Xinrong Hu


[MASK] Insertion: a robust method for anti-adversarial attacks
Xinrong Hu | Ce Xu | Junlong Ma | Zijian Huang | Jie Yang | Yi Guo | Johan Barthelemy
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2023

Adversarial attack aims to perturb input sequences and mislead a trained model for false predictions. To enhance the model robustness, defensing methods are accordingly employed by either data augmentation (involving adversarial samples) or model enhancement (modifying the training loss and/or model architecture). In contrast to previous work, this paper revisits the masked language modeling (MLM) and presents a simple yet efficient algorithm against adversarial attacks, termed [MASK] insertion for defensing (MI4D). Specifically, MI4D simply inserts [MASK] tokens to input sequences during training and inference, maximizing the intersection of the new convex hull (MI4D creates) with the original one (the clean input forms). As neither additional adversarial samples nor the model modification is required, MI4D is as computationally efficient as traditional fine-tuning. Comprehensive experiments have been conducted using three benchmark datasets and four attacking methods. MI4D yields a significant improvement (on average) of the accuracy between 3.2 and 11.1 absolute points when compared with six state-of-the-art defensing baselines.


Seeing the wood for the trees: a contrastive regularization method for the low-resource Knowledge Base Question Answering | Shijie Mei | Xinrong Hu | Xun Yao | Jack Yang | Yi Guo
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2022

Given a context knowledge base (KB) and a corresponding question, the Knowledge Base Question Answering task aims to retrieve correct answer entities from this KB. Despite sophisticated retrieval algorithms, the impact of the low-resource (incomplete) KB is not fully exploited, where contributing components (. key entities and/or relations) may be absent for question answering. To effectively address this problem, we propose a contrastive regularization based method, which is motivated by the learn-by-analogy capability from human readers. Specifically, the proposed work includes two major modules: the knowledge extension and sMoCo module. The former aims at exploiting the latent knowledge from the context KB and generating auxiliary information in the form of question-answer pairs. The later module utilizes those additional pairs and applies the contrastive regularization to learn informative representations, that making hard positive pairs attracted and hard negative pairs separated. Empirically, we achieved the state-of-the-art performance on the WebQuestionsSP dataset and the effectiveness of proposed modules is also evaluated.