Yue Qin


STINMatch: Semi-Supervised Semantic-Topological Iteration Network for Financial Risk Detection via News Label Diffusion
Xurui Li | Yue Qin | Rui Zhu | Tianqianjin Lin | Yongming Fan | Yangyang Kang | Kaisong Song | Fubang Zhao | Changlong Sun | Haixu Tang | Xiaozhong Liu
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Commercial news provide rich semantics and timely information for automated financial risk detection. However, unaffordable large-scale annotation as well as training data sparseness barrier the full exploitation of commercial news in risk detection. To address this problem, we propose a semi-supervised Semantic-Topological Iteration Network, STINMatch, along with a news-enterprise knowledge graph (NEKG) to endorse the risk detection enhancement. The proposed model incorporates a label correlation matrix and interactive consistency regularization techniques into the iterative joint learning framework of text and graph modules. The carefully designed framework takes full advantage of the labeled and unlabeled data as well as their interrelations, enabling deep label diffusion coordination between article-level semantics and label correlations following the topological structure. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior effectiveness and generalization ability of STINMatch.


ValCAT: Variable-Length Contextualized Adversarial Transformations Using Encoder-Decoder Language Model
Chuyun Deng | Mingxuan Liu | Yue Qin | Jia Zhang | Hai-Xin Duan | Donghong Sun
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Adversarial texts help explore vulnerabilities in language models, improve model robustness, and explain their working mechanisms. However, existing word-level attack methods trap in a one-to-one attack pattern, i.e., only a single word can be modified in one transformation round, and they ignore the interactions between several consecutive words. In this paper, we propose ValCAT, a black-box attack framework that misleads the language model by applying variable-length contextualized transformations to the original text. Compared to word-level methods, ValCAT expands the basic units of perturbation from single words to spans composed of multiple consecutive words, enhancing the perturbation capability. Experiments show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of attack success rate, perplexity, and semantic similarity on several classification tasks and inference tasks. The comprehensive human evaluation demonstrates that ValCAT has a significant advantage in ensuring the fluency of the adversarial examples and achieves better semantic consistency. We release the code at https://github.com/linerxliner/ValCAT.