Yue Guo


Predict the Future from the Past? On the Temporal Data Distribution Shift in Financial Sentiment Classifications
Yue Guo | Chenxi Hu | Yi Yang
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Temporal data distribution shift is prevalent in the financial text. How can a financial sentiment analysis system be trained in a volatile market environment that can accurately infer sentiment and be robust to temporal data distribution shifts? In this paper, we conduct an empirical study on the financial sentiment analysis system under temporal data distribution shifts using a real-world financial social media dataset that spans three years. We find that the fine-tuned models suffer from general performance degradation in the presence of temporal distribution shifts. Furthermore, motivated by the unique temporal nature of the financial text, we propose a novel method that combines out-of-distribution detection with time series modeling for temporal financial sentiment analysis. Experimental results show that the proposed method enhances the model’s capability to adapt to evolving temporal shifts in a volatile financial market.

Is ChatGPT a Financial Expert? Evaluating Language Models on Financial Natural Language Processing
Yue Guo | Zian Xu | Yi Yang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

The emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, has revolutionized general natural language preprocessing (NLP) tasks. However, their expertise in the financial domain lacks a comprehensive evaluation. To assess the ability of LLMs to solve financial NLP tasks, we present FinLMEval, a framework for Financial Language Model Evaluation, comprising nine datasets designed to evaluate the performance of language models. This study compares the performance of fine-tuned auto-encoding language models (BERT, RoBERTa, FinBERT) and the LLM ChatGPT. Our findings reveal that while ChatGPT demonstrates notable performance across most financial tasks, it generally lags behind the fine-tuned expert models, especially when dealing with proprietary datasets. We hope this study builds foundation evaluation benchmarks for continuing efforts to build more advanced LLMs in the financial domain.


Auto-Debias: Debiasing Masked Language Models with Automated Biased Prompts
Yue Guo | Yi Yang | Ahmed Abbasi
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Human-like biases and undesired social stereotypes exist in large pretrained language models. Given the wide adoption of these models in real-world applications, mitigating such biases has become an emerging and important task. In this paper, we propose an automatic method to mitigate the biases in pretrained language models. Different from previous debiasing work that uses external corpora to fine-tune the pretrained models, we instead directly probe the biases encoded in pretrained models through prompts. Specifically, we propose a variant of the beam search method to automatically search for biased prompts such that the cloze-style completions are the most different with respect to different demographic groups. Given the identified biased prompts, we then propose a distribution alignment loss to mitigate the biases. Experiment results on standard datasets and metrics show that our proposed Auto-Debias approach can significantly reduce biases, including gender and racial bias, in pretrained language models such as BERT, RoBERTa and ALBERT. Moreover, the improvement in fairness does not decrease the language models’ understanding abilities, as shown using the GLUE benchmark.