Arie Cattan


Attribute First, then Generate: Locally-attributable Grounded Text Generation
Aviv Slobodkin | Eran Hirsch | Arie Cattan | Tal Schuster | Ido Dagan
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Recent efforts to address hallucinations in Large Language Models (LLMs) have focused on attributed text generation, which supplements generated texts with citations of supporting sources for post-generation fact-checking and corrections. Yet, these citations often point to entire documents or paragraphs, burdening users with extensive verification work. In this paper, we introduce a locally-attributable text generation approach, prioritizing concise attributions. Our method, named “Attribute First, then Generate“, breaks down the conventional end-to-end generation process into three intuitive steps: content selection, sentence planning, and sequential sentence generation. By initially identifying relevant source segments (“select first“) and then conditioning the generation process on them (“then generate“), we ensure these segments also act as the output’s fine-grained attributions (“select“ becomes “attribute“). Tested on Multi-document Summarization and Long-form Question-answering, our method not only yields more concise citations than the baselines but also maintains - and in some cases enhances - both generation quality and attribution accuracy. Furthermore, it significantly reduces the time required for fact verification by human assessors.


CHAMP: Efficient Annotation and Consolidation of Cluster Hierarchies
Arie Cattan | Tom Hope | Doug Downey | Roy Bar-Haim | Lilach Eden | Yoav Kantor | Ido Dagan
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

Various NLP tasks require a complex hierarchical structure over nodes, where each node is a cluster of items. Examples include generating entailment graphs, hierarchical cross-document coreference resolution, annotating event and subevent relations, etc. To enable efficient annotation of such hierarchical structures, we release CHAMP, an open source tool allowing to incrementally construct both clusters and hierarchy simultaneously over any type of texts. This incremental approach significantly reduces annotation time compared to the common pairwise annotation approach and also guarantees maintaining transitivity at the cluster and hierarchy levels. Furthermore, CHAMP includes a consolidation mode, where an adjudicator can easily compare multiple cluster hierarchy annotations and resolve disagreements.

Evaluating and Improving the Coreference Capabilities of Machine Translation Models
Asaf Yehudai | Arie Cattan | Omri Abend | Gabriel Stanovsky
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Machine translation (MT) requires a wide range of linguistic capabilities, which current end-to-end models are expected to learn implicitly by observing aligned sentences in bilingual corpora. In this work, we ask: How well MT models learn coreference resolution via implicit signal? To answer this question, we develop an evaluation methodology that derives coreference clusters from MT output and evaluates them without requiring annotations in the target language.Following, we evaluate several prominent open-source and commercial MT systems, translating from English to six target languages, and compare them to state-of-the-art coreference resolvers on three challenging benchmarks. Our results show that the monolingual resolvers greatly outperform MT models. Motivated by this result, we experiment with different methods for incorporating the output of coreference resolution models in MT, showing improvement over strong baselines.

LingMess: Linguistically Informed Multi Expert Scorers for Coreference Resolution
Shon Otmazgin | Arie Cattan | Yoav Goldberg
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Current state-of-the-art coreference systems are based on a single pairwise scoring component, which assigns to each pair of mention spans a score reflecting their tendency to corefer to each other. We observe that different kinds of mention pairs require different information sources to assess their score. We present LingMess, a linguistically motivated categorization of mention-pairs into 6 types of coreference decisions and learn a dedicated trainable scoring function for each category. This significantly improves the accuracy of the pairwise scorer as well as of the overall coreference performance on the English Ontonotes coreference corpus and 5 additional datasets.

From Key Points to Key Point Hierarchy: Structured and Expressive Opinion Summarization
Arie Cattan | Lilach Eden | Yoav Kantor | Roy Bar-Haim
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Key Point Analysis (KPA) has been recently proposed for deriving fine-grained insights from collections of textual comments. KPA extracts the main points in the data as a list of concise sentences or phrases, termed Key Points, and quantifies their prevalence. While key points are more expressive than word clouds and key phrases, making sense of a long, flat list of key points, which often express related ideas in varying levels of granularity, may still be challenging. To address this limitation of KPA, we introduce the task of organizing a given set of key points into a hierarchy, according to their specificity. Such hierarchies may be viewed as a novel type of Textual Entailment Graph. We develop ThinkP, a high quality benchmark dataset of key point hierarchies for business and product reviews, obtained by consolidating multiple annotations. We compare different methods for predicting pairwise relations between key points, and for inferring a hierarchy from these pairwise predictions. In particular, for the task of computing pairwise key point relations, we achieve significant gains over existing strong baselines by applying directional distributional similarity methods to a novel distributional representation of key points, and further boost performance via weak supervision.


F-coref: Fast, Accurate and Easy to Use Coreference Resolution
Shon Otmazgin | Arie Cattan | Yoav Goldberg
Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

We introduce fastcoref, a python package for fast, accurate, and easy-to-use English coreference resolution. The package is pip-installable, and allows two modes: an accurate mode based on the LingMess architecture, providing state-of-the-art coreference accuracy, and a substantially faster model, F-coref, which is the focus of this work. F-coref allows to process 2.8K OntoNotes documents in 25 seconds on a V100 GPU (compared to 6 minutes for the LingMess model, and to 12 minutes of the popular AllenNLP coreference model) with only a modest drop in accuracy. The fast speed is achieved through a combination of distillation of a compact model from the LingMess model, and an efficient batching implementation using a technique we call leftover batching.

How “Multi” is Multi-Document Summarization?
Ruben Wolhandler | Arie Cattan | Ori Ernst | Ido Dagan
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

The task of multi-document summarization (MDS) aims at models that, given multiple documents as input, are able to generate a summary that combines disperse information, originally spread __across__ these documents. Accordingly, it is expected that both reference summaries in MDS datasets, as well as system summaries, would indeed be based on such dispersed information. In this paper, we argue for quantifying and assessing this expectation. To that end, we propose an automated measure for evaluating the degree to which a summary is “disperse”, in the sense of the number of source documents needed to cover its content. We apply our measure to empirically analyze several popular MDS datasets, with respect to their reference summaries, as well as the output of state-of-the-art systems. Our results show that certain MDS datasets barely require combining information from multiple documents, where a single document often covers the full summary content. Overall, we advocate using our metric for assessing and improving the degree to which summarization datasets require combining multi-document information, and similarly how summarization models actually meet this challenge.


Realistic Evaluation Principles for Cross-document Coreference Resolution
Arie Cattan | Alon Eirew | Gabriel Stanovsky | Mandar Joshi | Ido Dagan
Proceedings of *SEM 2021: The Tenth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics

We point out that common evaluation practices for cross-document coreference resolution have been unrealistically permissive in their assumed settings, yielding inflated results. We propose addressing this issue via two evaluation methodology principles. First, as in other tasks, models should be evaluated on predicted mentions rather than on gold mentions. Doing this raises a subtle issue regarding singleton coreference clusters, which we address by decoupling the evaluation of mention detection from that of coreference linking. Second, we argue that models should not exploit the synthetic topic structure of the standard ECB+ dataset, forcing models to confront the lexical ambiguity challenge, as intended by the dataset creators. We demonstrate empirically the drastic impact of our more realistic evaluation principles on a competitive model, yielding a score which is 33 F1 lower compared to evaluating by prior lenient practices.

CDˆ2CR: Co-reference resolution across documents and domains
James Ravenscroft | Amanda Clare | Arie Cattan | Ido Dagan | Maria Liakata
Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Main Volume

Cross-document co-reference resolution (CDCR) is the task of identifying and linking mentions to entities and concepts across many text documents. Current state-of-the-art models for this task assume that all documents are of the same type (e.g. news articles) or fall under the same theme. However, it is also desirable to perform CDCR across different domains (type or theme). A particular use case we focus on in this paper is the resolution of entities mentioned across scientific work and newspaper articles that discuss them. Identifying the same entities and corresponding concepts in both scientific articles and news can help scientists understand how their work is represented in mainstream media. We propose a new task and English language dataset for cross-document cross-domain co-reference resolution (CDˆ2CR). The task aims to identify links between entities across heterogeneous document types. We show that in this cross-domain, cross-document setting, existing CDCR models do not perform well and we provide a baseline model that outperforms current state-of-the-art CDCR models on CDˆ2CR. Our data set, annotation tool and guidelines as well as our model for cross-document cross-domain co-reference are all supplied as open access open source resources.

Cross-document Coreference Resolution over Predicted Mentions
Arie Cattan | Alon Eirew | Gabriel Stanovsky | Mandar Joshi | Ido Dagan
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021

CDLM: Cross-Document Language Modeling
Avi Caciularu | Arman Cohan | Iz Beltagy | Matthew Peters | Arie Cattan | Ido Dagan
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021

We introduce a new pretraining approach geared for multi-document language modeling, incorporating two key ideas into the masked language modeling self-supervised objective. First, instead of considering documents in isolation, we pretrain over sets of multiple related documents, encouraging the model to learn cross-document relationships. Second, we improve over recent long-range transformers by introducing dynamic global attention that has access to the entire input to predict masked tokens. We release CDLM (Cross-Document Language Model), a new general language model for multi-document setting that can be easily applied to downstream tasks. Our extensive analysis shows that both ideas are essential for the success of CDLM, and work in synergy to set new state-of-the-art results for several multi-text tasks.

WEC: Deriving a Large-scale Cross-document Event Coreference dataset from Wikipedia
Alon Eirew | Arie Cattan | Ido Dagan
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Cross-document event coreference resolution is a foundational task for NLP applications involving multi-text processing. However, existing corpora for this task are scarce and relatively small, while annotating only modest-size clusters of documents belonging to the same topic. To complement these resources and enhance future research, we present Wikipedia Event Coreference (WEC), an efficient methodology for gathering a large-scale dataset for cross-document event coreference from Wikipedia, where coreference links are not restricted within predefined topics. We apply this methodology to the English Wikipedia and extract our large-scale WEC-Eng dataset. Notably, our dataset creation method is generic and can be applied with relatively little effort to other Wikipedia languages. To set baseline results, we develop an algorithm that adapts components of state-of-the-art models for within-document coreference resolution to the cross-document setting. Our model is suitably efficient and outperforms previously published state-of-the-art results for the task.

iFacetSum: Coreference-based Interactive Faceted Summarization for Multi-Document Exploration
Eran Hirsch | Alon Eirew | Ori Shapira | Avi Caciularu | Arie Cattan | Ori Ernst | Ramakanth Pasunuru | Hadar Ronen | Mohit Bansal | Ido Dagan
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

We introduce iFᴀᴄᴇᴛSᴜᴍ, a web application for exploring topical document collections. iFᴀᴄᴇᴛSᴜᴍ integrates interactive summarization together with faceted search, by providing a novel faceted navigation scheme that yields abstractive summaries for the user’s selections. This approach offers both a comprehensive overview as well as particular details regard-ing subtopics of choice. The facets are automatically produced based on cross-document coreference pipelines, rendering generic concepts, entities and statements surfacing in the source texts. We analyze the effectiveness of our application through small-scale user studies that suggest the usefulness of our tool.


CoRefi: A Crowd Sourcing Suite for Coreference Annotation
Ari Bornstein | Arie Cattan | Ido Dagan
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations

Coreference annotation is an important, yet expensive and time consuming, task, which often involved expert annotators trained on complex decision guidelines. To enable cheaper and more efficient annotation, we present CoRefi, a web-based coreference annotation suite, oriented for crowdsourcing. Beyond the core coreference annotation tool, CoRefi provides guided onboarding for the task as well as a novel algorithm for a reviewing phase. CoRefi is open source and directly embeds into any website, including popular crowdsourcing platforms. CoRefi Demo: Video Tour: Github Repo: