Qisheng Liao


MarsEclipse at SemEval-2023 Task 3: Multi-lingual and Multi-label Framing Detection with Contrastive Learning
Qisheng Liao | Meiting Lai | Preslav Nakov
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

This paper describes our system for SemEval-2023 Task 3 Subtask 2 on Framing Detection. We used a multi-label contrastive loss for fine-tuning large pre-trained language models in a multi-lingual setting, achieving very competitive results: our system was ranked first on the official test set and on the official shared task leaderboard for five of the six languages for which we had training data and for which we could perform fine-tuning. Here, we describe our experimental setup, as well as various ablation studies. The code of our system is available at https://github.com/QishengL/SemEval2023.

The Skipped Beat: A Study of Sociopragmatic Understanding in LLMs for 64 Languages
Chiyu Zhang | Khai Doan | Qisheng Liao | Muhammad Abdul-Mageed
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Instruction tuned large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, demonstrate remarkable performance in a wide range of tasks. Despite numerous recent studies that examine the performance of instruction-tuned LLMs on various NLP benchmarks, there remains a lack of comprehensive investigation into their ability to understand cross-lingual sociopragmatic meaning (SM), i.e., meaning embedded within social and interactive contexts. This deficiency arises partly from SM not being adequately represented in any of the existing benchmarks. To address this gap, we present SPARROW, an extensive multilingual benchmark specifically designed for SM understanding. SPARROW comprises 169 datasets covering 13 task types across six primary categories (e.g., anti-social language detection, emotion recognition). SPARROW datasets encompass 64 different languages originating from 12 language families representing 16 writing scripts. We evaluate the performance of various multilingual pretrained language models (e.g., mT5) and instruction-tuned LLMs (e.g., BLOOMZ, ChatGPT) on SPARROW through fine-tuning, zero-shot, and/or few-shot learning. Our comprehensive analysis reveals that existing open-source instruction tuned LLMs still struggle to understand SM across various languages, performing close to a random baseline in some cases. We also find that although ChatGPT outperforms many LLMs, it still falls behind task-specific finetuned models with a gap of 12.19 SPARROW score. Our benchmark is available at: https://github.com/UBC-NLP/SPARROW