Qinan Yu


Characterizing Mechanisms for Factual Recall in Language Models
Qinan Yu | Jack Merullo | Ellie Pavlick
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Language Models (LMs) often must integrate facts they memorized in pretraining with new information that appears in a given context. These two sources can disagree, causing competition within the model, and it is unclear how an LM will resolve the conflict. On a dataset that queries for knowledge of world capitals, we investigate both distributional and mechanistic determinants of LM behavior in such situations. Specifically, we measure the proportion of the time an LM will use a counterfactual prefix (e.g., “The capital of Poland is London”) to overwrite what it learned in pretraining (“Warsaw”). On Pythia and GPT2, the training frequency of both the query country (”Poland”) and the in-context city (”London”) highly affect the models’ likelihood of using the counterfactual. We then use head attribution to identify individual attention heads that either promote the memorized answer or the in-context answer in the logits. By scaling up or down the value vector of these heads, we can control the likelihood of using the in-context answer on new data. This method can increase the rate of generating the in-context answer to 88% of the time simply by scaling a single head at runtime. Our work contributes to a body of evidence showing that we can often localize model behaviors to specific components and provides a proof of concept for how future methods might control model behavior dynamically at runtime.

Are Language Models Worse than Humans at Following Prompts? It’s Complicated
Albert Webson | Alyssa Loo | Qinan Yu | Ellie Pavlick
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Prompts have been the center of progress in advancing language models’ zero-shot and few-shot performance. However, recent work finds that models can perform surprisingly well when given intentionally irrelevant or misleading prompts. Such results may be interpreted as evidence that model behavior is not “human like’. In this study, we challenge a central assumption in such work: that humans would perform badly when given pathological instructions. We find that humans are able to reliably ignore irrelevant instructions and thus, like models, perform well on the underlying task despite an apparent lack of signal regarding the task they are being asked to do. However, when given deliberately misleading instructions, humans follow the instructions faithfully, whereas models do not. Thus, our conclusion is mixed with respect to prior work. We argue against the earlier claim that high performance with irrelevant prompts constitutes evidence against models’ instruction understanding, but we reinforce the claim that models’ failure to follow misleading instructions raises concerns. More broadly, we caution that future research should not idealize human behaviors as a monolith and should not train or evaluate models to mimic assumptions about these behaviors without first validating humans’ behaviors empirically.