Arshit Gupta


FLAP: Flow-Adhering Planning with Constrained Decoding in LLMs
Shamik Roy | Sailik Sengupta | Daniele Bonadiman | Saab Mansour | Arshit Gupta
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Planning is a crucial task for agents in task oriented dialogs (TODs). Human agents typically resolve user issues by following predefined workflows, decomposing workflow steps into actionable items, and performing actions by executing APIs in order; all of which require reasoning and planning. With the recent advances in LLMs, there have been increasing attempts to use them for task planning and API usage. However, the faithfulness of the plans to predefined workflows and API dependencies, is not guaranteed with LLMs. Moreover, workflows in real life are often custom-defined and prone to changes; hence, adaptation is desirable. To study this, we propose the problem of faithful planning in TODs that needs to resolve user intents by following predefined flows and preserving API dependencies. To solve this problem, we propose FLAP, a Flow-Adhering Planning algorithm based on constrained decoding with lookahead heuristic for LLMs. Our algorithm alleviates the need for finetuning LLMs using domain specific (plan/dependency) data, enables quick adaptation to predefined flows, and outperforms other decoding and prompting-based baselines. Further, our algorithm empowers smaller LLMs (≈7B) to perform at par larger LLMs (≈30B-40B).

MAGID: An Automated Pipeline for Generating Synthetic Multi-modal Datasets
Hossein Aboutalebi | Hwanjun Song | Yusheng Xie | Arshit Gupta | Lijia Sun | Hang Su | Igor Shalyminov | Nikolaos Pappas | Siffi Singh | Saab Mansour
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Development of multimodal interactive systems is hindered by the lack of rich, multimodal (text, images) conversational data, which is needed in large quantities for LLMs. Previous approaches augment textual dialogues with retrieved images, posing privacy, diversity, and quality constraints. In this work, we introduce Multimodal Augmented Generative Images Dialogues (MAGID), a framework to augment text-only dialogues with diverse and high-quality images . Subsequently, a diffusion model is applied to craft corresponding images, ensuring alignment with the identified text. Finally, MAGID incorporates an innovative feedback loop between an image description generation module (textual LLM) and image quality modules (addressing aesthetics, image-text matching, and safety), that work in tandem to generate high-quality and multi-modal dialogues. We compare MAGID to other SOTA baselines on three dialogue datasets, using automated and human evaluation. Our results show that MAGID is comparable to or better than baselines, with significant improvements in human evaluation, especially against retrieval baselines where the image database is small.


NatCS: Eliciting Natural Customer Support Dialogues
James Gung | Emily Moeng | Wesley Rose | Arshit Gupta | Yi Zhang | Saab Mansour
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Despite growing interest in applications based on natural customer support conversations,there exist remarkably few publicly available datasets that reflect the expected characteristics of conversations in these settings. Existing task-oriented dialogue datasets, which were collected to benchmark dialogue systems mainly in written human-to-bot settings, are not representative of real customer support conversations and do not provide realistic benchmarks for systems that are applied to natural data. To address this gap, we introduce NatCS, a multi-domain collection of spoken customer service conversations. We describe our process for collecting synthetic conversations between customers and agents based on natural language phenomena observed in real conversations. Compared to previous dialogue datasets, the conversations collected with our approach are more representative of real human-to-human conversations along multiple metrics. Finally, we demonstrate potential uses of NatCS, including dialogue act classification and intent induction from conversations as potential applications, showing that dialogue act annotations in NatCS provide more effective training data for modeling real conversations compared to existing synthetic written datasets. We publicly release NatCS to facilitate research in natural dialog systems

Intent Induction from Conversations for Task-Oriented Dialogue Track at DSTC 11
James Gung | Raphael Shu | Emily Moeng | Wesley Rose | Salvatore Romeo | Arshit Gupta | Yassine Benajiba | Saab Mansour | Yi Zhang
Proceedings of The Eleventh Dialog System Technology Challenge

With increasing demand for and adoption of virtual assistants, recent work has investigated ways to accelerate bot schema design through the automatic induction of intents or the induction of slots and dialogue states. However, a lack of dedicated benchmarks and standardized evaluation has made progress difficult to track and comparisons between systems difficult to make. This challenge track, held as part of the Eleventh Dialog Systems Technology Challenge, introduces a benchmark that aims to evaluate methods for the automatic induction of customer intents in a realistic setting of customer service interactions between human agents and customers. We propose two subtasks for progressively tackling the automatic induction of intents and corresponding evaluation methodologies. We then present three datasets suitable for evaluating the tasks and propose simple baselines. Finally, we summarize the submissions and results of the challenge track, for which we received submissions from 34 teams.


Multi-Task Pre-Training for Plug-and-Play Task-Oriented Dialogue System
Yixuan Su | Lei Shu | Elman Mansimov | Arshit Gupta | Deng Cai | Yi-An Lai | Yi Zhang
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Pre-trained language models have been recently shown to benefit task-oriented dialogue (TOD) systems. Despite their success, existing methods often formulate this task as a cascaded generation problem which can lead to error accumulation across different sub-tasks and greater data annotation overhead. In this study, we present PPTOD, a unified plug-and-play model for task-oriented dialogue. In addition, we introduce a new dialogue multi-task pre-training strategy that allows the model to learn the primary TOD task completion skills from heterogeneous dialog corpora. We extensively test our model on three benchmark TOD tasks, including end-to-end dialogue modelling, dialogue state tracking, and intent classification. Experimental results show that PPTOD achieves new state of the art on all evaluated tasks in both high-resource and low-resource scenarios. Furthermore, comparisons against previous SOTA methods show that the responses generated by PPTOD are more factually correct and semantically coherent as judged by human annotators.


Goal-Embedded Dual Hierarchical Model for Task-Oriented Dialogue Generation
Yi-An Lai | Arshit Gupta | Yi Zhang
Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL)

Hierarchical neural networks are often used to model inherent structures within dialogues. For goal-oriented dialogues, these models miss a mechanism adhering to the goals and neglect the distinct conversational patterns between two interlocutors. In this work, we propose Goal-Embedded Dual Hierarchical Attentional Encoder-Decoder (G-DuHA) able to center around goals and capture interlocutor-level disparity while modeling goal-oriented dialogues. Experiments on dialogue generation, response generation, and human evaluations demonstrate that the proposed model successfully generates higher-quality, more diverse and goal-centric dialogues. Moreover, we apply data augmentation via goal-oriented dialogue generation for task-oriented dialog systems with better performance achieved.

Simple, Fast, Accurate Intent Classification and Slot Labeling for Goal-Oriented Dialogue Systems
Arshit Gupta | John Hewitt | Katrin Kirchhoff
Proceedings of the 20th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue

With the advent of conversational assistants, like Amazon Alexa, Google Now, etc., dialogue systems are gaining a lot of traction, especially in industrial setting. These systems typically consist of Spoken Language understanding component which, in turn, consists of two tasks - Intent Classification (IC) and Slot Labeling (SL). Generally, these two tasks are modeled together jointly to achieve best performance. However, this joint modeling adds to model obfuscation. In this work, we first design framework for a modularization of joint IC-SL task to enhance architecture transparency. Then, we explore a number of self-attention, convolutional, and recurrent models, contributing a large-scale analysis of modeling paradigms for IC+SL across two datasets. Finally, using this framework, we propose a class of ‘label-recurrent’ models that otherwise non-recurrent, with a 10-dimensional representation of the label history, and show that our proposed systems are easy to interpret, highly accurate (achieving over 30% error reduction in SL over the state-of-the-art on the Snips dataset), as well as fast, at 2x the inference and 2/3 to 1/2 the training time of comparable recurrent models, thus giving an edge in critical real-world systems.

CASA-NLU: Context-Aware Self-Attentive Natural Language Understanding for Task-Oriented Chatbots
Arshit Gupta | Peng Zhang | Garima Lalwani | Mona Diab
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Natural Language Understanding (NLU) is a core component of dialog systems. It typically involves two tasks - Intent Classification (IC) and Slot Labeling (SL), which are then followed by a dialogue management (DM) component. Such NLU systems cater to utterances in isolation, thus pushing the problem of context management to DM. However, contextual information is critical to the correct prediction of intents in a conversation. Prior work on contextual NLU has been limited in terms of the types of contextual signals used and the understanding of their impact on the model. In this work, we propose a context-aware self-attentive NLU (CASA-NLU) model that uses multiple signals over a variable context window, such as previous intents, slots, dialog acts and utterances, in addition to the current user utterance. CASA-NLU outperforms a recurrent contextual NLU baseline on two conversational datasets, yielding a gain of up to 7% on the IC task. Moreover, a non-contextual variant of CASA-NLU achieves state-of-the-art performance on standard public datasets - SNIPS and ATIS.