Berthold Crysmann


Resumption and Extraction in an Implemented HPSG of Hausa
Berthold Crysmann
Proceedings of the Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks (GEAF) 2015 Workshop


Towards Efficient HPSG Generation for German, a Non-Configurational Language
Berthold Crysmann | Woodley Packard
Proceedings of COLING 2012


A Machine Learning Approach to Relational Noun Mining in German
Berthold Crysmann
Proceedings of the Workshop on Multiword Expressions: from Parsing and Generation to the Real World


Autosegmental representations in an HPSG of Hausa
Berthold Crysmann
Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks (GEAF 2009)


pdf bib
Parse Selection with a German HPSG Grammar
Berthold Crysmann
Proceedings of the Workshop on Parsing German

Hybrid Processing for Grammar and Style Checking
Berthold Crysmann | Nuria Bertomeu | Peter Adolphs | Daniel Flickinger | Tina Klüwer
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling 2008)

Some Fine Points of Hybrid Natural Language Parsing
Peter Adolphs | Stephan Oepen | Ulrich Callmeier | Berthold Crysmann | Dan Flickinger | Bernd Kiefer
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08)

Large-scale grammar-based parsing systems nowadays increasingly rely on independently developed, more specialized components for pre-processing their input. However, different tools make conflicting assumptions about very basic properties such as tokenization. To make linguistic annotation gathered in pre-processing available to “deep” parsing, a hybrid NLP system needs to establish a coherent mapping between the two universes. Our basic assumption is that tokens are best described by attribute value matrices (AVMs) that may be arbitrarily complex. We propose a powerful resource-sensitive rewrite formalism, “chart mapping”, that allows us to mediate between the token descriptions delivered by shallow pre-processing components and the input expected by the grammar. We furthermore propose a novel way of unknown word treatment where all generic lexical entries are instantiated that are licensed by a particular token AVM. Again, chart mapping is used to give the grammar writer full control as to which items (e.g. native vs. generic lexical items) enter syntactic parsing. We discuss several further uses of the original idea and report on early experiences with the new machinery.


Local Ambiguity Packing and Discontinuity in German
Berthold Crysmann
ACL 2007 Workshop on Deep Linguistic Processing


Exploring HPSG-based Treebanks for Probabilistic Parsing HPSG grammar extraction
Günter Neumann | Berthold Crysmann
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’06)

We describe a method for the automatic extraction of a Stochastic Lexicalized Tree Insertion Grammar from a linguistically rich HPSG Treebank. The extraction method is strongly guided by HPSG-based head and argument decomposition rules. The tree anchors correspond to lexical labels encoding fine-grained information. The approach has been tested with a German corpus achieving a labeled recall of 77.33% and labeled precision of 78.27%, which is competitive to recent results reported for German parsing using the Negra Treebank.


Towards a Dependency-Based Gold Standard for German Parsers. The TIGER Dependency Bank
Martin Forst | Núria Bertomeu | Berthold Crysmann | Frederik Fouvry | Silvia Hansen-Schirra | Valia Kordoni
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora


Integrated Shallow and Deep Parsing: TopP Meets HPSG
Anette Frank | Markus Becker | Berthold Crysmann | Bernd Kiefer | Ulrich Schäfer
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics


An Integrated Archictecture for Shallow and Deep Processing
Berthold Crysmann | Anette Frank | Bernd Kiefer | Stefan Mueller | Guenter Neumann | Jakub Piskorski | Ulrich Schaefer | Melanie Siegel | Hans Uszkoreit | Feiyu Xu | Markus Becker | Hans-Ulrich Krieger
Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics


Looking for Errors: A Declarative Formalism for Resource-adaptive Language Checking
Andrew Bredenkamp | Berthold Crysmann | Mirela Petrea
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’00)