Rafael Ferreira


Grounded Complex Task Segmentation for Conversational Assistants
Rafael Ferreira | David Semedo | Joao Magalhaes
Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue

Following complex instructions in conversational assistants can be quite daunting due to the shorter attention and memory spans when compared to reading the same instructions. Hence, when conversational assistants walk users through the steps of complex tasks, there is a need to structure the task into manageable pieces of information of the right length and complexity. In this paper, we tackle the recipes domain and convert reading structured instructions into conversational structured ones. We annotated the structure of instructions according to a conversational scenario, which provided insights into what is expected in this setting. To computationally model the conversational step’s characteristics, we tested various Transformer-based architectures, showing that a token-based approach delivers the best results. A further user study showed that users tend to favor steps of manageable complexity and length, and that the proposed methodology can improve the original web-based instructional text. Specifically, 86% of the evaluated tasks were improved from a conversational suitability point of view.

The Wizard of Curiosities: Enriching Dialogues with Fun Facts
Frederico Vicente | Rafael Ferreira | David Semedo | Joao Magalhaes
Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue

Introducing curiosities in a conversation is a way to teach something new to the person in a pleasant and enjoyable way. Enriching dialogues with contextualized curiosities can improve the users’ perception of a dialog system and their overall user experience. In this paper, we introduce a set of curated curiosities, targeting dialogues in the cooking and DIY domains. In particular, we use real human-agent conversations collected in the context of the Amazon Alexa TaskBot challenge, a multimodal and multi-turn conversational setting. According to an A/B test with over 1000 conversations, curiosities not only increase user engagement, but provide an average relative rating improvement of 9.7%.