Chengzhi Hu


LMU-BioNLP at SemEval-2024 Task 2: Large Diverse Ensembles for Robust Clinical NLI
Zihang Sun | Danqi Yan | Anyi Wang | Tanalp Agustoslu | Qi Feng | Chengzhi Hu | Longfei Zuo | Shijia Zhou | Hermine Kleiner | Pingjun Hong
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)

In this paper, we describe our submission for the NLI4CT 2024 shared task on robust Natural Language Inference over clinical trial reports. Our system is an ensemble of nine diverse models which we aggregate via majority voting. The models use a large spectrum of different approaches ranging from a straightforward Convolutional Neural Network over fine-tuned Large Language Models to few-shot-prompted language models using chain-of-thought reasoning.Surprisingly, we find that some individual ensemble members are not only more accurate than the final ensemble model but also more robust.

mPLM-Sim: Better Cross-Lingual Similarity and Transfer in Multilingual Pretrained Language Models
Peiqin Lin | Chengzhi Hu | Zheyu Zhang | Andre Martins | Hinrich Schuetze
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2024

Recent multilingual pretrained language models (mPLMs) have been shown to encode strong language-specific signals, which are not explicitly provided during pretraining. It remains an open question whether it is feasible to employ mPLMs to measure language similarity, and subsequently use the similarity results to select source languages for boosting cross-lingual transfer. To investigate this, we propose mPLM-Sim, a language similarity measure that induces the similarities across languages from mPLMs using multi-parallel corpora. Our study shows that mPLM-Sim exhibits moderately high correlations with linguistic similarity measures, such as lexicostatistics, genealogical language family, and geographical sprachbund. We also conduct a case study on languages with low correlation and observe that mPLM-Sim yields more accurate similarity results. Additionally, we find that similarity results vary across different mPLMs and different layers within an mPLM. We further investigate whether mPLM-Sim is effective for zero-shot cross-lingual transfer by conducting experiments on both low-level syntactic tasks and high-level semantic tasks. The experimental results demonstrate that mPLM-Sim is capable of selecting better source languages than linguistic measures, resulting in a 1%-2% improvement in zero-shot cross-lingual transfer performance.

“My Answer is C”: First-Token Probabilities Do Not Match Text Answers in Instruction-Tuned Language Models
Xinpeng Wang | Bolei Ma | Chengzhi Hu | Leon Weber-Genzel | Paul Röttger | Frauke Kreuter | Dirk Hovy | Barbara Plank
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

The open-ended nature of language generation makes the evaluation of autoregressive large language models (LLMs) challenging. One common evaluation approach uses multiple-choice questions to limit the response space. The model is then evaluated by ranking the candidate answers by the log probability of the first token prediction. However, first-tokens may not consistently reflect the final response output, due to model’s diverse response styles such as starting with “Sure” or refusing to answer. Consequently, first-token evaluation is not indicative of model behaviour when interacting with users. But by how much? We evaluate how aligned first-token evaluation is with the text output along several dimensions, namely final option choice, refusal rate, choice distribution and robustness under prompt perturbation. Our results show that the two approaches are severely misaligned on all dimensions, reaching mismatch rates over 60%. Models heavily fine-tuned on conversational or safety data are especially impacted. Crucially, models remain misaligned even when we increasingly constrain prompts, i.e., force them to start with an option letter or example template. Our findings i) underscore the importance of inspecting the text output as well and ii) caution against relying solely on first-token evaluation.