Alon Albalak


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Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on NLP for Conversational AI (NLP4ConvAI 2024)
Elnaz Nouri | Abhinav Rastogi | Georgios Spithourakis | Bing Liu | Yun-Nung Chen | Yu Li | Alon Albalak | Hiromi Wakaki | Alexandros Papangelis
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on NLP for Conversational AI (NLP4ConvAI 2024)


CausalDialogue: Modeling Utterance-level Causality in Conversations
Yi-Lin Tuan | Alon Albalak | Wenda Xu | Michael Saxon | Connor Pryor | Lise Getoor | William Yang Wang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Despite their widespread adoption, neural conversation models have yet to exhibit natural chat capabilities with humans. In this research, we examine user utterances as causes and generated responses as effects, recognizing that changes in a cause should produce a different effect. To further explore this concept, we have compiled and expanded upon a new dataset called CausalDialogue through crowd-sourcing. This dataset includes multiple cause-effect pairs within a directed acyclic graph (DAG) structure. Our analysis reveals that traditional loss functions struggle to effectively incorporate the DAG structure, leading us to propose a causality-enhanced method called Exponential Maximum Average Treatment Effect (ExMATE) to enhance the impact of causality at the utterance level in training neural conversation models. To evaluate the needs of considering causality in dialogue generation, we built a comprehensive benchmark on CausalDialogue dataset using different models, inference, and training methods. Through experiments, we find that a causality-inspired loss like ExMATE can improve the diversity and agility of conventional loss function and there is still room for improvement to reach human-level quality on this new dataset.

Logic-LM: Empowering Large Language Models with Symbolic Solvers for Faithful Logical Reasoning
Liangming Pan | Alon Albalak | Xinyi Wang | William Wang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown human-like reasoning abilities but still struggle with complex logical problems. This paper introduces a novel framework, Logic-LM, which integrates LLMs with symbolic solvers to improve logical problem-solving. Our method first utilizes LLMs to translate a natural language problem into a symbolic formulation. Afterward, a deterministic symbolic solver performs inference on the formulated problem. We also introduce a self-refinement module, which utilizes the symbolic solver’s error messages to revise symbolic formalizations. We demonstrate Logic-LM’s effectiveness on five logical reasoning datasets: ProofWriter, PrOntoQA, FOLIO, LogicalDeduction, and AR-LSAT. On average, Logic-LM achieves a significant performance boost of 39.2% over using LLM alone with standard prompting and 18.4% over LLM with chain-of-thought prompting. Our findings suggest that Logic-LM, by combining LLMs with symbolic logic, offers a promising avenue for faithful logical reasoning.

RWKV: Reinventing RNNs for the Transformer Era
Bo Peng | Eric Alcaide | Quentin Anthony | Alon Albalak | Samuel Arcadinho | Stella Biderman | Huanqi Cao | Xin Cheng | Michael Chung | Leon Derczynski | Xingjian Du | Matteo Grella | Kranthi Gv | Xuzheng He | Haowen Hou | Przemyslaw Kazienko | Jan Kocon | Jiaming Kong | Bartłomiej Koptyra | Hayden Lau | Jiaju Lin | Krishna Sri Ipsit Mantri | Ferdinand Mom | Atsushi Saito | Guangyu Song | Xiangru Tang | Johan Wind | Stanisław Woźniak | Zhenyuan Zhang | Qinghua Zhou | Jian Zhu | Rui-Jie Zhu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Transformers have revolutionized almost all natural language processing (NLP) tasks but suffer from memory and computational complexity that scales quadratically with sequence length. In contrast, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) exhibit linear scaling in memory and computational requirements but struggle to match the same performance as Transformers due to limitations in parallelization and scalability. We propose a novel model architecture, Receptance Weighted Key Value (RWKV), that combines the efficient parallelizable training of transformers with the efficient inference of RNNs. Our approach leverages a linear attention mechanism and allows us to formulate the model as either a Transformer or an RNN, thus parallelizing computations during training and maintains constant computational and memory complexity during inference. We scale our models as large as 14 billion parameters, by far the largest dense RNN ever trained, and find RWKV performs on par with similarly sized Transformers, suggesting future work can leverage this architecture to create more efficient models. This work presents a significant step towards reconciling trade-offs between computational efficiency and model performance in sequence processing tasks.

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Addressing Issues of Cross-Linguality in Open-Retrieval Question Answering Systems For Emergent Domains
Alon Albalak | Sharon Levy | William Yang Wang
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations

Open-retrieval question answering systems are generally trained and tested on large datasets in well-established domains. However, low-resource settings such as new and emerging domains would especially benefit from reliable question answering systems. Furthermore, multilingual and cross-lingual resources in emergent domains are scarce, leading to few or no such systems. In this paper, we demonstrate a cross-lingual open-retrieval question answering system for the emergent domain of COVID-19.Our system adopts a corpus of scientific articles to ensure that retrieved documents are reliable. To address the scarcity of cross-lingual training data in emergent domains, we present a method utilizing automatic translation, alignment, and filtering to produce English-to-all datasets. We show that a deep semantic retriever greatly benefits from training on our English-to-all data and significantly outperforms a BM25 baseline in the cross-lingual setting. We illustrate the capabilities of our system with examples and release all code necessary to train and deploy such a system.


D-REX: Dialogue Relation Extraction with Explanations
Alon Albalak | Varun Embar | Yi-Lin Tuan | Lise Getoor | William Yang Wang
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on NLP for Conversational AI

Existing research studies on cross-sentence relation extraction in long-form multi-party conversations aim to improve relation extraction without considering the explainability of such methods. This work addresses that gap by focusing on extracting explanations that indicate that a relation exists while using only partially labeled explanations. We propose our model-agnostic framework, D-REX, a policy-guided semi-supervised algorithm that optimizes for explanation quality and relation extraction simultaneously. We frame relation extraction as a re-ranking task and include relation- and entity-specific explanations as an intermediate step of the inference process. We find that human annotators are 4.2 times more likely to prefer D-REX’s explanations over a joint relation extraction and explanation model. Finally, our evaluations show that D-REX is simple yet effective and improves relation extraction performance of strong baseline models by 1.2-4.7%.

FETA: A Benchmark for Few-Sample Task Transfer in Open-Domain Dialogue
Alon Albalak | Yi-Lin Tuan | Pegah Jandaghi | Connor Pryor | Luke Yoffe | Deepak Ramachandran | Lise Getoor | Jay Pujara | William Yang Wang
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Task transfer, transferring knowledge contained in related tasks, holds the promise of reducing the quantity of labeled data required to fine-tune language models. Dialogue understanding encompasses many diverse tasks, yet task transfer has not been thoroughly studied in conversational AI. This work explores conversational task transfer by introducing FETA: a benchmark for FEw-sample TAsk transfer in open-domain dialogue.FETA contains two underlying sets of conversations upon which there are 10 and 7 tasks annotated, enabling the study of intra-dataset task transfer; task transfer without domain adaptation. We utilize three popular language models and three learning algorithms to analyze the transferability between 132 source-target task pairs and create a baseline for future work.We run experiments in the single- and multi-source settings and report valuable findings, e.g., most performance trends are model-specific, and span extraction and multiple-choice tasks benefit the most from task transfer.In addition to task transfer, FETA can be a valuable resource for future research into the efficiency and generalizability of pre-training datasets and model architectures, as well as for learning settings such as continual and multitask learning.


Modeling Disclosive Transparency in NLP Application Descriptions
Michael Saxon | Sharon Levy | Xinyi Wang | Alon Albalak | William Yang Wang
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Broader disclosive transparency—truth and clarity in communication regarding the function of AI systems—is widely considered desirable. Unfortunately, it is a nebulous concept, difficult to both define and quantify. This is problematic, as previous work has demonstrated possible trade-offs and negative consequences to disclosive transparency, such as a confusion effect, where “too much information” clouds a reader’s understanding of what a system description means. Disclosive transparency’s subjective nature has rendered deep study into these problems and their remedies difficult. To improve this state of affairs, We introduce neural language model-based probabilistic metrics to directly model disclosive transparency, and demonstrate that they correlate with user and expert opinions of system transparency, making them a valid objective proxy. Finally, we demonstrate the use of these metrics in a pilot study quantifying the relationships between transparency, confusion, and user perceptions in a corpus of real NLP system descriptions.