, retrieval and generation. Experimental results on the event sequence prediction dataset show that our model outperforms existing methods, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed model.

CN-AutoMIC: Distilling Chinese Commonsense Knowledge from Pretrained Language Models
Chenhao Wang | Jiachun Li | Yubo Chen | Kang Liu | Jun Zhao
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Commonsense knowledge graphs (CKGs) are increasingly applied in various natural language processing tasks. However, most existing CKGs are limited to English, which hinders related research in non-English languages. Meanwhile, directly generating commonsense knowledge from pretrained language models has recently received attention, yet it has not been explored in non-English languages. In this paper, we propose a large-scale Chinese CKG generated from multilingual PLMs, named as **CN-AutoMIC**, aiming to fill the research gap of non-English CKGs. To improve the efficiency, we propose generate-by-category strategy to reduce invalid generation. To ensure the filtering quality, we develop cascaded filters to discard low-quality results. To further increase the diversity and density, we introduce a bootstrapping iteration process to reuse generated results. Finally, we conduct detailed analyses on CN-AutoMIC from different aspects. Empirical results show the proposed CKG has high quality and diversity, surpassing the direct translation version of similar English CKGs. We also find some interesting deficiency patterns and differences between relations, which reveal pending problems in commonsense knowledge generation. We share the resources and related models for further study.

CogKGE: A Knowledge Graph Embedding Toolkit and Benchmark for Representing Multi-source and Heterogeneous Knowledge
Zhuoran Jin | Tianyi Men | Hongbang Yuan | Zhitao He | Dianbo Sui | Chenhao Wang | Zhipeng Xue | Yubo Chen | Jun Zhao
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations

In this paper, we propose CogKGE, a knowledge graph embedding (KGE) toolkit, which aims to represent multi-source and heterogeneous knowledge. For multi-source knowledge, unlike existing methods that mainly focus on entity-centric knowledge, CogKGE also supports the representations of event-centric, commonsense and linguistic knowledge. For heterogeneous knowledge, besides structured triple facts, CogKGE leverages additional unstructured information, such as text descriptions, node types and temporal information, to enhance the meaning of embeddings. Designing CogKGE aims to provide a unified programming framework for KGE tasks and a series of knowledge representations for downstream tasks. As a research framework, CogKGE consists of five parts, including core, data, model, knowledge and adapter module. As a knowledge discovery toolkit, CogKGE provides pre-trained embedders to discover new facts, cluster entities and check facts. Furthermore, we construct two benchmark datasets for further research on multi-source heterogeneous KGE tasks: EventKG240K and CogNet360K. We also release an online system to discover knowledge visually. Source code, datasets and pre-trained embeddings are publicly available at GitHub, with a short instruction video.


CogIE: An Information Extraction Toolkit for Bridging Texts and CogNet
Zhuoran Jin | Yubo Chen | Dianbo Sui | Chenhao Wang | Zhipeng Xue | Jun Zhao
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

CogNet is a knowledge base that integrates three types of knowledge: linguistic knowledge, world knowledge and commonsense knowledge. In this paper, we propose an information extraction toolkit, called CogIE, which is a bridge connecting raw texts and CogNet. CogIE has three features: versatile, knowledge-grounded and extensible. First, CogIE is a versatile toolkit with a rich set of functional modules, including named entity recognition, entity typing, entity linking, relation extraction, event extraction and frame-semantic parsing. Second, as a knowledge-grounded toolkit, CogIE can ground the extracted facts to CogNet and leverage different types of knowledge to enrich extracted results. Third, for extensibility, owing to the design of three-tier architecture, CogIE is not only a plug-and-play toolkit for developers but also an extensible programming framework for researchers. We release an open-access online system to visually extract information from texts. Source code, datasets and pre-trained models are publicly available at GitHub, with a short instruction video.

Set Generation Networks for End-to-End Knowledge Base Population
Dianbo Sui | Chenhao Wang | Yubo Chen | Kang Liu | Jun Zhao | Wei Bi
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

The task of knowledge base population (KBP) aims to discover facts about entities from texts and expand a knowledge base with these facts. Previous studies shape end-to-end KBP as a machine translation task, which is required to convert unordered fact into a sequence according to a pre-specified order. However, the facts stated in a sentence are unordered in essence. In this paper, we formulate end-to-end KBP as a direct set generation problem, avoiding considering the order of multiple facts. To solve the set generation problem, we propose networks featured by transformers with non-autoregressive parallel decoding. Unlike previous approaches that use an autoregressive decoder to generate facts one by one, the proposed networks can directly output the final set of facts in one shot. Furthermore, to train the networks, we also design a set-based loss that forces unique predictions via bipartite matching. Compared with cross-entropy loss that highly penalizes small shifts in fact order, the proposed bipartite matching loss is invariant to any permutation of predictions. Benefiting from getting rid of the burden of predicting the order of multiple facts, our proposed networks achieve state-of-the-art (SoTA) performance on two benchmark datasets.