Proceedings of the First Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas
- Anthology ID:
- 1994.amta-1
- Month:
- October 5-8
- Year:
- 1994
- Address:
- Columbia, Maryland, USA
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- URL:
- DOI:
A Hybrid Approach to Multilingual Text Processing: Information Extraction and Machine Translation
Chinatsu Aone
Hatte Blejer
Mary Ellen Okurowski
Carol Van Ess-Dykema
Representing Text Meaning for Multilingual Knowledge-Based Machine Translation
Lynn Carlson
Elizabeth Cooper
Ronald Dolan
Steven Maiorano
Using Partially Aligned Parallel Text and Part-of-speech Information in Word Alignment
Jyun-Sheng Chang
Huey-Chyun Chen
Reengineering Linguistic Resources for Machine Translation in Medical Applications
G. Deville
E. Herbigniaux
P. Mousel
G. Thienpont
Stylistic Choice in Machine Translation
Chrysanne DiMarco
The Case for a MT Developers’ Tool with a Two-Component View of the Interlingua
Bonnie Dorr
Clare Voss
Korean to English Translation Using Synchronous TAGs
D. Egedi
M. Palmer
H.S. Park
A. Joshi
PANGLYZER: Spanish Language Analysis System
David Farwell
Steven Helmreich
Wanying Jin
Mark Casper
Jim Hargrave
Hugo Molina-Salgado
Fuliang Weng
Error Classification for MT Evaluation
Mary Flanagan
Integrating Translations from Multiple Sources within the PANGLOSS Mark III Machine Translation System
Robert Frederking
Sergei Nirenburg
David Farwell
Steven Helmreich
Eduard Hovy
Kevin Knight
Stephen Beale
Constantino Domashnev
Donalee Attardo
Dean Grannes
Ralf Brown
Aligning Noisy Parallel Corpora Across Language Groups: Word Pair Feature Matching by Dynamic Time Warping
Pascale Fung
Kathleen McKeown
Complex Verb Transfer Phenomena in the SLT System
Björn Gambäck
Ivan Bretan
The Logos Translatability Index
Claudia Gdaniec
An Adaptation of Lexical Conceptual Structures to Multilingual Processing in an Existing Text Understanding System
Bonnie Glover Stalls
Robert Belvin
Alfredo Arnaiz
Christine Montgomery
Robert Stumberger
PaTrans - A MT System: Development and Implementation of and Experiences from a MT-system
Viggo Hansen
From Machine Translation to Automatic Spoken Language Interpretation
Dieter Huber
Technical Evaluation of MT Systems from the Developer’s Point of View: Exploiting Test-Sets for Quality Evaluation
H. Isahara
H. Uchino
S. Ogino
T. Okunishi
S. Kinoshita
S. Shibata
T. Sugio
Y. Takayama
S. Doi
T. Nagano
M. Narita
H. Nomura
Integrating Knowledge Bases and Statistics in MT
Kevin Knight
Ishwar Chander
Matthew Haines
Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou
Eduard Hovy
Masayo Iida
Steve K. Luk
Akitoshi Okumura
Richard Whitney
Kenji Yamada
Internationalization and Translatability
David Kumhyr
Carla Merrill
Karin Spalink
A Parameter-Based Message-Passing Parser for MT of Korean and English
Dekang Lin
Bonnie Dorr
Jye-hoon Lee
Sungki Suh
Using Bi-textual Alignment for Translation Validation: the TransCheck system
Elliott Macklovitch
Interlingua vs. Transfer? Knowledge Sharing Across Projects
Nadia Mesli
Lexicon-to-Ontology Concept Association Using a Bilingual Dictionary
Akitoshi Okumura
Eduard Hovy
Towards Text-Based Machine Translation
Jörg Schütz
Bärbel Ripplinger
The ARPA MT Evaluation Methodologies: Evolution, Lessons, and Future Approaches
John S. White
Theresa A. O’Connell
Francis E. O’Mara
Learning an English-Chinese Lexicon from a Parallel Corpus
Dekai Wu
Xuanyin Xia
Is MT Research Doing Any Good?
Kenneth Church
Bonnie Dorr
Eduard Hovy
Sergei Nirenburg
Bernard Scott
Virginia Teller
The Role of MT Evaluation
Scott Bennett
George Doddington
Mary Flanagan
Laurie Gerber
Maghi King
Marjorie León
John White
The Economics of MT
Colin Brace
Ron Fournier
Denis Gachot
John Smart
Muriel Vasconcellos
Alan Weaver
Voices of Experience: MT in Operational Settings
Susan Armstrong
Roberta Merchant
Kazunori Muraki
Karin Spalink
Mike Tacelosky
Michelle Vanni
Michael Zarechnak
Future Directions
Joseph Pentheroudakis
Jaime Carbonell
Lutz Graunitz
Pierre Isabelle
Chris Montgomery
Alex Waibel
Transfer-Driven Machine Translation
Osamu Furuse
ClearCheck Demonstration
Peggy Andersen
Machine Translation on CompuServe Forums
Mary Flanagan
Philip Jensen
KANT: Knowledge-Based, Accurate Natural Language Translation
Teruko Mitamura
Eric Nyberg
Jaime Carbonell
The Klingon Machine Translation Project
d’Armond Speers
Machine-Aided Voice Translation (MAVT): Advanced Development Model
Christine Montgomery
Bonnie Glover Stalls
Robert Stumberger
Naicong Li
Robert Belvin
Alfredo Arnaiz
Susan Hirsh Litenatsky
Logos Intelligent Translation System
Winfield Scott Bennett
Jaime Carbonell
David Farwell
Robert Frederking
Steven Helmreich
Eduard Hovy
Kevin Knight
Lori Levin
Sergei Nirenburg
Commercial PC-Based Machine Translation Software Packages
L. Chris Miller